To deter Congressional minds from thinking about the fact they lost the war against Russia in Ukraine, Trump turned his address to a joint session of Congress into a high school type pep rally complete with a rooting section in the audience as the transcript
Does it not occur to anyone that it's a piece of theatre, a misdirection? The US never cared about the Ukraine any more than it ever cared about any of its 'allies'. Trump is a bully but so what? Every single leader of the US has been a bully and its teacher was the British Empire, the biggest bully of them all. So while everyone is mesmerised by Trump's theatrics the business of Empire goes on.
Starmer and Macron in turn seem to think they can bully Trump into giving them cover for going into the Ukraine. I really hope Trump will turn them down very publicly and sharply and humiliatingly - that will destroy the rats hopes of fighting on.
Nice people (points to the crowd and does that dance where he seems to milk the air) The people around me are always nice people.
He turns around on the lectern and exclaims:
Today I have ordered my golden initials to be painted in the sky. Unbelievable. No one has ever seen anything like it. Nothing like it. Can you believe it? We are going to build the biggest battleship ever built. It will be so big that we will have to widen the Panama Canal so much that Panama will disappear. We will move its population to Greenland where there is much work to be done. I am going to build the biggest igloos in the world. Nothing like it has ever been seen in the world.
(Trump triumphantly walks around the stage pointing here and there. The excited crowd shouts, USA! USA! USA!) Back at the lectern, Trump leans over the microphone and whispers:
I am going to make America great again... Great again. That's going to be something never seen before, something that no one has done before. Unbelievable...
It's all going to be beautiful. Just like my daughter. By the way, I'd be dating her if she wasn't my daughter. Have you seen her breasts? They used to be smaller but I made them great again. The biggest breasts. Beautiful, just like my beautiful "vaccine".
The Russians have the best AD/MD systems globally and they still have the odd leaker. Perfection is aimed for but is damned hard to attain. What I’m curious about are hypersonic UAVs. Remember how awe inspiring the X-15 was? Has a land vehicle broken the speed of sound yet?
There are two X-15s left, one hanging near the balustrade on the second floor of the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum. Without the X-15 NASA would not have been as successful as it was, for a while.
I try to explain to onlookers what its contribution has been. Dumb looks. Maybe getting rid of the Dept of Education will improve things, although I doubt it. All that woke and progressive stuff has to be replaced with good reading, writing and arithmetic skills. No more Ebonic math, too.
Tomorrow, we have our quarterly meeting with Dr. Hudson where the proposed topic for questions is Trump’s speech. We’ve already conversed some about it and agree there’s not much to discuss. I hope to pull some questions from his chat with Richard Wolff and Nima that will proceed our Patreon talk. BTW, genuine US GDP is about $15 Trillion—the key word is product: things made, not financial transactions, medical expenses and such.
He reminded me of my 6th grade English teacher, monotone monotone monotone, not one iota, not one change in pitch. I have hard time figuring out how he has a cult following, it just doesn't add up
Martyanov explained your point brilliantly in one of his segments about 6 months back.
He said, let's take one product, a tank. no need to go into how fit for purpose they are, but the US & Russia manufacture 10 tanks. The cost of one American tank is $5 million while Russia's is $500k. Total cost of America tanks $50 million, Russia $5 million.
Maybe one day America will produce a hypersonic missile but at what cost?
"We will take in trillions and trillions of dollars and create jobs like we have never seen before."
If this doesn't tell the world that capitalism/neoliberalism is on it's last legs nothing will.
My wife heard something on her Instagram feed about Trump's $5mil Gold Card of which us the public will never see a dime of, well the guy said better yet why not let
american citizens sell their citizenship to whomever for the $5mil and go wherever they decide to go, absolutely brilliant
The Glod Card isn’t for US citizens. Here’s what Trump said:
“With that goal in mind, we have developed in great detail what we are calling the gold card, which goes on sale very, very soon. For $5 million, we will allow the most successful job-creating people from all over the world to buy a path to U.S. citizenship.”
It’s a way for the wealthy to avoid being illegal immigrants. IMO, more people will go to Russia as the opportunities are far greater.
Pulling out of NATO needs more Congressional agreement. Whether it needs approval by Congress is another story.
Too big and too dramatic for that sudden change. He will still manage to get Z killed off. Russiagate, Z helping the impeachment, supporting Biden in the last election would be enough. DJT is genuinely upset with the destruction and loss of life, cf. he Nov 18 speech for starters.
Will there be a rump state of Ukraine? Maybe Putin and DJT to decide, could be Putin alone. Karl has gone to great effort to list the legalities. We'll see how it all plays out.
G'day Karl, that surely will be a prescient comment, what I can't understand is that no one is commenting on The bouffants attack on the jobs in government from the perspective of the sacked employees and the damage to themselves and their communities from this loss of income, also the cuts to services for the poor and homeless which is now a crime in some jurisdictions.
All the hullabaloo about geopolitical possible benefits will be paid for by the Latinos and etc which are The Bouffants war on terror or drugs.
An epochal change seems to be occurring but will it be of any benefit for mankind or the future of the planet especially with someone like Musk etc in the driver's seat.
MAGA is pure pie in the sky but seems to have been opium to some of the masses.
I mentioned some of that in today’s article. Discussed it a lot during the Zoom with Dr. Hudson on Thursday, and it’s a current topic with the wife. The actual number of unemployed is at least double what the government says. Social instability is growing. MAGA—Make America Grotesque Again.
'A thousand points of light,' oh wait, that was George H. Bush. Anti Ballistic Missiles have come back from the seventies. The promises of magic umbrella thinking still work. That Iron Dome in Israel has some holes in it. The Russians have better AD.
Distracting Congress while preparing to cut off NATO is a good idea, all the same. More twists, more turns. In a way you gotta love his deceptions.
UPDATE: The God-Emperor 2.0 obviously knows what he’s doing. We were not the audience. This was about winning over the mainstream, not informing anyone about what is coming next.
"... in genuine terms the US economy was in recession during 2024."
Let me see. Who was President in 2024? Oh! It was not Trump? Quick, change the history books!
Seriously, Karlofi -- you do some sterling work, which is much appreciated. But you need to see a doctor about that Trump Derangement Syndrome. It really is distorting your worldview.
The US has big problems which have built up over decades. A FedGov which spends money it does not have and regulates industries out of existence. The country now has an unrepayable National Debt, an unsupportable Budget Deficit, an unsustainable Trade Deficit, a de-industrialized economy, and a too costly over-extended under-performing military. President Trump is trying to do something about all these problems, with little help from our "elected representatives" in Congress or unelected "judges". He may not make enough progress quickly enough to satisfy you, but -- to quote Chairman Mao -- the 6,000 mile march began with a single step.
My assessment of rump stands. His team has yet to submit a budget and what he’s proposed is unrealistic, and in some cases he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I had zero adoration for Team Biden and opposed them just as much if not more. I also have a good grasp on why good governance isn’t possible within the Empire, and those roots are very deep and go back to the USA’s foundation.
This is exactly right, there will continue to be sideshow bob's but it's clear that getting to the reforms needed won't happen. The periphery of the collective west will collapse first, say Europe, before the US. The hopeless brits still think they can use Australia as a launchpad to subverting Asia, but you can see this is unworkable. I expect Australia to fold like a cheap suit and eventually end up under new management as there are resources to exploit. The US will try some variant of a garrison strategy and drag whatever it can into its orbit.
"The US will try some variant of a garrison strategy and drag whatever it can into its orbit."
I' gave that some thought after Obama. Now that BRICS has grown my two Blocs scenario still stands as possible. Trump's China stance and attitude at the RoW is such that no new Yalta will be consummated. Trump may not be a megalomaniac, but he is a hegemonmaniac.
hi gavin - i don't share your view.. if trump was serious about the debt, the military complex would be the first line of attack.. instead he wants to build it up more... i think karl is very realistic in his appraisal here... if trump would like to change from a salesman to a statesman - i would welcome that.. at present he is too busy puffing himself up attacking biden and the dems.. that gets boring after a while and definitely doesn't put him in good company ... that is all as i see it.. cheers james
"... if trump was serious about the debt, the military complex would be the first line of attack ..."
Did you notice that President Trump had proposed that the US, Russia, and China all cut back on military spending? Of course, being a negotiator, he threw out the figure of 50% -- just a standard tactic to open with an unrealistically high bid. It is the first time in living memory that a US President has called for cutting back military spending!
Let's be realistic -- the main obstacle to reducing US military spending (which we both agree is absolutely necessary) is not Russia, not China. It is those hundreds of unrepresentative self-serving "elected representatives" in Congress. It is going to take a lot of bluff, bluster, & skill to get those CongressScum to agree to any cutbacks. At least President Trump is trying -- which is a lot more than can be said for the previous guy.
Hey Gavin if the US military spending is ten or more times Russia and China's then you see how devious the 50% cut is, there truly isn't anything upfront or honest being done by this administration nor will it ever benefit the people who voted for him but you sure seen enthralled by it, Hope you find the subjective benefits to your liking.
To be fair Trumplethinskin, intentionally or otherwise, has exposed the system for what it is. Had Hilldabeast or Cameltoe been anointed POTUS then The Great Unwashed wouldn't know which lavatory to visit.
I always enjoy your pieces but am going to push back on this one a little, not really disagreeing but adding a little nuance to a few points. Going through the essay:
Wall Street Banks: yes, he didn't name them, but he is going after massive fraud and they have yet to determine (or publish) who is perpetrating all that fraud. (Elon mentioned two days ago that he fears for his life if he reveals too much; he is right to do so). But does the exposure of massive fraud count for nothing in your book?
Palestine genocide: he got a cease fire going there. The Arabs are finally stepping up. Does that count for nothing in your book?
About tariffs and trillions you write: "And whoever his advisor is that said such trillions were possible is just as delusional." Well, I'm no expert but they took in 500 billion the first time he did this, and then you have to add in four years during Biden's term during which most of the tariffs remained. We are over a trillion already. Then because of the upcoming new tariffs, Apple just announced a 500 billion investment, and several other companies together have announced about 500 billion as well. That's another trillion. And that's before extra income from new tariffs comes in. He says many more announcements of new factories etc are coming all of which will boost employment and national growth - more trillions in the next few years. His Gold Visa card for 5 million a pop: if he gets 200,000 people to come in on that program, that would be another trillion. According to Armstrong and Luongo et alia capital flight has already started in Europe and America is the destination of choice for most, not Russia.
In other words, there are indeed trillions that can come from a firm tariff policy.
As to beefing up the MIC, he has already announced that the Pentagon should cut 8% per annum for four years = 32% reduction. Does that count for nothing in your book? Also, his flagship program in the speech was defensive. Does that count for nothing? Nor his offer to China and Russia to cut 50%? Furthermore, ship building is not necessarily military; could be for expanding trade. Sounds good, if you want America to do well. Do you?
I get your critique on style etc., but I think some of your criticisms are a tad harsh, even unfair. All best...
OK< you made me look it up. A President can propose anything he wants as a Budget. But that is merely a proposal. What matters is the Budget that Congress finally approves.
But Congress has failed, failed, failed. Since Congress adopted the current Congressional Budget Act in 1974, it has actually approved a complete annual Budget only 4 times (!). Mostly, those CongressScum fudge it. The last complete approved Budget was in 2019. It is important to identify where the real enemy lies.
Do you remember the Reagan Presidency, when all the barking dogs in the media were happily calling the President's budget "Dead on Arrival" at Congress? It is a good bet that President Trump and his advisers remember that!
We also have to recognize that the principal enemy of the people of the United States (and probably of the world) lies in the corrupt self-enriching scum in Congress. And yet, those unworthy CongressScum have the Power of the Purse. The President has to thread a lot of needles to make anything happen. Surely you understand that reality?
Does it not occur to anyone that it's a piece of theatre, a misdirection? The US never cared about the Ukraine any more than it ever cared about any of its 'allies'. Trump is a bully but so what? Every single leader of the US has been a bully and its teacher was the British Empire, the biggest bully of them all. So while everyone is mesmerised by Trump's theatrics the business of Empire goes on.
Plus sa change!
A cowardly bully. Too scared to go against a strong opponent directly. Even against Iraq the cowards needed 'allies'.
They pick on the weak.
Starmer and Macron in turn seem to think they can bully Trump into giving them cover for going into the Ukraine. I really hope Trump will turn them down very publicly and sharply and humiliatingly - that will destroy the rats hopes of fighting on.
Trump's (imaginary?) speech:
Nice people (points to the crowd and does that dance where he seems to milk the air) The people around me are always nice people.
He turns around on the lectern and exclaims:
Today I have ordered my golden initials to be painted in the sky. Unbelievable. No one has ever seen anything like it. Nothing like it. Can you believe it? We are going to build the biggest battleship ever built. It will be so big that we will have to widen the Panama Canal so much that Panama will disappear. We will move its population to Greenland where there is much work to be done. I am going to build the biggest igloos in the world. Nothing like it has ever been seen in the world.
(Trump triumphantly walks around the stage pointing here and there. The excited crowd shouts, USA! USA! USA!) Back at the lectern, Trump leans over the microphone and whispers:
I am going to make America great again... Great again. That's going to be something never seen before, something that no one has done before. Unbelievable...
Thanks for that! I didn’t have the energy or imagination for such a composition.
Oh no, it's not my imagination, it's almost a carbon copy of what I see.
It's all going to be beautiful. Just like my daughter. By the way, I'd be dating her if she wasn't my daughter. Have you seen her breasts? They used to be smaller but I made them great again. The biggest breasts. Beautiful, just like my beautiful "vaccine".
It will be beautiful. Everyone says so!
The Orange Idiot actually mentioned Shirael's missile shield? The easily beatable "shield" as proven by Iranians, the Paper Dome.
The Russians have the best AD/MD systems globally and they still have the odd leaker. Perfection is aimed for but is damned hard to attain. What I’m curious about are hypersonic UAVs. Remember how awe inspiring the X-15 was? Has a land vehicle broken the speed of sound yet?
There are two X-15s left, one hanging near the balustrade on the second floor of the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum. Without the X-15 NASA would not have been as successful as it was, for a while.
I try to explain to onlookers what its contribution has been. Dumb looks. Maybe getting rid of the Dept of Education will improve things, although I doubt it. All that woke and progressive stuff has to be replaced with good reading, writing and arithmetic skills. No more Ebonic math, too.
Trump will not be able to fool the Russians, just in case he thinks he can. That train left the station several years ago.
Did Trump not see what Iran did to Israel's Iron Dome, and AnsarAllah, Hezbollah and even HAMAS.
For heavens sake Iran, China, Russia all have hypersonic missile, amerika, nope.
As for the GDP, it's basically a made up number. Inflation for us ordinary people rose by at
least 50% in the past 5 years, if GDP was real the 2020 GDP figure of $27.21tril should be $40.3tril
today, alas it's only $30.34tril
Lastly I'll finish this speech has delusion written all over it
Tomorrow, we have our quarterly meeting with Dr. Hudson where the proposed topic for questions is Trump’s speech. We’ve already conversed some about it and agree there’s not much to discuss. I hope to pull some questions from his chat with Richard Wolff and Nima that will proceed our Patreon talk. BTW, genuine US GDP is about $15 Trillion—the key word is product: things made, not financial transactions, medical expenses and such.
He intended to be entertaining and distracting, just like one of his campaign rallies.
It worked. I got distracted and went to bed.
He reminded me of my 6th grade English teacher, monotone monotone monotone, not one iota, not one change in pitch. I have hard time figuring out how he has a cult following, it just doesn't add up
Martyanov explained your point brilliantly in one of his segments about 6 months back.
He said, let's take one product, a tank. no need to go into how fit for purpose they are, but the US & Russia manufacture 10 tanks. The cost of one American tank is $5 million while Russia's is $500k. Total cost of America tanks $50 million, Russia $5 million.
Maybe one day America will produce a hypersonic missile but at what cost?
At what cost you ask,
"We will take in trillions and trillions of dollars and create jobs like we have never seen before."
If this doesn't tell the world that capitalism/neoliberalism is on it's last legs nothing will.
My wife heard something on her Instagram feed about Trump's $5mil Gold Card of which us the public will never see a dime of, well the guy said better yet why not let
american citizens sell their citizenship to whomever for the $5mil and go wherever they decide to go, absolutely brilliant
The Glod Card isn’t for US citizens. Here’s what Trump said:
“With that goal in mind, we have developed in great detail what we are calling the gold card, which goes on sale very, very soon. For $5 million, we will allow the most successful job-creating people from all over the world to buy a path to U.S. citizenship.”
It’s a way for the wealthy to avoid being illegal immigrants. IMO, more people will go to Russia as the opportunities are far greater.
Americans should be able to sell their citizenship i.e. Gold Card and pocket the $5mil themselves
Given the lack of citizen literacy by so many millions. And knowing Trump, that card would only be good for purchases of US made goods.
Which limits us to bombs, RE, Ins, and....................
If that was possible where I live I'd do it this afternoon. And then buy citizenship in the Caribbean for 250K
Thailand trialled an Elite Gold Card many years back. It was a total failure for all of the obvious reasons.
Thai-sticks and Bob's your uncle grr.
I have forgotten about them; Buddha sticks were as desirable as gold in the 80ies lol
good overview karl.. thanks!
Disappointed Trump did not pull out of NATO.
I did not listen, or see. Understand it was mostly a stump speech.
Tariffs are delayed because the Dow drops a point or two.
Good thing Trump is mad at Ze, I suspect the real time targeting data is already resumed.
Pulling out of NATO needs more Congressional agreement. Whether it needs approval by Congress is another story.
Too big and too dramatic for that sudden change. He will still manage to get Z killed off. Russiagate, Z helping the impeachment, supporting Biden in the last election would be enough. DJT is genuinely upset with the destruction and loss of life, cf. he Nov 18 speech for starters.
Will there be a rump state of Ukraine? Maybe Putin and DJT to decide, could be Putin alone. Karl has gone to great effort to list the legalities. We'll see how it all plays out.
Kiev deserves the same treatment as US gave Belgrade in 1999.
Ukraine is no more than Yugoslavia.
I bet Colonel Douglas Macgreggor will enjoy that one.
Does someone have a gif of the colonel doing a face palm?
Heroic peacemaker Donald Trump is "ending" the Ukraine War ...
But only to pivot towards increased American bankrolling and arming of Israel for the Gaza Genocide.
This includes delivering over $3 billion in weapons to Israel like the MK-84 bunker buster bombs that even Joe Biden refused to send.
Trump Sends Netanyahu Weapons While Talking Tough To Zelensky
US shipment of 2,000-lb bombs held up by Biden administration arrives in Israel
Surely, a joint Nobel Peace Prize for Zion Don and Bibi Netanyahu is in the cards?
It’s entirely possible Trump 2.0 could be worse than Biden’s term.
G'day Karl, that surely will be a prescient comment, what I can't understand is that no one is commenting on The bouffants attack on the jobs in government from the perspective of the sacked employees and the damage to themselves and their communities from this loss of income, also the cuts to services for the poor and homeless which is now a crime in some jurisdictions.
All the hullabaloo about geopolitical possible benefits will be paid for by the Latinos and etc which are The Bouffants war on terror or drugs.
An epochal change seems to be occurring but will it be of any benefit for mankind or the future of the planet especially with someone like Musk etc in the driver's seat.
MAGA is pure pie in the sky but seems to have been opium to some of the masses.
I mentioned some of that in today’s article. Discussed it a lot during the Zoom with Dr. Hudson on Thursday, and it’s a current topic with the wife. The actual number of unemployed is at least double what the government says. Social instability is growing. MAGA—Make America Grotesque Again.
Is that a private zoom with Dr Hudson or public, if so could you provide a link please.
It won’t be made public for some weeks. The previous session was just published at his website, so they do take awhile to appear. Here’s the transcript and video,
I’m usually included in the panel, but I missed that session.
'A thousand points of light,' oh wait, that was George H. Bush. Anti Ballistic Missiles have come back from the seventies. The promises of magic umbrella thinking still work. That Iron Dome in Israel has some holes in it. The Russians have better AD.
Distracting Congress while preparing to cut off NATO is a good idea, all the same. More twists, more turns. In a way you gotta love his deceptions.
It’s a pure political theatre few can understand the nature of while its delusions aren’t diminishing .
However some sanity is expressed in dismantling the Deep State.
UPDATE: The God-Emperor 2.0 obviously knows what he’s doing. We were not the audience. This was about winning over the mainstream, not informing anyone about what is coming next.
"... in genuine terms the US economy was in recession during 2024."
Let me see. Who was President in 2024? Oh! It was not Trump? Quick, change the history books!
Seriously, Karlofi -- you do some sterling work, which is much appreciated. But you need to see a doctor about that Trump Derangement Syndrome. It really is distorting your worldview.
The US has big problems which have built up over decades. A FedGov which spends money it does not have and regulates industries out of existence. The country now has an unrepayable National Debt, an unsupportable Budget Deficit, an unsustainable Trade Deficit, a de-industrialized economy, and a too costly over-extended under-performing military. President Trump is trying to do something about all these problems, with little help from our "elected representatives" in Congress or unelected "judges". He may not make enough progress quickly enough to satisfy you, but -- to quote Chairman Mao -- the 6,000 mile march began with a single step.
My assessment of rump stands. His team has yet to submit a budget and what he’s proposed is unrealistic, and in some cases he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I had zero adoration for Team Biden and opposed them just as much if not more. I also have a good grasp on why good governance isn’t possible within the Empire, and those roots are very deep and go back to the USA’s foundation.
This is exactly right, there will continue to be sideshow bob's but it's clear that getting to the reforms needed won't happen. The periphery of the collective west will collapse first, say Europe, before the US. The hopeless brits still think they can use Australia as a launchpad to subverting Asia, but you can see this is unworkable. I expect Australia to fold like a cheap suit and eventually end up under new management as there are resources to exploit. The US will try some variant of a garrison strategy and drag whatever it can into its orbit.
"The US will try some variant of a garrison strategy and drag whatever it can into its orbit."
I' gave that some thought after Obama. Now that BRICS has grown my two Blocs scenario still stands as possible. Trump's China stance and attitude at the RoW is such that no new Yalta will be consummated. Trump may not be a megalomaniac, but he is a hegemonmaniac.
hi gavin - i don't share your view.. if trump was serious about the debt, the military complex would be the first line of attack.. instead he wants to build it up more... i think karl is very realistic in his appraisal here... if trump would like to change from a salesman to a statesman - i would welcome that.. at present he is too busy puffing himself up attacking biden and the dems.. that gets boring after a while and definitely doesn't put him in good company ... that is all as i see it.. cheers james
And then there are the billions of weapons given to the sub-human animals in Shitrael to facilitate their genocide and occupation.
clearly the money will go in the areas he thinks it needs to go.. does it though?? i don't think it does..
"... if trump was serious about the debt, the military complex would be the first line of attack ..."
Did you notice that President Trump had proposed that the US, Russia, and China all cut back on military spending? Of course, being a negotiator, he threw out the figure of 50% -- just a standard tactic to open with an unrealistically high bid. It is the first time in living memory that a US President has called for cutting back military spending!
Let's be realistic -- the main obstacle to reducing US military spending (which we both agree is absolutely necessary) is not Russia, not China. It is those hundreds of unrepresentative self-serving "elected representatives" in Congress. It is going to take a lot of bluff, bluster, & skill to get those CongressScum to agree to any cutbacks. At least President Trump is trying -- which is a lot more than can be said for the previous guy.
Hey Gavin if the US military spending is ten or more times Russia and China's then you see how devious the 50% cut is, there truly isn't anything upfront or honest being done by this administration nor will it ever benefit the people who voted for him but you sure seen enthralled by it, Hope you find the subjective benefits to your liking.
I do suggest you read the transcript.
i agree with you for the most part..
The US has been in recession since I was a young boy.
Mum, mummy, what's my age?
It's not TDS Gavin, it's American Derangement Syndrome, ADS.
Everything's FAKE, boobs, ass, stawk meerkat, news, russian studies at harvard, , food . . . . . .
Perversely everyone should be thanking the fake federal reserve for propping up America, West, for many decades.
Maybe you should have your Trump hero worship derangement checked out.
To be fair Trumplethinskin, intentionally or otherwise, has exposed the system for what it is. Had Hilldabeast or Cameltoe been anointed POTUS then The Great Unwashed wouldn't know which lavatory to visit.
Watching the Euro lapdogs in meltdown is a blast.
That’s the only thing I like about him. As well as the idiocy he spouts from his little pouty mouth.
I always enjoy your pieces but am going to push back on this one a little, not really disagreeing but adding a little nuance to a few points. Going through the essay:
Wall Street Banks: yes, he didn't name them, but he is going after massive fraud and they have yet to determine (or publish) who is perpetrating all that fraud. (Elon mentioned two days ago that he fears for his life if he reveals too much; he is right to do so). But does the exposure of massive fraud count for nothing in your book?
Palestine genocide: he got a cease fire going there. The Arabs are finally stepping up. Does that count for nothing in your book?
About tariffs and trillions you write: "And whoever his advisor is that said such trillions were possible is just as delusional." Well, I'm no expert but they took in 500 billion the first time he did this, and then you have to add in four years during Biden's term during which most of the tariffs remained. We are over a trillion already. Then because of the upcoming new tariffs, Apple just announced a 500 billion investment, and several other companies together have announced about 500 billion as well. That's another trillion. And that's before extra income from new tariffs comes in. He says many more announcements of new factories etc are coming all of which will boost employment and national growth - more trillions in the next few years. His Gold Visa card for 5 million a pop: if he gets 200,000 people to come in on that program, that would be another trillion. According to Armstrong and Luongo et alia capital flight has already started in Europe and America is the destination of choice for most, not Russia.
In other words, there are indeed trillions that can come from a firm tariff policy.
As to beefing up the MIC, he has already announced that the Pentagon should cut 8% per annum for four years = 32% reduction. Does that count for nothing in your book? Also, his flagship program in the speech was defensive. Does that count for nothing? Nor his offer to China and Russia to cut 50%? Furthermore, ship building is not necessarily military; could be for expanding trade. Sounds good, if you want America to do well. Do you?
I get your critique on style etc., but I think some of your criticisms are a tad harsh, even unfair. All best...
My two cents!
As I wrote, I await the budget proposal. All else is hot air until then.
"I await the budget proposal."
OK< you made me look it up. A President can propose anything he wants as a Budget. But that is merely a proposal. What matters is the Budget that Congress finally approves.
But Congress has failed, failed, failed. Since Congress adopted the current Congressional Budget Act in 1974, it has actually approved a complete annual Budget only 4 times (!). Mostly, those CongressScum fudge it. The last complete approved Budget was in 2019. It is important to identify where the real enemy lies.
"As I wrote, I await the budget proposal"
Do you remember the Reagan Presidency, when all the barking dogs in the media were happily calling the President's budget "Dead on Arrival" at Congress? It is a good bet that President Trump and his advisers remember that!
We also have to recognize that the principal enemy of the people of the United States (and probably of the world) lies in the corrupt self-enriching scum in Congress. And yet, those unworthy CongressScum have the Power of the Purse. The President has to thread a lot of needles to make anything happen. Surely you understand that reality?
Well your 2cents worth is worth about that. Your post is full of hopium. Drumpf's speech was full of announcements, ifs, and potentials.
There is nothing concrete. It's all hot air and bullshit.
You are gullible.