Jun 15Liked by Karl Sanchez

thanks karl.. it was an interesting read... i was wondering if the enemies of russia would read this and try to get insights?? it was a thought that occurred to me early in the reading of this article... i doubt it, but i wonder...

it was sad to hear that many young people want to be bloggers.. i suspect there is a similar pattern here in the west.. they definitely don't want to be scientists...

finally - for anyone interested - the quotes are from the childrens book by lazar lagin - The Old Genie Hottabych https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1243984.The_Old_Genie_Hottabych

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I tried to locate the technology strategy document that was mentioned a dozen or so times but couldn't find it in my rather quick search. There was nothing specific that was talked about; it was all about formulating the policy and arriving at consensus for the overall plan. I linked to the film of the story at the Archive that's in Russian but ought to be understandable.

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Jun 16Liked by Karl Sanchez

I try to imagine our current president having the capacity to lead an initiative of this sort, or even being able to lead a meeting like this, and it is impossible. Leadership matters.

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Jun 15Liked by Karl Sanchez

In a really interesting way, you have put it really nicely — education and people are important! “It revs up the investment motor into its science and technological education and research arena, downshifts, and zooms ahead by escalating input into all those sectors that fuel Russia’s economy and social wellbeing.”

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Thanks for saying so! As I've been positing since 2016, Russia's political-economy promotes People Centered Development, and that's one of its manifestations.

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Jun 15Liked by Karl Sanchez

What really fascinates me, and why your reporting is so important, is showing that language that is used is matched by actions. Not something we have in the West where language has become totally empty. Nothing new, of course. But what I liked in your reply says something else about today as well. As you write “it's very difficult for the West to explain its military presence in Africa” — exactly, these days they actually have to ‘explain’ their presence!

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What I await is the explanation for reintroducing the draft.

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Oh yes! BTW, I am listening to Alastair Crooke on Glen Diesen show. As always, really insightful. https://youtu.be/4XCmS-DiA2s?feature=shared

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Jun 15Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thank you Karl, isn't a planned economy a good thing! It is infinitely more flexible and certain than is a 'market forces' fraud circus. The sooner the world banishes the carpetbaggers of Wall Street, the better.

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Yet Russia and China use market forces, and they use Capital too. Markets don't have any ideology; they are simply markets. Russia wants to capture as much of the research market as it can by staying on top and offering opportunities. Same with attracting people to its educational institutions. I so want to be a kid again so I can go to Russia and try to become part of the Lunar Reasearch Station team.

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