Agree completely with the criticism of the Russian approach to the Palestine issue. I understand they view the well-being of the former Soviet Union Jews in Israel the way they viewed the well-being of the Donbass Russians, but they just don't seem to get the reality of the situation overall. I think the rest of the world have long ago left behind the two-state solution as a non-starter, so Russia is behind on this issue, and I'm surprised that they aren't aware of that.

I covered the problem with Russia's approach in the first part of my recent Substack series on why this conflict is inevitable:


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If it wasn't apparent before there's no excuse now that the genocidal behaviour and israeli insanity is in full view. For Russia these dual passport holders should be viewed as traitors much like fair weather friends - gone when there are problems, but around to enjoy the good times.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Karl Sanchez

There are people, good and intelligent people, with whom I usually agree 70%, 80% and even 90%. And then there is the 100% person, namely Sergey Lavrov.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Karl Sanchez

thanks karl.. i agree with your conclusion at the end and appreciate reading lavrovs response to these questions..

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11 hrs agoLiked by Karl Sanchez

Thank you, Karl. Very informative! Agree with you re Lavrov, Russia on Israel.

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I agree with you, Karl, about Lavrov's and Putin's view on Israel. It's kind of surprising. Maybe they're trying to be respectful to all parties?

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As I've pointed to before, there's the constitutional responsibility for Russians overseas plus historical baggage that seems to be the albatross. Lavrov's prayer that truth and justice will win I agree with, but that doesn't alter the constitutional issue.

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So I'm hopeful that dual passport holders who have participated in the genocide are arrested and put on trial if they darken Russia's door. By the way things are going I'm sure many will be packing bags.

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…i have read a first question and almost FUCKING PUKE !!!

…”special operation in Ukraine”?!

…FUCK YOU !!!!!!

…ITS AN AGGRESSION AND INVASION of a SOVEREIGN COUNTRY you fucking piece of shit !!!

…FUCK YOU !!!!

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Lol, love your comedy. Snort another line and all will be fine, Zelensky.

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…hahahahaha your genetic garbage rusha is DEAD ! …you’re absolutely irrelevant just like an echo in a bucket

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Lol, Serghiy. echo in a Bucket is comedic genius. Sovereign country, lol too funny considering that there is no such country as Ukraine anymore. It's gone, man, just like the Dodo.

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…i’m done, you can swallow now 😜

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lol, you are bad.

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…путіну ПИЗДЕЦЬ ! …раша здохла

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…echo in a bucket 😜

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Nice chatting. Be a good boy now and don't worry so much.

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…this “boy” is 68 new yorker and a badass

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…rusha is a GENETIC GARBAGE, it’s not derogatory it’s what happens when throughout the whole history of the country and last century they literally exterminated all intelligent and free thinking people generation to generation and only people left who did that or those who kept their mouth shut in order to survive, that country always was full of criminals, not much to lose there, we used to say if someone got locked up, they got from a “big prison” to a “small” one, major problem of putin’s country that it HAS NO HUMAN RESOURCES to build society that makes sense for the rest of the world, its all gone with all those republics, which they were milking all through the soviet years, to become their own sovereign entities, which infuriated putin, a country of people who never ever think of their future because everyone knows nothings good is coming tomorrow, dreadful place in and out, Ukraine on the other hand is different, but it’s three times smaller population then rusha and its loses are very unequal not by quantity, but by quality of loses with future potential to rebuild their country, any war is a horrible thing, specially for the nation that did not want it, but have to face it and spend precious resources not on making their people live better, but for the simple task to survive, FUCK putin ! …GLORY TO UKRAINE 🇺🇦 !

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