Thank you Karl for underscoring and amplifying China’s position and emphatic declaration of its position- and its sublime mastery of diplomatic restraint in delivery. The gauntlet has been thrown down. But “there’s a rose in the fisted glove....” The diplomatic corps of the US State Department has been decimated- the rest of the Unipolar Hegemon isn’t much better (if at all) - a rude awakening is a-coming! One more song quote (forgive me)....

“And so it’s true Pride comes before a fall. I’m telling you so that you won’t lose all”. (Lennon-McCartney) Peace has a (slim) chance.

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Response to Karl Sanchez' "Wang Yi at UNSC: Xi's Five Musts a Must"

"a rather large population relocation will need to be made to happen—the eviction of all illegal settlers and return of Palestinian property. IMO, no amount of negotiations are going to force the Zionists to move; they will need to be relocated by force. That force is going to need to come from outside the UNSC"

Yup. Sums it up perfectly. I responded to an article by Jeffrey Sachs over at Antiwar.com - which amazingly is next to impossible to find now without doing a site search - in which I exposed the unlikelihood of his recommendation that the UN recognize a Palestinian state immediately. He never mentions at all in his piece what should be done if the Zionists simply ignore the UN as they've done for decades.

His post and my response can be read here:

A Framework for Peace in Israel and Palestine


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Thanks for the link Richard. The Antiwar.com link didn't work for me but the link to the article did and allowed me to bookmark the site. Additionally, I thought your comments were probably very accurate. I think Sachs' suggestions were a good starting point for discussions, although, as I've mentioned, your analysis will be closer to the final decision when push comes to shove.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

"Any arrangement on the future of Gaza must respect the will and independent choice of the Palestinian people, and must not be imposed upon them. "

I find it beautiful to see the Chinese coming into their own. All my 69yr life I've been brainwashed about how evil they are. And yes, no doubt there are dark parts of the underbelly. But to see them standing up to my country, the US, the bully, is really beautiful. I know, be pragmatic, don't get emotional, but still.

The psychopaths, narcissists and parasites will do anything/everything to make sure this doesn't happen. To some degree, perhaps they can be forgiven, for that is their biological purpose, yet sooner or later humanity as a whole will have to mow THAT lawn, one way or another. It's the Frog and the Scorpion. (Funny, I thought that was a Buddhist tale, but no, it's 1933 Russian!)

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

Nice words. But we all know what Israel will do: Ignore them.

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That's why I include the need to used force outside the UN structure based on past behavior. Plus, the Zionists can't allow their Project to be stopped; they've already gone this far and according to polls have their public's backing for Genocide, which reveals where the really big problem lies--Occupied Palestine's polity and its Blood Thirst, something I've recognized since 7 October, as well as in writings over the many years brefore.

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And to think this death cult has nukes.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

Part of me believes US interests particularly oil will force the zionest hand. The implications of a wider regional conflict would be devastating particularly oil infrastructure and shipping as we are already seeing, increasing threats towards American personal and forces.

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Myself, Crooke and others have noted all Imperial forces in the region are essentially hostages given their great vulnerability, a reality that's finally been recognized by some in Congress who've called for relocating those forces out of the region thus freeing diplomacy of that issue.

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Yes I've been following along. It appears we are perhaps approaching the climax of poor US ME policies and the Zionest project.

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nice words, but that is not enough.. and your suggestion that someone is going to use force to make it happen - it hasn't happened before, so why would it happen now? i am sorry karl, but i can't see any of this changing in the short term.. perhaps the usa loses its power and a change is possible as a result, but that is not yet obvious either..

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This is already becoming a Titanic Geopolitical Struggle. Russia is on-board with China. Lavrov eviscerated Lapid at today's Presser I just published. The Zionists are not going to be allowed to attain their Project's goals. If it takes a wider war to make that happen, then that's what will occur. Yes, this and much else is all about lessening the Outlaw US Empire's power and changing the entire equation. 7 October 2023 will likely overshadow 24 February 2022 when the history of this period is written as it's much more of a showdown between the Global Majority and the last vestiges of those responsible for the Age of Plunder.

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it has been and continues to be a titanic geopolitical struggle.. nothing has changed in that regard... perhaps a wider war is coming and i have no idea, or any idea what that entails.... as for the writing or rewriting of history - nothing much has changed in the way the west frames these dates, even if it doesn't jive with how we see it.. so, the verdict on any alternative views on the history here as still not at the forefront of the society i live in!!

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I agree. I expect mayhem in 2024 in the US and other Western polities will begin the sort of geopolitical paradigm sea-change that is required, but that will take a least a year or so to unfold.

I also suspect Israel may have done a deal with the Globalists in return for which they get their Jews-only State in the Middle East. (What's a few million more migrants in a world with so many more already? If so, it cannot look like the Arab leaders have consented to any such thing.)

But time will tell.

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well, the clock is running down either way... we will see how this plays out soon enough..

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I don't believe this will be resolved before the people in Gaza have no choice but to leave. The 1967 configuration is not satisfactory so something new will have to be crafted and agreed upon. And as you say, the UNSC won't deliver so other Authority Group (of like-minded nations, mainly those in the region) will have to come together.

However: If the people in Gaza have left, then the US-IS bloc might come to the table even within the UNSC. That's a possibility nobody seems to be considering right now. I think Crooke said that over 70% of the buildings are uninhabitable in North Gaza and about 70% of the population has been displaced. If there is no infrastructure for them to live in, and Israel does not permit reconstruction, where will they live, whether or not the Statehood negotiations - which will take years not months - go well.

As the above states, though, first there must be a ceasefire. That in itself would be a miracle. It has yet to emerge how such a thing can be established within the current configuration of alignments.

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Gloomy but based on reality. This is a shitshow with no end-game. Where will the 2+ million Palestinians now "living" in Gaza go? What about the other 1.5+ million Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, Syria, etc. What about the Palestinians that are currently being exterminated in the West Bank? Israel is committing genocide while the "civilized" world stands by. Has been for 75 years.

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