Thank you Karl. Perhaps this is the reason behind the occasional not so subtle hints that the USA might walk away from the UN. I am not sure they will actually do that but first they will rely on the 'judicial activism' of the supreme court (if I can use that term in the US case) to reject the notion that the UN treaty binds the US constitution. We are talking about a nation that excels in calling black as white and vice versa. You have made the case really well and I trust some brave souls in South America seek compensation at the ICJ for repeated breaches of the UN Charter by the outlaw USA.

I wont be waiting for Tulsi Haggard to start up on behalf of Hawaii.

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IMO, uncle, it's more likely the UNSC would rule the other way and validate what the Supremacy Clause says as it's extremely explicit. Ignoring the ICJ's decision about US guilt for State Terrorism against Nicaragua is yet another massive violation that proves the point.

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While Karl is enjoying the good clean family fun I might pose a burning question. I was being entertained by shipping news from Sal at what's going on with shipping

https://youtu.be/2Wim-_Q_59o Who Pays?

It crossed my mind that insurance is likely hedged with collateralized debt obligations and this Baltimore bridge disaster is one humungous financial loss for the USA (at least) when one considers the ramifications for supply chain cost blowouts. I don't really have a deep knowledge of finance capitalism but I do know that all manner of debt obligations get bundled up and reincarnated as 'securities' and sold to suckers (like Baltimore bridges) then eventually a 2008 event comes along. So what is the state of play? Is Sal correct and some form of 'Titanic limitation' likely to be invoked to fix a limit or even an escape clause for insurance contracts. Would any merchant of Venice even tolerate such an escape.

Watch the video and perhaps Karl might invite some commentary from comrades Michael Hudson and associates. The outlaw US empire seems to have hit a wall in Baltimore. No pun intended ;))

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A large chip out of the big block of Edifice. Yes, it's a wound but not as damaging as what Ansarallah's doing or even what the sanctions have done. Will the bridge be rebuilt? It ought to be, but the litigation will take years. And until funding can be definitely secured, reconstruction will wait.

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We see what a mess "National" Law is making of our societies -- illegal aliens encouraged & subsidized in direct contravention of the "Law"; President Trump hounded through multiple courtrooms over nonsense while the clearly corrupt Joe Biden licks his ice-cream in peace; violent criminals allowed to walk free because of the color of their skins, while citizens who exercised their right to protest on January 6 are held without trial in solitary confinement.

We see all of that, and then someone wonders why we don't give a damn about "International Law", i.e. self-serving deals put together in back rooms by bureaucrats. No "International Law" has ever been subject to a true democratic test -- a plebiscite of the entire population of the world ... or even plebiscites of individual nations which subscribe to those "Laws". 'International Law" as currently practiced is a sick joke.

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The problem isn't "law"; it's the lack of law enforcement--POTUS's for decades have failed in their DUTY as Chief Magistrate, which is the primary function of the POTUS as defined by the Constitution. AND it's Congress;s DUTY to ensure the POTUS performs its duties and to impeach and remove if it fails to execute its position. That's WHY it's so important to know the Constitution's been being broken consistently on a daily basis. Effectively the Federal government is illegitimate as NONE of its constituent parts are willing to perform the duty they SWORE to perform.

People--the citizenry--are so illiterate when it comes to the basic functioning aspects of lawful government there's no resistance being shown to the current state of affairs. AND those running the government know they can do whatever they choose because of that huge dysfunction. I can write about the myriad reasons why the dysfunction exists and have, but the fundamental realization as to WHY things are so FUBARed is standing there naked for all to see but blindness reigns.

These two short essays are aimed at helping the blind to see.

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And one more that really deserves an April mention. The MV Dali recent attempt to hump the Baltimore Key bridge looked innocent enough in these queer times but lever news has a mighty interesting take on global shipping thuggery: https://www.levernews.com/feds-recently-hit-cargo-giant-in-baltimore-disaster-for-silencing-whistleblowers/

Now this particular vessel has a lot of unpleasant close encounters with maritime authorities over recent years. I have been collecting data as a therapeutic exercise. I betcha the US Coast Guard inquiry does a Warren :( Time will tell.

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Speaking of outlaws and April fools : almayadeen has a neat report: Malaysian police arrest Israeli man: Mobster or Mossad agent?... https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/malaysian-police-arrest-israeli-man--mobster-or-mossad-agent

He strenuously asserts his innocence as a Mossad agent and claims he was really only there to murder a rival gang boss. Anything can happen on April 1.

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The part about the UN Charter after being ratified by the Senate becoming Law of the Land is persuasive. Thank you.

Does it remain so in perpetuity if/when elements of the original Charter are changed? In this regard, will be interesting to track the WHO debate upcoming because apparently one of the clauses gives them plenary powers over national governments even though I have read (but not verified that) WHO receives considerable funding from non-governmental sources like Gates.

Your point about aiding Nazi war criminals is a little vague, IMO. Do you mean to imply that if the USG worked with any Germans after the war they would all be regarded as criminal because ex Nazis, or are you saying they worked with Nazis who had been convicted as war criminals (in post-war show trials presided over by also war criminal victors)? Either way, it's a weak assertion, though have no doubt you could come up with many incontrovertible ones over the decades. (Although the Nazis were a rough bunch for sure, in recent years it has become clear that much of what we were told is atrocity propaganda the Allies post-war were all too happy to push since it absolved them of having to admit their own extensive war crimes. Personally, I think it better to leave that era behind and use other situations as examples in arguments, because too many lies on all sides. But that's just me.)

Anyway, thank you for clarifying your phrase 'Outlaw US Empire'. Have assumed for some time you meant something relatively precise by it but wasn't sure what. The phrase as such could mean several different things. I still don't like it much myself but that's because I tend to view the US as a captured polity so the USG as a rogue, essentially criminal network within the larger American body politic; so calling it a 'United States' Empire implies that the States and citizens therein are behind that Empire whereas in fact we know that a significant percentage, probably even a majority, are not.

Yes, the masses can always be exhorted to wave the flag and 'support the troops', but that is true of pretty much any population not in open revolt. Most Americans are open to learning how corrupt their government is and to demanding it be reformed; but 'the system' is now so entrenched that it seems no amount of voting or wishing can make it so, and if indeed it were possible for an individual to get into the White House and turn it all around (which I very much doubt is possible), that individual would be sidetracked or murdered lickedy-split. So the USG is itself an outlaw to its own constitution and people, let alone its UN Treaty obligations.

Like many others, also question the entire UN and Charter in relation to sovereign states, also find it misconceived as well as poison-pilled by Israeli politicking ab initio. So it should be scrapped, and while we are at it also scrap the imperfect Union and the unconstitutional USA Corporation. Heck, lots of things in the West need to be scrapped. But usually that only happens with violent revolution or War - two sides of same coin - so I guess that's how it's going to play out. And millions will be dying, unfortunately, though probably the usual suspects will remain on top when the dust settles so no real progress will have been made.

But now I'm just being cynical! Outlaw or not, the US as is is on the way out. How her people make it through is mainly what interests me, not what the elites are up to, though that understandably occupies most of our news.

Anyway, thanks for clarifying your moniker. It's a good one, though honestly I prefer Putin's 'Empire of Lies'. I find it more cutting; plus it portrays the whole thing as being based on deception, making its power therefore ephemeral and phony and able to be remedied simply by injecting Truth into the equation, which is somewhat hopeful at the same time. But that's just me.

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"Don't quote laws to us. We carry swords." - Gnaeus Pompeius

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I signed a petition for Canada to separate from the UN. There is also a petition going on in the US. It's among the greatest threats we face.



Thanks for the great informative work that you do, Karl.

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The UN isn't the threat. It's people who don't want to be a community of peaceful humans. Why do the rights of indigenous peoples need to be given special treatment? What were the reasons behind the formulation of the UN? If nations combine into a collective security arrangement, don't they cede some of their sovereignty in the process? How much of the UN is currently being "privatized" by the Outlaw US Empire as Lavrov terms it so it can be used for its interests, not those of Humanity?

The threat to Humanity is the Outlaw US Empire and its NATO and few other vassals like Japan, not the UN.,

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I don't see Canada suffering under UN decisions or practices and I do not see why its escape from the clear cut international law as enshrined in the UN Charter would benefit humanity at all. Canada is not burdened by the UN rather Canada is burdened by the outlaw US Empire and neo liberal economics that have captured Canada's political class. Personally I see the petition to leave as an escapist trick appealing to those who find it difficult to confront the demon within. Canada is guilty as sin of all manner of warmongering, profiteering, nation wrecking on other people's lands. Yes, it is not alone and is easily led these days by it southern cousin. It was not always so.

The truckers convoy knew the enemy and it was the State. The WHO is also the enemy but only ever gets its power and immunity from the states such as Canada who have usurped the people power within Canada's heart. If you need to tackle the UN or the WHO or whatever, first clean house, get out on the streets and condemn the madness of elites. Take a note from the pages of the French farmers and workers as there is a closeness between France and Canada beyond the State as it commenced with their struggle for freedom from the englander monarchy and its intentions to enslave you all.

Sign the petition if you will brother Denis, but kick arse whenever you can. Organise.

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There's a big vote on 5/24/24 to see if US/CA are controlled by WHO. 7 weeks to countdown. I prefer lone-wolf covert stuff. lol

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The evidence shows it's the other-way-round with Outlaw US Empire in tandem with its BigPharma mate that are privatizing WHO. One of the reasons why the aim is to sideline Russia and China from all UN orgs is to make the privatizing easier.

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