I fear that Israeli tactics include infliction of long-term psychological damage. Experience of trauma can haunt many generations.

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That damage will be self inflicted as well. I had the good fortune to visit Israel in the early 90’s, with a rock band that performed 10 shows in 12 days. (Mind boggling on too many levels to get into here.) First stop upon leaving from Ben Gurion Airport was an obligatory visit to the Holocaust Museum on the way to our hotel in Tel Aviv - a moving and sobering experience. To witness the Israeli society inflicting this same horrific torture and genocide on “subhuman” Palestinians in Gaza and now the West Bank is traumatic (and incomprehensible!) to me and countless others bearing witness to this insanity. And seeing our elected leaders aiding and abetting this obscenity makes one fear for the future of our society. I dream of pitchfork militias visiting said leaders to scare some common sense back into their jaded and extorted asses. And pray that the National Guard troops refrain from using live ammunition or better yet, refuse unlawful orders! I’m old enough to remember “four dead in Ohio” . History doesn’t repeat, but it does seem to rhyme!

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The D Convention's in Chicago. Will 2024 be as painful for US society as 1968?

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At least no Mayor Daly this time around but not much reason for optimism - the streets are sure to be chaotic . I’ll take a long shot bet on Gavin Newsome being nominated to replace Kamala Harris for VP. She can graciously accept a posting to theState Department or perhaps U.N. ambassador- beats losing to Trump in November and gives Team D a possible path to victory.

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Hard to know what the Ds will do. IMO, the possibility of an all R government must be considered.

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I concur. I am also rather flabbergasted that DJT is the presumptive candidate. Who said “we get the government that we deserve”?

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The problem is the best candidates aren't in the Duopoly, which has been the case for decades. But we shouldn't neglect the lack of an intellectually decent person within Congress able or willing to challenge either Biden or Trump.

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""an obligatory visit to the Holocaust Museum"

WTF is a visit to a Hollowhoax museum obligatory? Unless one loves basking in lies and exaggerations.

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💩 (you can find your own spoon)

It’s obligatory if the folks sponsoring your trip and driving the bus make it so.

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No, only cattle are led around by the nose.

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I've never met a german journo who'd not have been treated to it.

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The horror and outrage just continues to boil slowly upwards until - probably very soon - it will burst and then "all bets are off." The psychopathic powers that be see the coming disorder as an opportunity to clamp down on 'their people' on the assumption that they will control the outrage. I doubt it as the PTB include among their luminaries some of the dumbest people ever to walk on the earth. Remember that many French aristocrats and many Russian nobles welcomed the revolutions in their respective countries as they understood that incremental reforms were never going to achieve the modernizing change their countries needed. Regardless, they too were swept to the guillotine or put up against the wall. The PTB - being utter morons - think it'll be different for them this time. Famous last words.

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IMO, economic realities will surface to rule roosts everywhere in NATO/EU. Problems are coming that the EU structure won't allow to be solved.

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The west is operating within a straight jacket without the appropriate toolkit (or mental capacity) to solve the problem. It's all just "damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead!" More and more people can see the disaster looming ahead and they can recognize that the leadership is clueless. They will not consent to being made serfs, no matter what justification is proposed or force applied, and then the wheels will come off...

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That's why I see EU-Exit campaigns erupting like mushrooms. The history exists showing electorates were fooled and lied to meaning the entire edifice is a massive fraud to exert control by NATO/Outlaw US Empire. As we get beyond the SMO, many will emigrate to Russia or elsewhere in Eurasia exacerbating EU's demographic decline.

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Does anyone know what is hapening to the open and shut case brought against the occupation entity in Palestine at the ICJ? I thought they had given the genociders 30 days to cease and desist. Looks like international law is either too slow to act or incapable of doing its job.

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The problem has always been who will supply the force in enforcement. I understand the Resistance Axis's plan, but too many on the wrong side are dying.

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I don't see any way the election will change anything.

Find me a viable candidate that does not support Israel's genocide of the Palestinian people & I'll vote for him or her.

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Jill Stein of the US Greens would be one.

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Do you honestly think she is a *viable* candidate? Iow, that she has any chance of winning?

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Given past history, no; however, she's the candidate that comes closest to my views, which is what drives my vote. Trump and Biden are both criminals guilty of Capital Crimes, with the majority of Congress guilty of being abettors of those crimes. AS such, a revolt is required, but to be successful the people must be mostly united which they aren't presently.

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Fair enough.

I'm still planning to write-in my conscience for the Buddha of Loving Kindness, my dead dog Jake. For vp, the Buddha of Loving Loyalty, my dead dog Luna. Dead or alive, either of them has better morals, common sense & decision making than most humans, never mind any politicians.

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Puts new meaning in the adage: The world's going to the dogs.

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At some point the photos of genocide become weapons in themselves. Without the narrative, their meaning does lose impact.

The most important part is the same thing can happen here. While we can honestly point out the evils of the three prominent religions in the Red Sea area,.focusing on the crime,may weaken the resolve to commit such evil.

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