I just finished watching a very important and informative talk featuring economist Richard Wolff, Historian and Political-economist Michael Hudson on Nima Alkorshid’s Dialog Works platform, “Richard D.
At MoA, Tannenhouser | Oct 5 2024 17:48 utc | 54 asked this:
"So is that saying the outlaw empire runs israel, if so please help understanding what the overepresentation of the zionist POV/Ajenda in all facets of western civilization is for. Thanks for all u do."
Here's my answer:
The key IMO is to understand just how long US policy in West Asia has been ongoing and why, which was explained very well by Hudson in his talk with Wolff that I suggest be seen by the world. Most revealing is the fact that the Neocons were initially within the D-party back when there were some differences between the two. Recall that all nationalist movements from Korea onwards were seen as Communist, a propaganda notion that was aided by Soviet aide to those movements and nations seeking independence from Colonialism. The Zionists were seen as actors who could be the US proxy within West Asia. The other major point made by Hudson is the inability of the Outlaw US Empire to wage major wars because of public backlash. So, after Vietnam there were none until 911 provided the basis for the Cheney/Wolfowitz/Clinton batch of Neocons to attempt to overcome the "Vietnam Syndrome" by using NATO initially then the "coalition of the willing" that didn't last very long. The interest pursued was control of oil despite OPEC. Today, Iraq's oil revenues aren't its own but 100% controlled by the Empire. Why the deliberate policy of negating the Two State Solution? To keep the Zionists in control. Note that Zionists within the USG have existed for decades and were then supplanted/augmented by the Evangelicals who are just as rabid as the Zionists. Ater Iraq and the new terrorists cultivated there, the willing abandoned the coalition except for its NATO core, which the Empire controls. Terror proxies became primary policy tools since the US Military had changed into a garrison army, not a strike army, and perpetual war was what the MIC wanted, and one of its biggest money makers is the ongoing conflict in Palestine that's powered by US weapons, ammo, money, and political shielding. The Ukraine project is similar in its nature but aimed at Russia and its goal has existed since WW1.
Clearly, Zionist philosophy and goals were understood early and adopted by a core within USG policy making circles. The hatred of Communists and nationalists was shared with the Zionists who also developed their own local hatred of all those preventing Greater Israel--even the many Jews globally who abhorred that idea. Megalomania and Pleonexia breed intense hatreds for those opposing them. But the realization that those hatreds were very difficult to inoculate into the polity led to what we now see--Team Biden can't come out and say they want all the Arabs in the Levant killed, although their actions say that's exactly what they want. The goal remains control of oil and the region's strategic transport corridors. Also, the funding/corruption process was initiated within the Outlaw US Empire long ago as the aid dollars sent to Zionists were recycled as planned into the US political process--there's a very good reason why AIPAC hasn't been deemed an agent of a foreign nation as that would cutoff the money recycling that corrupts the entire political process at the federal level--three full generations, 60+ years, this has occurred.
Yes, the USG could halt both conflicts in a day but it doesn't want that to happen--it wants them to continue as such happenings have become its life-blood. Monies sent to the MIC get recycled the same way as those provided to the Zionists--that's what makes government employees wealthy well beyond what their salaries and investments would otherwise. Hudson's testimony reveals just how long this has been ongoing, where it began and those who were behind it. Zinoviev called it American Nazism.
I see where you’re coming from, Karl, but I think the suggestion that the whole world should listen to this discussion might be a bit of an overreach. While Hudson’s talk with Wolff is definitely insightful for those interested in U.S. policy in West Asia, not everyone may be as invested in the topic. It’s certainly important, but perhaps it’s more relevant to those who closely follow these geopolitical issues.
Additionally, it's been long understood that information and facts alone rarely drive shifts in people's beliefs, ideologies, or political leanings. Most westerners seem content with the disinformation and propaganda they’re consistently exposed to, so the more likely response to this type of content would be severe pushback—similar to kicking a hornets' nest.
I shared it when it came out, not that anyone will read it. Definitely very worthwhile. They didn't discuss the Doctorow thesis about who is wagging which, but I think that they would agree with him.
IMO, both Wolff and Hudson said the Outlaw U--S Empire is doing the driving with the Zionists as its tool--the Good Cop "polices" the Bad Cop. Wolff was very clear on who should be worried--Netanyahu & wife.
Richard Wolff (and to a lesser extent, Michael Hudson) raises valid points in framing today’s geopolitical climate as a new Cold War (I have referred to it as a v2.0); specifically noting U.S. strategies toward Russia that mirror US Cold War tactics. Indeed, the U.S.'s use of various regional actors to counter Russia’s influence, such as in Afghanistan with the Wahhabi sects or more recently in Ukraine and before that the Chechens, reflects the same underlying game plan aimed at weakening Russian power.
However, where I diverge from these analyses is in the characterization of Israel as merely an extension of U.S. imperial interests, functioning as a ‘bad cop’ for American foreign policy. While there are similarities in how the U.S. has provided military support to both Israel and other allied countries, the historical record—especially from Iraq War 2—shows that Israel often acts as an independent, unpredictable player. U.S. military support may continue, but that doesn’t mean the U.S. controls or fully dictates Israeli actions today.
While there are parallels to be drawn, it’s important to recognize that the geopolitical landscape has evolved. Just as a tree planted 50 years ago has grown and changed, so too have the dynamics between Israel and the U.S.
In fact, I would argue that Israel has increasingly become a 'free agent,' pursuing its own national interests regardless of U.S. influence or broader geopolitical strategies. While U.S. neoconservatives may have played significant roles in shaping early Middle Eastern policies, they are no longer solely driving this bus.
At the end of the day, while these discussions are intellectually stimulating, I find them lacking in terms of offering any real solutions or genuine insight into what lies ahead. Without that, we're left with interesting hypotheticals, but no clear path forward. Nor any credible indications how the situation might unfold like from hereon. We must wait and see.
OLIGARCH CONTROL OF THE 'EXOGENOUS' (Latin 'Other-generated') COLONIAL EMPIRE: USA has never existed as a sovereign nation, nor Britain, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain before.
"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!" attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild. (Thank you for your honesty & the importance of this understanding as pertains to all finance, economics, society & governance systems)
The fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') top-down Oligarch financed 1776 'revolution' & fake half-baked US 'Constitution' is designed to be subverted, within its Amnesic inception, to be controlled by invisible $$$ changing hands 'under-the-table', hidden Campaign Financing. Washington et al were being financed with large sums by Oligarchy for their ends.
Oligarchy with institutional control has perverted our very words to mean the opposite of syllabic roots (etymology) with fake Finance (L. 'fin' = 'end' not 'exploit'), Media (L. 'Media' = 'middle' as in presenting all sides), 'Religion' (L. 'Religio' = 'to-relate' not 'indoctrinate'), 'Education' (L 'educare' = 'to lead-forth-from-within' not indoctrinate from without), Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-'Medicine' (L. 'medium' = 'middle' as in 'to achieve innate body balance') agri-Business COMPLEX captured minds we spend Trillions on brutal war maintained by Monologue rather than engaging in formal Dialogue. Trillionaire multinational family hidden minority Share-owners of the cabal triangulated US-Federal-Reserve, Bank-of-England (City-of-London) & Bank of International Settlements, issue Western money as fiat forgivable loans in a trickledown from their choice of privileged friends & family owned businesses as a system of command & control. Most 'money' is released for Oligarch 'capital' projects, think Nuclear, Pesticides, GMO, mRNA, COVID-19 Gain-of-Function, digital centralized autocracy & much more in vast orchestrated worldwide roll-out in typically short months & years across the Complex of control.
Over many millennia of control, Every fake centre of Empire including such as Mesopotamia, Athens, Rome, Britain etc have been propagandized as 'Democracies' (Gk 'Power-of-the-people'), as though marking an 'X' (symbolic of 'illiteracy'), once every 4 years, is any kind of empowerment, actually the opposite of real-life & work empowerment. Oligarchy, which is centered in & controls Israel also controls the USA as a colonial puppet regime for 248 years as well as previously as the same Oligarch lineage for 7000 years since Babylon-Mesopotamia (5000 BC), Assyria, Phoenicia (4000-0 BC) as the Kingdom of Israel + City States of Tyr, Sidon, Byblos & Beirut, then subsequently & in continuity in Egypt, Athens Greece, Carthage, Rome, Madrid, Lisbon, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Britain, USA-Canada today under the same Oligarch control. Great fake metal-coin 'money wealth!?*' was built through the invasion, terrorism, colonization of the whole Mediterranean & Black-Sea (Ashkenaz & Khazaria) regions over 4000 years. History keeps repeating itself simply because we’re kept amnesic of our real history.
This fake MONEY & 'CAPITAL' (L. 'cap' = 'head' is supposed to mean 'Collective-Intelligence') wealth & control enables Oligarch complete control of fake: Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-med Agri-business COMPLEX.
MULTISTAKEHOLDER PARTICIPATORY CORPORATION legislation, facilitates: Founder, Worker, Manager, Supplier, Townspeople & Consumer investment, share holding, ownership, decision-making & Board representation. Invested interest by progressive ownership stakeholders creates the decentralized trust of participants in each department & division of enterprises. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/2-participatory-accounting
ALL HUMANITY's WORLDWIDE 'INDIGENOUS' (L. 'Self-generating') HERITAGE FOR MANY 10s of 1000s of years. Previous to Oligarch capture of the Babylon-Mesopotamia, issued COWRIE STRING-SHELL time-based equivalency accounting 'ECONOMY' (Gk 'Oikos' = 'Home' + 'Namein' = 'Care-&-nurture') Value system, was issued from the bottom up in ~100 person Multihome Domestic Economy (mostly women) as the core with Industry-Commerce (mostly men) as subsets. String-shell recognizes all contributions, experience, expertise & decision-making acumen. launched Oligarch directed financial mismanagement FAILURE in all of the fake Empires listed above. Bottom-up Time-based Equivalency Accounting on the String-shell Value System (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island/N.America, Quipu in S.America & Cowrie in indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands). String-shell integrates a) Capital (L 'cap' = 'head' = 'collective-intelligence'), b) 'Currency' ('flow', compensation), c) 'Condolence' ('Social-security'), d) Collegial mentored apprenticeship 'education' (L. 'educare' = 'to-lead-forth-from-within') Credit, e) time-math Communication, f) professional Costume public identification of essential service providers. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy
INDIGENOUS BODY-SOCIETY ANALOGY: Think about how the social, economic & political system should really be, like the 'indigenous' system, a reflection of the gene, cell, tissue & organ Autonomy of the human body with the expert memory retention, decision-making & implementation of each part. The brain’s only one of several Nexus-of-communication for facts & actions, mostly after they’ve already happened. We know for example now how the stomach or digestive system contains many times more memory & implementation neurons than the brain. Distributed 'ECONOMIC' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') MEMORY is core to the holistic function of the body. This is the Neural Science of today. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/3-economic-memory
Indigenous String-shell is issued for all collective economy contributions from the bottom up in the ~100 Person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village), specialized Domestic (Center of economy, mostly women) & Industrial-Commercial (mostly men) economies in support of human Livelihood as part of a worldwide indigenous system of ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY underlaying all 'political' (L. 'poly' = 'many' + 'tics' = 'workings-of') systems. All humanity is originally indigenous. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/8-economic-democracy
the Brooking Institution’s 2009 paper, “Which Path to Persia? Options for a New American Strategy Toward Iran.”
Washington’s Middle East Playbook
The Brookings Institution is a Washington-based think tank funded by both the US government and military, as well as the largest corporate-financier interests across the collective West. Its board of directors and experts are among the most prominent figures in US foreign policy and political circles. What is produced in the institution’s papers is far from speculation or commentary, but instead reflects a consensus regarding the direction of US foreign policy.
Its 2009 paper is no exception. For those who read its 170 pages in 2009, they would have learned about ongoing or future plans to overthrow or contain the Iranian government.
While it’s uncertain, there’s a reality that some individuals prosper by merely echoing what others want to hear. Since the 1979 Iranian Revolution and the hostage crisis, the entrenched elites within the U.S. government and military have developed a profound animosity toward Iran, akin to a spurned lover's wrath.
Professors Hudson and Wolff are like a Judeo-Christian “tag-team” of economic and historical ‘pro wrestlers’ except that their ‘act’ is anything but kayfabe or hasbara (showbiz or verbal distraction and deception) - these two are (to use yet another metaphor - or two - sorry!) real ‘rock stars’ in economics and geopolitical history - ya gotta really stretch your mental and conceptual ‘ears’ wide open (like playing or listening to really good jazz) to to grasp the wisdom that these two are endeavoring to share with us. As someone who also lived in NYC I can especially appreciate their wit and candor as they make subjects that are usually rather unappealing enjoyable and instructive- they both typify what in Yiddish is called a “real mensch” - an all-around “good guy”. I was unaware that they were weekly regulars on Nima’s “Dialogue Works” - thanks for the tip, Karl! Thanks to your previous recommendation I’m s-l-o-w-l-y working my way through Hudson’s “Super Imperialism” and also purchased his newest - “Cradles of Civilization”. It’s a lot to wrap one’s head around but so are these ‘interesting’ times in which we live 🫤!
" - ya gotta really stretch your mental and conceptual ‘ears’ wide open to grasp the wisdom that these two are endeavoring to share with us -- It’s a lot to wrap one’s head around "
Why do you think that?
I find their points quite straightforward and easy to grasp, even with the complex history involved. Noam Chomsky, along with many others, has been discussing these ideas and warning about their consequences since the 1960s. These concepts—geopolitical, historical, and factual—are not new, though they might be unfamiliar to some. But it's certainly not a 'stretch' to understand any of it.
Honestly, this is a gross distraction from the present reality.
It’s a stretch to believe that these guys from the 1960s had the foresight to plan for what’s happening in 2024, with the U.S. targeting Iran and Israel poised as the regional hegemon. People from that era, no matter how influential they were, didn’t predict the 1979 Islamic Revolution, or countless other pivotal events. Clinging to ideas from the past like this feels delusional, like the way some people still hold the 'Founding Fathers' up as if they were prophetic visionaries beyond anyone alive today.
What’s happening now is the result of today’s actions, today’s decisions, and today’s leadership—not some grand plan from 50 years ago. Hudson’s nostalgic retelling is a distraction from the present, where things are unfolding because of current events, not ancient history. The past is dead. Focus on the now. Today's actual facts on the ground. Not nostalgia.
For context, the RAND Corporation—much like the Brookings and Hudson Institutes—has been advising the U.S. Deep State (or "Leviathan," if you will) on matters related to Iran long before and after the Iranian Revolution.
1978 "Compares development of relations between Cuba and the Soviet Union with relations between Iran and the United States. Many similarities exist between these nationalistic superclients with strong leaders and their superpower allies motivated by geopolitical-security interests. Part of the superpower's institutional presence consists of military facilities that directly augment its capabilities for force projection and represent the major payoff for other programs assisting the client. Both Castro and the Shah show acute consciousness that national security, as well as economic development, require an exceptional commitment from their favored superpower. "
1998 "The U.S. policy that sought to influence Iran with penalties but without incentives has failed. Washington has been unable to induce change by the Islamic Republic in three areas of concern to U.S. policymakers: sponsoring terrorism, acquiring missiles and weapons of mass destruction, and opposing the Arab-Israeli peace process. "
And of course, it’s no surprise why RAND Corporation and other 'think tank' institutes never drew parallels between Cuba and the USSR with Israel, South Africa, and the USA in the 1970s—or anytime since.
This was especially evident during the Iran-Contra affair under Reagan’s presidency. Nor did they closely analyze the key differences between Allende’s and Pinochet’s Chile during the 1970s and 80s.
"Hooray for Neoliberalism and Terror Dictatorships!" 🙂
Much of these proactive empire-control agendas have been in the open for decades. To long-term Deep State actors, including the authors in question, it makes perfect sense to contain certain nations while arming others. It’s simply how these national security programs operate, without much internal questioning.
And Iran Israel who once were very close allies too. Search
At MoA, Tannenhouser | Oct 5 2024 17:48 utc | 54 asked this:
"So is that saying the outlaw empire runs israel, if so please help understanding what the overepresentation of the zionist POV/Ajenda in all facets of western civilization is for. Thanks for all u do."
Here's my answer:
The key IMO is to understand just how long US policy in West Asia has been ongoing and why, which was explained very well by Hudson in his talk with Wolff that I suggest be seen by the world. Most revealing is the fact that the Neocons were initially within the D-party back when there were some differences between the two. Recall that all nationalist movements from Korea onwards were seen as Communist, a propaganda notion that was aided by Soviet aide to those movements and nations seeking independence from Colonialism. The Zionists were seen as actors who could be the US proxy within West Asia. The other major point made by Hudson is the inability of the Outlaw US Empire to wage major wars because of public backlash. So, after Vietnam there were none until 911 provided the basis for the Cheney/Wolfowitz/Clinton batch of Neocons to attempt to overcome the "Vietnam Syndrome" by using NATO initially then the "coalition of the willing" that didn't last very long. The interest pursued was control of oil despite OPEC. Today, Iraq's oil revenues aren't its own but 100% controlled by the Empire. Why the deliberate policy of negating the Two State Solution? To keep the Zionists in control. Note that Zionists within the USG have existed for decades and were then supplanted/augmented by the Evangelicals who are just as rabid as the Zionists. Ater Iraq and the new terrorists cultivated there, the willing abandoned the coalition except for its NATO core, which the Empire controls. Terror proxies became primary policy tools since the US Military had changed into a garrison army, not a strike army, and perpetual war was what the MIC wanted, and one of its biggest money makers is the ongoing conflict in Palestine that's powered by US weapons, ammo, money, and political shielding. The Ukraine project is similar in its nature but aimed at Russia and its goal has existed since WW1.
Clearly, Zionist philosophy and goals were understood early and adopted by a core within USG policy making circles. The hatred of Communists and nationalists was shared with the Zionists who also developed their own local hatred of all those preventing Greater Israel--even the many Jews globally who abhorred that idea. Megalomania and Pleonexia breed intense hatreds for those opposing them. But the realization that those hatreds were very difficult to inoculate into the polity led to what we now see--Team Biden can't come out and say they want all the Arabs in the Levant killed, although their actions say that's exactly what they want. The goal remains control of oil and the region's strategic transport corridors. Also, the funding/corruption process was initiated within the Outlaw US Empire long ago as the aid dollars sent to Zionists were recycled as planned into the US political process--there's a very good reason why AIPAC hasn't been deemed an agent of a foreign nation as that would cutoff the money recycling that corrupts the entire political process at the federal level--three full generations, 60+ years, this has occurred.
Yes, the USG could halt both conflicts in a day but it doesn't want that to happen--it wants them to continue as such happenings have become its life-blood. Monies sent to the MIC get recycled the same way as those provided to the Zionists--that's what makes government employees wealthy well beyond what their salaries and investments would otherwise. Hudson's testimony reveals just how long this has been ongoing, where it began and those who were behind it. Zinoviev called it American Nazism.
Karl - "that I suggest be seen by the world."
I see where you’re coming from, Karl, but I think the suggestion that the whole world should listen to this discussion might be a bit of an overreach. While Hudson’s talk with Wolff is definitely insightful for those interested in U.S. policy in West Asia, not everyone may be as invested in the topic. It’s certainly important, but perhaps it’s more relevant to those who closely follow these geopolitical issues.
Additionally, it's been long understood that information and facts alone rarely drive shifts in people's beliefs, ideologies, or political leanings. Most westerners seem content with the disinformation and propaganda they’re consistently exposed to, so the more likely response to this type of content would be severe pushback—similar to kicking a hornets' nest.
Thanks, Friday night viewing for me. Much appreciated.
Excellent video, thanks for the recommendation.
thank you, karl. i've shared this widely. it is imperative for all searching to make sense of what's going on to watch this more than once. 🕊️
Everything they said tracks with what I've been seeing too. The US empire seriously wants to conquer the world for their natural resources😞
Thank you, Karl.
I shared it when it came out, not that anyone will read it. Definitely very worthwhile. They didn't discuss the Doctorow thesis about who is wagging which, but I think that they would agree with him.
IMO, both Wolff and Hudson said the Outlaw U--S Empire is doing the driving with the Zionists as its tool--the Good Cop "polices" the Bad Cop. Wolff was very clear on who should be worried--Netanyahu & wife.
Richard Wolff (and to a lesser extent, Michael Hudson) raises valid points in framing today’s geopolitical climate as a new Cold War (I have referred to it as a v2.0); specifically noting U.S. strategies toward Russia that mirror US Cold War tactics. Indeed, the U.S.'s use of various regional actors to counter Russia’s influence, such as in Afghanistan with the Wahhabi sects or more recently in Ukraine and before that the Chechens, reflects the same underlying game plan aimed at weakening Russian power.
However, where I diverge from these analyses is in the characterization of Israel as merely an extension of U.S. imperial interests, functioning as a ‘bad cop’ for American foreign policy. While there are similarities in how the U.S. has provided military support to both Israel and other allied countries, the historical record—especially from Iraq War 2—shows that Israel often acts as an independent, unpredictable player. U.S. military support may continue, but that doesn’t mean the U.S. controls or fully dictates Israeli actions today.
While there are parallels to be drawn, it’s important to recognize that the geopolitical landscape has evolved. Just as a tree planted 50 years ago has grown and changed, so too have the dynamics between Israel and the U.S.
In fact, I would argue that Israel has increasingly become a 'free agent,' pursuing its own national interests regardless of U.S. influence or broader geopolitical strategies. While U.S. neoconservatives may have played significant roles in shaping early Middle Eastern policies, they are no longer solely driving this bus.
At the end of the day, while these discussions are intellectually stimulating, I find them lacking in terms of offering any real solutions or genuine insight into what lies ahead. Without that, we're left with interesting hypotheticals, but no clear path forward. Nor any credible indications how the situation might unfold like from hereon. We must wait and see.
OLIGARCH CONTROL OF THE 'EXOGENOUS' (Latin 'Other-generated') COLONIAL EMPIRE: USA has never existed as a sovereign nation, nor Britain, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain before.
"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!" attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild. (Thank you for your honesty & the importance of this understanding as pertains to all finance, economics, society & governance systems)
The fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') top-down Oligarch financed 1776 'revolution' & fake half-baked US 'Constitution' is designed to be subverted, within its Amnesic inception, to be controlled by invisible $$$ changing hands 'under-the-table', hidden Campaign Financing. Washington et al were being financed with large sums by Oligarchy for their ends.
Oligarchy with institutional control has perverted our very words to mean the opposite of syllabic roots (etymology) with fake Finance (L. 'fin' = 'end' not 'exploit'), Media (L. 'Media' = 'middle' as in presenting all sides), 'Religion' (L. 'Religio' = 'to-relate' not 'indoctrinate'), 'Education' (L 'educare' = 'to lead-forth-from-within' not indoctrinate from without), Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-'Medicine' (L. 'medium' = 'middle' as in 'to achieve innate body balance') agri-Business COMPLEX captured minds we spend Trillions on brutal war maintained by Monologue rather than engaging in formal Dialogue. Trillionaire multinational family hidden minority Share-owners of the cabal triangulated US-Federal-Reserve, Bank-of-England (City-of-London) & Bank of International Settlements, issue Western money as fiat forgivable loans in a trickledown from their choice of privileged friends & family owned businesses as a system of command & control. Most 'money' is released for Oligarch 'capital' projects, think Nuclear, Pesticides, GMO, mRNA, COVID-19 Gain-of-Function, digital centralized autocracy & much more in vast orchestrated worldwide roll-out in typically short months & years across the Complex of control.
Over many millennia of control, Every fake centre of Empire including such as Mesopotamia, Athens, Rome, Britain etc have been propagandized as 'Democracies' (Gk 'Power-of-the-people'), as though marking an 'X' (symbolic of 'illiteracy'), once every 4 years, is any kind of empowerment, actually the opposite of real-life & work empowerment. Oligarchy, which is centered in & controls Israel also controls the USA as a colonial puppet regime for 248 years as well as previously as the same Oligarch lineage for 7000 years since Babylon-Mesopotamia (5000 BC), Assyria, Phoenicia (4000-0 BC) as the Kingdom of Israel + City States of Tyr, Sidon, Byblos & Beirut, then subsequently & in continuity in Egypt, Athens Greece, Carthage, Rome, Madrid, Lisbon, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Britain, USA-Canada today under the same Oligarch control. Great fake metal-coin 'money wealth!?*' was built through the invasion, terrorism, colonization of the whole Mediterranean & Black-Sea (Ashkenaz & Khazaria) regions over 4000 years. History keeps repeating itself simply because we’re kept amnesic of our real history.
This fake MONEY & 'CAPITAL' (L. 'cap' = 'head' is supposed to mean 'Collective-Intelligence') wealth & control enables Oligarch complete control of fake: Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-med Agri-business COMPLEX.
MULTISTAKEHOLDER PARTICIPATORY CORPORATION legislation, facilitates: Founder, Worker, Manager, Supplier, Townspeople & Consumer investment, share holding, ownership, decision-making & Board representation. Invested interest by progressive ownership stakeholders creates the decentralized trust of participants in each department & division of enterprises. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/2-participatory-accounting
ALL HUMANITY's WORLDWIDE 'INDIGENOUS' (L. 'Self-generating') HERITAGE FOR MANY 10s of 1000s of years. Previous to Oligarch capture of the Babylon-Mesopotamia, issued COWRIE STRING-SHELL time-based equivalency accounting 'ECONOMY' (Gk 'Oikos' = 'Home' + 'Namein' = 'Care-&-nurture') Value system, was issued from the bottom up in ~100 person Multihome Domestic Economy (mostly women) as the core with Industry-Commerce (mostly men) as subsets. String-shell recognizes all contributions, experience, expertise & decision-making acumen. launched Oligarch directed financial mismanagement FAILURE in all of the fake Empires listed above. Bottom-up Time-based Equivalency Accounting on the String-shell Value System (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island/N.America, Quipu in S.America & Cowrie in indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands). String-shell integrates a) Capital (L 'cap' = 'head' = 'collective-intelligence'), b) 'Currency' ('flow', compensation), c) 'Condolence' ('Social-security'), d) Collegial mentored apprenticeship 'education' (L. 'educare' = 'to-lead-forth-from-within') Credit, e) time-math Communication, f) professional Costume public identification of essential service providers. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy
INDIGENOUS BODY-SOCIETY ANALOGY: Think about how the social, economic & political system should really be, like the 'indigenous' system, a reflection of the gene, cell, tissue & organ Autonomy of the human body with the expert memory retention, decision-making & implementation of each part. The brain’s only one of several Nexus-of-communication for facts & actions, mostly after they’ve already happened. We know for example now how the stomach or digestive system contains many times more memory & implementation neurons than the brain. Distributed 'ECONOMIC' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') MEMORY is core to the holistic function of the body. This is the Neural Science of today. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/3-economic-memory
Indigenous String-shell is issued for all collective economy contributions from the bottom up in the ~100 Person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village), specialized Domestic (Center of economy, mostly women) & Industrial-Commercial (mostly men) economies in support of human Livelihood as part of a worldwide indigenous system of ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY underlaying all 'political' (L. 'poly' = 'many' + 'tics' = 'workings-of') systems. All humanity is originally indigenous. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/8-economic-democracy
Trust your own instincts, I say.
the Brooking Institution’s 2009 paper, “Which Path to Persia? Options for a New American Strategy Toward Iran.”
Washington’s Middle East Playbook
The Brookings Institution is a Washington-based think tank funded by both the US government and military, as well as the largest corporate-financier interests across the collective West. Its board of directors and experts are among the most prominent figures in US foreign policy and political circles. What is produced in the institution’s papers is far from speculation or commentary, but instead reflects a consensus regarding the direction of US foreign policy.
Its 2009 paper is no exception. For those who read its 170 pages in 2009, they would have learned about ongoing or future plans to overthrow or contain the Iranian government.
While it’s uncertain, there’s a reality that some individuals prosper by merely echoing what others want to hear. Since the 1979 Iranian Revolution and the hostage crisis, the entrenched elites within the U.S. government and military have developed a profound animosity toward Iran, akin to a spurned lover's wrath.
Professors Hudson and Wolff are like a Judeo-Christian “tag-team” of economic and historical ‘pro wrestlers’ except that their ‘act’ is anything but kayfabe or hasbara (showbiz or verbal distraction and deception) - these two are (to use yet another metaphor - or two - sorry!) real ‘rock stars’ in economics and geopolitical history - ya gotta really stretch your mental and conceptual ‘ears’ wide open (like playing or listening to really good jazz) to to grasp the wisdom that these two are endeavoring to share with us. As someone who also lived in NYC I can especially appreciate their wit and candor as they make subjects that are usually rather unappealing enjoyable and instructive- they both typify what in Yiddish is called a “real mensch” - an all-around “good guy”. I was unaware that they were weekly regulars on Nima’s “Dialogue Works” - thanks for the tip, Karl! Thanks to your previous recommendation I’m s-l-o-w-l-y working my way through Hudson’s “Super Imperialism” and also purchased his newest - “Cradles of Civilization”. It’s a lot to wrap one’s head around but so are these ‘interesting’ times in which we live 🫤!
" - ya gotta really stretch your mental and conceptual ‘ears’ wide open to grasp the wisdom that these two are endeavoring to share with us -- It’s a lot to wrap one’s head around "
Why do you think that?
I find their points quite straightforward and easy to grasp, even with the complex history involved. Noam Chomsky, along with many others, has been discussing these ideas and warning about their consequences since the 1960s. These concepts—geopolitical, historical, and factual—are not new, though they might be unfamiliar to some. But it's certainly not a 'stretch' to understand any of it.
Honestly, this is a gross distraction from the present reality.
It’s a stretch to believe that these guys from the 1960s had the foresight to plan for what’s happening in 2024, with the U.S. targeting Iran and Israel poised as the regional hegemon. People from that era, no matter how influential they were, didn’t predict the 1979 Islamic Revolution, or countless other pivotal events. Clinging to ideas from the past like this feels delusional, like the way some people still hold the 'Founding Fathers' up as if they were prophetic visionaries beyond anyone alive today.
What’s happening now is the result of today’s actions, today’s decisions, and today’s leadership—not some grand plan from 50 years ago. Hudson’s nostalgic retelling is a distraction from the present, where things are unfolding because of current events, not ancient history. The past is dead. Focus on the now. Today's actual facts on the ground. Not nostalgia.
I believe it is important that people support their contentions with some factual historical references:
2019 - Noam Chomsky: We Must Stop War with Iran Before It’s Too Late
2015 - Noam Chomsky: The United States, Not Iran, Poses Greatest Threat to World Peace
2007 - Noam Chomsky on U.S. policy towards Iran
For context, the RAND Corporation—much like the Brookings and Hudson Institutes—has been advising the U.S. Deep State (or "Leviathan," if you will) on matters related to Iran long before and after the Iranian Revolution.
Search url - https://www.rand.org/search.html?content_type_s=Report&content_type_s=Research+Brief&q=iran&rows=12&sortby=relevance&start=0#siteSearchList-337983979-form
1978 "Compares development of relations between Cuba and the Soviet Union with relations between Iran and the United States. Many similarities exist between these nationalistic superclients with strong leaders and their superpower allies motivated by geopolitical-security interests. Part of the superpower's institutional presence consists of military facilities that directly augment its capabilities for force projection and represent the major payoff for other programs assisting the client. Both Castro and the Shah show acute consciousness that national security, as well as economic development, require an exceptional commitment from their favored superpower. "
1998 "The U.S. policy that sought to influence Iran with penalties but without incentives has failed. Washington has been unable to induce change by the Islamic Republic in three areas of concern to U.S. policymakers: sponsoring terrorism, acquiring missiles and weapons of mass destruction, and opposing the Arab-Israeli peace process. "
And of course, it’s no surprise why RAND Corporation and other 'think tank' institutes never drew parallels between Cuba and the USSR with Israel, South Africa, and the USA in the 1970s—or anytime since.
This was especially evident during the Iran-Contra affair under Reagan’s presidency. Nor did they closely analyze the key differences between Allende’s and Pinochet’s Chile during the 1970s and 80s.
"Hooray for Neoliberalism and Terror Dictatorships!" 🙂
Much of these proactive empire-control agendas have been in the open for decades. To long-term Deep State actors, including the authors in question, it makes perfect sense to contain certain nations while arming others. It’s simply how these national security programs operate, without much internal questioning.
And Iran Israel who once were very close allies too. Search
1979 pre-Revolution - Men and Arms in the Middle East - The Human Factor in Military Modernization
The Iran-Israel War Is Just Getting Started Apr 25, 2024