As always, I appreciate your perspective and candidness. I enjoy reading your ideas and insight and appreciate the crazy amount of effort you put into your work, even if I might not agree with everything you may write.
I am a place of peace, as much as one can be in this world. I've spent too much time learning things that are being unlea…
As always, I appreciate your perspective and candidness. I enjoy reading your ideas and insight and appreciate the crazy amount of effort you put into your work, even if I might not agree with everything you may write.
I am a place of peace, as much as one can be in this world. I've spent too much time learning things that are being unlearned. I am not surprised that so few do not even sense the seismic change that is taking place. I do not fret over them, I do not need them to see things through my glasses. I want to enjoy them for themselves.
Keep writing, you are talented and your insight, as I mentioned earlier, I can't match.
Thanks for your appraisal. Like you, I have a "place of peace" within the Empire. I have the sort of courage Truth provides, while I'm well aware of the system's brutality. My concern is for our progeny.
As always, I appreciate your perspective and candidness. I enjoy reading your ideas and insight and appreciate the crazy amount of effort you put into your work, even if I might not agree with everything you may write.
I am a place of peace, as much as one can be in this world. I've spent too much time learning things that are being unlearned. I am not surprised that so few do not even sense the seismic change that is taking place. I do not fret over them, I do not need them to see things through my glasses. I want to enjoy them for themselves.
Keep writing, you are talented and your insight, as I mentioned earlier, I can't match.
Thanks for your appraisal. Like you, I have a "place of peace" within the Empire. I have the sort of courage Truth provides, while I'm well aware of the system's brutality. My concern is for our progeny.