Not getting the exposure it deserves is a critical article, "Weaponisation of Food Goes Into High Gear", warning Europe and the world of what's coming--The WEF's agenda remains alive and is being implemented in Brussels by the unelected EC and corporate owned EU Parliament. Here's the key opening excerpt from the article:
True to his word, at the 1974 World Food Conference in Rome Henry [Kissinger] unveiled the plan how to use food to cull the world’s population and blackmail governments into doing his masters’ will. It was all circumspectly phrased, of course, and couched in the Aesopian language fully intelligible, besides the cognoscenti, only to a lesser number of alert observers, but remaining largely opaque to the serfs whose mass extermination is being contemplated.
Since then, with their characteristic persistence Henry’s friends and mentors have been hard at work to make it happen. An engineered global food crisis is in the works. Hundreds of millions, and preferably billions, of clueless earthlings will be made to depart from this world in order meet the agendas (“Green”, in this particular case) of the wicked psychopaths who run much of it. And that is not happening owing to the operation of nature’s inexorable forces (as asserted by phony environmental narratives) but by human design.
That much is evident from the ominous Pan-European legislation proposed a few days ago by the European Commission. Details of it were reported by Brussels-based Arche Noah, which is for a change a genuine NGO, not a Soros-financed fraud. It advocates vigorously for the public interest in the most authentic and in this instance unequivocally existential sense. The somnolent world ought to be paying attention, but sadly it is not. The lethal sting of EU’s proposed legislative package is deceptively mislabelled as concern for the “sustainable use of natural resources.” That duplicitous phrase however is no more than a code word. It stands for the sinister new “EU Seed Regulation” policy and the concomitant legislative initiative to deregulate the “New Genetic Engineering.”
In 1997, the book Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge by Vandana Shiva was published. It detailed the sort of theft being contemplated by the corporations that own the EU Parliament, and it's very real as it's been done previously under other pretexts as she documents. Her work came a few years after David Korten's When Corporations Rule the World which together impressed me of the reality of that happening. Since then, we've seen how the Financialized Parasitic FIRE sector has bought control of both the US Government and the EU/EC and has proceeded to do exactly what Bastiat in the late 1840s said they'd do--enact laws to forward their Plunder in a manner that courts can't or won't overturn.
Some will have heard the term "Golden Billion" expressed by Putin in several speeches. The article's fourth link takes you to the source of that term. Yes, the article is very well sourced. Some will say this is a Conspiracy Theory Scare Story. I say history and current reality of what controls Western governments tells a much different story. There're very good reasons why the WEF's plan was roundly rejected by the real world of informed ordinary people. But their behavior proves these predatory parasites won't stop their efforts to get what they want--evidence of that exists everywhere when you look closely. It’s unfortunate President Putin hasn’t gone to further lengths to fully detail what’s meant by the Golden Billion term, who and why it was coined as that would be helpful, although those on the receiving end of Outlaw US Empire policy within the Global South probably don’t need it explained as they’ve been experiencing its affects directly for decades, while the “Grain Deal” has provided further proof of the West’s intentions.
The Greatest (His)tory Never Told Before
Not a conspiracy theory
The history how The Rockefeller family started the WHO and spawned the Club of Rome, the Bilderberg Group and more
Like everything you research and write, this is supremely important, edifying and concisely to the point. Your work is indispensable.