I hope Hudson and Wolff become a regular feature at Nima's Dialog Works on Wednesdays. IMO, Judge Napolitano's 30-minute format's too short for either, although his chats with Crooke keep growing longer. The key point here is to disseminate this key, swept under the rug, history. One angle that's very rarely employed is to view US expans…
I hope Hudson and Wolff become a regular feature at Nima's Dialog Works on Wednesdays. IMO, Judge Napolitano's 30-minute format's too short for either, although his chats with Crooke keep growing longer. The key point here is to disseminate this key, swept under the rug, history. One angle that's very rarely employed is to view US expansion as the direct result of European wars. Many citizens are unaware that Florida wasn't an original colony but had to be wrested from Spain with an imperial policy that began with Adams, continued under Jefferson, and was consummated under Madison--policy continuity despite very different domestic ideas between the political parties foreshadowing post-WW2 policy continuity. Imagine not having Louisiana falling into Jefferson's lap thanks to Napoleon; how much different would western expansion have become?
Being rabid, the neocons don't know when to stop. So far, the Neoliberal Money Power that backs them hasn't seen the need to halt their actions. But that faction wants to enjoy its monies and the high life it provides that a nuclear war would devastate. So, IMO, it's rather likely they will pull on the reins when they go too far. As Hudson said, aside from nukes, all the Outlaw US Empire has remaining is terrorism.
Along with terrorism, subversion by stoking lies and every imaginable ethnic, economic and religious division has been primary in bringing down target nations: NGOs, USAID and NED and the old standbys Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty and Radio Free Asia as well as the wedge of American culture via journalism, music, TV and Film. A veritable juggernaut of soft power manipulation the effectiveness of which I believes stems from US capitalism's expertise in advertising and emotional manipulation. Thanks for reminding us of Jackson and Florida. Come to think of it the Monroe Doctrine just a few years thereafter stakes claim to the entire hemisphere!
The Monroe Doctrine was crafted by John Quincy Adams who wrote the speech. It's not really a doctrine at all but a series of very loosely connected ideas.
Yes, mind manipulation is an Anglo-Saxon forte that was employed very well during WW1. Then look at Manifest Destiny and other related slogans that came before. As Richard Wolff said, the USA is a savage nation.
I did train as an historian, political-economist and anthropologist, then taught same for a few years--my quad major. The special tutoring I did was the most rewarding as I got to work with a few blind people where I was their eyes for labs and other instruction like describing videos which allowed me to audit the courses while being paid as a tutor/aide. Nice life 20+ years ago.
It would be more correct to say: the USA is a nation of savages.
May I be so bold as to suggest to you that if you have something of import say Karl, that you take first a blank sheet of paper and begin writing? As opposed to doing what you have been doing here.
I hope Hudson and Wolff become a regular feature at Nima's Dialog Works on Wednesdays. IMO, Judge Napolitano's 30-minute format's too short for either, although his chats with Crooke keep growing longer. The key point here is to disseminate this key, swept under the rug, history. One angle that's very rarely employed is to view US expansion as the direct result of European wars. Many citizens are unaware that Florida wasn't an original colony but had to be wrested from Spain with an imperial policy that began with Adams, continued under Jefferson, and was consummated under Madison--policy continuity despite very different domestic ideas between the political parties foreshadowing post-WW2 policy continuity. Imagine not having Louisiana falling into Jefferson's lap thanks to Napoleon; how much different would western expansion have become?
Being rabid, the neocons don't know when to stop. So far, the Neoliberal Money Power that backs them hasn't seen the need to halt their actions. But that faction wants to enjoy its monies and the high life it provides that a nuclear war would devastate. So, IMO, it's rather likely they will pull on the reins when they go too far. As Hudson said, aside from nukes, all the Outlaw US Empire has remaining is terrorism.
Along with terrorism, subversion by stoking lies and every imaginable ethnic, economic and religious division has been primary in bringing down target nations: NGOs, USAID and NED and the old standbys Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty and Radio Free Asia as well as the wedge of American culture via journalism, music, TV and Film. A veritable juggernaut of soft power manipulation the effectiveness of which I believes stems from US capitalism's expertise in advertising and emotional manipulation. Thanks for reminding us of Jackson and Florida. Come to think of it the Monroe Doctrine just a few years thereafter stakes claim to the entire hemisphere!
The Monroe Doctrine was crafted by John Quincy Adams who wrote the speech. It's not really a doctrine at all but a series of very loosely connected ideas.
Yes, mind manipulation is an Anglo-Saxon forte that was employed very well during WW1. Then look at Manifest Destiny and other related slogans that came before. As Richard Wolff said, the USA is a savage nation.
You know your stuff! Thanks!
I did train as an historian, political-economist and anthropologist, then taught same for a few years--my quad major. The special tutoring I did was the most rewarding as I got to work with a few blind people where I was their eyes for labs and other instruction like describing videos which allowed me to audit the courses while being paid as a tutor/aide. Nice life 20+ years ago.
It would be more correct to say: the USA is a nation of savages.
May I be so bold as to suggest to you that if you have something of import say Karl, that you take first a blank sheet of paper and begin writing? As opposed to doing what you have been doing here.
What are you doing here?
It's a troll displaying its level of insipidness.