The West itself needs to be denazified both for its own future prosperity and freedom, and to close the page on a very evil history. The stuff in this article has mostly never seen the light of day.

I would really love to see the article translated. I fed the first ten pages into Yandex and I can see it's going to take some work to make it readable for an Anglophone audience. Acronyms I don't recognize, a few references to things I've never heard of.

Another rarely-seen - but enormously powerful - resource is the history book by Dr. Lacroix-Riz, "Le Choix de la Défaite" (2nd Ed. 2010, Armand Colin, Paris) which goes into great detail - 695 pages, 60 of which are packed with 2-line archive references, of how Germany was nurtured by the French and British elites, starting in the 1920's and with greater intensity after the Nazis took power in 1933. The "drang nach osten" was THE plan, cooked up in Paris and London. Universities professors never explain the "French inter-war depression", nor is the "miracle of German economic revival" in the 1930's. Dr. Lacroix-Riz has the simple, but concealed explanation: French banks starved French industries of capital, with 8% loans. At the same time, the French loaned money for Germany's rearmament at a mere 3%. I hope you recognize the difference of 8% vs 3% loans. In 1936, the president of the Bank Of France stated that no loans were made that year to any French companies. None. French industrialists, including the 200 families who owned stock in the Bank of France, were happy because they thought this was an acceptable price, for suppressing the threat of leftism. When Germany began to produce as many warplanes in a month as France or England made in a year, the military leaders in Paris and London were not the least bit worried. That was the plan. Even after the official start of WW2, production was not increased. Her book is written for graduate students in French history, so it's not an easy read. So far, the book has only been translated into Serbo-Croat. The world desperately needs to read it in other translations.

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Yes, it will be an effort. It might not add much to your prior knowledge, however.

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The most interesting unanswered question is what did the Soviets know back in the 1930's, and how did that affect their actions. The great advantage of the writings of Dr. Lacroix-Riz is that she found the most damning evidence in archives you might not have thought exist, such as big banks and corporations. For "Le Choix de la Défaite", she rifled through major French and German bank archives. But at the time she didn't have access to Soviet archives and probably the Russian language was a barrier. The only English-language historians I know have examined the Soviet archives (now entirely declassified) are Dr. Carley (Canadian) and Dr. Roberts (Irish). But they have not discussed, AFAIK, about the very uncomfortable details of how the Soviets had to face up against a West that conspired with the Nazis to destroy the USSR.

Various writers and witnesses have written how, for example, the Kremlin seems to have been reading encrypted French diplomatic telegrams sooner than the French recipients.

It's reasonable to assume the Kremlin knew everything, but I've never seen hard evidence.

Because such evidence could fully vindicate the USSR in so many actions, and deeply stain the reputation of the West, it's no surprise that such evidence is not brought to light. Dr. Carley is known as "the dean of Canadian historians". But free speech is not a right in Canada and at least one tenured professor in Manitoba or Saskatchewan was fired basically on-the-spot for saying, approximately, "Free Palestine!" So Dr. Carley had to be circumspect and refers to "right wing elements" instead of "fascists and Nazis" - plain words which Dr. Lacroix-Riz does say. Dr. Roberts has upped his game. He used to write books based on other historians' books, so his references were meager and you had to trust his judgement - or not. But more recently, he has been into the Soviet archives and his newer books have primary sources.

If anyone has written on the topic of "What did the Soviets know about the Western elites pushing for the Drang Nach Osten, and when/how did they know it, and how did that knowledge "color" Soviet foreign policy, it would be great to let people know. If not in English, then in any language, even на русском языке. Machine translations are the T-34 of today !

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Putin wrote an essay about the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and why it was needed and that it differed little from similar pacts obtained by the West, and in it he used archival materials, but not anywhere near what he might have if the scope had been broader. Digging into corporate records is a good ploy, but many get destroyed, so the place to go then is to the personal papers of the Top Dogs. I'm sure there's more to be mined that can be added to what's already known.

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Do people even know now, that there was a Mission To Moscow in August 1939, to prevent WW2 ? It was big headlines back then, and now it has been erased from history.

I highly recommend an eyewitness at the center of the storm. French General Joseph Doumenc and British Admiral Drax led the last-ditch "effort" in August, 1939, to get a French-British-USSR pact to prevent WW2. He wrote up his memoirs and securely placed them in the French army archives. I translated it into English, but that's a separate story.

The mission was doomed from the start. The French and English people did not want war, but their leaders were working to start WW21. So they needed to deceive their electorates. This Mission was huge headlines because the people wanted peace. Doumenc was at what I'd call the "third level" from the top of the French army. The army could afford to let Doumenc run this fool's errand. When the British got wind of it, they insisted on going along for the ride and sent the incompetent Admiral Drax. But as Doumenc makes clear, the British were only interested in delaying and frustrating this mission. In early August 1939, with Germany making war noises on the Polish border, the sense of urgency mattered less than getting Admiral Drax to understand the French view. So they sailed from London to Leningrad on a 20 year-old steamer which took five days,, and then another day by rail to Moscow. They arrived August 13, and were still there on August 22 when German Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop arrived with a flotilla of airplanes and on the 23rd signed the infamous Pact.

Doumend and Drax did not come with diplomatic credentials, failing Voroshilov's very first question. Doumenc got his accreditation after a few days, but apparently Drax never quite did. The main obstacle - as everyone knew and still knows - was Poland's total refusal to consider any non-aggression pact with the USSR. Warsaw's response was Voroshilov's second question and the Soviets already knew the answer was highly negative, but they hoped the Poles could be persuaded by their two allies. Doumend dispatched his trusted Captain Beaufré to Warsaw to try to gain Poland's approval. The Polish leadership slammed the door so hard that the French diplomats refused to even ask a second time. This is a very telling oddity: Poland was a minor power, telling two major powers to "take a hike". If somehow France and Britain had been determined to stop WW2, they could have strong-armed Warsaw and gotten the pact. But the French and British elites were secretly pro-German and Poland's suicidal stupidity suited their plans. You have to read a little between the lines, but Doumenc made it clear that the Soviet Politburo did not invite Ribbentrop, who had been stridently demanding a Pact, until it became completely clear that the Polish obstacle would not be overcome. Even then, the Soviets left the door open to some future pact against Germany.

Doumenc was as clever as he was diplomatic. His Memoirs would have been shredded by the French army's high command (who were rabidly anti-USSSR) , if he had not carefully tucked them into the French army archives. He died in a climbing accident in 1948, and his memoirs did not see the light of day until François Delpla published them in 1992. "Les Papiers Secrets du General Doumenc,: Un autre regard sur 39-40" (1992, Olivier Orban, Paris). The Augusat 1939 MIssion is the first half. THe second half covers the debacle of May-June 1940. After selling 27,000 copies IIRC, a good result, the publisher made the anti-profit decision to pulp the remainder, so this book is slightly rare, at about $65 nowadays. Delpla says the pulping was to make sure Doumenc's story didn't become better known and I'm sure that's true. Doumenc told a tale the establishment still can't afford to let the public know. Even the official French bibliography, which has a full page on Doumenc, fails to mention the Mission to Moscow. Delpla has his own website, delpla.org. At least twice, I tried emailing him a few years back about a translation, and never got a reply. The French often treat the Americans like that., but it's too bad this hasn't gone further.

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An excellent reminder. Thanks!!

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Thanks, Karl. Some interesting nuggets in there that I didn't know.

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Ms Titaeva's account reminds me of a talk I overheard while making a lantern display at a festival many years ago. It was not unusual for there to be an information/education tent at many festivals then.

The lecture overheard was delivered by a Canadian man, who explained that the 'concentration camps' were 'work camps' - hence the ironic expression 'work makes you free' - that produced products for many American and European corporations. He had studied records of the time and one interesting item that I've always remembered related to the compensation paid to these combines by the German State for the death of an inmate, which reduced the productivity of an individual camp.

I have no evidence to back up what I heard that day but the lecture seemed exhaustively researched and given the connections to the current resurgence of the ideology and its relationship to what Michael Hudson refers to as the FIRE sector, the evidence supports his analysis.

I've never found it difficult to see that the National Socialist direction of travel was ultimately to the east. I'm glad, in some ways, that subsequent events have reinforced that opinion. The rest is tragedy.

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I seem to recall Albert Speer testifying to that at Nuremburg, and he would know,

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The concept of thoroughly defeating nazism this time has been a seed within the Russian and Belorussian discourse of the SMO. It is germinating into a more fully visible plant these days and as its form emerges and other world events unfold I get the notion that the hegemon and its fascist core is in miscalculating disarray. Sure they are a potent force but they are periodically overtaken by unforeseen events. Fighting one war is perhaps rational in their mind, but fighting two and stirring up a third is a stretch of the old grey matter and the west appears to be incapable of any other course.

Russia and allies have many options to play in order to destabilise the inner nazi in the west and the outer finances of the west. This could go sideways very quickly for the western schemers and maniacs. Certainly the BRICS simultaneity is no accident and a most welcome support for the emerging world order. All three reports above are excellent Karl as they do point to a complex and deep evolution of ideology and therefore tactics to carry the global liberation forward. Thank you.

Choking the financial feedstock that flows in the veins of the nazi cult is of paramount importance and it is clear that much work is ongoing in that quarter. Next the useful idiots in Ukraine will be driven mad with relentless grinding defeats and as that progresses and the liberation army approaches the western border I assume the Polish fascist state will lose its mind swiftly followed by the UK clown show. As for the Baltics... expect fear and loathing fit for Dr Hunter S Thompson to write of ;)

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At MoA today, b focuses on an article at The Economist where it appears that particular frog has sensed the heating water. The productive volume of the Global Majority's development activity over the next 30 years will be very powerful and more efficient since all attempts by the West to slow it via Rent extraction won't be possible.

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Too bad that the Western World is so anti-Russia that this does not see the light of day.

Thank you as always, Karl. May the Fickled Finger of Fate be with you!

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That award was always a highlight for an evening of "Laugh-In."

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Rowan and Martin. I miss that era of nonsense. Never did figure why 'Verry Interestink' was a feature.

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Read Arte Johnson's bio. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arte_Johnson

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Very interesting , glad to know this great history & meaningfulness to the Russian people , thank you !

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One part of the celebration I omitted was the Immortal Regiment March. When you look at pictures of that annual march, you'll begin to comprehend just how much meaning Victory Day has for Russians. Here's a link to one. https://mf.b37mrtl.ru/files/2018.05/article/5af2dcfffc7e9356668b45db.jpg

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Very appreciative of your post and the importance of clarifying the historical record.

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Viva Vladimir.

It was a great parade and Sirovikin may well have been there I hear.

These little creeps were not:... https://johnhelmer.net/israels-not-so-little-war-against-russia/#more-89866

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Russia's relations with the Zionists are frigid as ever, which is why I think it's possible Russia will be one of the enforcing powers over the Two-State Solution once the Zionists have exhausted themselves and the siege has crippled their economy.

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Thanks Karl for the excellent work of separating chaff from grain. Yesterday I was completely stunned by the apparent stupidity of the WH spokesperson stating that the US and Ukraine were allied against Hitler and Stalin, but after reading your link to Yulia Titaeva it all falls together and more than stupidity it is the criminal intent of completely distorting history to continue with the criminal goal of restoring fascism. I do raise a toast to the victors then and the victors now, the world is on the right side and I'll use my mother's tongue to state the great Pasionaria cry, !!No Pasarán¡¡ not then, not now.

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Thanks Paco. You'll find Medvedev's essay similar to Titaeva's, although he reaches back to the 1870s to find the start of the process, a point both myself and Dr. Hudson would agree upon. Putin met with his additional foreign guests after the ceremonies were over. Here's the core of what Putin said to the Laos President:

"We cooperate well and closely in the international arena, including in the United Nations. One of the priorities of our external policy in the Asian direction is the development of a strategic partnership with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. With the beginning Laos Chairmanship of the Association, the agenda of joint work will expand even more."

Guinea-Bissau is one of those small West African states that can be seen as the glue for Russia's overall West African plan where Russian soft power is winning the game. IMO, many nations will read Russia's Future decree and be inspired, whereas the West provides no such inspiration.

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This is really well put: “historical symbol must be loud and noticeable, and what is not repeated en masse, as truth, from generation to generation, is simply forgotten forever”. Thank you, Karl!

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Excellent. Thank you. I hope to be able to propagate it a little though, of course, sadly I expect it to fall on deaf ears in the main even amongst the few I can reach.... Still, I'll try. :)

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The Imperial nations always cultivated local "pacifiers" going well back. The US example was to have the white slaves police the black slaves. Then there're the many examples of State Terror during Enclosure and before that to regulate heresy. The Crusades sanctioned by the Vatican were purposefully terroristic. And what of the Galley Slave?

Posting frequency depends on events and my personal situation. 426 postings since inception equals about 1.5/day.

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