Aug 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

good commentary of yours at the end karl.. thanks... lavrov continues to articulate ( extremely well) the exact situation-problem and what the world is dealing with here.. thanks for sharing this..

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Aug 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thanks Karl, I have a lot of respect for what he answers but it bothers me that he still talks about “Israeli partners”: “Our Israeli partners should have avoided such statements, which smack of a completely different ideology, from which the Jews themselves suffer”

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To add to james's comment, Russia's long used the term partners to try and note the change in position between the West and Russia post-USSR, but it hasn't worked very well since the West has continued its duplicity towards Russia. Instead of partners, the true form of relations is that of antagonists, with the West being aggressive while Russia has mostly remained passive, with that passivity mistaken as weakness.

A full generation has come of age since the Neoliberal Rape of Russia began in 2002 and it's now tasked with both defending Russia and its rejuvenation demographically--huge tasks--and Putin knows very well what he's asking.

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Aug 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

All men are brothers/partners.

I think it is that sense that the word is employed by Putin and Lavrov who also, (unironically), talk of their American and British partners.

An alternative explanation would be the Russian sense of humour which, as any student of literature will agree, is highly developed and sophisticated.

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Aug 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

it is 'diplomacy'... he is very clear about how wrong they are in spite of his diplomacy..

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Aug 29Liked by Karl Sanchez

In this context, this article is recommended as a supplement.


However, the debt problem and the risk of the fiat money bubble bursting also play an absolutely crucial role in the background. They are working flat out to enforce full control over cryptocurrencies and introduce the CBDC. The warlike activities of the West are very much influenced by this.

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Just noticed you referenced a book called "British Policy Towards Syria and Palestine, 1906–1914" over at MoA but couldn't find a download location. It's here at Anna's Archive:

British Policy Towards Syria and Palestine, 1906–1914


Might want to pass that along to MoA.

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Thanks RSH!

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28Liked by Karl Sanchez

"the Charter of Paris for a New Europe" - to have double standards in France = avoir deux poids, deux mesures.

"Today Telegram tomorrow the World"

The mighty Micron looking for a new wonder waffen perhaps? As Mr Crooke observed, the main weapon of 'the West' focuses on control of the information space not the actual the battlefield or military logistics.

Nice to hear from an adult now and again that cuts through the chatter of the playground diplomacy of the Collective Wasters.

Good to see there is direct contact with Yemen via the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Shah al-Zindani as well.

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90 years of diplomatic relations.

Another excellent downloadable book, "The Hundred Years War On Palestine: A History Of Settler Colonial Conquest And Resistance," https://archive.org/details/100yearswarpalestine/page/n14/mode/1up

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