Shaking my head...

So much untruth. I remember when Trump was first elected and how hated Hillary Clinton is. It didn't surprise me, actually.

Nice to see the infighting in Europe. I'm so fed up with these colonialist jerks, and the despicable way they conduct themselves with the rest of the world.

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It's likely Canada has a similar problem, https://darkfutura.substack.com/p/americas-super-elite-disconnect

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Yes, very likely.

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Mar 5Liked by Karl Sanchez

Friedman, a man who many of us could love to hate might be having like a canary in the coal mine.

We are finding ourselves in a world that loves hyperbole never mind moderation.

Enough extremism will put an end to it, maybe even before the decade is gone.

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Made the following on the other Crooke thread:

Did you listen to Crooke talk about the EU's dual Bond scams? A hard fall is coming that's somewhat similar to the late 1920s. The Outlaw US Empire strategy is for Europe to buy all the shit the Empire can make, but Europe won't have the foreign exchange to pay or afford to borrow to get dollars; thus, the economic/fiscal boost the Outlaw US Empire thought it would get by colonizing and deindustrializing Europe is going to backfire. Hudson has already talked about that as has Wolff.

That will fuel social unrest. And I know you'll want to read this, https://darkfutura.substack.com/p/americas-super-elite-disconnect

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5Liked by Karl Sanchez

I read it for the second time, with more attention to detail. I big fan of Simplicius I am not.

'Who Rules America' by Bill Domhoff restarted a social science discussion. I told Bill during a conference what he was missing and it was so long ago (early seventies) that I cannot remember. Rasmussen is exceptional. I am a social science methodologist by training with sampling theory, scaling theory and survey research on the list. Non-linear, multidimensional scaling (Russian 1860s math) transitioned me from academia to corporate R&D, resulting in US and International Patents working on the D side. Engineering management of discrete products and transitioning to IT for survival in a US non-manufacturing world is how it ended.

The article substantially elaborates on Domhoff by quantifying and providing more detail on the elite pipeline. It is a scary world, made more so by a preference for memes, IMHO. The world cannot live without sociotypes and stereotypes and with the proliferation of these there is a need for simplification. There will always be in and outgroups in every society and culture as well as social stratification.

Preservation of elite status is what brings about the current cultural and political conflicts. I will have to read up on the current International Econ (never mind that undergraduate degree so long ago) to figure out the EU's threatening transition beyond its political US vassal state. BASF moving to China is a hint.

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There's lots of chatter about major European corps moving to the USA but there's very little evidence, while there's counter-evidence that they're moving elsewhere in Eurasia where the markets are. The Outlaw US Empire is dead market-wise.

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Mar 5Liked by Karl Sanchez

wouldn't that be a shame if the usa was to slip off the world stage in such an ignominious way, thanks to the role of the cia in ukraine?? i say it couldn't happen sooner.. the choice was between freedom, or slavery at the hands of intel agency manipulations and it appears most people wanted the manipulation, as opposed to anything like freedom... well - it hasn't completely happened yet, but we're getting their..

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In Europe the benefits of empire stopped flowing to the population at large and first yellow vests now farmers revolt. The propaganda and misidentification of self interest are failing. Now little Rishi rich is up in arms over George's victory, and it looks like traditional Labour voters could have a real alternative. And how do all these new immigrants to Europe feel ? Overthrowing Gaddafi worked out, just perhaps not quite as expected. All these covert action groups are too in love with Hollywood.

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Mar 5Liked by Karl Sanchez

yes... it is going to take a lot of un brainwashing for changes to happen and the ngos and etc. will be throwing money to point at the wrong cause of the problem - as they have always done...you know - russia and etc. etc. are all at fault... stuff like that... people are easily duped, but galloways win was a refreshing window of change and has freaked out some of the folks in power..

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I highly suggest reading this, https://darkfutura.substack.com/p/americas-super-elite-disconnect

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Mar 5Liked by Karl Sanchez

thanks.. i read it 1 or 2 nights ago.. i am subscribed to that!

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See my comment to james that follows.

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Mar 5Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thanks, Karl. That was a double gem with Crook's insights and retired Lieutenant General Leonid Reshetnikov's 'behind the woodshed' moment for George Burns. Excellent stuff.

I wonder if the Biblical prophecies of Ezekiel 38 and 39 are coming into play now, given that the invasion will come from the north.

Here's Ezekiel 38:14-16

“Therefore, son of man, prophesy and say unto Gog, Thus saith the Lord GOD; In that day when my people of Israel dwelleth safely, shalt thou not know [it]? And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army: And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.”

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News alert: Nuland just quit. The rats are jumping ship.

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What, no dual suicide? Now she's fair game for Russia.

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"Netanyahu has formally declared war on Biden and his campaign for re-election:"

Nutty doesn't need Biden or the dems any more. In fact they are an impediment to his Gaza genocide.

The Zionist Christians & Trump are in Nutty's corner. Not only will they happily fund Israel, they'll stop funding Ukr & send those funds Nutty's way too.

Would be funny to watch the dem meltdown... if not so tragic. Almost enough to vote Biden & keep the funding stalemate going ...

Operative word being *almost*. Still plan to write in my dead dogs.

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