Merry Christmas to my righteous friend, Karl. I sleep better knowing you're keeping tabs on the world. You deserve and shall have a great 2024, despite the objective situation.

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I did Guard Duty twice, then I ran what was something like an all-night cafe imposed by my unit's tasking. Never thought of standing guard to protect the cookies meant for Santa, but that was a very different time.

My Best for the Holidays!

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In my home this also represents Solstice. A time to let the darkness of the sky give us time to reflect on the goings on of the last year. Certainly time to hope for peace to overcome greed. And time to think about those many people that have no food or safety. Thanks for your uplifting thoughts, Karl.

Merry Christmas 🤶 🎄

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My mom and I adopted Solstice about 15 years ago. I'd like Christmas to be that magical time when I was still under ten when its luster began to fade. I debated what to write, then saw the image and gained the motivation.

Enjoy the holiday week!

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May the long time sun shine; bless you, friendly, neighbor of the Winter Sun. May your Holy Days be “good things”; sharing is caring. Inlakesh❤️🎄❤️🐈‍⬛

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Thanks very much! My wife and I had a talk about how Christmas and holidays in general have changed over our lifetimes. Dr. Seuss was ahead of his time having the Grinch try to cancel Christmas. I wonder how many who watched that again this year made that connection? My best to you and yours!

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Oh yes, the changes with the decades…immense. Simple I am, family tradition, tomato soup, grilled cheese sandwiches…way back in the 1960’s, right. Blessings to you, your loved ones, All. Old lady with a virtual cat❤️🐈‍⬛🎄🎁❤️

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Just a Big Grin! My--Our--Best!

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"Jesus would have opposed the very institution erected in his name that turned his mission upside down and inside-out."

Absolutely correct. The Dead Sea Scrolls pretty much exposed the Catholic Church for the fraud it was as created by Paul - whom Jesus' own brother denounced and Jesus' own followers swore never to eat, drink or sleep until they'd killed him - which his why he was escorted out of Israel by a cohort of Roman soldiers back to Rome where he started his "Christ cult". Basically Paul was the L. Ron Hubbard - the creator of Scientology - of his day.

As for the Jubilee, IIRC that was one of the promises the Founding Fathers used to get Americans on their side in the Revolution - and then reneged on it, resulting in events like Shay's Rebellion and rioting in New York which was put down by cannon firing grape shot. Reading any real American history pretty much crushes whatever one is taught in school about the founding of this country and indeed its subsequent history.

People who think America has fallen on hard times don't realize that this country never had far to fall.

All that said, being a rabid atheist, if Jesus came back today, I'd be out there with a sniper rifle hunting for him. The same with Mohammad and pretty much any other monotheistic religious figure.

Oh, and let's not forget that December 25 was chosen as Christmas based on the date being part of previous pagan holidays, rather than anything to do with Jesus' alleged birth.

In other words, everything you know is wrong. So, Merry Christmas! LOL

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I'm the night owl of the family, keeping a peaceful watch over the long night, but with this splinter of anguish because I know what is being lost in Palestine right now.

Peace on earth to all of good will.

With hope.

Thank you Karl for your message tonight.

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I'd very gladly not have had to write it. It's my candle in the night.

Happy Holidays!

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Karl, I am a Dutch loyal person and will likely follow you always. Certain things at certain times are well left alone.

The Dutch are not known for a public display of their emotions. It has been such for many centuries. I am a Dutch ethnic Frisian.

Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuw jaar aan allemaal! Blier Krystfeest en in Gelokkich Nij jier oan allegearre!

Translation. self evident

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Feliz Navidad y Mele Kalikimaka!!

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С Рождеством.

The picture does sum things up quite well.

Thank you for your substack. Best for you and yoyur family in '24!

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Thanks! I' wish I knew the artist so I could properly credit.

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From a long time MoA lurker, Merry Christmas. Karl, your words are making a difference.

Long may you run.

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Thanks! Happy Holidays to you and yours!

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Vladimir Golstein:

West Crocodile Tears, Grievances Olympics, and My Take on ME Problems.

Measuring grievances and victimhoods is the exercise in frustration.

Sure enough team A has grievances against team B. And visa versa. Sure enough there are people who take the grievances of team A more seriously. While others are bending over backwards to understand the suffering of team B.

One have to be very skeptical of these discourses. Didn't we just witness the endless establishment discourse about genocidal Putin and his innocent victims -- democracy oriented Ukrainians. Didn't we just witness the endless establishment discourse about evil antivuxers and the trail of tears that they have left behind. Why not be skeptical about the discourse promoted by British or American liberal establishment, and the holier-than-thou liberal Jews, who denounced Russia and Israel in the same terms and with the same vehemency. I sure am. Not because I am that smart, but simply because I've been fooled by this discourse about evil Russians, evil Serbs, evil Iranians and so on for too many times.

If one decides to look beyond this tear-Olympics, a rather different picture emerges. That of gladiators butchering each other in order to entertain Roman Empire. Yes, there are cruel Romans --neocons--who enjoy seeing blood and demand more and more of it. And there are sensitive Romans--neolibs-- who love to shed their crocodile tears over losing gladiators and despise the brutal ones, while attending the coliseums with the same sick fascination as the cruel Romans.

I hope this analogy is clear. If not, let me spell it for you. Western/Nato Empire loves to see its victims butchering each other. Used to be called divide and conquer. And yes, there is a liberal wing of western empire, which has this indestructible desire for virtue signaling. Let me call the first group, the team of crocodiles, and another the team of crocodile tears. It is this group which now sheds tears for poor Ukrainians, poor Palestinian children and so on. That's the extend of it. Being rather sentimental, I understand the impulse, behind the Team of Crocodile Tears, but knowing a bit of history, I take my distance from it. As I said, I've been fooled before.

So what does history tell us? A simple story. It is the West (Brits, Spaniards, Americans, French, Dutch, Belgians and so on) which did all they could to enslave the rest of the world, and turn some of those slaves into gladiators. Exactly like Romans did. And yes, Jews, those who survived, that is, proved to be extremely successful fighters. Having been expelled if not exterminated from England, France, Spain, Portugal, Russia, Poland, Ukraine and so on, those survivors proved rather powerful opponents. Clearly not a match to Arabs living in Middle East, and subject to all sorts of more lenient empires, like Ottomans, who didn't prepare them enough for the blood sport.

So yes, now the denizens of the West, having divided themselves into teams of Crocodiles and Crocodile Tears watch with interest the gladiator fights, some cheering for stronger, others for weaker. Frankly, I find it degrading to join any team of spectators. And yes, as it happened before, one of these days, the gladiators will find new Spartacus, new leader, who would not really care, who you are, Jew or Palestinian, and would unite the victims of Empire, and lead the slaves against it; against the empire, which subjected them to cruel sport to begin with. And history knows such Spartacus, who didn't care who you are remembering only that we all are children of God.

In the meantime, those of my friends, who think that the Crocodile Tears team, led by Caitlyn Johnstone, Aron Mate, Norman Finkelstein, and other witting or unwitting servants of the Empire who decided that a successful gladiator is no longer a gladiator and a slave, but equal to Roman Emperors only because one of those royals decided to take one of those gladiators for a lover, feel free to join them in shedding their tears and expressing their outrage or misguided sense of justice.

A much better way to solve this thorny problem in the middle east is to give parts of Germany, Spain, Portugal, England, and so on to Israelis. Two state solution, if you wish. Let there be EU, and Jewish EU. But until the west actually does that, I suggest those Westerners from the Team Crocodile Tears to be a bit more modest. It is sort of vulgar to kick people from their land, lock them up on a tiny island, and watch them fight for survival, cheering now for the strong, now for the weak.

Merry Christmas to both teams!

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That was lovely. It's been a tough year. Including personally. Much loss. Let's hope for a better year ahead. All the best Karl and to everyone seeking a better world with more peace and love. Take care all.

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Hello Karl. We occasionally interact at Moon of Alabama. I was curious as to what you or Dr. Hudson would say about this interpretation.


What I suspect is that this author began with conflicted interests and "studied" the Jubilee only from within the limited framework of Christian scripture, i.e., without the benefit of Hudson's detailed and thorough understanding of ancient history outside of scripture. But I genuinely would appreciate a rebuttal to it, because it would help me in a side debate with a free marketeer in the family.

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I'll do what I can once some open time arrives. Cheers!

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I should note that I disagree with this author as he seems to be a thinly veiled apologist for American-style finance debt bondage based capitalism. I.e., anti-communism/anti-socialism. And for that reason I offer anyone who wants to read his book for free the opportunity to steal it. I'm sure he doesn't need the money.


Further context (Koch linked): https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Talk:The_Institute_for_Faith,_Work_&_Economics#Ties_to_Koch_brothers

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I have been looking for an authority for the contention that christ was calling for a debt jubilee but haven't been able to find one yet. I even failed to find the original text in the original language (of the earliest known copy of course) which I'd hoped to get translated for myself.

this article prompts me to enquire in the hopes that some reader may have a link to what I'm looking for.. ?

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In Hudson's "...and forgive them their debts" he cites Luke4:16ff in his first mention of Jesus on page 9 at the beginning of his Chapter 2, "Jesus's First Sermons and the Tradition of Debt Amnesty." His history of debt cancellation is very well researched and extremely forceful when you contemplate its contents after reading it. It affects one's Metaphysical outlook greatly in a manner many may or may not find agreeable, that Jesus was a mortal man, a Rabbi, infused--fired--with a mission and vision that's completely in-line with contemporaneous culture and historical practice. It's the first volume of his Trilogy on Debt.

Happy Holidays!!


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