Dec 21, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

Sanctioning the science programs. The West have lost their collective minds. As you rightly said, it’s too bad she couldn’t have stayed focus on the children’s toys. Once again she winds her way through the morass masterfully. Truly a joy to read her briefings. Thanks for posting them. You’re working overtime these days posting all these speeches, etc.

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Back several months ago, I wrote an item about Zanaie, and there's one from 2022 at my VK. As Crooke described well, it's Cancel Culture in motion. Did you catch the many details provided by Shoigu on military education's massive expansion in his Board Meeting remarks? Russia's education plan is awesome as is its social support and plans for that to expand. Want to live within a vibrant, happening, well-adjusted, enlightened society? Russia or China are the two nations, but I'd choose Russia if I had the opportunity.

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

Interesting that you should say that. A few days ago I made a comment on Larry Johnson’s stack regarding how nice a couple pictures he had posted from Red Square were. He replied saying he would move there if he were younger. Years ago I was doing personal security and was in LA and ran into Steven Seagal at a party. He mentioned he was thinking of moving there and actually did right after that. He was ahead of the game it appears.

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There's an economic and social vibrancy in Russia that's somewhat similar to that within the USA after WW2 that lasted into the early 1960s, although that was mostly economic. For example, Russia's just now doing what Eisenhower promoted during the 1950s--the interstate highway system--as it today celebrated the Opening of the M-12 Vostok highway--at the completion of each one of these major infrastructure projects, there's a nationally televised ceremony featuring Putin, the main ministers involved, and representatives of the construction team, http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/73081

That was followed by the Meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects that discussed their progress over the course of the year, which I'll likely feature in an article. And then there's China, which I've somewhat neglected, although its accomplishments are just as fantastic. Yes, both nations have associated growing pains that also require solutions, but they seem to be "happy" pains. Here's an infographic I want to build an article around but keep getting delayed, https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202312/1303824.shtml

The national rejuvenation and modernization programs employed by Russia and China are motivating other nations in the Global South, while Putin said again today that Russia isn't shunning the West--the door remains open--but it's up to the West to change its ways, to open its eyes to the possibilities they're allowing to bypass them through their slavish devotion to the Outlaw US Empire's diktat. Yes, Putin's talking directly to citizens of the West, not their governments for he knows it must be them to affect the change needed to free themselves.

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I will raise a celebratory glass on the 24th to wish her a 'Happy Birthday'. Too many intelligent common-sense statements to quote - many of which made me chuckle. Cheers Karl.

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