
Within another Global Times article about the Olympics there're these following statements:

"In any field that used to be dominated by the US, once Chinese or other countries' athletes make history and even break world records, the US will launch all-out campaign to stigmatize its competitors, weaponize its influence, conduct long-arm jurisdiction against its challengers, and this situation will likely become a new normal in the coming years, Shen Yi, a professor on international relations at Fudan University, told the Global Times on Thursday.

"*****According to the New York Times on Thursday, US Congress has threatened to cut funding for the WADA. The Justice Department and the FBI have opened criminal investigations into how the WADA tests were handled.*****

"Clearly, the US, just like what it has always done in the UN and other fields like international trade disputes or sci-tech rivalry, will use all it has, including sanctions, bans, boycotts, stigmatizations, war of words, long-arm jurisdiction and so on, to contain its competitor and defend its hegemony, Li said."


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Aug 9Liked by Karl Sanchez

Funny how US doesnt use all that power -- sanctions, bans, boycotts, defunding, embargoes, etc -- to stop Israel doing a genocide.

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Aug 9Liked by Karl Sanchez

competition is a double edged sword... it can bring out the best and the worst in people..

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It happens at every level of competition. I was a promising young rider in dressage & combined training, in my teens invited to train under one of the top in the world. He found a good prospect for me. Within a year, my horse was mysteriously found in agony, covered with lathery sweat, with a badly broken leg when he should have been in his stall eating breakfast. His hock joint was in too many, too small pieces to even try to put back together. They killed my boy.

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The Western Liberal International Rules Based Order at its best: one rule for the Westerners and other rules for everyone else, while no rules for the US.

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Not "all" Westerners follow these rules.

Be wary and watchful of all division and anger, it is the devil's foothold according to St Paul in the letter to the Ephesians.

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Sadly the drugging is not confined to human sports. Back ~1980 I had an elderly, former Olympic horse in my care who had foundered with full rotation of the coffin bone in both front feet. He should have been retired to pasture at best. Instead his ambitious buyer jump started her career by forcing him to perform while drugged. In too much of a hurry to actually learn to train, she later purchased another unsound horse & drugged him all the way to international competition, where he was obviously lame. Iirc, she came in dead last, although they should not have even been allowed to compete.

And the Romneys & their trainer were sued for trying to pass off an unsound horse as competition sound. The buyer smartly had her vet draw a blood sample during the prepurchase exam. When the drugs wore off & he started "feeling funny" to the buyer, she had the blood tested -- by the USET veterinarian. He found a "cocktail" of 4 analgesic drugs. This happened right before the Romneys were sent to the Olympics with a different horse.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9Liked by Karl Sanchez

Unfortunately, these facts come as no surprise. Why should the U.S. be any more honest or rule-abiding in this area?

As for the Olympics, the juxtaposition of earnest efforts and cocky perversions is rather upsetting to watch.

Here, among other lesser-known unpleasant moments, is an awkward one that seems to have been engineered for a DEI commercial:


But there are still consolation prizes to be had there, this one for joy:


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What else would you expect from a country ruled by DaSynagogue of Satan?

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Nothing will be done about it . Blame it on the Russians and Iranians.

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