Any idea how long this q&a was w/ the folks in Chelyabinsk? Thinking re how Putin routinely does these extended q&as w/ both citizens and media, while our own prez can't handle a 10-min presser. Sad.

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Most of these encounters last an hour or more so an actual discussion can occur and there's no time pressure. The next article will have Putin in discussion at the annual ASI Forum. We don't get to see it as much from Xi Jinping, but he's as hands-on as Putin is. The big difference between Russia and US governance systems is the Russian President doesn't need to manage what's happening at the federal legislative arena which is manned by the PM, Mishustin. That enables Putin to use his Cabinet officers/ministers far more efficiently and develop their managerial skills, and Putin has some real winners. The POTUS must act as PM, although in the past some have used their Chief of Staff in that role. Russia has a Federal structure like the USA but it's managed differently and far more efficiently. Regional Governors are directly elected, but can be replaced by the President for poor performance and the president can promote a temporary replacement who works until the next election either formally elects or chooses someone else--a capability the POTUS lacks. There's more to the tale, and Russia's Constitutional system is still not 100% complete as more adjustments are done as the system gets fine-tuned. Russia's current Constitution's just 31 years old.

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