17 hrs agoLiked by Karl Sanchez

Thank you for posting this important speech. It is quite unfortunate that the muslim is divided deeply, there are still muslim think that shia Iran is faking its adversary to israhell. Many muslim esp sunni one is throrouhly brain washed by amerikkkiya propaganda, and since its golden boy, zaudi barbaria is quiet they think shia Iran is bluffing. Erdogan also talked only no action, in fact his action detriment to ummah (eg helping isis occupying idlib). Very sad state indeed.

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I am impressed by the speech calling out Erdogan as not Muslim, I presume for profiting and supporting Isra Hell...just guessing....

Thanks for the post

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15 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs agoLiked by Karl Sanchez

There is a Pentagon policy, active since 2004, which explains why the Middle East is suffering such horrific inhumane ruination.

It has zero to do with religions or nations.

The Pentagon Brief, by Thomas P Barnett dispassionately divided the entire world into two regions which he named the CORE and the GAP.

The Middle East is part of the GAP and is being systematically depopulated and destroyed precisely for reasons of wealth exploitation, as Ayatollah Khamenei's speech defines. But the impact of that action upon the CORE was not mentioned and needs to be highlighted.

In short, the philosophy of the Pentagon Brief is as follows:

If you live in the GAP you have two choices: Migrate to the CORE or die where you are.

If you live in the CORE you have NO choices: Accept mass immigration, poverty and debt.

In other words, the entire human population is being herded and crammed into the CORE countries which stresses and destroys the culture of both the immigrant population and the resident indigenous.

The result is intended to be massive civil unrest and an enormous reduction in numbers of all communities on earth.

The GAP will thereafter become a toxic, automated and industrial minefield, depleted of all life and off-limits to human beings.

It is obvious that whether we live in the GAP or the CORE, whether we are Muslim or any other religious denomination, we have a common enemy which seeks to depopulate the earth as rapidly as possible.

The enemy is not a country. It is not a religion. It is a hierarchical, clandestine, totalitarian Empire which operates over and above politics and beliefs.

It has control over the Committee of 300, the Club of Rome, Bilderberg, Le Cercle, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum and every government in the world.

It is the true enemy of the entire human race.

It must be destroyed.

You can find the map of the GAP + CORE world within this article:



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I've long written it's Humanity against the Empire. Barbarism or Socialism/Civilization as Hudson writes. It's an old regime psychopathology that dates back centuries

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This quote: "Their policy is to turn the [Zionist] regime into a gateway for exporting energy from the region to the Western world while facilitating the import of goods and technology from the West to the region. This [approach] ensures the survival of the usurping regime and increases the entire region's dependency on it."

Shows he "gets it" that their are massive economic reasons - besides oil - that both the West and Israel want to dominate at the expense of the Palestinians, as I covered in my first Substack article on the upcoming Armageddon and as Richard Medhurst has documented in detail.

As I weighed in today in the argument between Gilbert Doctorow and John Mearsheimer on who is in charge - the Zionists or the US - both at Larry Johnson's blog and Doctorow's blog, both the US and the Israelis want to use this war for their own ends. The US wants Israel to dominate the Middle East as its proxy for control of the oil and hegemony - and the Israelis want hegemony over the region in order to wean themselves partially away from the US by developing their own sources of wealth so they don't need as much US assistance. This will be preparatory to the Zionists attempting to "double-cross" the West sometime in the future.

Typical human behavior - cooperate on narrow objective while undermining the person you're cooperating with. The Wolff and Hudson Nima interview covered that. While they didn't say anything I didn't already know, they did bring that point to the fore which applies directly to the Doctorow-Mearsheimer-Johnson argument.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Karl Sanchez

Reckon he must have read Marx. Solidarity and Islam United will prevail with the might and right blessings of Allah (PBUH). Could be paraphrased simply as "Bring it on!"

Divine might means the Lord's power prevails over all of existence. Divine wisdom refers to the consistency and stability of all the laws of creation. Perhaps this verse is trying to draw attention to the fact that if Muslims unite and stand together, they will have the support of God's might and wisdom. They will be able to benefit from the Lord's infinite power and make use of God’s traditions and divine laws.

So, what is Wilayah? It is the unity and solidarity between Muslims. This is the policy introduced by the Quran for Muslims. The Quran's policy for Muslims is that Muslim nations and groups should stand in solidarity with each other. It essentially promises that if you, Muslim nations, maintain this solidarity among yourselves, God’s might will support you. In other words, you will overcome all obstacles and triumph over all enemies. You will be supported by divine wisdom. All the laws of creation will work in your favor for your advancement. This is the logic and policy seen in the Quran.

The opposite of this policy is the policy of Islam’s enemies – the world’s aggressors and Arrogant Powers. Their policy is to divide and rule. What they do is based on creating division. They have implemented this policy of creating division in Islamic countries using various tricks.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Karl Sanchez

... What our armed forces did was to inflict the minimum punishment on that usurping Zionist regime in response to its appalling crimes. It’s a bloodthirsty regime, a wolf-like regime, and the US’s rabid dog in the region. The Islamic Republic will carry out any duty it has in this regard with power, firmness, and decisiveness.'

Thanks for posting these two sermons Karl. Very informative.

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“… the US’s rabid dog in the region.”

Negotiating with or appeasing a rabid dog is pointless and counterproductive, self-defeating. Such a dog has the paradoxical rage of a decorticate animal. Its rage is provoked by anything, everything, simply living. [Physiologists studying classical conditioning early last century found paradoxical rage to be a consequence of excising the cortices of dogs.]

Deal with a rabid dog and its paradoxical rage by removing it from its life so that its subcortical experience won’t trigger its interminable, universal rage. Zion must be eliminated, replaced by a unitary self-governing Palestinian state, inhabited by any who accept its regulation, through agreed constitution and laws.

A social equivalent of paradoxical rage is blood feud: compulsive alternate exchanges of atrocities, each provoking the next. The imagined, rhetorical atrocities against it confabulated by one party serves to provoke it into getting its retaliation in first, thus prevailing against the provisional, purported, anticipated atrocity by the other - avenge in advance. Faith in paranoia leads to ubiquitous omens, presages, magical signs of threat occurring everywhere you attend to.

The appropriate response to atrocities is neutralising the means of committing them. Demilitarisation and deNazification, also deZionisation. “The Resistance will be victorious.”

The unity of Islamic nations may include nations which act as if they were muslim, thereby being consistent with the mutualist Chinese proposal of win-win international cooperation.

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14 hrs agoLiked by Karl Sanchez

Nice to read the philosophy for a practical peace unaltered.

Thanks for the insight.

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International day of non-compliance, TODAY, from midday. For Palestine, for Lebanon and for all mankind! https://amillionmarchtogaza.substack.com/p/international-day-of-non-compliance-1bf

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UNDERSTANDING THE PSYCHOLOGY OF EMPIRE FOR 7000 YEARS SINCE BABYLON, PHOENICIA ETC. 7000 years in Babylon-Mesopotamia (5000 BC) & subsequently from its internal wars & ecological desertification with Jews & others fleeing to the trade, resources & people highly coveted LAND-BRIDGE (Shem 2nd born of Noah = 'Semitic' for Levant-Arabia) between the Mega-Continents of Eurasia (Japheth, 1st born of Noah) & Africa (Ham, 3rd born). According to the extensive genetic studies of the United Nations 'Out-of-Africa' research, most of these Mega-continent peoples have ancestry who have lived in or passed through the Palestine Land-Bridge, perhaps least of many the European Ashkenazi (some of my family in 3 branches) who have invaded over the past >100 years.

"LET ME ISSUE & CONTROL A NATION’s MONEY & I CARE NOT WHO WRITES ITS LAWS" attributed to Mayer Rothschild (Thank you for this most valuable warning to whoever)

PHOENICIA The Kingdom of Israel with such as David & Solomon plus City-States of Tyr, Sidon, Byblos, Beirut are part of a 4000 year direct & 7000 year indirect reign over Oligarch colonized empire. There’s a lineage Oligarch continuity of the past 7000 years, which must be understood to understand the coordinated actions of its subject nations such as Israel, USA, Britain, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Canada etc. Today multi-trillionaire Oligarchy can ROLL-OUT such as mRNA, an untested experimental medicine, in over 200 nations within months unimpeded, gives us just an idea of their institutional capture & control.

We need to consider an Oligarchy, which is in control of all conquered western colonies now for 7000 years, created the Sahara, Sahel, Negev & other Middle-east Deserts.

From the Torah story of the Tower of Babel we can understand how the once international written Character Pictorial writing 'Hieroglyphic' system, whereby many 100s of national Phonetic oral languages could converse through both writing & drawing these characters in the air as Sign Languages. Chinese Characters enable the international communication between over 100 East-Asian Languages. On Turtle-Island (N. America) over 100 languages employed a written Character system, now known from Petro-glyphs as well as the North American Indian Hand-talk (Madge Skelly) which forms the origin of American Sign Language & such as Langue des signes du Quebec. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/5-collaborative-language

By 6000 BC Phoenicia (Kingdom of Israel plus city states of Tyr, Sidon, Byblos & Beirut) has begun invading & terrorizing with extractive trade, military & colonists to destroy Amazigh, Imazighen, Kabylie indigenous peoples of the vast North-Africa & their vast tree productivity for enormous food, materials, energy & water-cycle abundance along with vast flowing rivers, lakes & wildlife, all in harmony with nature.

The Phoenician 'Carthage' colony & empire was established near Tunis. Israel's present 'Hannibal-Doctrine', comes from the Carthaginian Leader of that time. HANNIBAL DOCTRINE is based in killing hostages, so enemies have no people to barter with, which likely had Israeli Defence Forces kill most of the Nova Music Festival attendees from Helicopter Gunships & Kibbutzim from shelling & rampant fire into homes

In 1972, a UNESCO researcher spent weeks with me, helping me to understand their research projects on the agricultural origins of deserts worldwide. As Oligarch imposes top-down Hierarchal command & control, then 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') knowledge of alignment with nature & abundance is lost to desertification & institutional controls. Babylon's Oligarchs move to Assyria, then Phoenicia (Kingdom of Israel, City-states of Tyr, Sidon, Byblos & Beirut) where from 4000-0 BC they terrorize & destroy indigenous peoples across the Mediterranean & Black sea (Ashkenaz & Khazaria) regions. Egypt, Greece, Rome, Spain, France, Belgium, Netherlands, British & USA-Canada empires of today are only same $$$ extensions of the same Phoenician Empires. Phoenician terrorism turns the once lush North-African Polyculture Orchards with flowing rivers & lakes into the Sahara, Sahel, Negev, Egyptian Deserts. 3-D POLYCULTURE ORCHARD food trees which are over 100 times more productive of food, materials, energy & water-cycle, than 2-D 'Agriculture' (L. 'ager' = 'field').

SYLVALIZATION (Latin 'sylva' = 'tree'). As empires spread, hungry for the hardwood Oak for weapons of war, forts, arms, ships etc. the main productivity loss is the indigenous, carefully cultivated 3-D POLYCULTURE ORCHARDs of all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' ancestors, which because of: a) Polyculture's 92-98% Photosynthesis compared with 2-D 'agriculture' 2-8% photosynthesis. Agriculture’s all settlers & 1st Nations had left to 'farm' (French 'ferme' = 'contract of servitude by the peasant imposed by the armed aristocrat') b) Deep Polyculture roots descending many 10s of metres into the substrate mining minerals, pumping water, developing extensive nutrient colonies etc. being 100 times = 10,000% more productive than agriculture. Actually, this calculation is very conservative. In my experience with both Polyculture & Agriculture such as a 50 square meter (7 by 7 M) area under the pre-colonial average 100 year old Oak tree produced some 3 tonnes (3000 kilograms) of nuts/year with little labour except bring wastes to feed the tree. The same 50 sq. M of Wheat, Barley, Oats or Rye will produce only 3 kgs of grains requiring intensive mechanical ploughing, seeding, weeding, fertilizing, fencing & irrigation or drainage preparation. c) Polyculture's nearly complete ~95% photosynthesis of solar energy into food, materials, energy & water-cycle, creates an energy vacuum which drives warm moist ocean winds inland. 60% of Moisture transfer from ocean to continent is through condensation of these winds upon quadrillions of square kilometres of fractal leaf & bark surface. Only 40% of moisture transfers as rain-snowfall. 2-D Agriculture only photosynthesizes 2-8% of solar energy, creating High-pressure airs which push wind from continent towards the sea, creating permanent desert. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/b-ecological-design/1-indigenous-welcome-orchard-food-production-efficiencies

"We are the voice of the earth-speaking" (Indigenous saying) Previously during all humanity's worldwide 'Indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') heritage, honoured each other & through each other each complex aspect of the biosphere & 'Wild' (English 'having-will') CIRCLE-of-LIFE in 10s of 1000s of years of humanity's indigenous heritage described here in the interdisciplinary Indigenous Circle-of-Life of vibrant, abundant, distributed wealth in loving societies. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/3-indigenous-circle-of-life

Indigenous ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY worldwide is cultivated in the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village), specialized Production-Society-Guilds & time-based equivalency-accounting on the String-shell Value System (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island, Quipu in S. America & Cowrie in indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands). https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/8-economic-democracy

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As an origin of the Islamic economic practice of Multistakeholder Share ownership, indigenous String-shell integrates 'Capital' (L. 'Cap' = 'head' = 'collective-intelligence'), ownership & decision-making, 'Currency' ('flow' of trade), 'Condolence' ('Social-security' benefits), Mentored-apprentice Educational-'Credit', time-math 'Communication', professional 'Costume' identification of essential community expertise & much more. String-shell is based in the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex with accounting & celebration for all contributions to the collective DOMESTIC economy with industry & commerce as subsets. Recognition-accounting for this core Domestic 'economy' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') centers on the tendency of women (some men as well) as primary care-takers of the home. Unlike most western colonial economies today String-shell empowers women in progressive-ownership of their specialized primarily Domestic enterprise Production-Society-Guilds as well as men for Industry & Commerce supportive contributions.70% of people today live in Multihomes with an average size of 32 dwelling-units = ~100 people, but without our ancient indigenous knowledge about how to collaborate in circular economy. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/1-extending-our-welcome-participatory-multihome-cohousing

REAL WORK OF 'NATION' (French 'naitre' = 'to be born')-HOOD 20% of Multihome-dwellers are extended-families living intentionally in proximity for social & economic collaboration. Multihome-extended-family contribute 2 trillions$ of the most individually appropriate goods, services, sharing caring/year, as Turtle-Island, largest essential Economic sector, albeit unrecognized by government, education & institutions. RELATIONAL ECONOMY merits our contributions, experience, expertise & decision-making acumen. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy

INDIGENOUS CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS are based in loving, intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale, where people know each other & can lovingly celebrate & verify the contributions of all. The ~100 person Multihome & progressive ownership in the Production-Society-Guilds, provides a solid cultural 'FRACTAL' ('Fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole'). This loving intimate level of institutional organization enables indigenous humanity to construct worldwide systems which lasted for many 10s of 1000s of years. 'Exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') Oligarchy with this control of fake top-down metal-coin 'money' escaped west from its destruction of Babylon to control Levant-Arabia (Shem = origin of 'Semite') as the LAND-BRIDGE between the Mega-Continents of Eurasia (Japheth) & Africa (Ham) celebrated & glorified genocide of the people of Palestine-Philistine-Phoenicia described in the Oligarch owned Israeli Torah 'propaganda' book used to institutionally indoctrinate & subdue peoples over these millennia. For 4000 years 'Phoenicia' (4000-0 BC) Kingdom of Israel + City-States of Tyr, Sidon, Byblos, Beirut) invaded, pilfered, genocided & colonized the once 'Indigenous' peoples throughout the Mediterranean (eg. Assyria, Carthage, Alexandria Egypt, Athens Greece, Rome Italy, Madrid Spain, Lisbon Portugal, France, Belgium, Netherlands, London England, USA-Canada & Black Sea (Ashkenaz & Khazaria) in failed empire after empire, destroying economies & biospheres into deserts. The same lineage of Oligarch fake 'money' is always behind each empire. Phoenician Empire cut down of the indigenous Polyculture Orchards for hardwoods to feed weapons of war, ships, forts & extractive & exploitive suburbs of all these regions & created the vast north African Sahara & Sahel deserts where huge rivers, lakes & streams flowed continually in abundance & plenitude by such as the Amazigh. Joined in our Sacred duty to all humanity & all our indigenous ancestors.

Humanity's unity is in understanding & implementing its indigenous heritage of loving law & custom in harmony with each other & nature called in many indigenous traditions worldwide as:


The following description of some aspects of all humanity's 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') peace heritage practice, will give the reader some direction as to applying peace to one's own life. Worldwide 'indigenous' nations cultivated what the 'Haudenosaunee' (Iroquois 'People-of-the-extended-rafters' aka 'Welcome') refer to as the 'Kaianere'kowa = 'Great-good-way-of-kindness' aka 'Great-Law-of-Peace' aka 'Constitution'. The Great-good-way is based in individual & collective cultural peace. In Central America the Maya refer to Kindness as 'In Lakesh' (I am another you. You are another me.). In the Amazon, Aymara, Jamamadi, Apurina nations refer to Kindness as Maloka = 'Longhouse', Indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe refer to the 'System of 100s' for their longhouse & other housing economies. In southern Africa, Nguni people refer to 'Ubuntu' meaning 'Human Kindness'. Eastern Europe Serbs & Croatians refer to 'Zadruga' meaning 'economy of friends', India as 'Swadeshi' (below), China's character for 'money' refers to the ancient indigenous 'Bei' or 'Cowrie Shell', Korea as 'Chaebol' & Japan as 'Keiretsu' referring to 'Family Economy'. All these indigenous practices carry the same 3 indigenous-Cultural-Economy practices of the:

1) ~100 (50-150) person Multihome (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village),

2) Time-based equivalency accounting on the String-shell Value System.

3) Council-Process as a tool for civil relations at all levels, whereby people met traditionally in the formal circle-of-witnesses for such as marriage, business, trade, education, government etc. employing Both-Sides-Now, Equal-time, Recorded (witnessed) & Published (depending whether public or private). South Africa's Truth & Reconciliation, India's Satyagraha, Socrates 'Dialectics' etc. all grow from this ancient indigenous heritage. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues

Peace is established culturally from the person, friends, family, extended-family, Multihome, village, city, region, nation with ~110 nations across Turtle-Island (N. America) organized into ~23 Confederacies, into Continental & Hemispheric Councils.

One introduction to all our ancient ways is called the Indigenous Circle-of-Life, somewhat related to the Medicine-Wheel in simplifying an inter-disciplinary set of Indigenous factors needed for all of us to become whole again. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/3-indigenous-circle-of-life

The mathematics of organization & governance in indigenous society is based in cultural 'fractals' ('fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole'). One can compare this fractal organization with the autonomous organization of the genes, cells, tissue & organs of the human & other animal bodies. Economic Memory with bodily autonomy. Modern neurology has established how each part has both neurons, memory, intelligence & the autonomous mandate to act with their specific knowledge. The brain is considered as one of several body Nexus for the inter-communication of these events & coordinated action by the whole body, often well after the fact. The body is synonymous with the body-politic or society at various levels. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/3-economic-memory

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6 hrs agoLiked by Karl Sanchez

WOW! That is excellent! I especially like your ability to break down the meaning of words. If more people were educated and understood language, it would enlighten them. Thanks for your efforts to educate!

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