well karl, the pictures and your commentary ask a lot of questions... and there are no easy answers, although i like to fall back on the concepts of greed and power.. i also fall back on the idea that the military, banking and energy complex drive a lot of this, but again -that is about greed and power, so i am back to square one..

the question for me becomes this : can humans transcend the desire for greed and power? i think they can, although some might not be able to.. perhaps those who can't are the narcissists and etc who are in control, but i would prefer to imagine a world where the masses just want to get along with one another and so, i stick with that.. reading richards take is too depressing to maintain, lol.. i am not sure how he does it... must have good drugs, lol.. or as he says - he's a realist! i like to think i am too, but i am also an idealist and life hasn't killed that in me..

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The difference this site allows versus the Church Pulpit is I can post images. Your question is correct, and I've addressed it as a disease that is possible to treat and cure those afflicted. Part of the preventative medicine for that disease exists in culture, which I've hinted at many times at MoA and here just a tad. At MoA tonight, our friend psychohistorian also hinted at culture as the way to understanding the Why.

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It’s been posited by this site’s author that Humanity must learn how to share and that it must treat all humans as part of a massive extended family if Humanity is to evolve to a higher plane of existence and thus be capable of managing the coming centuries of resource constraints.

The Russians and to a lesser extent the Chinese have adopted that message. The West, MSM included, prefers to be exceptional (all pun intended) and be the big bully.

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Just finished commenting on Simplicius's newest. The picture isn't pretty and is growing dimmer daily.

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Ah this one yah? LOL!

That should piss off those to whom Putin is a saint.

"One thing must be made clear to readers--The Zionists won't be halted in their march to the grave as they try to finish their project. No Western government or Russia can make them change course. The best way to end it would be a complete decapitation strike on Zionist leadership that eliminates the top 2-3,000, and that can only be accomplished by Russia. But as Escobar has pointed out, Russia's in a very big bind with the Zionists."

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And now Putin has spoken in no uncertain terms naming the #1 terrorist state as responsible for all of it.

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Yesterday, Netanyahu compared the Palestinians to Amalekites in the "Holy Bible," discussed earlier today by Jake, on the Muslim Metaphysician. This is a dog-whistle reference to one of the more horrific crimes, among several, of total genocide by ancient Israel of people who objected to their land being stolen 3,000 years ago. Yaweh (Jehovah) commanded King Saul to slaughter all Amalekites, men, women, children, babies, and livestock. After killing all but the livestock, Saul was deposed and banished for disobedience. So Netanyahu is now quite clearly turning the annihilation of Palestinians into his own Unholy War by conjuring the vengeful Old Testament monster, Jehovah.


Samuel 15:3 "Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.”

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Fortunately, the new legal doctrine adopted after WW2 said following orders was no excuse for committing crimes. Humanity has slowly evolved in a humanitarian direction but has quite a ways to go to attain a consistently moral state. Xi Jinping and the Chinese have begun to stress the need for Humanity to adopt the path leading to a shared future, which IMO is a goal that isn't discussed nearly as much as it needs to be given future realities. That topic gets interjected here and there but demands greater attention. Netanyahu is clearly not the only Zionist psycho just as Hitler wasn't the only genocidal German. Can the Human animal learn more about itself so it can avoid its self-destruction?

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Karl I gotta hope you’re right.

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We'll soon discover our direction as we're transiting the most critical period as I've written and to which others agree. Emerging from 2030 with Humanity intact is the goal.

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"the coming centuries of resource constraints."

LOL. There are no such. Mostly because there won't be "coming centuries of humanity." Humanity as such ends in this century, one way or the other. Either X billion die - so there are no resource constraints - or X billion are converted to another form for whom resource constraints are irrelevant because they don't need or consume them in the same manner (assuming resource constraints as such actually exist, which again is a solvable technological problem.)

"Somehow, someway that message must transcend the choir reading these words"

Good luck with that. Or as I like to say:


(If the video won't play, click on the 3 vertical white dots, select play in new window, should play there - Google Drive sucks.)

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Thanks for providing your cynicism. It's a much needed foil for the message I choose to promote.

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You're welcome. :-) As they say, "Just keeping it real..."

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richard.. i have to agree with karl.. you are one cynical mofo, lol..

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Yup. Got decades of experience and a lot of reading to back it up, too. Not to mention a reasoned philosophy which is what my Substack is all about and which comes to those conclusions. It ain't just being ornery.

Some of my responses, especially about the Palestinian issue, are actually notes to myself to be considered for inclusion in my own assessment of the situation, which I'm gathering information for and will hopefully publish in due time. I still have to finish my "Moves and TV Shows" series, too.

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Today's Global Times contains an item displaying wisdom, asking and answering this question, "Why should US fear the Israel-Palestine conflict more than China?" Primarily because it's the main motivational force behind the current and ongoing conflict and in the process has marginalized itself even more than what existed prior to 7 October. The item's short and can be found here, https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202310/1300787.shtml

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Great cartoons.

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