The book and the subsequent books by the authors have been lambasted as not being credible. Well, the conspiracy theory covered therein is not the important thing. What is important is the side issues of how the Catholic Church actually arose - Paul was a Roman double-agent, Jesus' own brother told Jesus' followers not to believe Paul, some of Jesus' followers swore to assassinate him. etc.
In short, the Catholic Church is just as fraudulent as the "Christian Zionists", the Jews, the Muslims, and pretty much any other religion (exceptions might be Buddhism and Taoism which are more properly called "spiritual philosophies"; even paganism and Wicca has more legitimacy.)
The amusing thing - if it didn't lead to such horrific actions as Gaza - is that the Palestinians are the descendants of the original Jews who converted centuries after the original Jews were driven out by the Romans. So a bunch of "fake Jews" who are really secular ideological fascists are persecuting the descendants of their actual ancestors. You can't make this up!
Original Zionists were just colonial land grabbers using a myth to justify their land grab. The so-called "Christian Zionists" are just morons. And there is no shortage of morons in the US - look how many voted for Trump - and Biden - and Clinton.
Confession: I often excerpt huge parts of your posts well beyond "fair use" standards. But I do this and add my own emphasis in hopes that more people will tune in to key points, which are never standalone observations but form a piece of the tapestry that makes sense of what we see happening all around us.
Penelope, thanks very much for your efforts! The depth of our reach differs little as long as we continue informing, which is Pepe Escobar's mantra--"We must keep the heat on" he recently told me. And so we shall.
Informing people about what they forgot or never learned in the first place but also connecting the dots between seemingly unrelated events. That often depends on someone mining the archives to find what's always been there and bringing it to the attention of those who lack the wherewithal to seek it out for themselves. There's a distressing lack of curiosity, what Sagan called "a way of thinking, a way of skeptically interrogating the ask skeptical questions, to interrogate those who tell us that something is true..." but fortunately, open-minded people will generally listen once you get their attention.
Just finished this and there's so much to digest. Some of it I already knew but Hudson's take on parallels between the papacy of the 11th century and the US hegemon, both trying to get and keep control over the world, is thought-provoking and something I want to learn more about since it always boils down to money and power.
I think we're facing interesting times, in the sense of the Chinese proverb. It's going to be ugly with potentially deadly outcomes. But I also think it will be another step toward the US's Waterloo because we aren't the economic or military powerhouse we were even 30 years ago - not to mention we're still preparing militarily for the last war instead of the next one, wherein hypersonic missiles make aircraft carriers sitting ducks. The military already can't meet recruitment quotas, with yet another "front" opening in Israel-Gaza that's only going to get worse despite the horrible economy that usually spurs military enlistments ("It's a rich man's war and a poor man's fight"), and especially when the Biden administration has spent the past 3 years insulting the white Southern males who traditionally form the backbone of the US military (for the first time in generations if not forever, veterans are telling their kids *not* to join). Then, of course, there's the economy which is headed for an implosion, some are projecting early next year.
Overall, the Empire's economy has been declining since 1998-9. The Key is Genuine GDP which is a figure net of ALL overhead costs, making it more like $15 Trillion versus the advertised $25 Trillion. And of course, economic benefits are very uneven across the nation as we begin to see suburban slums. Militarily, if you watched closely, its ability has declined along with the economy. Yet the deluded continue to try and behave as if it's the 1960s.
I found this excellent detailed page just the other day .... it is an excellent summary of the Zionist history (and the different versions of it) that sidesteps the American-centric whackiness and focuses on what's going on Palestine Israel, the how and why. with multiple historical refs for more info.
and Netanyahu government reconnects with "revisionist Zionism" .... from 2022 what changed more recently in israel again with many refs to more info
The Jewish Kabbalah, adopted from the Chaldean, was an entirely different religion/philosophy to the elitist nonsense Jews currently practice, was this why Jesus was there for the Jews and not the Gentiles as he is quoted as saying in the Bible? In fact Hasidic is far closer to their original belief system.
Seems in the early days of Christianity there were Christian Jews led by Paul that insisted that belief also included the Jewish system, and the Gentile element led by Peter that said it didn't, the Gentiles eventually had the numbers. The Bible of course was not written by those ascribed to it, neither Old nor New Testament, most or all of the Apostles were illiterate, literacy back then was an upper class luxury. The Catholic Church either wrote the Bible or used blocks by people who were forgers but delivered the suitable message, needless to say it was written to achieve a purpose.
The original Gnostics also had a very different view of Christianity to what is practiced now. Few would dispute the actual words of Jesus, therein lies true Christianity, the various churches that followed are all about control and power, no doubt why reincarnation was edited out.
And then there is the Scofield Bible, I hadn't heard of that one, thanks, it explains where all this Rapture insanity derived, very clever, making Christians subservient to Judaism.
Thanks for your contributions! When I finally write my essay on Metaphysics, the focus will be global, not Western. I suggest when you have plenty of time to explore this website of the late Acharya S, AKA D.M. Murdock. There are other important points uncovered by Dr. Hudson during his research that are included in his last two books and will certainly appear in the next. And I could go on but will soon stop. More than enough evidence exists to prove Zionism is an Imperialist System, not a religion, but that matters not to the Outlaw US Empire as it will create any BigLie that furthers its aims.
Indeed! The altering of the Bible and its teachings has a parallel with the altering of political-economic history almost contemporaneously. It's a very good bet that those events are connected for they serve the same interests.
Ok. The RC Church does teach that the third temple will be built at the end times ready for the Antichrist. It is patristic teaching which gives the highest credence to doctrine (not dogma) outside of the apostles and Jesus Christ, which means it is apostolic teaching. There is no greater figure anticipated in all history, after that of the true messiah, than the antichrist, the man of sin. It is suggested that he could already be here. The Jewish religion is satanic as in committing deicide they, as a nation, turned away from God and have followed 'the father of lies, who was a murderer from the beginning'. Their hate book the Talmud condemns them. St. Paul, one might say the most eminent Jew of his time, called them a menace to the whole human race in his epistles. And yet, the same RC teaches in its catechism that the jews will convert at the end of time; this is doctrine. Consider the act of deicide that Jesus Christ undertook in the most awful suffering both spiritual and physical at the hands of the people of the very nation he came to save, has extended His mercy to His most inveterate enemies, who in welcoming the antichrist as their saviour, will turn to the true Messiah.
Any bible that is not sanctified by the Church is anathema. One could trace all the evils we currently are witnessing to the Reformation. It is the seminal point in English history. It has given us the horrors of Capitalism, the subjugation of the poor, denying the worker his true wages, the abomination of homosexuality: all sins that cry out to God for vengence - Cathechism of the Catholic Church. It has migrated to Judaism and thereby satanism. So the Protestants of America were ripe for the errors of Christian Zionism and all the heresies that go with it. Even Luther doctored the bible to suit his own ends. When Christ said in the gospels: not since the time of Noah has there been such a wicked generation, surely this must refer to ours. And we know how God dealt with the world then. Ours is well over due for its own reckoning.
And to the Catholic Church. It is the only Church Christ instigated. No other has legitimacy. When you look at the apostacy of the Israelites in the OT you understand the apostacy of the Roman Catholic Church today. The Church is undergoing the worst time in its history. There is an apostate heretic on the See of Peter. A gobalist monster. He recently sacked a devout and upright catholic bishop of Tyler, Texas - Bp Strickland - for the sin of being catholic. For this very act he has de jure, not de facto, deposed himself of the See of Peter.
In the nineteenth and twentieth century the Church was assaulted by the movement of modernism, also a fruit of the Reformation, where its entire teaching was questioned. It culminated in the 2nd Vatican Council of 1962-65 which was subverted by Jews and the CIA. Mentioning the CIA from John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul II, Francis were all CIA (hence Jewish) appointments. We have even heard from papal pronouncements that the Jews have their own covenant with God, implying they don't need to be baptised and believe in Christ and enter the Church. This utter heresy. For the act of deicide, the veil of the temple was rent in two, and God punished them in AD70 with the destruction of the temple and all Jerusalem. At that moment, they lost their act of sacrifice and priesthood for all time. So their desire to build the third temple and reenact the sacrifice are all bogus as they don't know who are of the tribe of Levi.
So why be a Catholic then? Because Jesus Christ is the Saviuor, his teachings through the Catholic Church are perennial, his Church is still with us, tainted in its human element. We have the true sacrifice, the sacraments, the priesthood and the Truth. Christ said I am with you till the end of time. It is the only vehicle for salvation. And then there is the Blessed Virgin Mary!
One should read E Michael Jones book: The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit And Two Thousand Years Of World History. The ADL have been trying to ruin him for years. He said: An antisemite used to be someone who hated Jews, now it is someone the Jews hate.
Ok. The RC Church does teach that the third temple will be built at the end times ready for the Antichrist. It is patristic teaching which gives the highest credence to doctrine (not dogma) outside of the apostles and Jesus Christ, which means it is apostolic teaching. There is no greater figure anticipated in all history, after that of the true messiah, than the antichrist, the man of sin. It is suggested that he could already be here. The Jewish religion is satanic as in committing deicide they, as a nation, turned away from God and have followed 'the father of lies, who was a murderer from the beginning'. Their hate book the Talmud condemns them. St. Paul, one might say the most eminent Jew of his time, called them a menace to the whole human race in his epistles. And yet, the same RC teaches in its catechism that the jews will convert at the end of time; this is doctrine. Consider the act of deicide that Jesus Christ undertook in the most awful suffering both spiritual and physical at the hands of the people of the very nation he came to save, has extended His mercy to His most inveterate enemies, who in welcoming the antichrist as their saviour, will turn to the true Messiah.
Any bible that is not sanctified by the Church is anathema. One could trace all the evils we currently are witnessing to the Reformation. It is the seminal point in English history. It has given us the horrors of Capitalism, the subjugation of the poor, denying the worker his true wages, the abomination of homosexuality: all sins that cry out to God for vengence - Cathechism of the Catholic Church. It has migrated to Judaism and thereby satanism. So the Protestants of America were ripe for the errors of Christian Zionism and all the heresies that go with it. Even Luther doctored the bible to suit his own ends. When Christ said in the gospels: not since the time of Noah has there been such a wicked generation, surely this must refer to ours. And we know how God dealt with the world then. Ours is well over due for its own reckoning.
And to the Catholic Church. It is the only Church Christ instigated. No other has legitimacy. When you look at the apostacy of the Israelites in the OT you understand the apostacy of the Roman Catholic Church today. The Church is undergoing the worst time in its history. There is an apostate heretic on the See of Peter. A gobalist monster. He recently sacked a devout and upright catholic bishop of Tyler, Texas - Bp Strickland - for the sin of being catholic. For this very act he has de jure, not de facto, deposed himself of the See of Peter.
In the nineteenth and twentieth century the Church was assaulted by the movement of modernism, also a fruit of the Reformation, where its entire teaching was questioned. It culminated in the 2nd Vatican Council of 1962-65 which was subverted by Jews and the CIA. Mentioning the CIA from John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul II, Francis were all CIA (hence Jewish) appointments. We have even heard from papal pronouncements that the Jews have their own covenant with God, implying they don't need to be baptised and believe in Christ and enter the Church. This utter heresy. For the act of deicide, the veil of the temple was rent in two, and God punished them in AD70 with the destruction of the temple and all Jerusalem. At that moment, they lost their act of sacrifice and priesthood for all time. So their desire to build the third temple and reenact the sacrifice are all bogus as they don't know who are of the tribe of Levi.
So why be a Catholic then? Because Jesus Christ is the Saviuor, his teachings through the Catholic Church are perennial, his Church is still with us, tainted in its human element. We have the true sacrifice, the sacraments, the priesthood and the Truth. Christ said I am with you till the end of time. It is the only vehicle for salvation. And then there is the Blessed Virgin Mary!
One should read E Michael Jones book: The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit And Two Thousand Years Of World History. The ADL have been trying to ruin him for years. He said: An antisemite used to be someone who hated Jews, now it is someone the Jews hate.
Thank you. I had heard of that Bible but it never made it into the frontal lobes, so to speak. I recently read an account - sorry, cannot recall the source - about how the Protestant movement was crypto-Jewish instigated. It re-emphasizes the Old Testament which is both tribal and materialist-imperialist, the old approach of sacrificing to a God who gives victory in battle and also blesses the rape, pillage and destruction of one's enemies, and extends further into the 'chosen' notion. It's a very basic mindset and of course any mindset has its quintessential 'seed syllable' expression, or symbol, which is part of the 'god' principle. Or in Biblical terms, 'in the beginning was the Word-Logos-Idea'.
Usually I try to avoid Jewish issues and articles about them. I did a moderately deep dive about twenty years ago and prefer to avoid the subject. After Gaza (again last month) I went through a little bit more, but have still not made the effort to go through Hoffman's 'Judaism Discovered from its own Sources'.
The Empire of Lies moniker strikes deep at the heart of the Beast. I think the Jewish story is largely a lie, but clearly Jews exist so there is something to it. That said, just like 'in the beginning was the Logos' so also with a people one could say 'in the beginning there was a region' or - in the case of the Jewish cosmopolitan tribe based around commerce not physical location - we could say 'in the beginning was the Activity', namely trading and financing. When shipping goods from Place A (like India) to Place B (like Cairo) when and where does payment happen, moreover if financing is involved to raise sufficient funds to fill the vessel, how and when and on what terms does all that happen?
Managing these types of transactional issues is, I believe, the bedrock 'seed syllable' essence of Jewish tribal identity, much like the Amazon jungle defined the tribes living deep in her midst.
The point being: we are fundamentally dealing not so much with a religion or a location-based nation, specifically Judaism and Israel, but a mindset based around situational matrix and how that mindset develops transactional modes of being which have spread throughout the West as it increasingly dominating how things get done in war, in business, in politics and now latterly in medicine, in education, in media and so forth.
So along with identifying key, specifically Jewish elements in the mix - which is uncomfortably controversial even in ostensibly non-Jewish societies - we have to also learn to understand the underlying mentality which is shared by all humans but is emphasized differently from culture to culture. Just as we all need food and thus material sustenance, so also we all need some sort of transactional methodology, just as all societies, no matter the ideologies or other principles around which they are structured, with have some sort of class system, be it artfully expressed or spontaneously haphazard and ignored. The transactional imperative, let us say, has run amok. It has crushed religious sensitivities - which exist in all whether or not channeled via institutional religion per se - artistic talent and expression, governance, military and so on.
Beneath it all we have a mentality issue to deal with. It is tempting to think in terms of 'they are doing this to us (or to me)' but it is always, always, always that we are doing this all together to ourselves. If Jewish mores have pervaded Western culture and corrupted them in many ways, spearheading the over-emphasis on crude materialism for example, which has clearly taken place, then those so affected also participated, they bit into the Apple and in so doing became active participants.
We are all liars now, participating in the same deceptions. We have ruined most of what was good in our civilizational template and will most likely have to start over. This will take centuries, not decades, I suspect.
"the Catholic Church, which is in no way innocent as johnny rotten somewhat implies."
Got that right! Read "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" by Michael Baigent Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln. Read the Wikipedia entry here:
The book in several editions is available for free here:
The followup book, "The Messianic Legacy", is also available for free here:
The third book in the series, "The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception", is also available for free here:
The book and the subsequent books by the authors have been lambasted as not being credible. Well, the conspiracy theory covered therein is not the important thing. What is important is the side issues of how the Catholic Church actually arose - Paul was a Roman double-agent, Jesus' own brother told Jesus' followers not to believe Paul, some of Jesus' followers swore to assassinate him. etc.
In short, the Catholic Church is just as fraudulent as the "Christian Zionists", the Jews, the Muslims, and pretty much any other religion (exceptions might be Buddhism and Taoism which are more properly called "spiritual philosophies"; even paganism and Wicca has more legitimacy.)
The amusing thing - if it didn't lead to such horrific actions as Gaza - is that the Palestinians are the descendants of the original Jews who converted centuries after the original Jews were driven out by the Romans. So a bunch of "fake Jews" who are really secular ideological fascists are persecuting the descendants of their actual ancestors. You can't make this up!
Original Zionists were just colonial land grabbers using a myth to justify their land grab. The so-called "Christian Zionists" are just morons. And there is no shortage of morons in the US - look how many voted for Trump - and Biden - and Clinton.
Confession: I often excerpt huge parts of your posts well beyond "fair use" standards. But I do this and add my own emphasis in hopes that more people will tune in to key points, which are never standalone observations but form a piece of the tapestry that makes sense of what we see happening all around us.
Penelope, thanks very much for your efforts! The depth of our reach differs little as long as we continue informing, which is Pepe Escobar's mantra--"We must keep the heat on" he recently told me. And so we shall.
Informing people about what they forgot or never learned in the first place but also connecting the dots between seemingly unrelated events. That often depends on someone mining the archives to find what's always been there and bringing it to the attention of those who lack the wherewithal to seek it out for themselves. There's a distressing lack of curiosity, what Sagan called "a way of thinking, a way of skeptically interrogating the ask skeptical questions, to interrogate those who tell us that something is true..." but fortunately, open-minded people will generally listen once you get their attention.
In that vein, I highly suggest reading this transcript of the recent talk between Ben Norton and Michael Hudson on the Palestine Greater West Asia crisis. IMO, it's vital,
Just finished this and there's so much to digest. Some of it I already knew but Hudson's take on parallels between the papacy of the 11th century and the US hegemon, both trying to get and keep control over the world, is thought-provoking and something I want to learn more about since it always boils down to money and power.
I think we're facing interesting times, in the sense of the Chinese proverb. It's going to be ugly with potentially deadly outcomes. But I also think it will be another step toward the US's Waterloo because we aren't the economic or military powerhouse we were even 30 years ago - not to mention we're still preparing militarily for the last war instead of the next one, wherein hypersonic missiles make aircraft carriers sitting ducks. The military already can't meet recruitment quotas, with yet another "front" opening in Israel-Gaza that's only going to get worse despite the horrible economy that usually spurs military enlistments ("It's a rich man's war and a poor man's fight"), and especially when the Biden administration has spent the past 3 years insulting the white Southern males who traditionally form the backbone of the US military (for the first time in generations if not forever, veterans are telling their kids *not* to join). Then, of course, there's the economy which is headed for an implosion, some are projecting early next year.
Overall, the Empire's economy has been declining since 1998-9. The Key is Genuine GDP which is a figure net of ALL overhead costs, making it more like $15 Trillion versus the advertised $25 Trillion. And of course, economic benefits are very uneven across the nation as we begin to see suburban slums. Militarily, if you watched closely, its ability has declined along with the economy. Yet the deluded continue to try and behave as if it's the 1960s.
Excellent, will do, thank you!
I found this excellent detailed page just the other day .... it is an excellent summary of the Zionist history (and the different versions of it) that sidesteps the American-centric whackiness and focuses on what's going on Palestine Israel, the how and why. with multiple historical refs for more info.
and Netanyahu government reconnects with "revisionist Zionism" .... from 2022 what changed more recently in israel again with many refs to more info
related issues about dual citizenship ...
The Jewish Kabbalah, adopted from the Chaldean, was an entirely different religion/philosophy to the elitist nonsense Jews currently practice, was this why Jesus was there for the Jews and not the Gentiles as he is quoted as saying in the Bible? In fact Hasidic is far closer to their original belief system.
Seems in the early days of Christianity there were Christian Jews led by Paul that insisted that belief also included the Jewish system, and the Gentile element led by Peter that said it didn't, the Gentiles eventually had the numbers. The Bible of course was not written by those ascribed to it, neither Old nor New Testament, most or all of the Apostles were illiterate, literacy back then was an upper class luxury. The Catholic Church either wrote the Bible or used blocks by people who were forgers but delivered the suitable message, needless to say it was written to achieve a purpose.
The original Gnostics also had a very different view of Christianity to what is practiced now. Few would dispute the actual words of Jesus, therein lies true Christianity, the various churches that followed are all about control and power, no doubt why reincarnation was edited out.
And then there is the Scofield Bible, I hadn't heard of that one, thanks, it explains where all this Rapture insanity derived, very clever, making Christians subservient to Judaism.
Thanks for your contributions! When I finally write my essay on Metaphysics, the focus will be global, not Western. I suggest when you have plenty of time to explore this website of the late Acharya S, AKA D.M. Murdock. There are other important points uncovered by Dr. Hudson during his research that are included in his last two books and will certainly appear in the next. And I could go on but will soon stop. More than enough evidence exists to prove Zionism is an Imperialist System, not a religion, but that matters not to the Outlaw US Empire as it will create any BigLie that furthers its aims.
None of it is faith based.
New Testament “the stone the builder rejected is the cornerstone”
Revelations is mis interpreted.
New cornerstone is the one crucified. The new temple is spiritual.
Which was how Catholics are raised.
Speaking of Reverend Dr. Stephen Sizer , here is a one hour Youtube lecture he gave on the subject:
The Historical Roots of Christian Zionism, its Theological Basis and Political Agenda
thanks karl..again - fascinating and disturbing..
Indeed! The altering of the Bible and its teachings has a parallel with the altering of political-economic history almost contemporaneously. It's a very good bet that those events are connected for they serve the same interests.
Ok. The RC Church does teach that the third temple will be built at the end times ready for the Antichrist. It is patristic teaching which gives the highest credence to doctrine (not dogma) outside of the apostles and Jesus Christ, which means it is apostolic teaching. There is no greater figure anticipated in all history, after that of the true messiah, than the antichrist, the man of sin. It is suggested that he could already be here. The Jewish religion is satanic as in committing deicide they, as a nation, turned away from God and have followed 'the father of lies, who was a murderer from the beginning'. Their hate book the Talmud condemns them. St. Paul, one might say the most eminent Jew of his time, called them a menace to the whole human race in his epistles. And yet, the same RC teaches in its catechism that the jews will convert at the end of time; this is doctrine. Consider the act of deicide that Jesus Christ undertook in the most awful suffering both spiritual and physical at the hands of the people of the very nation he came to save, has extended His mercy to His most inveterate enemies, who in welcoming the antichrist as their saviour, will turn to the true Messiah.
Any bible that is not sanctified by the Church is anathema. One could trace all the evils we currently are witnessing to the Reformation. It is the seminal point in English history. It has given us the horrors of Capitalism, the subjugation of the poor, denying the worker his true wages, the abomination of homosexuality: all sins that cry out to God for vengence - Cathechism of the Catholic Church. It has migrated to Judaism and thereby satanism. So the Protestants of America were ripe for the errors of Christian Zionism and all the heresies that go with it. Even Luther doctored the bible to suit his own ends. When Christ said in the gospels: not since the time of Noah has there been such a wicked generation, surely this must refer to ours. And we know how God dealt with the world then. Ours is well over due for its own reckoning.
And to the Catholic Church. It is the only Church Christ instigated. No other has legitimacy. When you look at the apostacy of the Israelites in the OT you understand the apostacy of the Roman Catholic Church today. The Church is undergoing the worst time in its history. There is an apostate heretic on the See of Peter. A gobalist monster. He recently sacked a devout and upright catholic bishop of Tyler, Texas - Bp Strickland - for the sin of being catholic. For this very act he has de jure, not de facto, deposed himself of the See of Peter.
In the nineteenth and twentieth century the Church was assaulted by the movement of modernism, also a fruit of the Reformation, where its entire teaching was questioned. It culminated in the 2nd Vatican Council of 1962-65 which was subverted by Jews and the CIA. Mentioning the CIA from John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul II, Francis were all CIA (hence Jewish) appointments. We have even heard from papal pronouncements that the Jews have their own covenant with God, implying they don't need to be baptised and believe in Christ and enter the Church. This utter heresy. For the act of deicide, the veil of the temple was rent in two, and God punished them in AD70 with the destruction of the temple and all Jerusalem. At that moment, they lost their act of sacrifice and priesthood for all time. So their desire to build the third temple and reenact the sacrifice are all bogus as they don't know who are of the tribe of Levi.
So why be a Catholic then? Because Jesus Christ is the Saviuor, his teachings through the Catholic Church are perennial, his Church is still with us, tainted in its human element. We have the true sacrifice, the sacraments, the priesthood and the Truth. Christ said I am with you till the end of time. It is the only vehicle for salvation. And then there is the Blessed Virgin Mary!
One should read E Michael Jones book: The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit And Two Thousand Years Of World History. The ADL have been trying to ruin him for years. He said: An antisemite used to be someone who hated Jews, now it is someone the Jews hate.
Thanks for sharing your views. The discussion on Metaphysics will clearly be intense.
Ok. The RC Church does teach that the third temple will be built at the end times ready for the Antichrist. It is patristic teaching which gives the highest credence to doctrine (not dogma) outside of the apostles and Jesus Christ, which means it is apostolic teaching. There is no greater figure anticipated in all history, after that of the true messiah, than the antichrist, the man of sin. It is suggested that he could already be here. The Jewish religion is satanic as in committing deicide they, as a nation, turned away from God and have followed 'the father of lies, who was a murderer from the beginning'. Their hate book the Talmud condemns them. St. Paul, one might say the most eminent Jew of his time, called them a menace to the whole human race in his epistles. And yet, the same RC teaches in its catechism that the jews will convert at the end of time; this is doctrine. Consider the act of deicide that Jesus Christ undertook in the most awful suffering both spiritual and physical at the hands of the people of the very nation he came to save, has extended His mercy to His most inveterate enemies, who in welcoming the antichrist as their saviour, will turn to the true Messiah.
Any bible that is not sanctified by the Church is anathema. One could trace all the evils we currently are witnessing to the Reformation. It is the seminal point in English history. It has given us the horrors of Capitalism, the subjugation of the poor, denying the worker his true wages, the abomination of homosexuality: all sins that cry out to God for vengence - Cathechism of the Catholic Church. It has migrated to Judaism and thereby satanism. So the Protestants of America were ripe for the errors of Christian Zionism and all the heresies that go with it. Even Luther doctored the bible to suit his own ends. When Christ said in the gospels: not since the time of Noah has there been such a wicked generation, surely this must refer to ours. And we know how God dealt with the world then. Ours is well over due for its own reckoning.
And to the Catholic Church. It is the only Church Christ instigated. No other has legitimacy. When you look at the apostacy of the Israelites in the OT you understand the apostacy of the Roman Catholic Church today. The Church is undergoing the worst time in its history. There is an apostate heretic on the See of Peter. A gobalist monster. He recently sacked a devout and upright catholic bishop of Tyler, Texas - Bp Strickland - for the sin of being catholic. For this very act he has de jure, not de facto, deposed himself of the See of Peter.
In the nineteenth and twentieth century the Church was assaulted by the movement of modernism, also a fruit of the Reformation, where its entire teaching was questioned. It culminated in the 2nd Vatican Council of 1962-65 which was subverted by Jews and the CIA. Mentioning the CIA from John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul II, Francis were all CIA (hence Jewish) appointments. We have even heard from papal pronouncements that the Jews have their own covenant with God, implying they don't need to be baptised and believe in Christ and enter the Church. This utter heresy. For the act of deicide, the veil of the temple was rent in two, and God punished them in AD70 with the destruction of the temple and all Jerusalem. At that moment, they lost their act of sacrifice and priesthood for all time. So their desire to build the third temple and reenact the sacrifice are all bogus as they don't know who are of the tribe of Levi.
So why be a Catholic then? Because Jesus Christ is the Saviuor, his teachings through the Catholic Church are perennial, his Church is still with us, tainted in its human element. We have the true sacrifice, the sacraments, the priesthood and the Truth. Christ said I am with you till the end of time. It is the only vehicle for salvation. And then there is the Blessed Virgin Mary!
One should read E Michael Jones book: The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit And Two Thousand Years Of World History. The ADL have been trying to ruin him for years. He said: An antisemite used to be someone who hated Jews, now it is someone the Jews hate.
Hard to kill this idea of killing as a salvation using weapons.
The only way is revealing it to the light of day by writing as you do.
A brave pursuit.
Thank you. I had heard of that Bible but it never made it into the frontal lobes, so to speak. I recently read an account - sorry, cannot recall the source - about how the Protestant movement was crypto-Jewish instigated. It re-emphasizes the Old Testament which is both tribal and materialist-imperialist, the old approach of sacrificing to a God who gives victory in battle and also blesses the rape, pillage and destruction of one's enemies, and extends further into the 'chosen' notion. It's a very basic mindset and of course any mindset has its quintessential 'seed syllable' expression, or symbol, which is part of the 'god' principle. Or in Biblical terms, 'in the beginning was the Word-Logos-Idea'.
Usually I try to avoid Jewish issues and articles about them. I did a moderately deep dive about twenty years ago and prefer to avoid the subject. After Gaza (again last month) I went through a little bit more, but have still not made the effort to go through Hoffman's 'Judaism Discovered from its own Sources'.
The Empire of Lies moniker strikes deep at the heart of the Beast. I think the Jewish story is largely a lie, but clearly Jews exist so there is something to it. That said, just like 'in the beginning was the Logos' so also with a people one could say 'in the beginning there was a region' or - in the case of the Jewish cosmopolitan tribe based around commerce not physical location - we could say 'in the beginning was the Activity', namely trading and financing. When shipping goods from Place A (like India) to Place B (like Cairo) when and where does payment happen, moreover if financing is involved to raise sufficient funds to fill the vessel, how and when and on what terms does all that happen?
Managing these types of transactional issues is, I believe, the bedrock 'seed syllable' essence of Jewish tribal identity, much like the Amazon jungle defined the tribes living deep in her midst.
The point being: we are fundamentally dealing not so much with a religion or a location-based nation, specifically Judaism and Israel, but a mindset based around situational matrix and how that mindset develops transactional modes of being which have spread throughout the West as it increasingly dominating how things get done in war, in business, in politics and now latterly in medicine, in education, in media and so forth.
So along with identifying key, specifically Jewish elements in the mix - which is uncomfortably controversial even in ostensibly non-Jewish societies - we have to also learn to understand the underlying mentality which is shared by all humans but is emphasized differently from culture to culture. Just as we all need food and thus material sustenance, so also we all need some sort of transactional methodology, just as all societies, no matter the ideologies or other principles around which they are structured, with have some sort of class system, be it artfully expressed or spontaneously haphazard and ignored. The transactional imperative, let us say, has run amok. It has crushed religious sensitivities - which exist in all whether or not channeled via institutional religion per se - artistic talent and expression, governance, military and so on.
Beneath it all we have a mentality issue to deal with. It is tempting to think in terms of 'they are doing this to us (or to me)' but it is always, always, always that we are doing this all together to ourselves. If Jewish mores have pervaded Western culture and corrupted them in many ways, spearheading the over-emphasis on crude materialism for example, which has clearly taken place, then those so affected also participated, they bit into the Apple and in so doing became active participants.
We are all liars now, participating in the same deceptions. We have ruined most of what was good in our civilizational template and will most likely have to start over. This will take centuries, not decades, I suspect.
Thank you for this. I only learned of its existence a few days ago.
Thanks for this, I certainly learnt a lot about the basis of US Zionism.