We'll see. Last couple of years over a half a million Slavs killed, double that seriously injured, and now tens of thousands in Gaza and West Bank. No end yet in sight. And, just speaking for myself, I really don't know the source. There are several apparent sources, but when you look closely it is hard to be sure about them. For example…
We'll see. Last couple of years over a half a million Slavs killed, double that seriously injured, and now tens of thousands in Gaza and West Bank. No end yet in sight. And, just speaking for myself, I really don't know the source. There are several apparent sources, but when you look closely it is hard to be sure about them. For example, one can say 'the US' but when you look closely it's very hard to say exactly what that is and who is leading it to what ends? I used to think I had a fairly good idea; now am baffled.
Surely, there is no mystery? Both crises are caused by the imperialists: the war in Ukraine is a US war, that is obvious enough, aimed at weakening, then breaking up Russia in order to reclaim an unchallenged geo-strategic hegemony. That is hardly controversial it has been the explicit policy of the US since the 1990s.
As to the matter of genocide in Gaza, I note that you insist that the Palestinians shoulder a portion of the blame. Wrongly. Again the US is entirely to blame in continuing to pursue the Anglo French policy of employing settler colonists to form a strategic base.
It has been clear since Jabotinsky (see there Meysann piece) allied zionism with Mussolini, who became its state sponsor between the wars, that the Zionists had formed an broad alignment of obscurantists nutcases in the Judaic community and racists at a time when the racism of imperialism was at boiling point as Hitler sought to cleanse Germany 'ethnically' while killing thirty million slavs in his campaign to reclaim the living space occupied by untermemschen for the master race.
The United States is the epicentre of racist theory and the continuing inspiration of all who, like the zionists, justify their greed for other peoples' land and resources to augment their wealth.
I don't know what 'the US' means. I don't know who runs that country and what their agenda is.
I didn't blame the Palestinians but the World Order which, whilst creating the United Nations after WWII, first used it to create Israel without clear political and territorial parameters and also failed to also create a Palestinian State. This started before the 1940's with bilaterial negotiations and murky treaties (Balfour agreement etc.) so basically this has been ongoing for about a century with the Palestinians being abused every step of the way. The World Order, which includes Russia and China, not only the wicked US and Israel, is responsible for this. In other words, I'm not letting Russia and China, who sit on the UNSC and agreed to this rotten configuration from the get-go, off the hook. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
That Voltaire piece was revealing. For one thing, I didn't realize that his grandfather was involved back then. For another it leads me further along the path of believing - though not knowing - that much about the heavy lifting in the internationalist financial sphere, which birthed Zionism and Israel, although comprising mainly Jewish individuals, is a distinct, almost Satanic movement which thrives on corrupting and twisting that which is basically set up and normal - like typical nation states etc. - and turning them into distorted, ugly parodies of themselves. I am coming also to a general impression, perhaps belief, that this sort of dynamic is inevitable in any human collective dynamic and thus the single most important element in any political system has to be how the norms are established (ideally around basically good principles of course) and then how the inevitable corruptors are managed; without such abilities that society is doomed to rot from within.
If one cares about the working class, for example, the solution is not to simply turn everything upside down and put them in charge. All that happens then is that a new configuration forms within a few months, years or decades with more or less the exact same problems. There will always be higher and lower classes in any group of human beings (or animals); the trick is to make them work well together and that involves establishing and maintaining wise, compassionate cultures.
The current world order created Israel and has allowed its abuse of Palestinians to continue for almost a century. Naturally, this is not the only bad thing that has been and is going on, however it is the single most glaring failure of an organized attempt to prevent that sort of thing, namely via the newly formed (and already corrupt) United Nations after WW II. So I remain unconvinced that the World Order leadership class is any good. Maybe that will change with the multipolarists but I'll believe it only when I see it - if I live that long.
"The United States is the epicentre of racist theory and the continuing inspiration of all who, like the zionists, justify their greed for other peoples' land and resources to augment their wealth." Maybe you are right, but I think the same gang that has captured 'the US' is also in charge in many other areas. I also think most of the 'US' is actually people who hate what is going on and want it to change. But that brings us back to the beginning: I have no idea any more what the term 'US' means. I think it's a failed republic run by criminal cartels. It has almost nothing to do with its citizenry so I think you should use a different term like 'US Elites' or some such otherwise it feels like you are lumping the entire population into the evil that their Empire promulgates. That said, on the upper levels, I don't see any difference between Israel, UK, US, France etc. and certain factions within Russia and China. They all operate in a realm which we on the street level do not see and so cannot understand. For this reason, I increasingly find terms like 'the US' meaningless.
You can hardly blame the Peoples Republic of China for decisions that the UNSC took in 1948.
As to the USA it is very well understood, by yourself as well as the rest of us, what that is: it is the state with Washington DC as its capital city which has been pursuing remarkably consistent policies since the 1890s with Mr Hay at State.
As to the dynamics behind human behaviour examine the idea that this is a capitalist world system and has been for a long time.
They are on the UNSC. They are to blame as well. It's that simple.
You may understand the US since the 1890s but I simply don't. Was the JFK who was shot to death in part by operatives within the State apparatus part of that same US or its enemy or were his killers the enemy? And are those who did the killing part of the group who have now captured the country or not? Or do you not feel the country has been captured? I have no idea any more which is perhaps the main reason why I decided not to retire in Canada or US. Both nations - in very different ways - are part of the Empire of Lies. I prefer the openly corrupt and confused nation of Mexico mainly because, since am a foreigner, I make no attempt to understand it and have no history or expectations which end up being confused or disillusioned. I went back to London last year for ten days or so. Much is familiar but much is not. To me it's like a bad or half-remembered dream. I doubt shall ever return. America is the same for me. I don't know what it is any more and prefer to remain away.
I also don't know what 'capitalism' is and regard the term mainly as a deception-laden materialist mind-trick, as is communism. But if it has explanatory power to you, fair enough. To me it's meaningless jargon.
We'll see. Last couple of years over a half a million Slavs killed, double that seriously injured, and now tens of thousands in Gaza and West Bank. No end yet in sight. And, just speaking for myself, I really don't know the source. There are several apparent sources, but when you look closely it is hard to be sure about them. For example, one can say 'the US' but when you look closely it's very hard to say exactly what that is and who is leading it to what ends? I used to think I had a fairly good idea; now am baffled.
Surely, there is no mystery? Both crises are caused by the imperialists: the war in Ukraine is a US war, that is obvious enough, aimed at weakening, then breaking up Russia in order to reclaim an unchallenged geo-strategic hegemony. That is hardly controversial it has been the explicit policy of the US since the 1990s.
As to the matter of genocide in Gaza, I note that you insist that the Palestinians shoulder a portion of the blame. Wrongly. Again the US is entirely to blame in continuing to pursue the Anglo French policy of employing settler colonists to form a strategic base.
It has been clear since Jabotinsky (see there Meysann piece) allied zionism with Mussolini, who became its state sponsor between the wars, that the Zionists had formed an broad alignment of obscurantists nutcases in the Judaic community and racists at a time when the racism of imperialism was at boiling point as Hitler sought to cleanse Germany 'ethnically' while killing thirty million slavs in his campaign to reclaim the living space occupied by untermemschen for the master race.
The United States is the epicentre of racist theory and the continuing inspiration of all who, like the zionists, justify their greed for other peoples' land and resources to augment their wealth.
I don't know what 'the US' means. I don't know who runs that country and what their agenda is.
I didn't blame the Palestinians but the World Order which, whilst creating the United Nations after WWII, first used it to create Israel without clear political and territorial parameters and also failed to also create a Palestinian State. This started before the 1940's with bilaterial negotiations and murky treaties (Balfour agreement etc.) so basically this has been ongoing for about a century with the Palestinians being abused every step of the way. The World Order, which includes Russia and China, not only the wicked US and Israel, is responsible for this. In other words, I'm not letting Russia and China, who sit on the UNSC and agreed to this rotten configuration from the get-go, off the hook. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
That Voltaire piece was revealing. For one thing, I didn't realize that his grandfather was involved back then. For another it leads me further along the path of believing - though not knowing - that much about the heavy lifting in the internationalist financial sphere, which birthed Zionism and Israel, although comprising mainly Jewish individuals, is a distinct, almost Satanic movement which thrives on corrupting and twisting that which is basically set up and normal - like typical nation states etc. - and turning them into distorted, ugly parodies of themselves. I am coming also to a general impression, perhaps belief, that this sort of dynamic is inevitable in any human collective dynamic and thus the single most important element in any political system has to be how the norms are established (ideally around basically good principles of course) and then how the inevitable corruptors are managed; without such abilities that society is doomed to rot from within.
If one cares about the working class, for example, the solution is not to simply turn everything upside down and put them in charge. All that happens then is that a new configuration forms within a few months, years or decades with more or less the exact same problems. There will always be higher and lower classes in any group of human beings (or animals); the trick is to make them work well together and that involves establishing and maintaining wise, compassionate cultures.
The current world order created Israel and has allowed its abuse of Palestinians to continue for almost a century. Naturally, this is not the only bad thing that has been and is going on, however it is the single most glaring failure of an organized attempt to prevent that sort of thing, namely via the newly formed (and already corrupt) United Nations after WW II. So I remain unconvinced that the World Order leadership class is any good. Maybe that will change with the multipolarists but I'll believe it only when I see it - if I live that long.
"The United States is the epicentre of racist theory and the continuing inspiration of all who, like the zionists, justify their greed for other peoples' land and resources to augment their wealth." Maybe you are right, but I think the same gang that has captured 'the US' is also in charge in many other areas. I also think most of the 'US' is actually people who hate what is going on and want it to change. But that brings us back to the beginning: I have no idea any more what the term 'US' means. I think it's a failed republic run by criminal cartels. It has almost nothing to do with its citizenry so I think you should use a different term like 'US Elites' or some such otherwise it feels like you are lumping the entire population into the evil that their Empire promulgates. That said, on the upper levels, I don't see any difference between Israel, UK, US, France etc. and certain factions within Russia and China. They all operate in a realm which we on the street level do not see and so cannot understand. For this reason, I increasingly find terms like 'the US' meaningless.
You can hardly blame the Peoples Republic of China for decisions that the UNSC took in 1948.
As to the USA it is very well understood, by yourself as well as the rest of us, what that is: it is the state with Washington DC as its capital city which has been pursuing remarkably consistent policies since the 1890s with Mr Hay at State.
As to the dynamics behind human behaviour examine the idea that this is a capitalist world system and has been for a long time.
They are on the UNSC. They are to blame as well. It's that simple.
You may understand the US since the 1890s but I simply don't. Was the JFK who was shot to death in part by operatives within the State apparatus part of that same US or its enemy or were his killers the enemy? And are those who did the killing part of the group who have now captured the country or not? Or do you not feel the country has been captured? I have no idea any more which is perhaps the main reason why I decided not to retire in Canada or US. Both nations - in very different ways - are part of the Empire of Lies. I prefer the openly corrupt and confused nation of Mexico mainly because, since am a foreigner, I make no attempt to understand it and have no history or expectations which end up being confused or disillusioned. I went back to London last year for ten days or so. Much is familiar but much is not. To me it's like a bad or half-remembered dream. I doubt shall ever return. America is the same for me. I don't know what it is any more and prefer to remain away.
I also don't know what 'capitalism' is and regard the term mainly as a deception-laden materialist mind-trick, as is communism. But if it has explanatory power to you, fair enough. To me it's meaningless jargon.