The proposal is a joke. It's simply impossible. The thing is if he pulls out of the government, the fragile coalition fractures and the government falls, then new elections, Netanyahu loses and goes to jail. Gantz is no less genocidal, but Israel is destined to lose. In my opinion Hamas's game plan remains consistent throughout. Stretch everything out. Time, time, time...the clock is against Israel. Everyone in the Axis is on the same page. Maybe the Palestinians lose a 300,000, maybe 600,000, maybe a million. Think the siege of Leningrad. Meanwhile the world becomes more and more horrified. The price is horrendous, but you win. This is classic guerrilla stuff--which Hamas has no doubt studied. Three things are required: the support of the people (they have it), a refuge (the tunnels), and time. If by chance they do begin to wither, Hezbollah ups its game. Israel is done.

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Agreed. The gov't is polarized and will probably break. Gantz has already put forth his election plan, which although impossible will offer something different to an electorate that demands something different from Netanyahu. The Resistance must continue its pressure.

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May 21Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thanks for this report Karl

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May 19Liked by Karl Sanchez

Now it is really spelled out, isn’t it? “Israel called for bipartisan support on Sunday from the United States against the establishment of a Palestinian state, which it said would be a reward for Hamas and its backer Iran.”


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It's a duel. but LAW says Palestine will prevail. The Zionist government is going to break. I say support its breaking. Let it polarize into a mishmash as it becomes clear killing all the Palestinians is impossible and the Project has failed.

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May 20Liked by Karl Sanchez

Oh, yes. I agree, of course. But so many killed for this fraught idea!

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May 20Liked by Karl Sanchez

Many great observations made already, and it's true we maybe witnessing the implosion of one of the most apartheid remaining nations on earth. In the dictionaries I grew up with: Semite was a region and Semites were the indigenous peoples of that region. These days it's become to mean something else, nevertheless Israel's actions against the Palestinian peoples is antisemitic genocide - something their own religious texts warned would bring about their own destruction.

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Few seem aware of Gantz''s proposal preferring to focus on Raisi's death and the ICC's possible arrest warrants for top Zionists.

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May 20·edited May 20Liked by Karl Sanchez

I read Christopher Rufo's article on Signal App's Katherine Maher and the uncanny ability she's had to be best placed at various Touchstone's of the moment at exactly the right time...with obvious conclusions of her true employer. So many of the wheels of empires turn outside of our purview it's an undisclosed cosmology. Its issue being our 3d world economy is not big enough to support their ambitions - so repeatedly they hit buffers on mission choke points or public opinion - rarely able to cover all bases. I imagine that second homes and yachts are being bought with overtime and sub-contracts at Catholics In Action on so much that doesn't even enter our purview. The housing estate at Credden Hill seems to be getting bigger- and nicer cars in the lot, and I think that'll be the case for the next decade. I was in Israel in mid '80's. It was 3 countries then possibly 4: The civilian state, the Arabic+Palestinian and the military holding it together. The 4th being the Hasidic that splits Zionists or diametrically opposes them. It was an amazing country, though likely more sanity in mental institutions than that landing strip. It'd rather run 10 years as a tin pot Kosova NATO base before reforming anything noticeable....IMHO.

In the meantime the mad puppeteers will massage their demonic news cycles as best they can...nudging us towards their slipway with Judas Goats leading the way.

Another day in the nuthouse!

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May 19Liked by Karl Sanchez

It is a beautiful sight watching the ZioNAZI monster eating it's own bastard spawn.

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I believe this is just an attempt to distance himself from the disastrous policy israel has been following since Oct 07. They can't eliminate Hamas without eliminating or expelling almost everybody in Gaza - and they already know this can't be done. The hypocrisy in all this is that Gantz is as responsible for what is going on than SatanYahoo.

At the end of day, when all's said and done, Israel lost. When four in then Americans, even with all repression, propaganda and flat-out political treason, believe israel is committing genocide, it's over (we're talking about Israel's bitch here).

Israel is under the most serious threat to its existence since 1973. It's paying the price for decades of colonialism, racism, apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. Actually, its very existence is predicated on that. So it looks like the end is near.

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May 20Liked by Karl Sanchez

one could look at it this way... getting rid of hamas is like getting rid of zionism... you can change the name ( hamas) to something else, but getting rid of the opposition is impossible... i think it is much the same with zionism - impossible to get rid of..

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May 20Liked by Karl Sanchez

Chin up now, a centrist type of hellspawn or not, he set a date. I haven't even elementary knowledge of their government's workings, queen, president, PM, etc but if netty and gantzy are in this three-party war coalition and one party leaves it seems as though it would be bad for the coalition and the government. I recall latest voting it took quite a while to get netty back into office but he's been overlord there for a very long time like arafat days and I'm sure has a rather low popularity. If netty and gantzy work up a compromise and keep their coalition together it hurts both their popularity polls. I don't know if this war cabinet exists beyond just managing this "conflict" but its internal strife and even collapse seems like it would be a large step towards end of the nation as it exists. It's too late for their western two-state "solution", much like it's too late to dictate the terms of the end of the ukrainian border dispute. The state can be propped up for a while and maybe two-state thing gets it started but I think a massive emigration from israel is already underway and don't see that reversing anytime soon, economics can't be great under blockade, nor can rocket alerts and impacts throughout the whole country make living there very desirable, nor tourism possible. A great majority will be eventually be off to russia and both western and eastern europe. Ultra-orthodox may stick around but in a few generations they'll be a minority along with Christians and Muslims in some sort of quasi-natural nation perhaps. Blessings sir and may we all offer condolences and restful prayers for the victims of the helicopter incident.

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Yes, agree on all your points.

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