Karl, thank you for discussing a topic that has been confounding me for some years in your usual even-handed way. I now understand much better how "Transism" in all its forms is a uniquely useful wedge issue to our odious overlords. Your historical knowledge is always helpful on MOA. Thanks.
Thanks for your comment. The whole gamut of this "issue" is covering up the real crisis that has allowed it to occur, which is what "Our Stolen Future" uncovers and teaches us. There's an excellent reason that book is compared to Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" for the underlying culprit is the same--environmental pollution by a class of chemicals having little understanding.
Another great topic to shine a light on. Good to remember that this is really just one of several ploys by the RC and their media in the last 15 years or so. Racial and gender division have very recently been aggressively promoted under the guise of anti racism, sexism. The RC would certainly prefer a race war to a class war and it's no accident the race obsessions became main stream in the wake of occupy. The gender war forced on girls at a young age, seems to naturally lead to unhappy relationships, single parent households, and a greater social atomization, which again makes the wage slaves easier pickings for political and economic manipulation.
The outcome of about 15 years of this multiprong divide and conquer strategy is a general fear of each wage slave by the other and a general misanthropic attitude that sees humanity as a whole as horribly evil with no class distinctions.
the graph at the top is very good.. i will check out the link you've shared karl.. thanks for the article highlighting this.. more need to be discussing this..
"Hayes then further attacks transhumanism which I see as another issue altogether."
Hayes is clearly a moron. Transhumanism has nothing whatever to do with "transgender". Neither does it have anything to do with "culling subhumans" a la the Nazis. Wikipedia describes it thus:
"Julian Huxley was a biologist who popularised the term transhumanism in an influential 1957 essay. The contemporary meaning of the term "transhumanism" was foreshadowed by one of the first professors of futurology, a man who changed his name to FM-2030. In the 1960s, he taught "new concepts of the human" at The New School when he began to identify people who adopt technologies, lifestyles, and worldviews "transitional" to posthumanity as "transhuman". The assertion would lay the intellectual groundwork for the British philosopher Max More to begin articulating the principles of transhumanism as a futurist philosophy in 1990, and organizing in California a school of thought that has since grown into the worldwide transhumanist movement."
I would recommend people example the Wikipedia entry which provides a decent history of the concept which stretches back to the 1500's - and even to some of the Gnostic cults who believed it was "better to be God than to worship God". In other words it is a common human desire to not die and to remove the limitations of ordinary human existence. Transhumanism is an outgrowth of that desire.
Wikipedia also notes:
"In 2017, Penn State University Press, in cooperation with philosopher Stefan Lorenz Sorgner and sociologist James Hughes, established the Journal of Posthuman Studies[9] as the first academic journal explicitly dedicated to the posthuman, with the goal of clarifying the notions of posthumanism and transhumanism, as well as comparing and contrasting both.
Transhumanism is often compared, especially in the media, to the Nazi project to improve the race in a eugenic sense. This is resolutely denied by one of the most active supporters of transhumanism, the aforementioned Sorgner: 'It is also false to identify transhumanists with Nazi ideology, as Habermas does, because Nazis are in favor of a totalitarian political organization, whereas transhumanists uphold the value of liberal democracies.'"
I repeat, this has ZERO to do with whatever that moron Elon Musk is involved in, let alone the transgender movement. Morons who don't know the history and personalities involved in the concept since its inception and who only think this is some sort of scam invented in the last twenty years by idiots like Musk are clueless and need to STFU. By buying into that nonsense they are merely accentuating the division between humans which Karl is commenting on.
This is precisely how Power divides people: by hijacking concepts by associating those concepts with either themselves (they know they are disliked) or with previous examples of Power such as Hitler and thus weaponizing them. By buying into that hijacking one serves the interests of Power rather than one's own interests.
Even the great Richard Feynman hung out with the hippy's in San-Fran, and gave lectures at Bohemian Grove;
Hiippy-Dippy 'transhumanism' is all about getting laid, talking the talk; Today for Musk, or any of these elite they want to be cool, and they're not necessarily looking for naive little girls, most of the time their trying to groom naive little boys.
The new gal MUSK hired to Run his new Twitter toy, she came from WEF and was in charge of transhumanism; Schwab's been selling it for years;
While MUSK does have pedigree by being an heir to deBeers/rhodes SA/UK anglo-american empire, 99% of these players are just common snake-oil salesman.
I really suspect that MUSK brought in that gal because this is the new 'cool thing', and like Elvis Presley, said when in 1950's asked "Why do you wiggle your ass", Presley, said "If you want to be famous and make money, you got to be different"
I love gnosticism as a kid, ate that stuff up; From a philosophical point of view;
Dealing with the GLOB-HOMO, Normalize-PEDO, and now popular children cutting off their genitals, or even the SCOTUS who can't tell a girl from a boy, its quite simple USA society has gone totally mad, as in insane. Like batshit crazy. Why? Decadence, loss of purpose; A low IQ harelip nation, that lost its compass post WW2, certainly the CIA's MK-ULTRA programming help it along.
The history of Schwab & WEF, its a party, & its an epstein style sexual blackmail OP
In summary, the truth is ROCKEFELLER REGIONALISM, and the GOAL's of 1950's and why did he bring in the +2000 NAZI-HOMO"s to redesign the USA, exactly was we see to make the place bat-shit crazy, so per his annual SITREP "Deagel-Report" they could reduce the USA population by 2025, and they are on schedule
**IF** there's a God that made all things, then it made all things. It's not a matter of logic; rather, it's a matter of belief.
In the case of animals that are masculinized or feminized while in the womb, it's a completely natural phenomena that too many don't know about, which was the main point of the essay. Either you'll want to learn how that happens and what's been added to our ecosystem that makes it even more prevalent, or you don't and won't. The links to the information are there for a reason.
Karl, I wasn't the critiquing the article.. just your naturalists belief that there is no God. I am in agreement with you on the hormonal imbalances and that have been man-made is spot on.
Your obviously a naturalists and that is your belief...so would you agree **IF** there is a Mother Earth or evolution then these made beastialists, murders, pedos, et al??
If one doesn't accept the need for an entity to have created the universe and all within it, then the alternative is for all that to have appeared naturally as a product of what we humans call Nature. Thus, the deviants you list are products of society, not of Nature per se. The question thus becomes, is it possible for society to purge itself of deviants provided society deems that a worthy project? IMO, Western society hasn't made any real effort to purge deviancy from its midst, although it has made laws and initiated harsh sanctions on such behavior.
And then we have another issue--what if the behavior deemed deviant is caused by Nature, not society? How can Homosexuality be outlawed when it's a natural outcome that's not an individual's choice?
The "wonderful world brought to you by chemistry" has wrought great damage to humanity and has killed far more than the deviants you list. Many would like to blame Capitalism, but IMO that's incorrect as the psychological drives that cause the problem predate Capitalism by thousands of years.
"the psychological drives that cause the problem predate Capitalism by thousands of years."
It's indeed an age-old problem but no amount of education, money, nor even science has had a cure for it nor eradicate it, that is, without resorting to death or draconian laws.
I'm very glad that people are now openly talking about the glob-homo agenda ran by our CIA, now let's deal with the fact of operation-paperclip, around 1947 some +2,000 homo nazi-scientists were brought into USA to begat NASA, UN, CDC, WHO, NSA, CIA, and every single globo-homo agenda we see today in the USA.
Not sure 'what this is about divide&conquer' these men, from the most early 1940's just wanted a homo-sexual paradise, which means that alpha-men, must go the way of the dinosaur, in their thinking and planning; ( all the fathers of our AI in 1940's, von-neuman, turing, all 100% flaming homo, and funny so are all the SV AI leaders today you can thank inQtel the CIA VC fund that since 1990's groomed only homo's to lead new high tech in SV )
Best place to start is this short history of how globo-homo in the 'west' came to rule the western world, there is good news, Russia, & China are not on board with castrating their children and all this homo grooming crap will get you tossed in prison in china or Russia.
But IMHO, its not about divide&conquer it really is about a HOMO UPTOPIA, that doesn't include binary people.
Why do you continue to defend Lira? and the entire Team-Saker, everyone of the alt-ukraine talking-heads has a path to epoch-times, or asia-today, all CIA cut-outs in ASIA, same people running 'occupy' in HongKong, same CIA that ran 'occupy' in Vancover, BC that begat Occupy-NY.
Lira has all the pedigree, and background and the right schools to be exactly what he is,
You write from the perspective of a warrior which is great, but I don't see any of the limp-wristed members of the alt-ukraine corp as warriors, most look like they never go outside and get some sun, which is the first requirement of a real man.
Secondly the alt-ukraine, is just a take-off of the alt-right, which was created by LONDON, and led by PJ-Watson flaming HOMO, which is the basis of much of the alt-ukraine flaming homos'
While it can be argued that the CIA, and the MI5, and all of the LONDON bankers want to own all the sides, all the debates, and all the talking-points so that no matter which prevails they own it;
Divide&Conquer can be applied from the inside, but from the OWNERS point of view, every group is one of their agents.
To see the big picture you must think like them, like Intels Andy-Grove was fond of saying, you just throw a lot of shit on the wall and see what sticks;
Just like the "LIRA situation", anybody else but team-saker & lira, would be taken down by youtube, but they stay up, that right there tells you that it has NSA blessing, as NSA owns google, which owns youtube.
I will say one other thing your response, which is always your response, your only response; That you always avoid the subject and go straight to personal attack, and re-direct the entire OP.
This is your habit; Personal attacks do nothing to address the issue of "Is it divide&conquer" or is it something else???
You respond like a BOT, based on sentiment. I would even question your prowess as a warrior at this point, given your obsession with defending homo lira, and the duran, all flaming London models for globo-homo alt-right; Lot's of us real warriors know a cuck when we see one, if you really are a warrior then you should stop wasting your ammo on defending common London-UK GCHQ homo-narrators.
Karl, thank you for discussing a topic that has been confounding me for some years in your usual even-handed way. I now understand much better how "Transism" in all its forms is a uniquely useful wedge issue to our odious overlords. Your historical knowledge is always helpful on MOA. Thanks.
Thanks for your comment. The whole gamut of this "issue" is covering up the real crisis that has allowed it to occur, which is what "Our Stolen Future" uncovers and teaches us. There's an excellent reason that book is compared to Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" for the underlying culprit is the same--environmental pollution by a class of chemicals having little understanding.
Another great topic to shine a light on. Good to remember that this is really just one of several ploys by the RC and their media in the last 15 years or so. Racial and gender division have very recently been aggressively promoted under the guise of anti racism, sexism. The RC would certainly prefer a race war to a class war and it's no accident the race obsessions became main stream in the wake of occupy. The gender war forced on girls at a young age, seems to naturally lead to unhappy relationships, single parent households, and a greater social atomization, which again makes the wage slaves easier pickings for political and economic manipulation.
The outcome of about 15 years of this multiprong divide and conquer strategy is a general fear of each wage slave by the other and a general misanthropic attitude that sees humanity as a whole as horribly evil with no class distinctions.
Anything aside from what's actually being done and in whose interest becomes a tool of distraction--everything. The curtain must not be looked behind!
the graph at the top is very good.. i will check out the link you've shared karl.. thanks for the article highlighting this.. more need to be discussing this..
"Hayes then further attacks transhumanism which I see as another issue altogether."
Hayes is clearly a moron. Transhumanism has nothing whatever to do with "transgender". Neither does it have anything to do with "culling subhumans" a la the Nazis. Wikipedia describes it thus:
"Julian Huxley was a biologist who popularised the term transhumanism in an influential 1957 essay. The contemporary meaning of the term "transhumanism" was foreshadowed by one of the first professors of futurology, a man who changed his name to FM-2030. In the 1960s, he taught "new concepts of the human" at The New School when he began to identify people who adopt technologies, lifestyles, and worldviews "transitional" to posthumanity as "transhuman". The assertion would lay the intellectual groundwork for the British philosopher Max More to begin articulating the principles of transhumanism as a futurist philosophy in 1990, and organizing in California a school of thought that has since grown into the worldwide transhumanist movement."
I would recommend people example the Wikipedia entry which provides a decent history of the concept which stretches back to the 1500's - and even to some of the Gnostic cults who believed it was "better to be God than to worship God". In other words it is a common human desire to not die and to remove the limitations of ordinary human existence. Transhumanism is an outgrowth of that desire.
Wikipedia also notes:
"In 2017, Penn State University Press, in cooperation with philosopher Stefan Lorenz Sorgner and sociologist James Hughes, established the Journal of Posthuman Studies[9] as the first academic journal explicitly dedicated to the posthuman, with the goal of clarifying the notions of posthumanism and transhumanism, as well as comparing and contrasting both.
Transhumanism is often compared, especially in the media, to the Nazi project to improve the race in a eugenic sense. This is resolutely denied by one of the most active supporters of transhumanism, the aforementioned Sorgner: 'It is also false to identify transhumanists with Nazi ideology, as Habermas does, because Nazis are in favor of a totalitarian political organization, whereas transhumanists uphold the value of liberal democracies.'"
I repeat, this has ZERO to do with whatever that moron Elon Musk is involved in, let alone the transgender movement. Morons who don't know the history and personalities involved in the concept since its inception and who only think this is some sort of scam invented in the last twenty years by idiots like Musk are clueless and need to STFU. By buying into that nonsense they are merely accentuating the division between humans which Karl is commenting on.
This is precisely how Power divides people: by hijacking concepts by associating those concepts with either themselves (they know they are disliked) or with previous examples of Power such as Hitler and thus weaponizing them. By buying into that hijacking one serves the interests of Power rather than one's own interests.
Even the great Richard Feynman hung out with the hippy's in San-Fran, and gave lectures at Bohemian Grove;
Hiippy-Dippy 'transhumanism' is all about getting laid, talking the talk; Today for Musk, or any of these elite they want to be cool, and they're not necessarily looking for naive little girls, most of the time their trying to groom naive little boys.
The new gal MUSK hired to Run his new Twitter toy, she came from WEF and was in charge of transhumanism; Schwab's been selling it for years;
While MUSK does have pedigree by being an heir to deBeers/rhodes SA/UK anglo-american empire, 99% of these players are just common snake-oil salesman.
I really suspect that MUSK brought in that gal because this is the new 'cool thing', and like Elvis Presley, said when in 1950's asked "Why do you wiggle your ass", Presley, said "If you want to be famous and make money, you got to be different"
I love gnosticism as a kid, ate that stuff up; From a philosophical point of view;
Dealing with the GLOB-HOMO, Normalize-PEDO, and now popular children cutting off their genitals, or even the SCOTUS who can't tell a girl from a boy, its quite simple USA society has gone totally mad, as in insane. Like batshit crazy. Why? Decadence, loss of purpose; A low IQ harelip nation, that lost its compass post WW2, certainly the CIA's MK-ULTRA programming help it along.
The history of Schwab & WEF, its a party, & its an epstein style sexual blackmail OP
In summary, the truth is ROCKEFELLER REGIONALISM, and the GOAL's of 1950's and why did he bring in the +2000 NAZI-HOMO"s to redesign the USA, exactly was we see to make the place bat-shit crazy, so per his annual SITREP "Deagel-Report" they could reduce the USA population by 2025, and they are on schedule
(If their God makes all things then it also makes homosexuals in its image also.)-
Poor logic as that mean God made beastialists, pedophilians, or whatever other abnormalities you can think of
**IF** there's a God that made all things, then it made all things. It's not a matter of logic; rather, it's a matter of belief.
In the case of animals that are masculinized or feminized while in the womb, it's a completely natural phenomena that too many don't know about, which was the main point of the essay. Either you'll want to learn how that happens and what's been added to our ecosystem that makes it even more prevalent, or you don't and won't. The links to the information are there for a reason.
Karl, I wasn't the critiquing the article.. just your naturalists belief that there is no God. I am in agreement with you on the hormonal imbalances and that have been man-made is spot on.
**IF** there's a God that made all things, it made beastialitst, pedophilians, murderers, and the list can go on, right? That was my point!!
Your obviously a naturalists and that is your belief...so would you agree **IF** there is a Mother Earth or evolution then these made beastialists, murders, pedos, et al??
If one doesn't accept the need for an entity to have created the universe and all within it, then the alternative is for all that to have appeared naturally as a product of what we humans call Nature. Thus, the deviants you list are products of society, not of Nature per se. The question thus becomes, is it possible for society to purge itself of deviants provided society deems that a worthy project? IMO, Western society hasn't made any real effort to purge deviancy from its midst, although it has made laws and initiated harsh sanctions on such behavior.
And then we have another issue--what if the behavior deemed deviant is caused by Nature, not society? How can Homosexuality be outlawed when it's a natural outcome that's not an individual's choice?
The "wonderful world brought to you by chemistry" has wrought great damage to humanity and has killed far more than the deviants you list. Many would like to blame Capitalism, but IMO that's incorrect as the psychological drives that cause the problem predate Capitalism by thousands of years.
"the psychological drives that cause the problem predate Capitalism by thousands of years."
It's indeed an age-old problem but no amount of education, money, nor even science has had a cure for it nor eradicate it, that is, without resorting to death or draconian laws.
Except for the fact that the problem most likely didn't exist until the beginnings of primitive accumulation with the advent of settled existence.
I'm very glad that people are now openly talking about the glob-homo agenda ran by our CIA, now let's deal with the fact of operation-paperclip, around 1947 some +2,000 homo nazi-scientists were brought into USA to begat NASA, UN, CDC, WHO, NSA, CIA, and every single globo-homo agenda we see today in the USA.
Not sure 'what this is about divide&conquer' these men, from the most early 1940's just wanted a homo-sexual paradise, which means that alpha-men, must go the way of the dinosaur, in their thinking and planning; ( all the fathers of our AI in 1940's, von-neuman, turing, all 100% flaming homo, and funny so are all the SV AI leaders today you can thank inQtel the CIA VC fund that since 1990's groomed only homo's to lead new high tech in SV )
Best place to start is this short history of how globo-homo in the 'west' came to rule the western world, there is good news, Russia, & China are not on board with castrating their children and all this homo grooming crap will get you tossed in prison in china or Russia.
But IMHO, its not about divide&conquer it really is about a HOMO UPTOPIA, that doesn't include binary people.
Your logic should be applied to the alt community's reaction to the Gonzalo Lira situation.
Why do you continue to defend Lira? and the entire Team-Saker, everyone of the alt-ukraine talking-heads has a path to epoch-times, or asia-today, all CIA cut-outs in ASIA, same people running 'occupy' in HongKong, same CIA that ran 'occupy' in Vancover, BC that begat Occupy-NY.
Lira has all the pedigree, and background and the right schools to be exactly what he is,
You write from the perspective of a warrior which is great, but I don't see any of the limp-wristed members of the alt-ukraine corp as warriors, most look like they never go outside and get some sun, which is the first requirement of a real man.
Secondly the alt-ukraine, is just a take-off of the alt-right, which was created by LONDON, and led by PJ-Watson flaming HOMO, which is the basis of much of the alt-ukraine flaming homos'
While it can be argued that the CIA, and the MI5, and all of the LONDON bankers want to own all the sides, all the debates, and all the talking-points so that no matter which prevails they own it;
Divide&Conquer can be applied from the inside, but from the OWNERS point of view, every group is one of their agents.
To see the big picture you must think like them, like Intels Andy-Grove was fond of saying, you just throw a lot of shit on the wall and see what sticks;
Just like the "LIRA situation", anybody else but team-saker & lira, would be taken down by youtube, but they stay up, that right there tells you that it has NSA blessing, as NSA owns google, which owns youtube.
I praised the application of logic. You respond with mad, repetitive trollishness as usual.
I will say one other thing your response, which is always your response, your only response; That you always avoid the subject and go straight to personal attack, and re-direct the entire OP.
This is your habit; Personal attacks do nothing to address the issue of "Is it divide&conquer" or is it something else???
You respond like a BOT, based on sentiment. I would even question your prowess as a warrior at this point, given your obsession with defending homo lira, and the duran, all flaming London models for globo-homo alt-right; Lot's of us real warriors know a cuck when we see one, if you really are a warrior then you should stop wasting your ammo on defending common London-UK GCHQ homo-narrators.