Great comment.

Things are coming to a head. It is unlikely that negotiations or UN conferences can resolve it. There needs to be enforcement mechanism - such as was not the case with the Minsk Accords. Given the UNSC is a bust with this issue - as it has been since its founding pretty much - something else will have to be formed so that an intervention can be administered, again with sufficient enforcement mechanisms in place. That moment will mark the formal beginning of the New Order because it will transition from aspiration, idea and agreement to something more clearly established. Such things usually take years; this one has to come together in the next few weeks, it seems.

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Putin and Xi will be meeting in person soon in Bejing for the ERI Forum Summit. They will say something, but unless it's extremely stern, there'll be war and Occupied Palestine's financial losses will be in the low $Trillions along with many thousands of casualties. Yes, further damage will be done to Gaza and the West Bank, but the West Bank's mixed and ready to blow. Putin met with his military command today, a portion of it was made public which was reported in previous article, and I'm sure they discussed the Palestine/Syria security issue. What was made public named the root of the problem and rooted for the Russian UNSC proposal that was vetoed.

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

Israel has been lawless for so many decades, they think they can pull off another attack on Gaza.

Israel didn't realize colonialization is no longer working,

The rest of the world isn't going to ignore genocide this time.

Hamas pulled off the big one: getting Israel, the US and Europe to overreact to evil by being evil.

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

It will be hard for anyone to have faith in the Zionists violence as a solution to this failed State of 75 years .

It never was a realistic proposal the creation of a religious/ political state.

It’s antiquated just like castle ruins one sees in Europe.

Think this place be celebrated for its creation of two religions crucial in determining who we are today for billions of people.

That the Zionists want to own it is absurd as is it’s medieval walls they have erected .

Time for a radically different solution that Humanity can enjoy by respecting the past as having a deep meaning.

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Yeah, as I said in last Sunday's Sermon.

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I'm going to hazard a guess that if Israel proceeds, the entire Muslim world--the Arabs, the Turks, the Iranians--all--both Sunni and Shia-- will act together--as bizarre and ahistorical as that might be. And they will bring this sad chapter of history to a close. I just hope it does not result in Israel using nukes.

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Yes, the Umma will rise if Al-Aqsa is destroyed; otherwise, it will be regional, but that will be bad enough. With Outlaw US Empire troops sprinkled all over--Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Qatar, Saudi, Bahrain--what could go wrong? Palestine is right in the middle.

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

There is a video from Doha that shows what appears to be a local military male in a barracks confronting a table of Western military scum eating a meal. He approaches them and insults them telling them to leave the country, as their president sent two aircraft carrier groups.

Sabotage on US/NATO assets will be easily performed and "unofficially" from local military in those countries "hosting" US bases.

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

What is very important and being quietly swept under the rug is that Bibi and the right wing extremists have promised to build the Third Jewish Temple. This requires destruction of Al-Aqsa Mosque. There have been numerous invasions into the mosque by Zionist extremists this year. With the last being by 800 a couple of days before Al-Aqsa Flood began. All allowed by Israeli securiity forces. This iis the third most important site in Islam. Alastair Crooke has covered this several times on Judging Freedom.

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Oct 17, 2023·edited Oct 17, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

"What is very important and being quietly swept under the rug is that Bibi and the right wing extremists have promised to build the Third Jewish Temple."

Which they know very well is a Declaration of War with the Ummah. They must believe they can win it. As crazy as it seems, they have a pretty good track record of causing large-scale mayhem and more or less getting their way. Let us hope that times have changed, as karlof1 is so often, and thoroughly, chronicling.

In any case, it has been fairly obvious for a while now that for multipolarity to happen without war, the Zionist-Bankster axis has to be handled one way or another. Perhaps this current confrontation is forcing that issue.

There are no atheists in foxholes, they say; so I guess we should all be now praying for a beneficent outcome!

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The other very important and being quietly swept under the rug reason for their genocide is the gas, trillions of $ worth sitting under Gaza and offshore. The greedy money changers want it and believe they can have it.

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Oct 17, 2023·edited Oct 17, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

thanks karl... b left a substack article by adam tooze on sunday that i encourage others to read..


it gives a good historical view on gaza that i hadn't read before... it is indeed the largest open air prison camp in the world.. btw - the link to netanyahus remarks are truly frightening and reflect a very narrow mind set full of hostility..

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I just replied to your note on the US Veto at the UNSC. War will now ensue.

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WRT to war. That does seem to be the intention of 'the empire'. However, they want someone else to seemingly start it. Otherwise it is merely the posturing of a bully past its sell by date. A war might disguise the probable economic collapse associated with the de-dollarisation process? Time will tell.

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Yellen said two wars--Ukraine and Palestine--are doable. She didn't say Russia and China, however. I made a short rebuttal to that at MoA. Sure, dollars can be printed, but what will they purchase? And Amazon doesn't sell real, live soldiers, only plastic ones.

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Oct 17, 2023·edited Oct 17, 2023

thanks for all your ongoing sharing of news and info karl.. much appreciated..that is an ominous prediction from you, and i suspect richard will be here shortly to back you up on that..

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

The Palestinians have been perpetual victims since 1948. They are playing their strongest hand now in the view of world opinion. That is not preventing Netanyahoo for doing the full Zelensky, lose until the bitter end.

The US cannot, will not stop the planned genocide. How far that will go is unknown, but it will get stopped before it is finished. There will be a lot of damage in between. The Arab states are making great press releases and it will likely stop at that. Hezbollah might be the joker in the deck. The hostages are already disappearing slowly, so says Hamas.

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

I didn't see it at M o A but it's excellent and deserves to be seen by a wide readership. Thank you so much for distilling this horrendous situation down to its essence for all to understand.

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"Given that probability, IMO the zealot Zionists will opt for war. Such an outcome is unwanted by Humanity, but the Zionists don’t give a daman about Humanity. They only care for themselves, and even then they still fight over spoils. True, this problem needed solving decades ago but that wasn’t allowed by the Outlaw US Empire in league with the Zionists. And so, Hamas has cut the knot and unleashed the underlying chaos. "

Yup. Exactly what I said in my comment to your last thread. Given a choice, humans will always take the choice that is a mistake. It's genetic, comes directly from human nature. It's pretty much what religious types call "Original Sin."

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Or “pissing your own cheerios”......

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