Really good article , from a very young living under the dark shadows of the Cold War. I used to think all that money being spent on weapons didn't make sense. I didn't have a clue why my side was enemies with the other side. As far as I knew it was the Germans & the Japanese. Who we'd been fighting in the most recent World War. So if we could be friends with them again. Surely it would be easier to make friends with the other side. Who were on our side in the last World War. I just couldn't understand it. Then some advert would come on TV asking all of us very poor people to help raise funds for some poor Africans suffering from starvation. The innocent mind of a primary school kid. Not understanding how the World works. Although my mind lost it's innocence as I grew up. My thoughts on being friends with the other side only grew stronger. My anti war beliefs became in a bond. With my nuclear disarmerment beliefs. I was born & raised in the most socialist region in my country. But I was definitely leaning towards the communist side of socialism. Which leads to admiration of the Chinese model. Encouraging it's talented to go & make their business as profitable as possible. Bringing wealth into China. The talented get their financial rewards. But not obscene amounts they could never spend in a thousand years. Those obscene amounts. Go into R&D to make their product even better. Go into the countries infrastructure. Everyone benefits. The other positive results are, their products keep getting better at a quick rate, more profits made. More internal development. Spread your internal wealth into developing countries. Helping them prosper. Creating more people with more wealth. To trade with China. Bringing more money into China. As opposed to a tiny minority having that much wealth it's useless. It's a no brainier.

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You'd think "it's a no brainer," but for many millions it's very complicated and not at all clear. Why that is provokes the question. There's a contradiction where two belief systems clash within Western society--a community of all contributing to the benefit of all versus the promotion of the individual as the #1 goal--get as high as you can in the hierarchy regardless the means for its that goal which is most important.

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Thank you Karl. The civilisation states have amply demonstrated the absolute advantage of the centrality of government and state sector as the cornerstone of social cohesion. The role of the generous and farsighted ruler is a solid component of the folklore and history of their societies and aspirations. Today's Russia and China and Vietnam show the way in which this strong and compassionate centre can carry and uplift the people's economy and wellbeing.

The West can only lead through brutality in its economy and military. The West does genocide and ethnic cleansing on an unrelenting scale and exhibits its anathema to the rest of the world on a daily basis.

Many nations observe the transformations in these civilisation states and seek to adapt that path in the interests of their political survival and society wellbeing. They can clearly see the precarious depravity of the western path.

The last two decades has seen the rapid resurgence of the east and south to overtake the western venal system with a modern invigorated Confucian style. So it goes and it is a pleasure to observe.

Meanwhile we get to see contrived pantomimes like the recent whitehouse spectacle that was clumsily designed to divert attention while the new USA Thiel deep state lets go of the tar baby in Europe so it can butcher the tar baby in Palestine, Iran and China. What can I say but the year of the snake will be clarifying it seems.

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I just wrote a short reply at MoA complements what you wrote:

Thanks for your reply. Yes, political continuity is a vital component of the traditional conservatism that forms the basis for both Russian and Chinese political philosophy. Harmony cannot exist within chaos and its discontinuity. The idea is to build upon what works best, and as Xi puts it, to continue to modernize, to keep improving, to not be satisfied with where you are because there's always room for improvement. Humans are imperfect, but that doesn't mean perfection can't or shouldn't be sought. IMO, the main difference between Eastern and Western thinking is the East touts self-improvement through introspection while the West touts becoming dominant over others. For example, Europe would have known peace instead of continual war if the tenets of Christianity were followed from roughly 800AD until now. When the West looked East, it claimed to see Oriental Despotism, but what it really saw was its own projection. Yes, the East suffered its own contradictions when it deviated from its traditional pathway. China's Civil War can be seen in that light.

Will Humanity mature and evolve beyond its barbarous infancy? Perhaps.

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A concise and lucid article bracketing Pepe’s insightful analysis, with quotes from Liang Wenfeng.

Your point here about western Christendom’s loss of sway — at least to me — is a critical (perhaps the critical) conundrum that few wish to discuss. The answer would explain why western societies today have no spiritual core comparable to either the vast history of Chinese thought or to the more recent Russian cultural values. I took a course in college where we studied just four European novels: Brothers Karamazov, Magic Mountain, Ulysses and Remembrance of Things Past. The Dostoevsky was incomparably the greatest of the four — I still recall the tears I shed for Aloysha. In Remembrance, the protagonist’s description of his grandmother’s death was also deeply moving. The other two novels were interesting, but essentially intellectual exercises (of a high order) in no way equal to Dostoevsky, Turgenev or Tolstoy.

Of course, as I’ve written before, the decline of Christian values in western societies I think can be directly correlated to the rise in “another” value system.

Have you seen Ne Zha2? A fascinating animated film showing the persistence of traditional Chinese history and values even in popular culture. Amid the dazzling animation, there are many moral and adult themes which are presented to moving effect.

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No, have yet to watch. I have a very different take on Christianity and Western religion as a whole that I might write about sometime, but that essay would be a novella. And yes, very few in the West want to confront the big hole in the bottom of their "values bucket."

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Sanctions and tariffs are defensive tactics. You can't win by defense only and America has no vision for success. They haven't even defined success, as the Chinese do every 10 years.

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So far there's the goal of defeating the deep state, at least the one run by democrats who are coded as "globalists" with WEF alignments. Getting structural stuff like education and better social relations is such a large project that I don't see how there's room to mount some effective boost to industrial competitiveness; given that it's a system inured to subsidies as grift. Changing the mindset and values leads to better plans of action. At the moment there are so many barriers and weight of history that a "realist" position is to believe its doomed to failure. Trump doesn't have the time that Putin had in re-setting Russia's course.

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As you allude, the forces at work differ, but Russia was in a much better moral position to rebound.

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Slashing USAID earmarked for regime-change & colour revolution in my book is visionary.

The beneficiaries will now have to look for other work, honest work.

I say thank God that DJT defeated KH otherwise the flow of funds for nefarious purposes would've doubled or increased exponentially.

Now if they can put Samantha Power behind bars for treason and she squeals like the pig she is then great.

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Video from Zelensky's twitter page if anyone wants to see US Senators gushing over Zelensky at a 2/28 DC meeting/pep rally prior to Oval Office with Trump. The bottom line is that everyone wants to know if US taxpayers will continue to be at disposal of the world per 1945 post WWII "global security architecture." US Senators from "both" parties would be irrelevant if they couldn't deliver US taxpayers to endless wars....https://x.com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1895510194550943828

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It would be an educational exercise to see what each senator got in MIC contributions over their career that might help explain their fawning.

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Don't forget the paid speaking engagements, consultancies, and board positions, these are rewards for exceptional contributions to the "cause".

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They pepped him up with their TDS!

I think Trump laid the trap talking mildly with Atlanticist memes last few weeks.....

I was reassured when Trump said "you are losing".....

The point now: lives on both sides are being lost in vain, no matter how much Atlanticists want to pillage Russia.

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Apologies, not exactly related, but just sharing an interesting take on Europe, the USA and Ukraine and all things connected: https://www.indianpunchline.com/us-puts-firewall-to-protect-ukraine-deal-with-russia/

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In 6 months ? This transformation , speed of change is breathtaking leaving those without a common good will In the dust.

Wonder how this will work out?

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The combined west has been under the spell of WEF/Davos agendas for several generations, and there's a permanent set of institutions dominated by these "programs". And it was all going so well until the "sickness" broke that spell and the corrupt machinations came to light. That, and the west's economic and social malaise in the face of China's dynamism which like magnetic force has turned people particularly in the global south to a better model of being. Now confusion reigns in the west from Europe to Aust. and NZ.

Is Trump at war with City? The fear among eurocrats is that the proxy with might isn't on board, and what to do about it. They're learning that money doesn't automatically equate to power, and they have no money, and no gold. But Trump certainly has the "guns" The money power (among them the Rothschilds) have been accustomed to operating in the shadows, so now what for the creature from Jekyll Island.

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That prompts some musing. Thanks!

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Today, I found this quite interesting: https://thechinaacademy.org/maga-is-in-danger/

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Zhang Weiwei is always worth reading. Thanks!

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Once Trump sits down with Putin he'll see the light regarding China.

Theil too, he'll want to live and enjoy his billions.

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Yes, one can hope.

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Putin's legacy and place in history is cemented forever.

Trump will want some of that.

Of course the Hydra will throw the kitchen sink at him to prevent this but those billionaires who understand that America is in its death throws and their stawk-meerkat shares will go to zero will smell the coffee.

Russia and China are their salvation, major projects to last a hundred years.

Getting rid of Trump would unleash hell in the country Karl which would make the US civil war look like Boris Johnson's covid knees up.

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Vance would then be the agent. IMO, there’s more animus for Musk than Trump.

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I reckon Trump deliberately has those cockroach techies/defence fighting over .gov contracts.

All worthless w*nkers

Between them they're 3 decades and counting away from a hypersonic

Bezos will be fuming watching Musk blowing Trump daily in the Oval Office. lol

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I’ll be traveling more this year giving me better info about life in the Empire.

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For the US, when one door closes (Russia) another opens (China).

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We shouldn’t overlook Palestine as Netanyahu prepares to break the treaty and resume the war. See https://conflictsforum.substack.com/p/back-to-war-netanyahu-cancels-moving

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I cannot find a reputable source for the quote about the Soviet origins of DeepSeek. One possible origin seems to be a Russian satirical site (panorama).

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I cannot see it now, but it was reported on this site : https://globalsouth.co/

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