Jan 18Liked by Karl Sanchez

Interesting little essays into the past. Indian Punchline today has a thoughtful piece on the coming anniversary of the lifting of the Siege of Leningrad eighty years ago.

Curiously the one anniversary that nobody is talking about is on the 21st of January. It is exactly 100 years since the guy they named Leningrad for died.

The importance of the anniversary and the life of the man who died is only amplified by the fact that nobody dares to mention it.

It's a tribute to Lenin's stature . Like him or not he must have been the most important single person of the Twentieth Century- the man who defined much of its politics, from the reversal of colonialism and the return of Asia and Africa to equality with the "west" to the importance of China's revolution and subsequent rebirth.

Nobody dislikes tall poppies more than I but giving credit to a dead man is just a matter of keeping the recordstraight. Maybe Zakharova is witing 'til next week. Maybe VV will say something about the corpse in the lobby of his home. Maybe they will leave it to Lavrov.

It's as funny thing that Ivan Maisky is remembered while Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov is forgotten-because he still frightens them all.

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Yes, I'll be looking for Lenin notices. Thanks for that!

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Jan 18Liked by Karl Sanchez

Phew, I finally got to the end and really just wanted more of those informed historical asides. Thanks for the Khazarian sidestep too as that was a mighty good read. We do live in interesting times and the Iraqi/Iran payback is looking good so far. Tomorrow Lavrov takes the podium and that too should be worthy reading. Giants among the lilliputians :)) Thanks heaps Karlof now back to the orchard....

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Jan 17Liked by Karl Sanchez

My first takeaway: beware of Australian miners selling lithium pits in the DPR. I woul bet Australian miners have sold more mines than the USA has sold bridges to gullible idiots ... or should that be second tier fraudsters. Speaking of which at Davos yesterday:

"In your face!!!!!!

JPMorganChase, BlackRock, etc: Zelensky shakes hands with the real shareholders of Ukraine in Davos."


(seeing is believing and dont spit coffee ;)

Now I will read on with the history lesson so well laid out by Comrade Zakharova.

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What a Rogues Gallery that was! The thanks heaped upon all by Zelensky is in anticipation of their forcing the printing press to resume at the Fed and for Congress to send it, which will of course end up with the Rogues--that good old circular flow.

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Ukraine is a state sponsor of terrorism, the killing of Darya Dugina was a terrorist act . . .

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I always enjoy reading these sessions. I believe the comment above regarding Giants and Lilliputians pretty well sums up everything.

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18Liked by Karl Sanchez

The most important politician for me in the last 50 years was Bernie Sanders.

I lost trust in him when he went all out for Zionism right after Oct 7.

He still calls Oct 7 a terrorist attack. He has not called for a total cease fire and no blocking of aid to Gaza.

He made a half-hearted attempt through legislation to sorta look like he was trying, but


Sen. Bernie Sanders forced a vote on the resolution, which would have opened the door for Congress to freeze U.S. aid to Israel."

title of article in The Intercept.

My current choice for president is Robert Kennedy Jr., but his support of Zionism is a bitter pill.

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2024 will be tough politically. I won't know my choice until October most likely.

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"Russia has resolutely called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, including as a sine qua non for unhindered and adequate access to all those in need, as well as for the restoration of the political horizon in the Middle East settlement process."

Good luck with that, Russia. It ain't gonna happen.

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