As a Brit, I've been wishing for a viable vision from politicians as detailed and measurable (in terms of goal achievement) as this.
Even when UK political parties used to publish detailed manifestos, they were limited and became irrelevant immediately following an election. Nowadays... no-one gives a shiatsu. Political/media lies are left unchallenged and lacking consequence or repercussion.
As a result we are rudderless and adrift with no national goals, purpose or aspiration... or any discernible (honourable, life-affirming) principles, morals or ethics.
We are aiming for oblivion, both in our foreign policy and in terms of the cultural, societal and economic enrichment of our citizenry.
I find myself nostalgic for the hope that I once had, in the past.
Yes. Russia doesn't have that malady nor does it have people smitten with Megalomania, although the West's version is constantly projected onto its enemies.
The only thing they can plan in the West is how to keep stealing their citizens' money.
Just to give you an example of how Russia's future planning decree compares to what is currently being planned in Italy: the Italian government wants to spend €15 billions to build a bridge between Sicily and Calabria, a bridge that nobody wants (except for mafia and corrupted politicians!), while cutting € 3.5 billions for the South of Italy, money that was originally planned for much more important infrastructure, such as roads, railways, aqueducts, schools, hospitals, etc.
Just to make it clear: they want to spend €15 billions to build a bridge between Sicily and Calabria, while having the rest of the roads and railroads in both regions in a poor state. What's the point of that bridge?
Some entity has the grease, and the people don't as usual. More economic planning is happening today with a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, although it currently looks like most of the discussion will not be made public.
Since WW2, Outlaw US Empire policy is to keep the relationship between EU and it similar to Colonies to the Metropole, a relationship type that's more visible today than four years ago. However, as the world divides into the Global Majority Bloc and the Dollar/Euro Bloc, the Empire will need to provide opportunities for the EU to get dollars so the dollar can retain some modicum of strength given its massive debt load. This problem isn't currently evident because the competing/replacement international finance and commercial system hasn't become operational yet. When it does, the volume of dollars in motion will slow almost to a halt and the great dollar printing excesses will finally come home to roost. So far, the only bellowing about that happening has come from Trump, but he has yet to realize that the Outlaw US Empire no longer enjoys a position of strength versus the Global Majority. The only way the Empire can claw it's way out of the very deep hole its dug for itself is to heavily tax the earnings of the top ten percent and their financial corporations rent incomes. If $20-30 Trillion can be recovered rapidly, the hole would become much shallower, but more manageable if the taxation policy continues for many decades.
I would also add to your final sentence: “obvious why Neoliberals will never make such a document—its aim isn’t to only enrich them” — they cannot produce anything like this plan, since there are no long term plans, only short ones, ‘just-in-time’ that brought us where we are today.
thanks karl.. it's an interesting decree! as i read it, essentially people are more important then money, lol... if you think of what is at the beginning of the decree - it is about supporting a healthy people/family! if you have that, you have the basis for a healthy economy... it is also about increasing the population.. in the west we are reminded constantly of the economic indicators, but not of the underlying health and sustainability of the society we live in.. as a consequence we see our societies decaying and being splintered by various different ideologies that work directly against the cultivation of a strong family unit... and of course because we are so focused on the money - everything appears more and more out of reach! owning a house - forget it... what is a family without some form of stability in the living arrangement?? thus, we have less focus on family, or it is only an after thought...
we have no unifying vision of the future, other then some form of chasing after money to address the potentials of all of us in some very subjective and undefined manner.. this decree is exactly the opposite.. i guess this is another reason why i am supposed to hate russia, lol..
As I've written for the last several years about the philosophy behind People Centered Development--make the people strong and you make the nation strong and the process keeps building as the stronger state can better make the people stronger, etc. It's a positive feedback loop that's quite obvious yet is invisible to the dogmatic.
Why don't we see this in the West? IMHO because our leadership and culture has been infected by a quasi-religion that sees humanity as a blight on Planet Earth, something that needs to be reduced/controlled/suppressed/limited. We see things like "family" as wholly outdated concepts, and believe in 642 genders and such notions that the path to prosperity lies in de-industrialisation and suppression of free thought and speech. The actual idea of "children" is an anathema to many, and a birthrate of 2.1 means that we don't need uncontrolled illegal immigration. We believe racism is endemic and irrepressible in white people, especially those who are men (1 of said 642 genders) and those folk of pale color with dangly bits need to be actively discriminated against as a result. We have basically gone insane. Luckily the ROW has not followed us into this logic and cultural abyss, so there is hope yet for humanity. Just don't expect it from current Western intellectual thought.
Bah humbug, I'm off to have another glass of something stronger than the stuff fish inhabit.
Dr. Putin's domestic approval rating rivals Xi Jinping's 80%, primarily because both men will leave their countries happier, healthier, safer, smarter and richer than they found them – transformations that have profoundly altered global attitudes and expectations of what governments should be doing.
There's no doubt that our governance model is uncompetitive, anyway. We know it could never produce results like theirs. Just to remain even relevant in the world we'll have to get back to basics, like a agreeing a common moral code and shaping a modern constitution.
We can do that the easy way, of course, but that's unlikely because, says Charles de Gaulle, "You can be sure the Americans will commit all the stupidities they can think of, plus some that are beyond imagination".
I don't recall anything specifically dealing with only youth and children. What's been declared is 2024 being the year of the family where there's two specific articles about that, "Year of Family Opening & Meeting with Participants and Winners of All-Russian Family Competitions,"
In 2023, there were many meetings with young people that can be found within the archives that illuminate policy formulation aimed at their education and overall development. Children are a priceless Russian asset that deserve to be provided with the best of all possibilities, and the greater their number the better for Russia's future is perhaps the best way to describe Putin's POV.
Had the holders of political power in the U.S. specifically and the "West" generally taken such an approach upon the collapse of the Soviet Union, the majority of the current conflicts around the world need not have happened. Russia in its current incarnation has long time preferences, investing in a positive future rather than collapsing into a frenzy of present consumption. Children in the "West" will for generations pay for the perfidy of the neocons' mad lust for power. I would make the point that Russia's goal of autarky is probably not realistic (regarding only 17% of it's economy being trade). But that's pedantic. Good on those Russians and hopefully there will be peace in the future if we can get past the present insanity.
Yes, a very long spate of peace would do the world good. Russia doesn't see itself trying to become autarkic. It's very engaged in uplifting its Near Abroad as the EAEC Council Summit shows. Team Putin are still busy reconnecting what was vital to the USSR to those it once served. What's coming will be far better. It's been very instructive to watch.
Thanks Karl I knew you’d hate me – I trust you will be able to follow up on the intermediary stages announced by VVP, the reports or proposals to be presented in Sept Oct and Dec 2024 and June 2025 – these must receive some sort of publicity if not published in full of course
There’s no debt forgiveness included ? I think I read in one of your recent post that a number of provinces had their debts wiped out, Or….I'll check
Also check the western press to see if any picked up on this Order
Yes, some of the regional debts were cancelled, which I'm not certain. It was during the overall talk of investment flows available for the regions, meaning there's no debt to service and those monies from the budget can be used elsewhere.
Thanks Karl - a quick review of the western MSM reveals not a word about VVP's order - this is hardly surprising - not much in 'alternative media' neither
Your local library probably has the Pimsleur Russian CDs. That and a good grammar book will get you started.
Do you really expect the west to come to its senses before it's too late? They will have need of skilled professionals when the western economies are collapsing. You will need to speak Tussian to be a viable candidate and it will take time to learn. That means it's time to start learning Russian.
Thanks much for Vlad's Executive Order on the National Development Goals of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2030 and for the Future until 2036. Most people in the West don't bother with Xi's speeches or CPC planning documents. Those who do recognize dramatic similarities. This is the way the Chinese do business--general goals and specific measurable targets aimed at improving the life of the people, supported by the State. Vlad is learning--not from the Orthodox Church with its chants and shiny costumes--but from the Commies. Whether they can develop the state structures to manage these goals in spite of the inherent corruption of oligarchic capitalism is the issue. Without an imbedded, trained, disciplined, idealistic, party cadre, it is questionable. But good luck.
Putin instituted the mechanisms to grow a meritocracy not just for the state but for business and education too when he again became President after his time as PM. I've reviewed several of those mechanisms and they are an ongoing happening within Russia. And more generally, the underlying philosophy is East Asian, but not completely. The biggest moves Putin made were early when he removed most of the opportunities for rent seekers from the private to the public realm. For example, Rostec is a massive public conglomerate that works with many SMEs that are private, and Russia's MIC is very similar in being almost 100% public. Remove the opportunities to collect rent and you remove the ability for oligarchs to exist.
Thanks for posting, Karl. I love this kind of long term planning, and wish the west would do it sometimes.
My one concern is the development of natural gas. I'd so love to see a commitment to developing renewables instead. It just makes so much more sense imo.
Germany had the highest wealth inequality score (77.2) among the EU's "Big Four" economic powers, followed by France (70.3), Spain (68.3) and Italy (67.8). The UK, a former EU member still considered one of the "Big Four" within the continent of Europe, had a score of 70.2. 1 Apr 2024"
(Google, despite itself)
I learn something interesting every session. Cheers Karl.
you've twisted this into something more malevolent... it sounds like a project for pfizer or some large western corporation as opposed to what russia is advocating... given all the hostility towards russia on the so called international stage - russia is right to focus on strengthening itself to oppose any attempt at those who would also like to exploit it for their own decrepit reasons..
As a Brit, I've been wishing for a viable vision from politicians as detailed and measurable (in terms of goal achievement) as this.
Even when UK political parties used to publish detailed manifestos, they were limited and became irrelevant immediately following an election. Nowadays... no-one gives a shiatsu. Political/media lies are left unchallenged and lacking consequence or repercussion.
As a result we are rudderless and adrift with no national goals, purpose or aspiration... or any discernible (honourable, life-affirming) principles, morals or ethics.
We are aiming for oblivion, both in our foreign policy and in terms of the cultural, societal and economic enrichment of our citizenry.
I find myself nostalgic for the hope that I once had, in the past.
Yes. Russia doesn't have that malady nor does it have people smitten with Megalomania, although the West's version is constantly projected onto its enemies.
The only thing they can plan in the West is how to keep stealing their citizens' money.
Just to give you an example of how Russia's future planning decree compares to what is currently being planned in Italy: the Italian government wants to spend €15 billions to build a bridge between Sicily and Calabria, a bridge that nobody wants (except for mafia and corrupted politicians!), while cutting € 3.5 billions for the South of Italy, money that was originally planned for much more important infrastructure, such as roads, railways, aqueducts, schools, hospitals, etc.
Just to make it clear: they want to spend €15 billions to build a bridge between Sicily and Calabria, while having the rest of the roads and railroads in both regions in a poor state. What's the point of that bridge?
Some entity has the grease, and the people don't as usual. More economic planning is happening today with a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, although it currently looks like most of the discussion will not be made public.
Since WW2, Outlaw US Empire policy is to keep the relationship between EU and it similar to Colonies to the Metropole, a relationship type that's more visible today than four years ago. However, as the world divides into the Global Majority Bloc and the Dollar/Euro Bloc, the Empire will need to provide opportunities for the EU to get dollars so the dollar can retain some modicum of strength given its massive debt load. This problem isn't currently evident because the competing/replacement international finance and commercial system hasn't become operational yet. When it does, the volume of dollars in motion will slow almost to a halt and the great dollar printing excesses will finally come home to roost. So far, the only bellowing about that happening has come from Trump, but he has yet to realize that the Outlaw US Empire no longer enjoys a position of strength versus the Global Majority. The only way the Empire can claw it's way out of the very deep hole its dug for itself is to heavily tax the earnings of the top ten percent and their financial corporations rent incomes. If $20-30 Trillion can be recovered rapidly, the hole would become much shallower, but more manageable if the taxation policy continues for many decades.
I would also add to your final sentence: “obvious why Neoliberals will never make such a document—its aim isn’t to only enrich them” — they cannot produce anything like this plan, since there are no long term plans, only short ones, ‘just-in-time’ that brought us where we are today.
Congratulations Karl - this is confirmation if confirmation was needed that Putin is preparing, has always been preparing, for his succession
Foolish westies, taking the demon autocrat line, have supposed that VVP once removed would collapse the RF : VVP is much too planned for that
Great reading, thanks
And double congrats as I looked at the President of Russia site and could'nt find this document!!!
The English version is a vast abridgement that's mostly a summary,
It may not have been available when you looked. The time I looked was 9am Pacific.
Thanks for this - I used and linked to your work at the Simplicius substack - I regret not asking your permission before doing so, don't get mad at me
Growl! Thanks for spreading the word!!
thanks karl.. it's an interesting decree! as i read it, essentially people are more important then money, lol... if you think of what is at the beginning of the decree - it is about supporting a healthy people/family! if you have that, you have the basis for a healthy economy... it is also about increasing the population.. in the west we are reminded constantly of the economic indicators, but not of the underlying health and sustainability of the society we live in.. as a consequence we see our societies decaying and being splintered by various different ideologies that work directly against the cultivation of a strong family unit... and of course because we are so focused on the money - everything appears more and more out of reach! owning a house - forget it... what is a family without some form of stability in the living arrangement?? thus, we have less focus on family, or it is only an after thought...
we have no unifying vision of the future, other then some form of chasing after money to address the potentials of all of us in some very subjective and undefined manner.. this decree is exactly the opposite.. i guess this is another reason why i am supposed to hate russia, lol..
As I've written for the last several years about the philosophy behind People Centered Development--make the people strong and you make the nation strong and the process keeps building as the stronger state can better make the people stronger, etc. It's a positive feedback loop that's quite obvious yet is invisible to the dogmatic.
thanks for all your work karl! right on too...
Yeah, I read that bit of news. I have an idea that deals with it but will need to await its turn in line.
Why don't we see this in the West? IMHO because our leadership and culture has been infected by a quasi-religion that sees humanity as a blight on Planet Earth, something that needs to be reduced/controlled/suppressed/limited. We see things like "family" as wholly outdated concepts, and believe in 642 genders and such notions that the path to prosperity lies in de-industrialisation and suppression of free thought and speech. The actual idea of "children" is an anathema to many, and a birthrate of 2.1 means that we don't need uncontrolled illegal immigration. We believe racism is endemic and irrepressible in white people, especially those who are men (1 of said 642 genders) and those folk of pale color with dangly bits need to be actively discriminated against as a result. We have basically gone insane. Luckily the ROW has not followed us into this logic and cultural abyss, so there is hope yet for humanity. Just don't expect it from current Western intellectual thought.
Bah humbug, I'm off to have another glass of something stronger than the stuff fish inhabit.
Thanks, as always.
Dr. Putin's domestic approval rating rivals Xi Jinping's 80%, primarily because both men will leave their countries happier, healthier, safer, smarter and richer than they found them – transformations that have profoundly altered global attitudes and expectations of what governments should be doing.
There's no doubt that our governance model is uncompetitive, anyway. We know it could never produce results like theirs. Just to remain even relevant in the world we'll have to get back to basics, like a agreeing a common moral code and shaping a modern constitution.
We can do that the easy way, of course, but that's unlikely because, says Charles de Gaulle, "You can be sure the Americans will commit all the stupidities they can think of, plus some that are beyond imagination".
Do you have access to Putin’s elaboration of Youth and Children - if he presented it - please? I’d be grateful.
I don't recall anything specifically dealing with only youth and children. What's been declared is 2024 being the year of the family where there's two specific articles about that, "Year of Family Opening & Meeting with Participants and Winners of All-Russian Family Competitions,"
And "Russia Vs. Wokism: Declares 2024 Year of Family,"
In 2023, there were many meetings with young people that can be found within the archives that illuminate policy formulation aimed at their education and overall development. Children are a priceless Russian asset that deserve to be provided with the best of all possibilities, and the greater their number the better for Russia's future is perhaps the best way to describe Putin's POV.
Had the holders of political power in the U.S. specifically and the "West" generally taken such an approach upon the collapse of the Soviet Union, the majority of the current conflicts around the world need not have happened. Russia in its current incarnation has long time preferences, investing in a positive future rather than collapsing into a frenzy of present consumption. Children in the "West" will for generations pay for the perfidy of the neocons' mad lust for power. I would make the point that Russia's goal of autarky is probably not realistic (regarding only 17% of it's economy being trade). But that's pedantic. Good on those Russians and hopefully there will be peace in the future if we can get past the present insanity.
Yes, a very long spate of peace would do the world good. Russia doesn't see itself trying to become autarkic. It's very engaged in uplifting its Near Abroad as the EAEC Council Summit shows. Team Putin are still busy reconnecting what was vital to the USSR to those it once served. What's coming will be far better. It's been very instructive to watch.
Thanks Karl I knew you’d hate me – I trust you will be able to follow up on the intermediary stages announced by VVP, the reports or proposals to be presented in Sept Oct and Dec 2024 and June 2025 – these must receive some sort of publicity if not published in full of course
There’s no debt forgiveness included ? I think I read in one of your recent post that a number of provinces had their debts wiped out, Or….I'll check
Also check the western press to see if any picked up on this Order
Yes, some of the regional debts were cancelled, which I'm not certain. It was during the overall talk of investment flows available for the regions, meaning there's no debt to service and those monies from the budget can be used elsewhere.
Thanks Karl - a quick review of the western MSM reveals not a word about VVP's order - this is hardly surprising - not much in 'alternative media' neither
Time to learn Russian!
This compares very favorably to the west. I expect that it will be even more favorable in 2030 and 2035.
So, Russian Rocket seems to be well ranked for Russian language programs:
Your local library probably has the Pimsleur Russian CDs. That and a good grammar book will get you started.
Do you really expect the west to come to its senses before it's too late? They will have need of skilled professionals when the western economies are collapsing. You will need to speak Tussian to be a viable candidate and it will take time to learn. That means it's time to start learning Russian.
My Grandson's learning Russian is a science nerd. He'll go.. I'm too old and have duties here.
Thanks much for Vlad's Executive Order on the National Development Goals of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2030 and for the Future until 2036. Most people in the West don't bother with Xi's speeches or CPC planning documents. Those who do recognize dramatic similarities. This is the way the Chinese do business--general goals and specific measurable targets aimed at improving the life of the people, supported by the State. Vlad is learning--not from the Orthodox Church with its chants and shiny costumes--but from the Commies. Whether they can develop the state structures to manage these goals in spite of the inherent corruption of oligarchic capitalism is the issue. Without an imbedded, trained, disciplined, idealistic, party cadre, it is questionable. But good luck.
Putin instituted the mechanisms to grow a meritocracy not just for the state but for business and education too when he again became President after his time as PM. I've reviewed several of those mechanisms and they are an ongoing happening within Russia. And more generally, the underlying philosophy is East Asian, but not completely. The biggest moves Putin made were early when he removed most of the opportunities for rent seekers from the private to the public realm. For example, Rostec is a massive public conglomerate that works with many SMEs that are private, and Russia's MIC is very similar in being almost 100% public. Remove the opportunities to collect rent and you remove the ability for oligarchs to exist.
Thanks for posting, Karl. I love this kind of long term planning, and wish the west would do it sometimes.
My one concern is the development of natural gas. I'd so love to see a commitment to developing renewables instead. It just makes so much more sense imo.
The aim is to do both. The ecological measures are there too as the ruling philosophy is a healthy land makes for healthy people.
WRT Gini coefficient:
"Wealth inequality: Gini index (2022)
Germany had the highest wealth inequality score (77.2) among the EU's "Big Four" economic powers, followed by France (70.3), Spain (68.3) and Italy (67.8). The UK, a former EU member still considered one of the "Big Four" within the continent of Europe, had a score of 70.2. 1 Apr 2024"
(Google, despite itself)
I learn something interesting every session. Cheers Karl.
The entire project depends on 'fit & healthy' citizens...
Your Health is A Core Concern of The State...
A Biosecurity State in the making...
Seductions, Coercions, and Compulsions will be used
to achieve the Goals...
To Increase Population numbers enormous pressures
will be put on females to become baby factories for
The State...
'Everything for The State, Nothing outside The state !'
you've twisted this into something more malevolent... it sounds like a project for pfizer or some large western corporation as opposed to what russia is advocating... given all the hostility towards russia on the so called international stage - russia is right to focus on strengthening itself to oppose any attempt at those who would also like to exploit it for their own decrepit reasons..
The people are the state, which is something you don't see it seems. The project is People Centered Development, and this is its roadmap.