Thanks, it interesting that Russia is building the country up that helps it citizens and here in Amerika the govt. is doing the opposite.

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Thank you for these informations.

When I compare the planning in Russia to our de-economisation in Germany I can only shake my head.

I thought about moving to Russia or to Hungary, but all I can do is building and restoring Houses, and I have now a Lot of living space for me and my five children, which I cannot move.

So I dexlcided to stay here and help to save our country. I just hope we get rid of those idiots in the government.

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Massive amounts of housing construction is ongoing in Russia with much more planned. I'm still working or the Eastern Economic Forum's transcript, but what I've read so far is an intensive drive to make people and government one: Everything is being done by the people for the people as Putin reframes the relationship between business, workers and government whereby people happen to be the drivers of all three. Here are a few things Putin mentioned that are critically important:

"We understand that success in implementing our plans here, in the Far East, and throughout the country, throughout Russia, depends primarily on people, on Russian families.

"I have repeatedly said that we should not be guided by the old logic, when first we have new plants and factories, and only then we will think about those who work at the enterprises. This logic is not only unfair, it simply does not work in the modern economy, in the economy of the future, which is built-literally built-around a person....

"And I repeat: the integrated task here is to improve the quality of people's lives. This is the goal."

And Putin means all the people. And to do what must be done, all the people need to lend a shoulder to make better living possible for all.

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This is correct and first I must congratulate you on your work. Every piece written with your opinions and the meetings of government, their plans, regional and international forums with links provided is essential reading for outside people looking with interest to Russia.

It is true plans can only be achieved by sufficient people, no matter the investment or technical skills of the organising committees. There are many problems and bureaucracy is almost prehistoric, communication between authorities is a nightmare to this day.

I will share a personal anecdote, of which I am ashamed and very angry also.

I invited my friend who wanted to live in Russia and contribute to her future. Without skills this is very difficult, although unskilled people here are absolutely necessary. Anyway with great difficulty he traveled a long way, at great financial expense and I would also say great personal risk. To fight for the Fatherland and defend our Motherland. Presented at commissars evaluation center. Three hours of tests, passed everything both physical and mental. A justice problem more than 20 years ago resulted in a 20 something liberal psychologist pronouncing him inadequate.

Imagine applying for a travel visa and disclosing this very information, truthfully and unashamedly and being accepted and yet the Army cannot receive him because a girl with tattoos judge it so. A very good quality man willing to invest his most valuable life in return for the opportunity to build our country after he has served in Northern Military District.

He left after one week and there is no more contact, it is even possible he has been detained by the authorities in his country. I am worried, ashamed and very angry.

Ironically they allow Americans with sexual convictions and pending criminal cases to associate with governors of oblasts and become Russian citizens.

Anyway, to repeat, congratulations on your wonderful work. I look forward to your next articles.

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Thanks very much for your response. Substack says I have 13 subscribers in Russia, but you are the first to contact me via comments. I share your lament at what befell your friend, a travesty to be sure. I started my writing project at VK in 2020, a site I still maintain and link my substack writings at for the several thousand friends I've accumulated. https://vk.com/id580896205

In the 1990s, I had an opportunity to travel to Vladivostok with my university's Russian Club but couldn't afford the fares. Travelling to Russia now depends on my wife's career and when she can take 4-6 weeks off to travel. Maybe 2028.

It would be a great service to me and my readers if you could share what Russian language print media you deem worthy. Yes, I mostly focus on primary documents, but that isn't always the case.

Again, thanks for your applause and feedback!! Please feel free to share your thoughts and critiques on policy matters I report.

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I generally follow interfax. It is the Russian analog of reuters. Links to articles in all types of media, including western publications. It is like a breaking news source.

I do read state media, Ria, Tass, but only for short analysis of government plans, forums, state visits and such that are time consuming to read on official channels.

I read also kommersant, izvestia, gazeta, lenta, and some others, but of course only certain things.

Anyway we are all the product of intense social engineering, so I do not have to explain propaganda to you I am sure. We have a lot of liberal nonsense also, RT, well Mrs Simonyan explains itself. There are some good things there, rarely, and depends on the author. For national news, unless it is a synopsis of forums or stated policy, I ignore it.

For a special military operation I follow some local news, news92.ru. It is about Sevastopol/Crimea, like an amateur version of interfax. For maps and daily operations, donbasstoday.ru although there are friends who are better sources.

Vzglyad, vz.ru is also interesting. GRU push information through this media often. As also they use some independents, Boris Rozhin, Mikhail Zvinchuk and Yevgeny Krutikov who is the closest relation to GRU. It isn't always what they say but what they don't, and in the Kursk event, what was contradicted showed that only the Kremlin was surprised. The general staff and GRU were not.

Finally an honorable mention to Dmitri Rogozin, senator of Zaporozhye, for without him we will have Istanbul 2 and the complete surrender of the Russian Federation.

Everyone has troubles in the world and so do we, many.

By the way I almost fogot, because you mentioned Vladivostok, I am sorry you could not visit, and also your article on the EEF, there are some local news to look at, newsvl.ru and vlad.mk.ru

A very interesting article in the former about demographics for the region.

Well I hope somethings are useful and of course, if I can be further helpful then surely I will try my best.

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Thanks again for your reply. I've read some of those you provided, and some are new to me. I've been following and writing about Russian and Chinese development since few get the sort of info I'm providing and without that it's hard to comprehend the sea change happening in the geopolitical and geoeconomic realms. The other aspect I write about is the great contrast in political-economic systems between the Neoliberal West and the semi-socialistic Global majority, while attempting to inform readers about the roots of our current crisis.

Comment and dialog often contribute to greater understanding. Ours is just beginning, and I hope it continues. The perspective you bring will always be welcomed. And I'm certain they'll be appreciated by other readers too.

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Thank you very much.

I have enjoyed the varied content you produce. Your presentation of the social and economic changes to western, eastern/global south geopolitical regions is invaluable. I agree, changes to both poles have been dramatic and fast.

Stability in a changing environment is advantageous.The political-economic sytems of western countries seem disadvantaged by this revolving door of governance.

The future will be interesting to watch develop.

When it is appropriate and there is an opinion, I will share.

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