I don’t know where Pepe Escobar found the above photo, but it speaks volumes in the three main languages of Palestine at the time of the coin’s minting—Arabic, English, Hebrew—implying they all lived together in one geographic space known as Palestine, which itself is a very old, pre-Roman, name. The one language missing is Turkish as that was the lingua franca during the centuries the Ottoman Empire held sway over Palestine, but the British in charge of the Mandate and thus the reason why English is on the coin, didn’t think it correct to reflect reality (some will say there isn’t room on the coin, which is bologna). Harmony has existed fairly well during the Ottoman period, but it all began to fall apart when terroristic “settlers” began arriving after WW1 spurred forward by the radical Zionist program and British government aid. As was known once the Bolsheviks published the secret war aims of the French and British in West Asia or the Levant as it was then known, the entire enterprise was one of Imperialism. The British thought they could control the radical Zionists but their terrorist methods eventually proved too much for a vastly depleted British Empire after WW2 and the additional depredations it suffered from the USA’s determination to assume its place as the global empire, which it did via Lend-Lease and the unilateral Bretton Woods arrangement that Lord Keynes tried to make equitable but was defeated by the Americans and their bought allies. The distortion in not just Palestine but globally is very much due to Imperialism—the West’s Age of Plunder—with Palestine as the last very open sore with Africa a close second.
A few wise people have concluded that intolerance can no longer be tolerated—it must die if humanity is to evolve to a higher plane of moral existence. But the Woke method is merely a reframing of intolerance and is a false ism. In contrast with the Western Abrahamic religions and Soth Asia’s Hinduism, the Eastern Asiatic Pathways such as Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism are secular and have no godhead, which is to say there’s no competition over which is the “One True Religion,” although competition and conflict over resources has certainly been visited on all. What must be done by sane humans is to acknowledge the existence of differing ways of understanding metaphysics and that discussion not warfare is the proper way to investigate those understandings. Thus, you can be a Sneech with a star on your belly, one without, or be a Sneech of a completely different skin color and still see each other as the same being—a Sneech—happily going about living our one and only priceless life.
The fact that certain people think certain others shouldn’t be allowed to live their one and only priceless life is a great moral failing that humanity must find some way to overcome. We must be able to see ourselves in others—we’re all Sneeches. Much of humanity, ironically those who suffered most during the Age of Plunder, has moved on to this higher moral plane. The nations proclaiming themselves to be Civilization States are trying to help this through their global initiatives to improve humanity by emphasizing we all share a common destiny, and that it’s enriched via diversity in all its manifestations. Yes, there is a subset of humans who think they are entitled to everything others have and must be in control of everything. They are afflicted with two psychological diseases, Pleonexia and Megalomania. They are the ones responsible for the current conflicts in our world. We all see who they are at the surface of governments, but the ones most responsible are mostly hidden from view. But we have a good idea where they exist and political calls to hold them accountable are rising, like the need to Drain the Swamp, abolish NATO and the EU. Those are the agents of Intolerance and they thrive by creating chaos by the very old method of Divide and Rule—to convince others that they aren’t all Sneeches and that they hate each other. Their message of chaos can be neutered by refusing intolerance. Yes, that’s very hard to do when you’re taught to be intolerant and that person is pointing a gun at you while you try to appeal to what little morality remains.
Humanity’s at a crossroads in its existence. There are two very different paths: One of tolerance and peace, the other of continuing intolerance and never-ending war. The Global Majority has voiced its approval for tolerance and peace. Only the minority remains. They are immoral and act against all major religious thought and non-religious pathways. And they are rigid to the point where they cannot be saved from their immorality. They are closeminded and deserve to exist is a closed room as they aim to deprive others of their priceless lives because of their diseased minds. Such people deserve to be shunned and pushed back against; and if they occupy a position of power, they must be removed from it ASAP.
The coin atop shows coexistence is possible. The vast darkness of the 20th Century must give way to light in the 21st. Humanity must prove the cynics wrong and strive for global togetherness. Otherwise, Humanity won’t ever reach its potential.
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Eastern thought tend to see humanity as a single group, one that evolves as a group, albeit some quicker that others through reincarnation and karma, we are one. In fact prior Christianity the West had very similar views, Jews too, look to the Kabbalah, somewhere along the way they instead adopted their current elitist notion about being chosen, their new God is something quite powerful but it isn't the origin of all. Muslim Sufis also are very close the Eastern thought, the problem is that no prophets ever handed out flyers, their teachings were recorded by others after their deaths.
Stop making sense. There doesn’t seem to be much of a market for it these days.