A great post - it was never easy to discover the rate and extent of re construction in Donbass - this is welcome confirmation that this is proceeding at a rapid pace - and extremely clever of the RF state

This belies the usual Ukrainian propaganda that they have re construction plans - they should have put these into effect long ago, and so made sure that....well it would have gone a long way to encourage integration

Nothing on industrialisation, which is a pity - there were a few glimpses of this from the Donetsk paper you quoted recently – they provide photographs, as the Kremlin does not (I assume from your post, I have not referred to the original

In any case the degree of efficient governance on display is as remarkable as the enthusiasm of the participants quoted

This is indeed high level socialist market economy




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Industrial development was recently noted in the post on metallurgy day where several new and refurbished plants were put into operation. It all proceeds apace as what regulates it most is the security situation as Putin puts it. For some areas, the LOC needs to be pushed out another 20km or so before reconstruction can be initiated. Currently, Russian forces are moving through the mine-belt and industrial facilities that support those operations. It's a very good thing that Russian AD is so proficient at its task; otherwise, we would read of successful Ukie attacks on these refurbished facilities, as you can be sure they're trying to hit them.

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Thanks - this success at reconstruction while the war is continuing is proof of RF solid economy and industrial strength

Also proof of effective AD and military, the first stop for all those storm shadows and drones would be Mariupol hospitals and apartment blocks - so far nothing

I will be reading that Donetsk paper for any updates

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It is enlightening to read of how a region in central Russia has helped out people thousands of miles away from it at the western edge of the country.

“… the Tyumen Region has renovated and re-equipped not only the Krasnodon maternity hospital, but also the city hospital and the children's city hospital. Today we have new equipment that we can use to provide medical care.”

This seems to be a spontaneous act of solidarity with fellow countrymen, demonstrating a basic mutualist injunction: ‘help each other out, don’t do each other down’. It demonstrates the power of gift without obligation, to achieve mutual benefit. It is literally unthinkable for merchant imperialists. Giving freely is tabu for capitalists - there can be no profit in it.

I continue to be awed by the sheer amount of effective work Putin gets through to improve the lives of the little people, all the while conducting weighty affairs of world politics.

Thanks for showing us all this eye-opening material. What is actually happening is more interesting than the paranoid projections of the belligerent enemies of humanity.

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The degree of social solidarity within Russia is off the charts as the Tyumen aide is only one story amidst thousands. One of the affects on me in monitoring these events is their reinforcing my faith in the ability of humans to act together for the greater good without being prodded to do so. There's a concept I was introduced to while following all this: Small nation and Big nation that relates to your locale and the greater structure that it resides within--how a person develops two loyalties: one to his village/region and one to his nation. When someone declares, I serve Russia, that means both nations--and that's declared more often nowadays.

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Thank you!

Such a personal involvement in infrastructure and housing, hospitals and education culture and sport says a lot about the system and about a great leader.

The reconstruction in Russia is in big contrast to the liberal West, where it is precisely these essential facilities that have been demolished in recent decades and squandered to market forces and therefore destroyed.

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