Apr 24Liked by Karl Sanchez

The story rings true to me. And it is extremely frightening. We already know how demented the people running Israel are- their boasts and treats are indicative of the lunacy that affects them.

Perhaps even more disturbing is the evidence that this sadistic madness has become the mood in the IDF as a whole- the evidence of what has been done in Gaza is overwhelming, the only people who cannot see genocide are paid not to, and it is genocide of the 1942 variety with fanatical fascists volunteering to kill babies and bulldoze piles of bound, wounded men.

It would be unsurprising that the Bomb- the proud achievement of Zionist bribery, treachery and theft- had been used.

It would be every significant if the Russians, aware of the gravity of the dangers involved, were able both to discover the plan and to scotch it. If they have this ability the Empire is finished and we can all sleep again at night.

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I recall Crooke's description of Iran's "Dead Hand" ability to retaliate and level Occupied Palestine. RSH raises the issue of it being an EMP-type nuke as it's untried technology. Postol's analysis implied much greater damage was done by Iran as many more missiles got through, even artillery rockets. A massive coordinated missile/drone attack from 3-4 different directions would vastly overwhelm Zionist defenses and create much damage. and Iran has gone further to say all its personnel inside Syria are there at the invitation of the Syrian government and thus legally there, thus on "legal" soil.

But of course, all that doesn't do anything to solve the issue of ending the Genocide and forcing the Zionists to make-way for a Palestinian nation, which would completely destroy their Project.

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Agree. I posted the other day it is possible the gist of the story is true, with details wrong.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24Liked by Karl Sanchez

I believe the following can be said; together it makes a scenario that I'd put forward:

1 - The heavy Iranian missiles on their TELs are stored at underground facilities. I hear that the rock would shield them well from an EMP blast, and also that vehicle sized objects are generally not very vulnerable (when not connected to a grid). In essence, I assume that the Iranian strike arm would survive an EMP attack more or less intact.

2 - If #1 is true, then Israel would basically be inviting a return blow in full force. If the Iranian arsenal is as dangerous as I believe it is (very dangerous), than the logic of the Pepe scenario is flawed.

3 - The alternative hypothesis would be a PsyOp. By whom, and to what end?

I can only think of an Israeli action. They would have fed a story through one or more channels to Pepe, perhaps to further one or more of the following aims:

* - Pick up and spin the story by domestic media to influence the homefront. Paradixocal as it may seem, rational-wise, the likely somewhat brittle sense of superiority that translates more or less into a fighting spirit gets addressed with a notion of vengeance and invincibilty: "if we really wanted to, we could!"

* - As a corollary to the above, we'd have to assume that the spirit of the Israeli society is generally not in a healthy state (I'll believe that readily), especially not after the Iranian missile strike. The irrational nature of the story (if my above #1 holds true) would make sense only against a target audience that is already well beyond rational reasoning, and in need of a morale boost that compells a reason to go with such a story here. But there is also the posssibilty that its audience is only fraction of society, perhaps even only Nutty himself; for them, it would work as conduit to deal with their impotent rage.

* - At the same time, a message to Iran is conveyed, again not fully logical coherent (at least overtly), but probably still effective: "We can destroy you in one blow!"

* - As a third and probably lesser aim, the Op might want to discredit Pepe as a trusted voice in the alt media scene.

* - Aside from the immediate story, the above may be part of a broader perception management campaign; for this case, I can only see what is already visible, i.e. a coming deescalation after the new status quo (deterrence paradigm) has now been established. That might not be the final word on it, of course; but for now it appears that Iran has achieved a stunning strategic success against Israel.

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Good contribution. But we must recall Iran's Dead Hand ability made to ensure it has the final say against the Zionists.

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Simpler suggestion: The "irrational nature" of the story could be due to the "irrational mindset" of the presumed perpetrators.

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Yes and no. I would argue that, if all actors were actually rational and willing to reason without denying the other's basic humanity, the conflict would immediately take a very different direction, starting with a cease fire and full focus on immediate care for those in need.

So rationality would here mean something different. A strategic approach towards warfare perhaps. As I argue above, the likely dynamics that are navigated here do try to contain irrationality among their own side, more so than dealing some kind of move to tackle their enemy. It is a lot like a raging meltdown from an unstable person that we're seeing. The greeks called it thymos, the blinding rage that Aias befell, a Hero during the siege of Troy, when fallen Achill's sword was awarded to another guy. He killed the flock of sheep, thus counteracting his own military aims, and even when Athene appeared to talk some sense into him, he didn't stop. When he came to, he threw himself into his own sword.

Here, Athene might well be the Iranian diplomatic corps. The only human affection this miserable ploy allows is pity. - And yes, I know that thymos is lexically complex.

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Um, ok.

Think I'll just stick to Occam's Razor.

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If it's true.... where's the Israeli jet wreckage? Where's the Russian Missile fragments? And most of all, where's the unexploded (but fragmented) nuke. You can't hide this stuff? No evidence? Didn't happen...IMHO

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Apr 25Liked by Karl Sanchez

The area in question is sparsely inhabited desert. Recovery without film crews is totally plausible.

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

For me it is perfectly logical that the zionist entity would sacrifice an F-35 and a pilot to get this psyop out. Without going into all the technical reasons such as an F-35's ceiling is far below the height required to set off a successful EMP blast, I reckon that just because there will likely be the wreckage of a zionist fighter bomber in the deserts of Jordan (USuk controlled Palestine) still fails to convince me that this attack was genuine.

Given that the ptb in the zionist entity knew that a) they had to respond to the attack of the previous week and b) the odds of such an attack being successful and not inspiring extremely serious retribution were nil, then this being a psyop would be a classic example of the zionists' infantile 'games theory' as a war strategy which they used to crow about.

Send up a fighter bomber after allowing the nature of their alleged payback to be leaked to Russian intelligence knowing that they had already promised to protect Iran from any nuclear attack several weeks before Iran first launched its payback.

We often forget that although western media heads and strategists always denigrate the independent media, they certainly follow it. In a classic example of "do what I say not what I do" those creeps read the likes of Escobar religiously.

This story of Russian courage and determination will permeate the thinking of intelligence, media and political minds; it will circulate everywhere even though it won't ever be acknowledged but at the base of it, the zionists believe, is the fact that they showed Iran exactly what lengths they were also prepared to go to and few will consider the technical unfeasibility of the entire op.

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Thaks for visiting and providing an excellent comment, the gist of which I also considered. IMO however, Iran always knew the Zionists might respond with that sort of attack, although I personally doubt the EMP bit., but a very big Red Line was crossed and an obvious cassus belli presented to Iran. Ted Postol's analysis of Iran's strike shows it was very harmful and able to penetrate several billion dollars worth of air defense spending to cause that harm. Most importantly, Iran's attack demonstrated the success its Dead Hand defense retaliation would have in response to a real nuke attack. IMO, Zionists on both sides of the Atlantic are perplexed because they are no longer dominant and not just in West Asia, but Eastern Europe too.

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Apr 24Liked by Karl Sanchez

Somehow this story sounds like a question to Radio Yerevan.

"Is it true, comrade secretary general Breshnev shot an elephant with the newest Kalashnikov?" "In principle, yes, but it was a fly, and it was slain by his housemaid with yesterday's Pravda"

There will be some truth in it. But in which parts?

Let's pick the F35 part. Well, a ballistic missile or a F15I would be more suitable for the task. But the F35 is more sexy and much better known and from a marketing point of view triggers a lot of the customers. No range, no ceiling, slow speed, no carrying capacity. It would be forced to carry the stuff outside, thus completely negating "stealth". Having no range, it would be a one way mission anyway, a kamikaze mission. Or unmanned remote controlled/preplanned? Detonating without even releasing?

Shooting down the mission. Nobody will reveal where and how, IF indeed. May be a couple of Russian MiG31 working in/from Iranian airspace? Whatever.

It wouldn't be the first nuclear weapon that crashed or sunk. Some haven't been found until today (AFAIK). E.g. it hasn't been a topic at all, whether or not cruiser Moskva had nuclear weapons on board (it was designed to have them) and how the sunk weapons were retrieved.

If it didn't explode whilst crashing, fine, no need to hurry. If it did, not so fine, but no need to hurry, anyway.

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Yes, many different suppositions can be contrived. But like Pepe, I'm just a messenger.

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Apr 25Liked by Karl Sanchez

My speculation on the Pepe Affair:

1. From the beginning I suspected that the primary role of US carrier groups rushed to the zone was to intercept WMD launched either from Iran towards Israel or from Israel towards Iran, ie, to forestall US involvement in a regional war.

2. Pepe has been groomed for the occasion (ie given 9 correct tips in order to be used for the one false one when necessary). Needed in this situation because Israel has not been responding well to US direction.

3. However US and Israel remain 5 eyes allies, so trust at that level needs continuity.

4. Israel planned the EMP operation and then stated publicly that they were going to do it.

5. Pepe was used by US Intel to message Israel that they (the US) had informed Russia of the details of the EMP operation and approved a Russian shoot down.

6. Israel Intel aborted the operation, probably over the objections on Netanyaho.

7. US failsafe plan, should Russia falter, was to shoot down such a WMD plane itself, either from an Iraqi base or a carrier/sub asset.

8. Thus no wreckage to recover in the desert, but a Check to Israel .... Checkmate in x more moves?


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Curious speculation to be sure.

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For consideration, here's Scott Ritter elaborating a bit on his analysis and a technical critique from another analyst.



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Thanks for your contribution. I highly suggest Ted :Postol's analysis mirrored here, https://sonar21.com/ted-postols-analysis-of-irans-missile-attack-on-israel/

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I just posted a new Substack post in response to this one wherein I believe I have identified the "Big Power" as China.

Response to Karl Sanchez' "Update on 'Pepe's Nuke'"


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Problem is, Pepe specifically stated it wasn't China.

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Apr 26Liked by Karl Sanchez


Pepe may have excused China, but that might fit with the sources need to obfuscate.

Palestine Chronicle has this article today

‘Red Line of Modern Civilization’ Crossed – Chinese Foreign Minister Calls for Immediate Ceasefire

Yes, it's curious that China seems to be taking a more forceful approach right now. Could it be that the red line refered to but not specified is Nuclear EMP?

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Since Xi made his "Five Musts" speech that I reported on several months ago, China's position has hardened as seen in its further showing the latest UNSCR was indeed "binding" and contained the term Demand several times making it so. The world knows the two actors preventing justice, which is why I ask when will force be used to enforce the world's demands?

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Apr 25Liked by Karl Sanchez

Iran may have succeeded in avoiding a major attack via some undefined third party intervention. I look at a map and if the F35++ was downed over Jordan then it was struck not long after take off and far away from Iran. Can an F35 fly that total distance? It would need air refuelling over Iraq or Saudi Arabia and maybe even both ways.

The F35 would have to be detected immediately on take off and a response missile fired not long after its trajectory was defined. IE it was not just another attack on Syria which are all immune to fast missile destruction.

Israel has achieved its goal as it has slaughtered its opponent and ethnically cleansed Palestine lands again. This disgusting tolerance of endless expansion and colonisation via the means of genocide has succeeded yet again. The Houthis and Iran so far are the only vigorous opposition that Israel fears and yet they have shaped the battlefield to steer us toward accepting an accommodation or face nuclear assault. This is beyond stupid for the people of the world to accept as it hands victory to the colonisers and belligerents yet again. I guess the UKUSAI are content with this outcome.

Sure Iran has exhibited a glorious capability in response but the Houthis have persisted and continue to persist in throttling the illegal occupier of Palestine. Yes Hezbola in the south of Lebanon has forced the illegal occupiers in their lands to withdraw but it is not yet a push back of any permanency and there is no occupation of those lands by the victor. This anti colonial struggle has a long way to go yet and we are looking at the 1967 expansion war outcome yet again :(

I do not accept this downed F35 report (true or otherwise) as being in any way a lucky escape from anything. We may make the mistake of retreating deeper into the labyrinth. Sad.

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The distance is roughly 1400 miles one-way; F-35 range, 1500 miles; combat range, 770 miles for type of mission specified; thus, would need multiple refuelings unless made into a drone that would still require one refueling. The massive difference between range and combat range is one of the F-35s many negatives, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_Martin_F-35_Lightning_II#Specifications_(F-35A)

The Zionists have long been described as a cancer within Humanity needing to be excised, and in response they scream Anti-Semitism when they are the #1 Anti-Semites on the planet. As you've read me advocate, farce must be used to gain compliance with international law, but not enough force is being applied. Yes, I understand that "delicate" nature related to the nukes, but Humanity IMO has had enough of being held hostage by what amount to a Death Cult--Zionists with Christian and Hebrew roots. (Odd that there're no Buddhist or Islamic Zionists that I know of.) And we now see Netanyahu using the Anti-Semitic card against those globally protesting Zionist Genocide. Even Pelosi who has sucked Netanyahu's cock for decades now says he must resign. But those waiting for such an act are worse zealots than he as Crooke warns us weekly.

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Apr 25Liked by Karl Sanchez

The story may also have been "leaked" from Iran itself (or an ally) in an effort to "wake up" the US and others to warn them about how dangerous the situation is, particularly if they got a whiff of intel that israelis were actually considering it. It certainly scared the shit out of me. Pepe said it came from a major Asian power but not Russia or China, and Iran is West Asia. They may be trying to signal the US that it needs to tell Israel to back off and stand down. However, despite all of the rhetoric that the US does not want this war, they may in fact want it...they have wanted it for years, and are just playing games. As Berletic has said, "Watch what they do, not what they say". They are compulsive liars after all. The only way that Israel/US can "win" , or even afford it however, is nukes. They may just go for another scorched earth scenario, blame Iran/Netenyahoo, then the move on to a now intimidated China. Israel is very important, but it is still a chess piece at play in the now desperate game to maintain Western dominance and the neocolonial system. Remember that the US nuked Japan (even though they had signalled willingness to surrender) and has successfully dominated it ever since. Would they be stupid enough try it again?

The actual F35/nuke story does seem plausible in the sense that Israel would be desperate to re-establish deterrence after the Iranian attack destroyed the illusion of invincibility. The weakness of the Iron Dome is now exposed, and they are now vulnerable to a concerted attack by the axis of resistance. Nukes are all they have left and they are cornered, getting desperate and ever more volatille. A lot of hype in MSM about Israeli attack and then nothing really...were they setting something up that fell flat? They may have planned to follow up with conventional weapons/more nukes after an EMP. Still, a lot of wholes in the story. The scenarios are endless including the possibility of some sort of false flag... Why else an f35 instead of a more suitable plane? Why only one? If the US does not go ape shit protesting, and they won't, then Israel will do what it is "destined" to do.

Dangerous times.

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Excellent comment. Yes, I thought of Iran, too. Pepe, however, knows the nationalities of his sources, and as you'll have noted he isn't saying.

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Apr 25Liked by Karl Sanchez

Something definitely happened. There was a reported, but never really followed up on, incident involving a US air force refuelling tanker in that area at that time. The original story (trying to find) had the tanker experiencing an emergency and immediately returning to its base in Turkey.

At the time it wasn't a big deal as there was no other information. In hindsight it adds tome intrigue to Pepe's story.

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The many little things are what are hard to cover. Pepe may have issued his final report on the issue--at this time--but can always bring it up again when some facts surface.

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What a scary situation! I feel like Israel and the USA is holding the human race in a state of terror. How do we neutralize this situation?

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Well, that "state"'s been ongoing since 1945. When I first discovered the various plans to use them on the USSR soon after the war was over, I was shocked and appalled. As with "Dr. Strangelove," I've learned to live with the Bomb and MAD. The Reaganites and their Star Wars plans revived the idea of first strike use, but Outlaw US Empire progress on missile defense is woeful while Russia has excelled, and we ought to be thankful for that.

Corralling the Outlaw US Empire and make it behave is what's ongoing at this minute, and that process is being helped by the change in US public opinion exemplified by many Anti-War & Anti-Genocide protests. The Zionists are harder because their public is as zealous as those in power and support the Genocide, with perhaps only 10% against, although that might be more now. Many who can leave have left, but that just means more zealots remain as a percentage. As I've opined for awhile, force will need to be employed to force the Zionists to obey the law--even Biden seems to finally have come to understand that, although he just signed the bill to support more Genocide. I once wrote that the world was going to have to join together to defeat NATO and the Zionists so peace can finally reign, and that's still valid.

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Pepe should start running for his life, or he may end up like Assange...

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Pepe's 69 and knows the pitfalls of his craft. I'm sure he looks after his own security.

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25Liked by Karl Sanchez

Israel may have a history of using nuclear weapons, specifically cold-fusion neutron bombs ("Israel’s secret Uranium bomb"), for a long time, according to a research paper published December 2023.

Unfortunately I've not seen a single place that has reported this, and the evidence the study presented is very strong with the only alternative to explain the data being absurd: dumping extremely expensive nuclear material, i.e enriched uranium, over your targets by itself.


If the conclusions of the researchers are accurate, then Israel has a long history of deploying nuclear weapons undetected, and makes it even less surprising if they would try to nuke Iran.

It should go without saying that nuclear weapons pose the greatest short term threat to humanity and the biosphere as a whole, and the suffering and death brought by any nuclear war would be maximal; absolutely unimaginable horror.

States or individuals who would use them, or risk starting WWIII that would no doubt be nuclear, are stark raving mad, and an existential threat to the rest of us (as weak as that sounds to say, after madmen learned that term and it became one of their favourites ever since).

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Thanks very much for providing the link to that study! It sparked a few memory cells and I reread the 2006 Fisk article. Given the Zionists genocidal goal, I'm certain they'd use most anything to attain that goal. DU use is certain since that's what the Outlaw US Empire provides. Eliminating Zionists and their WMDs is a far more critical reality than any of the contrived WMD threats aired by the Empire who most unfortunately is the Zionist's primary ally and unlikely to do anything about that threat. although it actually threatens the Empire too.

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What to make of this from Pepe?

The greater Israel project has been stalled, Israelis argue and bicker among themselves, and their benefactor is palpably in decline. Desperation is in the air so it's plausible that this could happen, but then who mobilised this project within Israel; can Nuttyahoo bypass the military command structure? Some of his senior commanders seem about to mutiny.

What counts to me is what will come next; whatever it is won't be hidden. Israelis can't help escalation.

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Apr 25Liked by Karl Sanchez

The only thing they can do is nuke Iran. That is the only escalation that would work. The world has changed. Israel sits neutralized. Outside of killing more Palestinians their options look terrible.

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Yes, it does appear that the only tool the Zionists have regarding Iran is its nukes, but Iran already has a counter to them that will destroy Occupied Palestine.

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It appears the Zionists have opted for an escalation in the North. As for a loose cannon having access to Zionist nukes, that's certainly possible.

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Apr 25Liked by Karl Sanchez

They best they can do is cause a lot of damage to Hezzbollah with US support. They have an advantage in standoff weapons but that advantage evaporates as soon as they cross the border and try to take land. Hezzbollah is even better prepared for that than in 2006.

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Apr 25Liked by Karl Sanchez

rsh has responded to your post with a post of his own here -


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Thanks. I read it and replied on that Crooke/Nuke thread.

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Israel will want to escalate to a place where they cannot be challenged. This fits.

Before that, US could enforce a no-fly zone over Israel. Complete with its own F35s with nukes circling over Tel Aviv - assuming the US could get one of them to fly.

There is little point in trying to fix this one up after the fact.

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We don't know, but IMO it's a safe bet that the Zionists have been told what would happen to their land if they used a nuke anywhere.

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Apr 25Liked by Karl Sanchez

The Israelis are not rational actors and it is a mistake to think that. If the can't take all of Palestine - river to the sea - then they can make sure no one else gets it.

The Samson option.

Let us not forget this is all made possible by the Jewish lobby in US, by AIPAC, ADL and government officials with loyalties not to the US. One can parse all the happenings, but the steadast support of American Jewish community is at the root here. As Thoreau put it, there are 1000 hacking at the branches for every 1 going at the root.

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“The burden of Damascus.

Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city,

and it shall be a ruinous heap”

(Isaiah 17:1)

While there is no mention of anything nuclear here, that prophecy remains unfulfilled (thankfully), but given that Isaiah is one of the great prophetic books of the Bible, then let's not get ahead of ourselves here.

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Hard to separate the wheat from the chaff in that book.

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Agreed. However, if you read it with a commentary it's amazing how much falls into place.

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Asgard2208 RE: "Damascus" & Karl Sanchez "That book" the Torah is a 7000 year old Psy-op meant to glorify-justify 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') Israeli invasion, conquest & genocide of Philistines, Canaanite, Amalek & other 'indigenous' (L 'self-generating') people of the Levant. Notice how the book is a false one-sided monologue, rather than hearing from both sides in Dialogue.

The book is meant to keep empire subject peoples submissive, such as during PHOENICIAN murderous collaboration between the City States of Tyre, Sidon, Byblos, Beirut & the kingdom of Israel colluded in rule of over 50 colonies during their violent conquest of Mediterranean Africa, Europe & Asian lands 4000 years ago. Western Financial Oligarchs may be desperately trying to make this fake book predictively real, but this brutal-evil just shows us where our 'economic' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') efforts are most effective. RELATIONAL ECONOMY requires we account for individual & collective contributions, buying, selling & co-investment. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy

We can understand Israelis fleeing the Oligarch mismanaged economic Failure & ecological collapse into desert of Babylon & Egypt. In the same way the same Oligarch lineage violent EXPORT OF FAILURE to the Americas & worldwide has greatly diminished human & life values.

god as a MURDEROUS TYRANT is a dead giveaway of the book & religion's pathology.


The only Holiness of the Levant & Arabia as territories is as the LAND-BRIDGE between the mega-Continents of Eurasia & Africa. People confuse this energy or spiritual flow of human beings, goods, services, resources through Palestine as giving some kind of special status. The only special status is of the Land-Bridge Stewards is 'indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') to welcome & economically include the traveler, trader & refugee. Palestinians have exercised welcome for many 1000s of years including to the Oligarch commanded European Convert Ashkenazi (Some of my family in 3 branches) Jews arriving over the past 120 years. It is only after the nefarious murderous conquest intent, massacres & forced expulsion genocide of Palestinians by the Stern-gang, Lehi, Irgun, Hagenah & Mossad became so criminal that; Palestinians were forced into self-defence.

COUNCIL PROCESS All that Palestinians have asked for is for newcomers to engage them formally & collaboratively to explore understanding, possible collaboration & the development of working contracts in Both-sided, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogues. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues

It takes INTELLECTUAL-COWARDICE to be afraid of dialogue, as well as insisting on one sided Monologue & imposing murder & genocide as relational substitutes.

Mohandas Gandhi as part of India's 1917-49 'Swadeshi' (Hindi 'indigenous' aka 'self-sufficiency' movement towards 'Swaraj' (H. 'Self-rule') in 1947 stated, "Non-violence springs from love, cowardice from hate. Non-violence always suffers, cowardice would always inflict suffering. Non-violence & cowardice go ill together. I can imagine a fully armed man to be at heart a COWARD." Gandhi is speaking here to the intelligent mind of the soldier as an active contributor to his or her community, society & ultimately to the international conversation of war & peace such as Social Media might afford today if converted from Mono to Dialogue? as westerners failed in stimulating around our travesty in Libya? https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-communication-converting-social-media-from-mono-to-dialogue-libya

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I enjoy Pepe who tries to make geopolitics sexy and chic. But an allegation of this nature without actual evidence is blowing your load at the exact wrong time given it's place in the context of what's happening in the Middle East.

That kind of journalism is no different to Kardashian swinging her tits for likes.

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