Yes, Syria's overthrow by the US is sad, but no one in the entire world had the billions if not trillions it would've taken to stop it. For many years US ran the 17 nation "Timber Sycamore" multi billion dollar weapons trafficking operation into Syria to remove Assad. Russia certainly didn't have the money to compete with that. Fledgling Russia was plundered and left for dead in 1990s by laughing US fat cats. In 1993 Yeltsin had to bomb parliament to remove the Communists who were trying to take the government back. No one ever mentions this or that Communists still show up in Russian elections. Russia was at death's door when in 2000 Mr. Putin went to work to save his country and has done a great job. In the meantime, the US has stopped being a country, exists only as a US taxpayer funded war machine by inventing a big, bad enemy. For 80+ years the US has used USSR, then Russia, as the excuse to enslave US taxpayers and garrison the world for continuous genocide. From WWII to 2021 US attempted to overthrow 57+ countries. US fat cats tell you Russia is a rundown gas station. The next day they tell you it's a big scary enemy.

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thanks karl.... looking at those huge meeting tables drives me a big wingy... they are an insane length.. if it had a fascinating russia or belarus spread of food, i might look at it differently, lol..

he has made a key statement here as i see it - "By this time, according to our preliminary calculations, we will start mass production." - does that mean that in other words, mass production of this new weapon of russia is not happening yet?? that is how i would read the statement... but perhaps i am reading too much into putins statement here..

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It’s probably missing the verb “have”. Thanks for taking the time to read what’s essentially an inconsequential article.

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