Thanks, Karl: very useful background. The tectonic plates are really shifting. The effects in France of the death or weakening of the afro-franc will make more than an interesting spectacle. A taste of what de-dollarisation is going to mean

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Thanks, Carl. You put in more than I did regarding CFA Franc (which would probably take several articles to explain fully).

The problem is getting Westerners to care. I put more effort into https://mikehampton.substack.com/p/is-the-cold-war-heating-up-africa than anything else this month yet it will likely be read the least.

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Thanks for your reply, Mike. All we can do is provide the various paths to knowledge and understanding while hoping that can spark readers's curiosity--the age-old issue of leading the horse to water but can't forcing it to drink. Somehow, we must get our readers to see why this is important to them, and that can be difficult. I've been writing to inform for 25 years now and am still learning how to make the connection with readers on a continual basis.

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I'm in full empathy, swimming in that water. I once had a decent following exposing corruption in my country. It took me many years to break through wilful ignorance. Once I did, the politicians crushed me. So there's that to consider...

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Thanks Mike for providing your link. Thoughtful examination, interesting.

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"Interesting" is the best compliment. Ta.

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A great article which helps shine light on the post-colonial currency system that has hampered these "emerging nations". Now I'm not sure there are better alternatives [am am a realist/cynic] but if something is "not working" then you need to change. Personally I doubt this coup is anything other than one group chancing its arm, and certainly not "Bud Knight" riding to the rescue. Nevertheless an interesting development and maybe payback for all those very lethal AMX10s sent to Ukraine? Expect more of the same?

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It's hard to say just how much involvement Russia and China have in these events aside from their proposing new honest forms of organization. The revolutionary roots to the coup are very deep and the African people are more aware of that history than us because they've lived it. Severing Imperialism's grasp and becoming free from it is usually a very hard task because Imperialism has been in control for so long. Only in the last ten years have we seen a great weakening within the Imperial structure that's allowed the current movement to arise. It will take generations for the process--Imperialism's dissolution--to be completed. Since it's an historical turning of the tide, it will continue until it's done.

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very insightful karl and demands a person know more to formulate a viewpoint, although you've done a great job here helping!

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As you note, there's a lot to French Neocolonialism and its mechanisms that are unknown to those of us who have focused so heavily on US Imperialism. But once you begin to read about it, then you can see how its structure is similar to the US's. Some other updated backgrounders are beginning to appear. It does appear this might acquire a regional dimension. Try this article on that possibility, https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2023/07/30/burkina-faso-ibrahim-traore-sankara-imperialism/

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excellent article karl.. thank you! for me, this issue of the french controlled currency is huge and much the same as the us$ role on the world stage in realizing usa foreign policy objectives... that these countries in africa are challenging this, is exactly the same as what russia is doing with regard to the us$ - international institutions put in place via bretton woods agreement... other countries don't want to be slaves! it is thru finances and who controls the finances, whereby they are... thus, they have to throw it off somehow..

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Very astute, james! The leaders of Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Algeria, and a few others are aware of that some African "leaders" are compradors in the service of Empire. Nigeria's president was acting on France's behalf in trying to get approval for military intervention, which the Nigerian Senate denied him. The struggle's been long and bloody with promising leaders being eliminated by the mafia that's Empire. There's more awareness in the world nowadays which is a product of the gathering solidarity. And there's an honest frankness being expressed about what's actually happening that's aiding the entire process.

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Mini me...

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It's the same Imperialism throughout the West so it's not really US or French or British etc. Rather it's an international commerce-based well-networked class embedded in all Western and many other Bodies Politic in most cases enjoying more actual clout than the official State institutions. Attributing this only to the US is enabling the deception that it is still a viable, independent and sovereign State acting in the best interests of it people.

The idea of an evil US Empire has great pull but the closer one looks the less it holds up to scrutiny and rather the more, like quanta in science, it is revealed to be as much imagined as real.

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however these countries in particular have led the colonialism agenda and been fully onside with it, so they get singled out.. yes, they have been taken over by the multinational corps and international finance, but the gov'ts of these 3 countries in particular have been beholden to this agenda...

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In addition, there's an excellent article now at The Cradle on the greater issue of French Neocolonialism in Africa that adds to the other sources provided. https://new.thecradle.co/articles/france-never-stopped-looting-africa-now-the-tables-are-turning

Readers should easily see why France is willing to go to war to continue its privileges, while also seeing why it's in the best interest of former French colonies to completely sever relations then rebuild them on different grounds--those of equals.

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