Eastern thought tend to see humanity as a single group, one that evolves as a group, albeit some quicker that others through reincarnation and karma, we are one. In fact prior Christianity the West had very similar views, Jews too, look to the Kabbalah, somewhere along the way they instead adopted their current elitist notion about being chosen, their new God is something quite powerful but it isn't the origin of all. Muslim Sufis also are very close the Eastern thought, the problem is that no prophets ever handed out flyers, their teachings were recorded by others after their deaths.

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Yes, no YouTube podcasts. The message of inclusion versus exclusion is the big divider. Clearly, my notion that life is priceless isn't held by enough to make it resound loudly; why that is IMO is an excellent question. It would be very difficult to have war if life itself was treasured as it ought.

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Stop making sense. There doesn’t seem to be much of a market for it these days.

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Great approach, great write-up and referring to Dr. Seuss who is banned for using by now outdated graphics depicting Chinese of a certain era put the cherry on top.

Touching, worthy of replay by MoA and even Zero Hedge possibly. There might be other, more suitable platforms although I would not expect wsj to pick it up.

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In these times, John and Yoko’s simple yet profound formula rings louder than ever- “War is over. IF you want it.

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Nice to hear the metaphysical approach to peace on earth with the sneeches family.

Historical perspective is calming .

The shunning has begun Id say for violence has lost its interest for those who think?

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karl, if you haven't watched it, i encourage you and others to watch it... george posted it at moa earlier today.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBumTNZvVvk

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Which thread?

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October 15, 2023

Arnaud Bertrand - How Israel Stepped Into A Trap

Dr. George W Oprisko | Oct 15 2023 14:08 utc | 78

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Thanks james. I recall his comment and the ensuing discussion, but I've yet to watch.

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I just read the transcript. Basically what he's saying is that the Israel experiment is a failure unless it integrates itself into the region - which is next to impossible because the entire population has been brought up with the Zionist fantasy - that a Jewish state could be wrested from the indigenous population by force and turned into some sort of "Fortress Israel" that could last forever. It was a delusional dream in the late 1800's and it's still delusional.

In reality, Israel as a Jewish state occupying all of Palestine will not last for more than another few decades, if that - and that's only if it survives the current crisis. And the present government appears hell bent on guaranteeing that it won't.

Just listened to Alastair Crooke on Dimitri Simes Rumble show. He quoted a figure of 100,000 Hezbollah troops and 80,000 missiles and smart drones waiting to invade Israel. Even I wasn't aware of Hezbollah being that large, mostly because I haven't been tracking their progress since the Syria civil war wound down.

If Hezbollah enters the war directly and Crooke acknowledges the possibility, even probability, then the US will have little choice but to directly enter the war. Crooke says the Biden administration doesn't want a war with Iran, but acknowledges the power of the neocons. I think what will happen is the US will try to limit itself to attacking Hezbollah, but will end up attacking Syria and Iran. Crooke says it is possible Israel will not survive that. He also mentioned a diplomatic message that suggested the US has already decided to attack Syria.

I don't see this ending well for anyone in the region.

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israel has been bombing syria periodically and a day or two ago bombed aleppo airport... cooler heads have to prevail... not saying they will, but they need to..

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Refreshingly real with his plain language .

Down to earth experience.

Quite a treat to hear Bolsen.

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Thanks james, that was a tight documentary and revealed the enormity of the Palestinian plight and loss.

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yep. that was good. who was he and who was he talking to?

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the guy appears to be a sketchy character - don't know if all this is true or not..


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Yep, thanks for that. Very interesting. A 'larger than life' character. Going for a public presence looks like: https://www.youtube.com/@MiddleNation?app=desktop&si=6NkTn64A-aZtx2nb

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I reckon we shouldn't pussyfoot around. All religions are nonsenses, literally. The best that can be said about them is they are misguided attempts to explain something they poorly understood.

And what they poorly understood, I'd say, was clearly accounts 'brought back' to us from 'over there' which were exactly of the same nature as the accounts we now get by the hundred of NDE experiences - all recounted on YT vids for us nowadays.

We don't have to fall about disputing whether they are 'right' or not. They all say essentially the same thing: we should be kind and tolerant of one another. Simple as that. Needs no more to be said.

All the ratbags of course will immediately want to feud and fight about whether or not they have really 'spoken to god' or have really 'died' or whatever but all that's total dross.

Fact is there's overwhelming opinion from 'the spiritual realm', we can call it, why not, that we should live together tolerantly (as much as I can manage... no way I could 'love everyone' or even 'like everyone' but if I really try and get as far away as poss i can prob'ly tolerate ) and we need just to concentrate on that bit.

And here's the thing about it: It makes total sense! It is the ONLY thing that makes sense! It accords perfectly with science and reason.

So we all ought to grasp the nettle and run around proclaiming that 'god' (ie. reality itself, etc - and throw in the NDE accounts if you like, or not, as you please ) simply says 'tolerate one another' and LEAVE IT AT THAT!

Deny and refuse anything more. It's a no-brainer. We need to go no further than that. We need to refuse to go any further than that.

ALL of those who want to go further than that with are - guess what - they are AVOIDING doing it !

The way to NOT 'love one another', 'tolerate one another', 'live in harmony' or whatever is to run around endlessly prattling on about religion, or 'god' or whatever.

Making not a 'no brainer' of the whole thing but making a demented brainer out of it, perverting it to nothing and worse than nothing.

And we need to grasp the nettle and just look all of them square in the eye and tell them: 'It's about tolerating each other' and then refuse to discuss it any tiny bit further. Just tell 'em 'that's the end of. there's nothing more to know'

You'll well know that typically they'll refuse to go along with that won't they and they'll pester with questions and objections but look: that's how they AVOID doing it.

And that's the only other thing we need to say: 'That is not doing it. That is avoiding it'.

For to tolerate YOU is to let you off the hook right there and then, isn't it? But they won't.

OK, don't be a smartass, what about YOU tolerating THEM ? Well you, we, we tolerate them thinking whatever they want to think. We even tolerate them performing the rituals of their religion or whatever, okay. We tolerate them alright. Right up to having conversations with them about this question. But we do not tolerate them stopping us saying our piece which is: 'It is all about tolerating each other' and we don't tolerate them pestering us to say more when we don't want to.

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I tolerate and communicate and debate. The metaphysical debate over the existence of a deity isn't resolved and likely won't for quite some time. It's far easier to accept and agree to disagree than to erupt into conflict and endanger all that's dear, including the most precious aspect--your priceless life.

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