This is no surprise. The EU has been "faking" their alleged attempts to restore the JCPOA for years now, ever since Trump pulled out of the deal. Then Biden came in and "faked" the US negotiations. It's all been a joke since Day One. The deal itself was a joke, only negotiated by Obama so he could have a foreign policy "win" - after everything else he did was a disaster - and he only did it knowing that whoever came after him - whether Trump or Clinton - would tear up the deal.

I have so lost interest in the JCPOA. I spent a year at Antiwar.com responding to claims EVERY SINGLE DAY that alleged the "deal was almost done, just a few minor items" - the "minor items" being the two main goals of the deal: 1) removing sanctions, and 2) the US guaranteeing it would not pull out again. It was a farcical circus and remains so to this day and forever. Russia is wasting its time trying to get it back.

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Russia's not "trying to get it back." Rather, it uses it as a foil against the West and as an example of its failure at diplomacy and upholding its obligations under International Law, with this recent event by Borrell being yet another very clear example to the Global South.

I rather doubt any further UNSC resolutions of any consequence will be enacted prior to its expansion and other needed reforms occurring. That's important as the West has destroyed one of its tools to control events in Africa and elsewhere.

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How not to make friends and (further) alienate the Global South.

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thanks karl.... i tend to agree with richards conclusion at the bottom of his post... a different format must be established, beyond these rules based liars... they are making a mockery of the UN and this concept of developed verses developing is the ongoing wedge used to keep those down who wish for an equal status at the international table... the west will go down fighting to retain its colonial position and i don't see this changing... everything around them will change however...

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Yes, the West will try and fail. As the Global Times editorial noted, the momentum is now with the Global South. Its challenge is to raise the capital required to attain at least the #1 SDG, which is the elimination of extreme poverty. Eliminating neocolonialism is part of gaining that capital.

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