For heikomr, Anna, and all Gym readers. The following is the transcript form an audio show aired on 11 July "Weapons are the new "oil". Part 2 by Alexander Berezin and reproduced at Marat Khairullen's Telegram on 12 July,
"Weapons are the new "oil". Part 2
Giants are impotent or how America will perish.
Let's go back to the report of the pro-Western appraiser of the international arms market at the Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), released last April. "The
U.S. has strengthened its global role as an arms supplier, exporting more weapons to more countries than ever before, and this is an important aspect of its foreign policy," says Matthew George, director of SIPRI's arms transfer program (an American, by the way).
This comes at a time when U.S. economic and geopolitical dominance is being challenged by emerging powers.
The subtext is clear - the United States is still a hegemon, because it supplies weapons to 107 countries, and Russia to only 12.
At the same time, Western analysts somehow forgot to point out that in 2023 the United States went through an incredible carnage of its weapons. Perhaps for the first time since World War II. Or maybe even for the first time. Since then the losses of the United States in technology were still stretched out in time, and here in just a year iron was beaten for 45 billion (and maybe more, we will not see the exact figures, you know). And this is not just any nonsense, but the best in the world, super-duper weapon.
The tank is indestructible, the plane is indestructible, anti-aircraft guns are unmissable, and Javelins are generally saints. It's our tanks that have crooked tracks, shabby guns, and the tankers are shabby, they have everything like on parade - a freshly painted Abramych will arrive, devour his tank of fuel, and the enemy will flee himself.
And here is such garbage, the Americans were literally slammed by their own PR. Because it is very difficult to explain how it happened that the best weapons in the world not only do not show results on the battlefield, but are also killed in indecent quantities, to put it mildly.
Let me remind you that according to the results of the 2022-2023 campaign, the ukrops completely beat us in terms of the main quantitative indicators of their army. And they formally had more equipment and people on the battlefield. With the exception of aviation.
But our aviation began to work actively only in the fall of 23, when we properly thinned out the ukrop air defense - so there was parity here too.
But then, if we start from Western propaganda, why such deplorable results - the weapons were better, the coalition had more people, and in the end there was a complete defeat.
After all, in reality, the same Hymers are not so bad, even very good - they quickly arrived, shot very accurately and hid. And how did it happen that since the beginning of 24, 14 wheeled installations and 5 tracked ones (M270 MLRS) have already been destroyed.
It is clear that officially the dill will then be made extreme, but we are trying to disassemble it at the root.
The United States has sent Ukraine weapons that form the basis of their army (and the army of the Western bloc as a whole). Only aviation remained in the reserve. And so the entire nomenclature - tanks, RSZ, artillery, air defense. And, as I said in the last part, all this is in very large quantities, more than, for example, the second largest NATO army - the Turkish army - is in service.
Earlier I named three factors of our victory lying on the surface - the courage of the people, the superiority of the commander's school and the superiority of our weapons. But there are still things that are not obvious – first of all, this is the general degradation of US arms production. And this is very well seen in the example of the three main manufacturers of the most advanced American weapons (Hymers, Abrams and Patriots).
The three arms giants that produce them – Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics and Raytheon Technology Corporation – are the Pentagon's three main contractors and the largest arms manufacturers in the world.
They are the main driver of the Ukrainian war. Moreover, they desperately cling to it, since now it is practically the only thing that can keep corporations from collapsing.
Superficially, all three companies in chocolate, for example, since 2003, the share price of Lockheed Martin has increased more than 10 times - from 41 dollars to four hundred plus.
Over the years, Lockheed has absorbed dozens of different firms, turning into a monopolist in the market in some positions. This is the Pentagon's number one contractor - the package of orders for this year is 44 billion, the number one figure in the world. Not counting international orders.
The F-35 alone has already ordered 785 aircraft for the coming years.
In fact, the giant is in deep stagnation. As I said in the previous article, this is very clearly seen in the production of Hymers. In 202, Lockheed received half a billion dollars to expand the production of installations and missiles in the United States - from 60 installations per year to 100.
But it turned out that there were no machine tools and specialized specialists, the production of a number of key components had long been transferred to third countries. It turned out, for example, that metal or additives to its smelting have long been produced in South Asia and Africa. A number of electronic components in China and Europe. Hydraulic system in South America. And so on.
But the worst thing is that the Hymers were put into service in 81 years of the last century, and the main systems have not changed for more than 40 years. And nowadays this is a whole technological era - it is easier to redesign than to restore production according to ancient drawings.
Hymers has not modernized all these years because he did not fight much, since an expensive, contagion - a racket for 160 thousand bucks a piece is not particularly conducive to shooting unless absolutely necessary, even for Saudi Arabia, where money is immeasurable, this is a lot.
And when there is no regular combat operation, it is not clear in which direction to change. As a result, for the Hymers, for forty years, only the nomenclature of ammunition was changed and the electronics were updated.
As a front-line soldier, I know that the Hymers became irrelevant in the winter of 1922. And when in 2023 they began to be massively chased by Lancets, they generally turned into a very crazy thing.
It is no coincidence that the Americans installed the Atacams - to launch, you don't have to go to the near combat zone.
"The way we responded to the threat of the Hymers illustrates the problems of the Americans very well - in the winter of 2022, the entire air defense of the Russian Federation switched to new software, which made it possible to work freely with them.
And in the 23rd, a modernized Pantsir appeared, the ammunition of which made it possible to shoot down 100 percent of Hymers' salvos.
That is, our engineers and industrialists managed to create and deliver to the army really operating installations in a matter of months.
The Americans, I emphasize again, could not even simply expand the production of mastered samples.
Lockheed Martin has complete engineering impotence across almost the entire range of products.
Take, for example, the main nuclear missile of the United States - Trident II (D5) - it began to be designed in the 70s, it was completed only by 1991. This is the main submarine-based ballistic intercontinental missile of the United States, on which 54 percent of the hegemon's nuclear strike potential hangs. Trident has failed 90 percent of all test launches in the last 5 years. None of the launches went without violations, and about a third of the missiles did not fly at all or flew in the wrong direction.
It is clear that the missile needs to be replaced. The United States has extended its service life for another five years, but the main contractor and manufacturer of Trident Lockheed has not yet even formulated the terms of reference, there is no talk of starting the design, and given how long it took to design Trident itself (almost twenty years), you can safely bet, that even in five years the hegemon will not have a replacement.
Just for comparison: now Russia has 13 different intercontinental missiles, 6 more are in the design stage. Even India has 4 types of missiles on combat duty. The hegemon has 2. Get a taste of moral superiority.
However, let's move on. The program for the production of AGM 183A hypersonic missiles (the main hope of the United States to wipe the Kinzhal's nose) was closed last year.
The combat laser program is still breathing, they even made a test sample, but that's all. Although they promised to fight with them in 22.
The Martian shuttle, announced in 2017, 10 years later, not only did not appear in the drawings, it is not even in the ideas. And the money is spent.
And, of course, the main toy of the Pentagon - the F-35 aircraft, which was apparently completed and actively purchased, which accounted for 24% of all US arms exports last year (250 units sold) - today its production has been stopped, and in fact it has been stated that the United States has supplied its own and its allies with a frankly raw machine. Naturally, we are cheerfully told that the United States will definitely finish it, this is the United States - a great aviation, missile, space power.
But we see how Lockheed is finishing Hymers, hypersound, Trident and so on, and doubts creep in.
Do you know what the root of all this evil is? In the US financial system, which absorbed its armed forces and defense complex. The essence is very simple - the result is not real victories on the battlefield, but real profit figures.
The owner of the number one arms corporation in the world is the so-called Big Three - the three main investment funds of the country and the world - BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard Group.
There are, of course, others, but it is this trio that acts as the very deep American state. Actually, that's why no one cares about how the same F-35s will fight in reality, the main thing is money here and now.
And everything is subordinate to this goal - since 2020, Lockheed has been led by their protégé Jim Taiclet, who has concentrated three main management positions in his hands - chairman of the board of directors, president and CEO.
The main task of Taillet is to increase profits. And therefore, annual dividend payments are more than 50 percent, and there is no money for internal investments in equipment, the creation and development of their engineering school, investments in scientific research, and so on. Why?
After all, it seems that 50 percent of the net profit remains? This is a colossal figure. But because Lockheed has a monstrous debt burden - on average 90 percent of the value of all its net assets. And everything else is loan payments.
That is, in reality, the number one gunsmith in the world is a mortgaged, re-mortgaged company that works exclusively to pay off its debts. That is why a big war is just a lifeline for a drowning monster. As soon as a stable peace comes, it will immediately go bankrupt.
This can be clearly seen in the dynamics of the debt burden, for example, in the relatively peaceful year of 2017, the bad Trump did not want to fight, and the debt burden immediately jumped well for one hundred percent of the value of his net assets. Such is the economics of war.
Actually, with slight differences, the situation is the same in all major US arms corporations. The number two contractor of the Pentagon is General Dynamics. The same big three, the leader who concentrated all the main positions, a native of the CIA and the Pentagon, Phoebe Novakovich.
The main project is the Abrams tank. In 2023, a prototype of the new unmanned Abrams was supposed to enter testing, but the tank turned out to be a pilot.
The main division - the development and production of nuclear submarines - is at the stage of bankruptcy.
Well, and so on - Raytheon (manufacturer of Patriot), Boeing, Northrop are all about the same. On paper, everything is fine with financial indicators, but in reality, companies have fallen into slavery to financial capital, which simply milks them through inflating military orders.
All profits are spent on the payment of monstrous dividends and interest on theolgam. There is no money left for their own development.
The strategy with R&D (research and development) is very simple - monsters buy up promising smaller firms, and they eventually become just as ineffective, because they are placed under the general trend - the main thing is not the result, but finances. Or rather, the number of banknotes is the result.
This happened to the famous English company Pratt & Whitney, the world's leading manufacturer of aircraft engines and turbines. After being absorbed by Lockheed, Pratt has not been able to finish the engine for the F-35 for many years. But this is a separate topic.
Against this background, of course, the strategy of our state compares very favorably, which by all means and methods directs our gunsmiths to create effective systems. Pay attention to how many academicians and heads of specialized research institutes have sat down in recent years to cut funds. Let's leave this topic for the next article - but this is also a struggle for efficiency.
And now remember at least one high-profile trial for splitting funds or stupidly inefficient use of them on orders from the Pentagon. That's right - there are no such cases. In fact, this is how America will perish, becoming absolutely ineffective."
That's a gem. Yes, the financial system has consumed everything. It is the master instead of being the servant. And the global majority is rejecting this model so the west is looking into the abyss.
thanks karl.. always informative and interesting, in particular zakharovas drawing parallels with canada's foreign intervention bill passed last month and the same type of bill that passed in georgia that everyone was bellyaching about.... the hypocrisy is duly noted..
Everyone ought to be clear and should state clearly at every opportunity that America is at war with the whole world.
Simple as that.
Don't believe it? Too far fetched? Just more histrionic bullcrap in these days that are full of such?
Just think about it.
Who in the world profits from American actions today?
Not by being forced back on own resources etc. We see that 'profit'. Not what is meant.
Profit brought to them by American design.
Who is America trying to help?
No one but America.
No one.
Everywhere and everything America touches is blighted, cursed.
If the world were an airplane designed to lift us all higher it would be like this:
America would get on the plane and climb on the roof and proclaim themselves above everyone else. And in order to maintain that 'elevated' position they would see to it that the airplane never flies.
Maria would do well to simply tell the world to look for themselves: America is at war with them.
Let them see for themselves.
Though, of course, the politicians, the bureaucrats and the media are all - all - apparently too deadly stupid and zombie possibly to be able to see it.
We need the people to see it.
Currently no one is trying to tell the people.
Substack is a good example.
Home of a sample of the 'clerisy'.
Its authors never, that i know of, demonstrate any initiatives or even call for any initiatives to educate the people and get them onboard pro actively.
It could be done and it should be done.
The whole State of Russia should be promoting such initiatives and I don't know why they don't.
Today I commented the following at L. Johnson. It fits well here too. Therefore simply copy paste.
"When Russia and China are defeated and under US control, then “the world” will also be under US control again.
That is the goal for US big business.
They thought it would be achievable to destroy the Russian economy through economic and currency war and, as a result, eliminate the Russian leadership. They then divide the huge country into numerous small states and appoint tyrants as “governors” to crush any resistance from the local populations.
Western corporations once again have access to Russian raw materials and energy sources and China is cut off from the supply of these goods, causing its economy to collapse and unrest to break out in China, plunging the Chinese state into chaos. China is out of the game.
Russia is necessary as objective 1 in order to achieve objective 2 of eliminating China.
As a result, all renegade countries fall back under Western rule. Just like the 500 years before.
All of this is openly communicated by the West. Why do so many people see this and still not come to the logical conclusions?
For Russia and China, this means that peaceful coexistence can only exist when the USA is defeated and never again poses a threat to the world.
When Putin, Xi, Erdogan, Modi etc. speak of a willingness to negotiate and talk of peace, they know very well that the USA will never accept the Russian terms. That no treaty is trustworthy. This implies that this 3rd world war will only be over when one side or the other is defeated. Just as it was the case in the 1st and 2nd World Wars.
This World War 3 is existential for Russia, China, India, Iran, etc., as well as for the USA❗ There will be no peace❗ Not even under Trump.
Perhaps at some point there will be negotiations on the division of Ukraine. But the world war will continue. The USA has enough hot spots on Russia’s periphery. For example: Finland, Moldova, the Baltic states, Poland, Romania, Georgia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and there are efforts in Mongolia. The latter are likely to fail. If necessary, the USA will incinerate the whole of Europe, South Korea and Japan if it deems it necessary. Just to eliminate the resistance of Russia and China.
“America first!”
Let’s not forget West Asia, which is also strategically important for the USA and which tends towards the BRICS, especially the SOC.
There may be temporary negotiations. But no peace. Forget that.
Deploying short and medium-range weapons in Germany, Poland and Romania is the stupidest and most dangerous idea ever. Then also in the Baltic states? Finland has already demanded (as a US mouthpiece) that these weapons be stationed on its territory. These weapons can carry nuclear warheads.
If just one of these missiles is launched in the direction of Russia, then the “button” is pressed in Russia within seconds and Russian missiles fly in the direction of Western and Southern Europe, as well as in the direction of the USA.
It doesn’t matter whether the US missile or missiles are intended to attack Russia or not. Russia doesn’t have a minute to analyze. At some point, the USA will also have hypersonic systems. This will exacerbate the situation beyond repair. That means global nuclear war. Only stupid idiots are still acting in the West.
Trump will prevent this development? Ridiculous. There will be no messiah. At best, there will be an assassination attempt against him and the USA will be plunged into a bloody civil war. Which, by the way, I see as inevitable in the USA. The contradictions within the USA will erupt into violence."
Michael Hudson sees Poland as the next “tool” of the USA. Without Article 5 of NATO, by the way. The stupidity of the German “elites” will then also involve Germany. That’s my fear.
“But it turns out that there seems to be some truth in the matter. A few days ago, Poland and Ukraine signed a defense pact, and the Polish Minister Tusk said that Poland was going to shoot down Russian missiles over Ukraine if it looked like they might be headed for Poland. And of course, anything from Russia headed west looks like it might somehow be headed for Poland, which is a big country. Well, that makes Poland an active player in Ukraine against Russia because they’re essentially joining their two armies.
The dream of NATO, or at least of Biden, is now that you’ve fought almost to the last Ukrainian, now you can fight to the last Polish person. And Poland already houses, as you know, many storage bases for arms. The whole transition of Western arms to Ukraine is all just piling up on the Polish border.
Well, it seems very probable that Russia is going to bomb any missile bases that are ready to shoot down its missiles. It’s going to begin to bomb these arms bases that are all trying to arm the Ukrainians. And so there actually may be a war between Russia. Well, Russia will draw Poland into the war, or Poland will draw Russia into the war. That seems to be the NATO idea.”
See my reply to Anna below. In early 2023, I examined the main Outlaw US Empire MIC required public financial reports to see if they were actually expanding production is response to NATO's political demands or merely booking the orders as profits before being delivered and merely adding everything to their already very long listing of backorders. What I discovered is the latter was true as the #1 goal is to indeed fatten the share price otherwise known as capitalization that's directly related to the bonuses earned by executives. The report Marat provided merely confirms what I discovered and reported 14 months ago.
Where is it? I read it and like it so much I went to telegram to find Khairullen's original. I didn't find it - perhaps I misunderstand and it is Karl's ? And when I come back here it's gone! It was a great piece....
Yes, thank you. A great article. I'll be following this Mr Khairullin. Please publish it if you know how to get transcripts of his videos (so's we can translate them and understand). :)
There is no "America First." Instead, there is the "Private Banking Cartel and fascist mega-corporations First! "The US policies have been, unfortunately, talmudized, i. e., stripped of any shred of dignity and fairness and infused with the lunatic genocidal supremacism.
Of academic interest is the China's ability to crash the US by the imposition of economic sanctions. The collective west still lives on without feeling a well-deserved pain. The sooner the economic disarray begins in the EU the greater is the possibility of removing the blackmailed & bought compradors infesting all European governments.
The behavior of Armenian and Georgian compradors-on charge is particularly revolting. Madam Sandu and her counterparts in Finland and baltic states have become consumed by whoring to maintain power and comforts for the expense of the ordinary people in these countries.
There's a very well done observation published by Marat Khairullen on his Telegram that I'll repost here about NATO's MIC and why it's falling apart, which has great influence on the conflict going forward. I've wrote a similar observation early in 2023. It will stand alone as its own comment on this thread.
For heikomr, Anna, and all Gym readers. The following is the transcript form an audio show aired on 11 July "Weapons are the new "oil". Part 2 by Alexander Berezin and reproduced at Marat Khairullen's Telegram on 12 July,
"Weapons are the new "oil". Part 2
Giants are impotent or how America will perish.
Let's go back to the report of the pro-Western appraiser of the international arms market at the Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), released last April. "The
U.S. has strengthened its global role as an arms supplier, exporting more weapons to more countries than ever before, and this is an important aspect of its foreign policy," says Matthew George, director of SIPRI's arms transfer program (an American, by the way).
This comes at a time when U.S. economic and geopolitical dominance is being challenged by emerging powers.
The subtext is clear - the United States is still a hegemon, because it supplies weapons to 107 countries, and Russia to only 12.
At the same time, Western analysts somehow forgot to point out that in 2023 the United States went through an incredible carnage of its weapons. Perhaps for the first time since World War II. Or maybe even for the first time. Since then the losses of the United States in technology were still stretched out in time, and here in just a year iron was beaten for 45 billion (and maybe more, we will not see the exact figures, you know). And this is not just any nonsense, but the best in the world, super-duper weapon.
The tank is indestructible, the plane is indestructible, anti-aircraft guns are unmissable, and Javelins are generally saints. It's our tanks that have crooked tracks, shabby guns, and the tankers are shabby, they have everything like on parade - a freshly painted Abramych will arrive, devour his tank of fuel, and the enemy will flee himself.
And here is such garbage, the Americans were literally slammed by their own PR. Because it is very difficult to explain how it happened that the best weapons in the world not only do not show results on the battlefield, but are also killed in indecent quantities, to put it mildly.
Let me remind you that according to the results of the 2022-2023 campaign, the ukrops completely beat us in terms of the main quantitative indicators of their army. And they formally had more equipment and people on the battlefield. With the exception of aviation.
But our aviation began to work actively only in the fall of 23, when we properly thinned out the ukrop air defense - so there was parity here too.
But then, if we start from Western propaganda, why such deplorable results - the weapons were better, the coalition had more people, and in the end there was a complete defeat.
After all, in reality, the same Hymers are not so bad, even very good - they quickly arrived, shot very accurately and hid. And how did it happen that since the beginning of 24, 14 wheeled installations and 5 tracked ones (M270 MLRS) have already been destroyed.
It is clear that officially the dill will then be made extreme, but we are trying to disassemble it at the root.
The United States has sent Ukraine weapons that form the basis of their army (and the army of the Western bloc as a whole). Only aviation remained in the reserve. And so the entire nomenclature - tanks, RSZ, artillery, air defense. And, as I said in the last part, all this is in very large quantities, more than, for example, the second largest NATO army - the Turkish army - is in service.
Earlier I named three factors of our victory lying on the surface - the courage of the people, the superiority of the commander's school and the superiority of our weapons. But there are still things that are not obvious – first of all, this is the general degradation of US arms production. And this is very well seen in the example of the three main manufacturers of the most advanced American weapons (Hymers, Abrams and Patriots).
The three arms giants that produce them – Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics and Raytheon Technology Corporation – are the Pentagon's three main contractors and the largest arms manufacturers in the world.
They are the main driver of the Ukrainian war. Moreover, they desperately cling to it, since now it is practically the only thing that can keep corporations from collapsing.
Superficially, all three companies in chocolate, for example, since 2003, the share price of Lockheed Martin has increased more than 10 times - from 41 dollars to four hundred plus.
Over the years, Lockheed has absorbed dozens of different firms, turning into a monopolist in the market in some positions. This is the Pentagon's number one contractor - the package of orders for this year is 44 billion, the number one figure in the world. Not counting international orders.
The F-35 alone has already ordered 785 aircraft for the coming years.
In fact, the giant is in deep stagnation. As I said in the previous article, this is very clearly seen in the production of Hymers. In 202, Lockheed received half a billion dollars to expand the production of installations and missiles in the United States - from 60 installations per year to 100.
But it turned out that there were no machine tools and specialized specialists, the production of a number of key components had long been transferred to third countries. It turned out, for example, that metal or additives to its smelting have long been produced in South Asia and Africa. A number of electronic components in China and Europe. Hydraulic system in South America. And so on.
But the worst thing is that the Hymers were put into service in 81 years of the last century, and the main systems have not changed for more than 40 years. And nowadays this is a whole technological era - it is easier to redesign than to restore production according to ancient drawings.
Hymers has not modernized all these years because he did not fight much, since an expensive, contagion - a racket for 160 thousand bucks a piece is not particularly conducive to shooting unless absolutely necessary, even for Saudi Arabia, where money is immeasurable, this is a lot.
And when there is no regular combat operation, it is not clear in which direction to change. As a result, for the Hymers, for forty years, only the nomenclature of ammunition was changed and the electronics were updated.
As a front-line soldier, I know that the Hymers became irrelevant in the winter of 1922. And when in 2023 they began to be massively chased by Lancets, they generally turned into a very crazy thing.
It is no coincidence that the Americans installed the Atacams - to launch, you don't have to go to the near combat zone.
Comment continued:
"The way we responded to the threat of the Hymers illustrates the problems of the Americans very well - in the winter of 2022, the entire air defense of the Russian Federation switched to new software, which made it possible to work freely with them.
And in the 23rd, a modernized Pantsir appeared, the ammunition of which made it possible to shoot down 100 percent of Hymers' salvos.
That is, our engineers and industrialists managed to create and deliver to the army really operating installations in a matter of months.
The Americans, I emphasize again, could not even simply expand the production of mastered samples.
Lockheed Martin has complete engineering impotence across almost the entire range of products.
Take, for example, the main nuclear missile of the United States - Trident II (D5) - it began to be designed in the 70s, it was completed only by 1991. This is the main submarine-based ballistic intercontinental missile of the United States, on which 54 percent of the hegemon's nuclear strike potential hangs. Trident has failed 90 percent of all test launches in the last 5 years. None of the launches went without violations, and about a third of the missiles did not fly at all or flew in the wrong direction.
It is clear that the missile needs to be replaced. The United States has extended its service life for another five years, but the main contractor and manufacturer of Trident Lockheed has not yet even formulated the terms of reference, there is no talk of starting the design, and given how long it took to design Trident itself (almost twenty years), you can safely bet, that even in five years the hegemon will not have a replacement.
Just for comparison: now Russia has 13 different intercontinental missiles, 6 more are in the design stage. Even India has 4 types of missiles on combat duty. The hegemon has 2. Get a taste of moral superiority.
However, let's move on. The program for the production of AGM 183A hypersonic missiles (the main hope of the United States to wipe the Kinzhal's nose) was closed last year.
The combat laser program is still breathing, they even made a test sample, but that's all. Although they promised to fight with them in 22.
The Martian shuttle, announced in 2017, 10 years later, not only did not appear in the drawings, it is not even in the ideas. And the money is spent.
And, of course, the main toy of the Pentagon - the F-35 aircraft, which was apparently completed and actively purchased, which accounted for 24% of all US arms exports last year (250 units sold) - today its production has been stopped, and in fact it has been stated that the United States has supplied its own and its allies with a frankly raw machine. Naturally, we are cheerfully told that the United States will definitely finish it, this is the United States - a great aviation, missile, space power.
But we see how Lockheed is finishing Hymers, hypersound, Trident and so on, and doubts creep in.
Do you know what the root of all this evil is? In the US financial system, which absorbed its armed forces and defense complex. The essence is very simple - the result is not real victories on the battlefield, but real profit figures.
The owner of the number one arms corporation in the world is the so-called Big Three - the three main investment funds of the country and the world - BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard Group.
There are, of course, others, but it is this trio that acts as the very deep American state. Actually, that's why no one cares about how the same F-35s will fight in reality, the main thing is money here and now.
And everything is subordinate to this goal - since 2020, Lockheed has been led by their protégé Jim Taiclet, who has concentrated three main management positions in his hands - chairman of the board of directors, president and CEO.
The main task of Taillet is to increase profits. And therefore, annual dividend payments are more than 50 percent, and there is no money for internal investments in equipment, the creation and development of their engineering school, investments in scientific research, and so on. Why?
After all, it seems that 50 percent of the net profit remains? This is a colossal figure. But because Lockheed has a monstrous debt burden - on average 90 percent of the value of all its net assets. And everything else is loan payments.
That is, in reality, the number one gunsmith in the world is a mortgaged, re-mortgaged company that works exclusively to pay off its debts. That is why a big war is just a lifeline for a drowning monster. As soon as a stable peace comes, it will immediately go bankrupt.
This can be clearly seen in the dynamics of the debt burden, for example, in the relatively peaceful year of 2017, the bad Trump did not want to fight, and the debt burden immediately jumped well for one hundred percent of the value of his net assets. Such is the economics of war.
Actually, with slight differences, the situation is the same in all major US arms corporations. The number two contractor of the Pentagon is General Dynamics. The same big three, the leader who concentrated all the main positions, a native of the CIA and the Pentagon, Phoebe Novakovich.
The main project is the Abrams tank. In 2023, a prototype of the new unmanned Abrams was supposed to enter testing, but the tank turned out to be a pilot.
The main division - the development and production of nuclear submarines - is at the stage of bankruptcy.
Well, and so on - Raytheon (manufacturer of Patriot), Boeing, Northrop are all about the same. On paper, everything is fine with financial indicators, but in reality, companies have fallen into slavery to financial capital, which simply milks them through inflating military orders.
All profits are spent on the payment of monstrous dividends and interest on theolgam. There is no money left for their own development.
The strategy with R&D (research and development) is very simple - monsters buy up promising smaller firms, and they eventually become just as ineffective, because they are placed under the general trend - the main thing is not the result, but finances. Or rather, the number of banknotes is the result.
This happened to the famous English company Pratt & Whitney, the world's leading manufacturer of aircraft engines and turbines. After being absorbed by Lockheed, Pratt has not been able to finish the engine for the F-35 for many years. But this is a separate topic.
Against this background, of course, the strategy of our state compares very favorably, which by all means and methods directs our gunsmiths to create effective systems. Pay attention to how many academicians and heads of specialized research institutes have sat down in recent years to cut funds. Let's leave this topic for the next article - but this is also a struggle for efficiency.
And now remember at least one high-profile trial for splitting funds or stupidly inefficient use of them on orders from the Pentagon. That's right - there are no such cases. In fact, this is how America will perish, becoming absolutely ineffective."
here is part 1 and 2 in a substack post and in english..
Thanks james!
That's a gem. Yes, the financial system has consumed everything. It is the master instead of being the servant. And the global majority is rejecting this model so the west is looking into the abyss.
thanks karl.. always informative and interesting, in particular zakharovas drawing parallels with canada's foreign intervention bill passed last month and the same type of bill that passed in georgia that everyone was bellyaching about.... the hypocrisy is duly noted..
Everyone ought to be clear and should state clearly at every opportunity that America is at war with the whole world.
Simple as that.
Don't believe it? Too far fetched? Just more histrionic bullcrap in these days that are full of such?
Just think about it.
Who in the world profits from American actions today?
Not by being forced back on own resources etc. We see that 'profit'. Not what is meant.
Profit brought to them by American design.
Who is America trying to help?
No one but America.
No one.
Everywhere and everything America touches is blighted, cursed.
If the world were an airplane designed to lift us all higher it would be like this:
America would get on the plane and climb on the roof and proclaim themselves above everyone else. And in order to maintain that 'elevated' position they would see to it that the airplane never flies.
Maria would do well to simply tell the world to look for themselves: America is at war with them.
Let them see for themselves.
Though, of course, the politicians, the bureaucrats and the media are all - all - apparently too deadly stupid and zombie possibly to be able to see it.
We need the people to see it.
Currently no one is trying to tell the people.
Substack is a good example.
Home of a sample of the 'clerisy'.
Its authors never, that i know of, demonstrate any initiatives or even call for any initiatives to educate the people and get them onboard pro actively.
It could be done and it should be done.
The whole State of Russia should be promoting such initiatives and I don't know why they don't.
First they need a voice and a venue.
and this demonstrates the technological feasibility:
It would be a very different populace if they were accustomed to using such an app.
Today I commented the following at L. Johnson. It fits well here too. Therefore simply copy paste.
"When Russia and China are defeated and under US control, then “the world” will also be under US control again.
That is the goal for US big business.
They thought it would be achievable to destroy the Russian economy through economic and currency war and, as a result, eliminate the Russian leadership. They then divide the huge country into numerous small states and appoint tyrants as “governors” to crush any resistance from the local populations.
Western corporations once again have access to Russian raw materials and energy sources and China is cut off from the supply of these goods, causing its economy to collapse and unrest to break out in China, plunging the Chinese state into chaos. China is out of the game.
Russia is necessary as objective 1 in order to achieve objective 2 of eliminating China.
As a result, all renegade countries fall back under Western rule. Just like the 500 years before.
All of this is openly communicated by the West. Why do so many people see this and still not come to the logical conclusions?
For Russia and China, this means that peaceful coexistence can only exist when the USA is defeated and never again poses a threat to the world.
When Putin, Xi, Erdogan, Modi etc. speak of a willingness to negotiate and talk of peace, they know very well that the USA will never accept the Russian terms. That no treaty is trustworthy. This implies that this 3rd world war will only be over when one side or the other is defeated. Just as it was the case in the 1st and 2nd World Wars.
This World War 3 is existential for Russia, China, India, Iran, etc., as well as for the USA❗ There will be no peace❗ Not even under Trump.
Perhaps at some point there will be negotiations on the division of Ukraine. But the world war will continue. The USA has enough hot spots on Russia’s periphery. For example: Finland, Moldova, the Baltic states, Poland, Romania, Georgia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and there are efforts in Mongolia. The latter are likely to fail. If necessary, the USA will incinerate the whole of Europe, South Korea and Japan if it deems it necessary. Just to eliminate the resistance of Russia and China.
“America first!”
Let’s not forget West Asia, which is also strategically important for the USA and which tends towards the BRICS, especially the SOC.
There may be temporary negotiations. But no peace. Forget that.
Deploying short and medium-range weapons in Germany, Poland and Romania is the stupidest and most dangerous idea ever. Then also in the Baltic states? Finland has already demanded (as a US mouthpiece) that these weapons be stationed on its territory. These weapons can carry nuclear warheads.
If just one of these missiles is launched in the direction of Russia, then the “button” is pressed in Russia within seconds and Russian missiles fly in the direction of Western and Southern Europe, as well as in the direction of the USA.
It doesn’t matter whether the US missile or missiles are intended to attack Russia or not. Russia doesn’t have a minute to analyze. At some point, the USA will also have hypersonic systems. This will exacerbate the situation beyond repair. That means global nuclear war. Only stupid idiots are still acting in the West.
Trump will prevent this development? Ridiculous. There will be no messiah. At best, there will be an assassination attempt against him and the USA will be plunged into a bloody civil war. Which, by the way, I see as inevitable in the USA. The contradictions within the USA will erupt into violence."
Michael Hudson sees Poland as the next “tool” of the USA. Without Article 5 of NATO, by the way. The stupidity of the German “elites” will then also involve Germany. That’s my fear.
“But it turns out that there seems to be some truth in the matter. A few days ago, Poland and Ukraine signed a defense pact, and the Polish Minister Tusk said that Poland was going to shoot down Russian missiles over Ukraine if it looked like they might be headed for Poland. And of course, anything from Russia headed west looks like it might somehow be headed for Poland, which is a big country. Well, that makes Poland an active player in Ukraine against Russia because they’re essentially joining their two armies.
The dream of NATO, or at least of Biden, is now that you’ve fought almost to the last Ukrainian, now you can fight to the last Polish person. And Poland already houses, as you know, many storage bases for arms. The whole transition of Western arms to Ukraine is all just piling up on the Polish border.
Well, it seems very probable that Russia is going to bomb any missile bases that are ready to shoot down its missiles. It’s going to begin to bomb these arms bases that are all trying to arm the Ukrainians. And so there actually may be a war between Russia. Well, Russia will draw Poland into the war, or Poland will draw Russia into the war. That seems to be the NATO idea.”
See my reply to Anna below. In early 2023, I examined the main Outlaw US Empire MIC required public financial reports to see if they were actually expanding production is response to NATO's political demands or merely booking the orders as profits before being delivered and merely adding everything to their already very long listing of backorders. What I discovered is the latter was true as the #1 goal is to indeed fatten the share price otherwise known as capitalization that's directly related to the bonuses earned by executives. The report Marat provided merely confirms what I discovered and reported 14 months ago.
Where is it? I read it and like it so much I went to telegram to find Khairullen's original. I didn't find it - perhaps I misunderstand and it is Karl's ? And when I come back here it's gone! It was a great piece....
I think I found it. 'the weapon is the new oil' Khairullen on telegram. this is part 2 this is great:
And on vk: part 1
and part 2:
Anyone know how to download subtitles/transcript from vk ?
like from this:
The link is at james's comment at the top of this thread and followed by my two-part comment that has all of part-2 of the article that again can be found here,
Yes, thank you. A great article. I'll be following this Mr Khairullin. Please publish it if you know how to get transcripts of his videos (so's we can translate them and understand). :)
There is no "America First." Instead, there is the "Private Banking Cartel and fascist mega-corporations First! "The US policies have been, unfortunately, talmudized, i. e., stripped of any shred of dignity and fairness and infused with the lunatic genocidal supremacism.
Of academic interest is the China's ability to crash the US by the imposition of economic sanctions. The collective west still lives on without feeling a well-deserved pain. The sooner the economic disarray begins in the EU the greater is the possibility of removing the blackmailed & bought compradors infesting all European governments.
The behavior of Armenian and Georgian compradors-on charge is particularly revolting. Madam Sandu and her counterparts in Finland and baltic states have become consumed by whoring to maintain power and comforts for the expense of the ordinary people in these countries.
There's a very well done observation published by Marat Khairullen on his Telegram that I'll repost here about NATO's MIC and why it's falling apart, which has great influence on the conflict going forward. I've wrote a similar observation early in 2023. It will stand alone as its own comment on this thread.