I reckon this one of the best and most important of all Alastair's wonderful insights. IMO he has no peer on Judge Napolitano's show, although all others are first class. But the intellect, insight, and ability to see to the root of the problem and express it eruditely is uncommon, although sometimes he has a tendency to opaque references which the average Joe or Josephine won't grasp.

But his essay is also a terrifying expose of just how close we stand to the edge of the precipice. And no one in the west seems to know what to do (no surprize there!), or doesn't understand the basic situation, or, as Alistair alludes, are too out of their depth / out-of-touch to see and understand what the vast majority of the MORALLY FUNCTIONING world sees plainly.

War is coming, I think. They want it this way, and, sad to say, I think their arrogance and hubris will make it happen.

Time to get right with Jesus Christ before it's too late.

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Every day there must be a group gathering in a room in DC where Queen's "We Are The Champions' is played over and over for 30 minutes to revamp their idiocy about the correctness of their actions. What I'd like to see is a moratorium on doing anything outside US borders for ten days and see the results.

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Working on it. Indications are I passed both the acceptance of loss & the gratitude tests. Up now is trust.

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Excellent essay, befitting the first anniversary of the Aqsa Flood military operation that exploded the old paradigm as stated by Alastair:

"Middle East changed in just one year this past year it's dramatically changed but I would say also it's now no longer about just the Middle East it is expanded further than that, essentially what

happened on the 7th of October was the the old Paradigm exploded was completely"

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The collective west leadership never learns form it's mistakes, it only doubles down then doubles down again. The perfect example is Her Heinous losing to Donald in 2016 so an excuse was needed to deflect from how bad a candidate she was, so RussiaGate was born.

Putin nailed it when he labeled amerika as the "Empire of Lies" and the Empire of Lies continues on as if not a thing has gone wrong. Living proof is how many times were we told that Genocide Joe was working tirelessly for a ceasefire all the while the next day sending more bombs and money

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The only lesson the 'professional world-order class' learns from today's state of play, and it is not really a lesson but more of an instinct as it appears incapable of 'real learning' as such, is that it needs to escalate and sow more chaos and mayhem as it would be simply unconscionable, assuming of course that it has anything remotely correlated to a consciousness let alone a conscience (which it hasn't), to allow the present little deviation from its full-spectrum dominance trajectory to continue.

In other words: war.

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I'd agree, they're pushing for war but perhaps as a mechanism to disguise the collapse of the USD/financial hegemony as the practical means for war are spent. But a state of war enable repression and the removal of rights, first cab off the rank is "free speech".

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A state of perpetual war also allows (read "forces") expenditures on arms in order to 1) prop up the $ & 2) continue the depopulation agenda they started with the scamdemic. With steal the resources as just another goal

These are not mutually exclusive goals; they work in concert.

Damn uppity Russians & Iranians who outsmarted us! /sarc

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Increased appropriations, however, won't result in an increase in armaments and combat ability.

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You know that & I know that.

But do they know that?

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Response to Karl Sanchez' "Al-Aqsa Flood--One Year Later"

Someone at MoA referred to Crooke's latest, so I got to read it before you reported on it - which is the opposite of what usually happens.

As to the so-called "nuclear test" - I call bullshit on the entire story, lock, stock and barrel.

There are SO MANY reasons why Iran would never do this at this time. It would be completely idiotic for them to hand over a very specific reason for the US and Israel to launch a nuclear attack on Iran.

It is impossible - I repeat, impossible - for Iran to build one nuclear weapon, put it on a missile, and then say, "Well, if you attack us, we'll blow up Tel Aviv." 30 million people in Tehran would die in thirty minutes.

And Iran knows that perfectly well, Ahmadinejad said it explicitly when he was President: Iran would never try to compete with Israel's nuclear arsenal, let along the US' 5-6,000 warheads. It's absurd.

This is a scam - and I am saddened that even someone as smart as the people at The Cradle who published an article on it - which I excoriated in a comment - and even worse, that Crooke, despite admitting that he is not a military person, would be taken in by what obviously a propaganda ploy to justify the upcoming US and Israeli strike on Iran.

And make no mistake, the upcoming strike on Iran will be done in concert by both countries, with direct military support for Israel.

You undoubtedly saw the comment at MoA by someone pointing out the number of refueling tanker aircraft in the region, and how that is likely to indicate a very large air attack on Iran - which implies both the US and Israel attempting to conduct a "decapitation strike" of some form or another in the near future.

I said in my Substack article on Israel's options that Israel's retaliation for the latest Iranian strike has to be of the sort "go big or go home."

I am convinced it's going to be big, and the US is going to directly participate to some degree in it

But this nuclear test nonsense is precisely the sort of propaganda the US would use to justify that attack.

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Actually, I did very little reading of MoA today. I did look to see what info was published about the October 5th "quake" and came up with close to nothing, both of which I reported in my article, the one saying a "quake" also occurred in Occupied Palestine soon after the one in Iran. But zero BigLie Media noise--Why? And the tankers are clear targets and an alert that something's happening when in the air. The Big Deal is Russia has Iran's immediate back while China stands behind both. Tomorrow is the CIS Heads of State Summit in Moscow where the main topics will be development and security.

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Here's The Cradle article:

Iran earthquake sparks speculation of covert nuclear weapons test


They cite the already debunked statement by an Iranian official some months ago that Iran "might have to change its nuclear posture", which IIRC has already been denied repeatedly by Iran.

So far, I've seen ZERO evidence that the so-called "seismic analysis" is legit by anyone with credibility. I call "Twitter bullshit" on the whole story - except that it's such as obvious propaganda ploy to justify an Israel/US strike that clearly it's more serious than mere Twitter BS.

Which would indicate that something serious is going to happen.

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Fwiw, I was able to trace the chart with seismic graph comparisons to a paper from a university (forget the full url, but ended .edu).

However, I found no official or otherwise good original source for the graph purported to be the Iran event. Only tweets & links to blogs.

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That is as I expected. Thanks for the update. Frequently when one tries to trace the origins of stories like this, we find there is a sole source which is someone's blog and someone saying "I head from a source". This sounds like that is the case here - if it wasn't deliberately planted by someone higher up through said source.

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Yeah this didn’t happen. Iran doesn’t have a nuclear weapons program! This story is crap.

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Yes! “Iran has nuclear weapons! We have to bomb them!”

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Steven Iran has S-300’s and S-400’s and Russia’s best electronic warfare system. Can’t they shoot down those F-35’s? I’d estimate that they’d blow 80-85% of them. I’m not sure they could get more than that though.

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I replied to your DM. Yes, it's very probable that S-300 and S-400 can take down an F-35. In 2017 Syria allegedly took one down with an old Russian S-200 (which were very effective in North Vietnam at downing hundreds of US planes.) That incident may not have happened, however. Without a direct engagement between an F-35 and an S-300 (or Iranian equivalent) or S-400 we can't be certain. But I think it's safe to bet on the Russians - those ADs were developed to defeat the latest US stuff.

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Thank you Steven. This story is garbage! I can’t believe The Cradle along with Crooke fell for this crap.

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Crooke didn't fall for it; he merely answered the question and said he lacked the expertise to comment further.

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Well, he did say it had to be taken seriously. However, he might have meant that it was serious propaganda. But Judge Nap didn't give him time to cover it.

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Narratives! Can the ruling class in DC keep the implications of the Iranian "seismic recording with no after shocks" under wraps and not let Trump say "democrats let Iran have the bomb"!

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The idea that the US period of hegemony begins with Wilson and ends with Biden is almost too symnetrical. Both were Democrats from the South and with racist records. And both ended their second terms incapacitated and shepherded by their wives.

As to Wilson it has to be said in his defence that the demolition of his ideas of national sovereignty though, no doubt, inevitable given his politics and the enduring moral and political power of the Anglo French empires (neither of which realised that it was on its deathbed), was greatly facilitated by his incapacity.

Future biographers of the appalling Biden will inevtiably employ the same excuse.

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Few recall Stephen Douglas, Lincolns main opponent in 1860, and his notion of popular sovereignty. Here i the Empire, the government clearly doesn't represent the interests of the populace at large so we are entitled to vote for independence a la Crimea, although in Crimea's case they voted to rejoin Russia whereas here it would be session with all its problems. If I came across as saying US Hegemony began with Wilson, then I should say that's clearly a mistake as it began with Reconstruction, or perhaps it could be argued even before with 1846 and Polk's war that stole half of Mexico. But Global Hegemony using finance as a weapon was certainly born with Wilson.

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There's sure to be an element seeking to spoil the upcoming BRICS meeting, particularly given the numbers seeking to join and the rollout of a new financial mechanism for non USD trading. Given the examples of short term thinking and willful dismissal of consequences the unlikely becomes increasingly possible given the cognitive dissonance prevailing in the combined west.

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You have got to view the latest video of Mauro Biglino on youtube to get a better idea of what is going on in the world right now.

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Perhaps sharing the video link would be useful....

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