The Greatest (His)tory Never Told Before

Not a conspiracy theory

The history how The Rockefeller family started the WHO and spawned the Club of Rome, the Bilderberg Group and more


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Yes, I'm aware of that history, but its roots are even deeper going back to the beginning of the Class War between Debtors and Creditors that's over 4,000 years old. A shorter history begins during Europe's Dark Ages as the Church begins to accumulate the Capital from @1000-1700 that will become the seed for what becomes the Industrial Revolution. Yes, it's a horrific story that's not well documented at all with only partial segments of the overall timeline being investigated. One such examination I highly suggest is "The Many Headed Hydra" by Peter Linebaugh and Marcus Rediker where you'll learn about Sir Francis Bacon's Dark Side along with other gruesome facts.

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Like everything you research and write, this is supremely important, edifying and concisely to the point. Your work is indispensable.

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Thanks very much! As today will show, writing more than one news item is likely by me. In fact, the first one I encountered today probably won't get sent via substack as it's of a different category and relates to a much larger topic it will be included within later. Clearly, my intent isn't to waste anyone's time on items of no importance; rather, the opposite is the case in elevating news deserving wider distribution.

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I learned of your substack through Moon of Alabama where you’re a true luminary.

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" The article's fourth link takes you to the source of that term. " i assume you are referring the top article - weaponization of food......'' i am not seeing anything on putins use of the term.. can you be more specific here? thanks..

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Just below the Meadows video is this citation:

"An ‘agricultural world’ in which most human beings are peasants, should be able to support 5 to 7 billion people … In contrast, a reasonable estimate for an industrialised world society at the present North American material standard of living would be one billion."

From there, someone turned it into "the golden billion." But the above is its stem.

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thanks karl.. now i get it.. took me a while, lol...

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