Thanks for a post that gives a very different and more hopeful perspective on the Israel Palestine situation.

My heart aches for all people affected, and I truly hope they're able to find a just peace, and that all the destruction and killing will soon stop.

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I agree with your sentiments. However, for a just solution to have any chance, the Zionists must publicly announce the abortion of their project. If that's not done, the conflict will continue until the Umma is forced to destroy the Zionists as their goal is the destruction of Al-Aqsa along with liquidation of Palestinians and Palestine.

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Thanks again Karl, this treasure of links to read will keep me better informed than a bible full of msm. Have agreat day comrade.

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Thanks uncle! I don't read him often enough, which is a mistake as much gets missed that he provides.

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Appreciate your news service. Your dead on about what will happen outside of any propaganda feed by the West.

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I'd like to think some of us substack writers are torpedoing the Establishment's Narrative. Simplicius has an amazing number of subscribers, and there are many who read me that I've yet to visit.

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terrific developments....

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i too tend to see it as you characterize it at the end... sad kettle of fish which calls for true statesmanship and diplomacy - something that is sorrily lacking in certain corners of the world..

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Good article, Karl. Very difficult to get perspective on this crisis, especially in the west. I'm still not sure of what's happening, but this article takes a clear well reasoned shot at it, at least.

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Thank you. Hopefully some movement can be made on this especially on the humanitarian front.

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I like reading the Indianpunchline blog, although in this case Mr. Bhandrakumar has got his WW1 history wrong, as the Battle of Cambrai was actually fought in November 1917 and had none of the consequences that he cites.

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According to Wikipedia there were two battles of Cambrai 1917 and 1918. Mr. Bhandrakumar specifically referred to the 1918 battle, although having looked at the very short account on Wikipedia the German army didn't collapse immediately. The quote: "...reminiscent of the Battle of Cambrai in Northern France (1918)..." the surrender did follow soon afterwards I think.

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Thanks for that corrective. I thought that odd when I read it.

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Aborting their project?

The US had a long history of being a bully. So does Israel. Getting to some form of peace and (God forbid) coexistence takes diplomacy worthy of Lavrov, not Blinken nor any of the other US and NATO vermin.

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Really good stuff. You've become one of my go-to sites for this conflict. Thank you. What's happening in the US and Israel seems to be driven by domestic politics out of control. The Israel Lobby controls the American political system and the media. In Israel, emotion for revenge pushes madness forward. Of course the smart thing to do would be to pull back from the edge. Afraid the likelihood of that happening is slim. If they go over the edge the result will be devastating for both the US and Israel. Just hope using nukes can be avoided.

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The problem, as you correctly note, is that the Zionists are in the same position as Biden and Zelensky - they don't understand what they're actually doing and don't care. Therefore the only thing that will deter them is either: 1) a failure to be able to implement their plan for the destruction of Gaza due to an inability to muster the necessary forces to deal with both Gaza and Hezbollah, or an inability to succeed with the mustered forces without calling in the US, or 2) an actual failure to implement their plan.

1) implies that the operation is canceled because the leaders are informed by the military that it can't accomplish what has been ordered. 2) implies that a LOT of people - Palestiniains, Israeli soldiers, Israeli civilians, Hezbollah soldiers, Lebanese civilians, and possibly more people in Syria and even Iran - are going to die before the failure is evident - as is the case in Ukraine.

This is what humans get when they allow their mistakes to metastasize over decades, as is the case of the UN allowing the state of Israel to come into existence and the illegal partitioning of Palestine and the subsequent acquiescence and support of the West in allowing Zionist fanatics to expand their capabilities.

Do the phrase "chickens come home to roost" ring a bell?

As I stated earlier, the only rational solution is a reversal of the 1947 UN decision and the establishment of a bi-national state. But even Russia and China can't figure that out.

I submit that option 2) is what is going to happen. Let's hope I'm wrong and everything de-escalates if the Israelis realize they can't pull off the destruction of Gaza and the ethnic cleansing or genocide of the Palestinians with the forces they have.

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Your link at "Indianpunchline blog" does not work as a link. Copying the link leads to a Google search as "http://China’s Special Envoy on Middle East Zhai Jun met the envoys of Arab states in Beijing at the latter’s request for a group meeting to discuss the grave situation in Gaza, Beijing, October 13, 2023".

Might want to fix that.

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Just copy and pasted the link above into my browser and it worked. Will try it once this is posted. I

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Netanyahu is going down with the ship. Israeli right is entrenched and not going anywhere, and he is now doing what they have dreamed of for decades. US also shows no sign of changing course (other than the headfakes that have become the hallmark of Blinken's diplomacy , eg go to China, say something nice but noncommital, then do something nasty and permanent the same week)

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