Excellent. Thanks again.

For those who don't know Mxim Oreshkin, he graduated from one of Russia's leading universities – the Higher School of Economics – in 2004 and worked at several major Russian and foreign-owned banks. Oreshkin joined the government tenders ago to head the Directorate for Long-term Strategic planning of the Finance Ministry and was appointed Deputy Minister of Finance in 2015.

Anton Alikhanov graduated from the All-Russian State Tax Academy of the Ministry of Finance of Russia with a major in Finance and Credit and Jurisprudence and, from 2010, worked in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. In 2012, at the Plekhanov Russian Economic University in Moscow, he specialized in national economic management and defended his thesis, "Managing costs for the development of the organizational culture of the company”.

Putin has a wonderful eye for talent, as his current Cabinet demonstrates. These guys will carry than legacy beyond 2050..

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And they aren't the only two. Alikhanov was governor--first appointed then elected by a wide margin--of Kaliningrad prior to being promoted to Team Putin. Putin visited him and the region last year which I reported on and is in the archive.

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I'm curious: will BRICS have a unified trade system with the rest of the world, and are products from BRICS countries available in Canada?

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BRICS nations already trade globally where permitted. Surely you get Chinese products in Canada and Indian too. Brazilian and South African products may be harder to find, but I'm sure they're available. Russia is the only one in Canada you might have problems finding due to illegal Canadian sanctions or its obedience to those of the Outlaw US Empire.

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Yes, I get Chinese and Indian products in my little town.

I was more curious about BRICS as a whole, almost as a brand. It would be nice to support BRICS in some way.

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I thought you might have meant that. I suppose its possible with today's crazy supply chains that you might get something with components from each--of course now there're ten.

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Save to read later today, Thanks.

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