Mahmoud Nabavian’s account not only exposes the meticulous planning behind the Islamic Republic’s response but also reveals a resolve

So dadgum true.

What is interesting is that the German foreign minister, 24 hours before the Iranian operation was carried out, called us and was pleading that we not target Israel from inside Iranian territory. He said

Annalena Baerbock?

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thanks karl.. the commentary by navabian 'is' extremely interesting...

i find it also extremely interesting how us, germany, britian and france did not allow a statement to be issued condemning israels attack on the iranian embassy in damascus... why is that???

"China, Russia, and Algeria agreed. Russia submitted the request, and the session was held, but the US, Germany, Britain, and France did not allow a statement to be issued condemning Israel."

until these same countries get back to reality, change is going to be slow and painful... look at that naif macron talking of sending troops to ukraine, because russia can't win! i am sure he feels the same here with regard to palestine... palestine can't be allowed to exist, let alone win.. what a terrible piece of work macron is!!

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By the way, note in the Iran account of their response that the US explicitly threatened to attack Iran directly and only backed down when Iran did not (because the Pentagon undoubtedly knew it wasn't ready for that.) This should put paid to the notion that the US won't attack Iran.

The US very definitely WILL attack Iran WHEN the US can put the BLAME on Iran for that - just like every other war the US has started historically was started over a fake casus belli.

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That's why the Arc of Resistance is so methodical in the strategy it's adopted--they all have greater operational depth than the Zionists.

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Especially after reading the Mint Press report that you linked, it appears that a coordinated attack against Ansar Allah in Yemen is intended to draw Iran into direct participation- remember that they have a sigint ship parked in the area- if it gets sunk or even attacked (probably by an “unidentified” missile, drone or torpedo) then they will respond (tit for tat, as you’ve said) giving the US et al the causus belli that they were hoping for to make war on Iran. IOW, “the end of the world as we know it” I don’t “feel fine” - does anyone?

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Ansarallah will prevail. For it to be defeated, all of NATO would need to be committed to the effort, and that's not happening. No attack on Iran will occur until most of the Empire's sitting ducks are removed, and that's not happening at the moment.

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agreed... not only is the usa non agreement capable, they are liars of the first order..

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Wonderful..really.Loved.it!!!! THANK YOU!

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As in the '67 land grab, the illegal occupier of Palestine is angling to keep the lands it has 'cleansed' in the past months. The Zionist formula for expanding the only legitimate boundary for Israel is bit by bit adding more and more stolen lands and relying on powerful allies and weak arab unity to hoard their wins. That is why there is negotiation shadow play. As I see it, the '67 borders are likely in danger of slipping entirely from the zionist grasp to be left with the real borders of internationally agreed legitimacy:- 1947 borders.

Imagine the loss of face, the turmoil, in the west. Rejoice with the victors in the rest of the world to see such a victory. We humans, for centuries, died hard and fought hard and suffered hard to arrive at the era of the United Nations and we should all lobby hard to keep this treasure independent of oligarch or empire take overs. We see it fragmenting but we welcome the efforts of the free states to keep it alive. I believe most people on this earth would see it survive and continuously improve (and there is room for that, to be sure).

Thank you Karl for the second report in particular. The westies were desperate to avoid a global exhibition of Iran's military capacity. Desperate to avoid their much vaunted protective systems being revealed as nothing better than a swarm of flies attacking a plane. First it was Ukraine revealing the naked vulnerability of western 'weapons' and now Israel has stupidly enabled the second act of this absurd theatre.

But what else are we seeing here? We see an opportunity for a deflection of the USA current attack on the Taiwan people to be used as cannon fodder with their Chinese family on the mainland. If China and Russia do mount some form of peace and stability initiative in Palestine, the illegal occupier and the outlaw US empire+ will be diverted perhaps even out-maneuvered exactly at a time when arsenals are supposedly depleting, resupply supposedly improbable and soon to be called on intensely as Ukraine collapses under the wave of liberation. Simultaneously Iran and friends keep its powder dry.

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Thanks uncle, for your appraisal of the UN. I need to review the history of the UN's creation but from non-US POVs if they can be found. There must be a clue somewhere about the deliberate moves made to continue US Unilateralism prior to FDR's demise. As the documents I linked to show, the Outlaw US Empire's mindset was deep into breaking the Charter and also reworking the Constitution to essentially break it too, which came very close with McCarthy while Ike played golf and allowed the erection of the National Security State which he much too late felt guilty about but has yet to suffer reputationally.

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Manna for the soul, Karl, thank you. We are privileged to witness the agonizing birth of a humane revolution, what promises to be a leap in human evolution.

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Good article. Puts a lot of info in proper context and connects a few dots.

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Outstanding information and comment Karl.

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Two Cradles and a tent:


Not a bad text, I had some issues - but its a good text on the US condition.

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Agreed uncle. It needs greater exposure as I commented and could be terser for readability.

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"the Two-State Solution remains the only legally viable game in town the Global Majority agrees with, crucially including Russia and China."

Who cares? "That ain't gonna happen."

"That leaves it to Russia and China to do the enforcing."

"That ain't gonna happen", either.

I've yet to see anyone come up with a progression of events scenario that would allow these concepts to happen.

What is going to happen is a major Mid-East war with Israel being destroyed militarily and economically and the US losing all control in the region. This war could last years, but probably not as the US will run out of military capability to prolong it.


Exclusive: Yemen Braces For Impending Massive US-Led Air and Ground Campaign


If this occurs - using Saudi and UAE troops as proxies for the US, just like Ukraine; the Saudis are probably dumb enough to go along with this for revenge on their previous failure to cow Ansarallah - the US will be widening the war just as I've said all along is the ultimate goal of the entire situation.

People just don't get that this entire conflict was planned by the neocons and the Israelis to finish off their enemies in the region once and for all before the neocons can pivot to China. That this neocon plot will ultimately fail like all the rest of their plots does not matter in the slightest. They will pursue it regardless of any difficulty just as they are in Ukraine.

Everyone has forgotten that the Hamas response on October 7 was to the Israeli plan to demolish the Al-Aqsa Mosque. That's why the Hamas attack was called "The Al-Aqsa Flood". The neocons and the Israelis INTENDED that response. They just didn't realize how effective it would be. But that doesn't matter to them. They will continue on the current path because that's the only path they know. As Mercouris always says, "they have no reverse gear." Neither does Netanyahu.

So this will continue to escalate until Israel is destroyed, the Zionists and Jewish occupiers in Palestine are driven out, and the US retreats from the region in total defeat a la Afghanistan. Both sides are determined to finish this conflict once and for all.

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While I agree about the neocons, I don't think that the MIC is interested in a war with Iran. The neocons, state department, Biden administration, and the CIA are probably all in agreement on a false flag to provoke a war with Iran, but I doubt that the Pentagon thinks that it's a good idea. There are still some level heads in the deep state, but I have no idea how much influence they still command.

I don't know where that leaves us. Israel certainly wants the US to fight Iran for it (let's you and him fight) but the top brass is sure to know what a terrible idea it is. I suspect, just a hunch, that war is more likely, but it is possible that the US will stay out of a direct conflict with Iran. In which case, Israel's prospects will diminish in lock step with the decline of the west until the country is no longer viable.

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The Zionists will decline rapidly as they're under siege and lack operational depth. Hamas will stick to its platform and is close to aligning with the PA/PLO which will give them more bargaining power because they're now unified. The student protests are now global, will get larger and include civil society and will eventually dwarf the Anti-Apartheid Movement. Anti-Zionism is Pro-Semitism, the Semites being the Palestinians.

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i like the authority expressed via your words richard... we'll see... thanks for the additional link to yemen... that is the first i have heard of that, but it wouldn't surprise me... ritter has been saying for a while how yemen has put to shame this billion dollar enterprise called the usa armed forces..

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