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"This one essay equals one semester of graduate seminar work on the current topic, unfortunately without all the discussion. That readers will need to generate within their own circles by sharing this with their friends and family as there’s nothing unreasonable in Xi Jinping’s proposals whatsoever unless you’re one of the afflicted. Knowing what’s been proposed also kills the Establishment Narrative aiming at demonizing both Russia and China and all other nations that join with them in common cause."

Well, I don't think it equals a whole semester of graduate work (!) but I do thank you for putting it together.

It all sounds fine in principle - very much so - but there are never any specifics and of course it remains to be seen if the Wicked West will just allow them to rise peacefully (as they should). So far so good, if you ignore the hundreds of thousands who died the last year or so in Ukraine. The idea and ideal of a unified world at peace is not new, but in this era we have a better chance than ever before to realize it. Indeed, we already live in a single world order of sorts, but obviously there are several leading factions at odds with each other. The Chinese model sketched out above presupposes everyone being 'in the same boat', on the same page, essentially in the same Party like the CPC. I believe this is the correct approach on many levels but whether it is realizable remains to be seen.

Right now the RoW has a great Demon to counteract, to resist, who provides them great motivation to unite against it. Once the Demon is subdued, which will most likely happen this century one way or another, then what? What will unite them? Everything in Xi's speeches sounds excellent. It's just never happened before in world history and this vision contains no administrative or procedural recommendations whatsoever. It's pure vision.

That's good for now, perhaps. But words don't cook rice. They are building a coalition of sorts - though Xi often recommends against that sort of thing - and are walking their talk, not starting wars, not conquering other countries, aiding developing countries and developing global infrastructure. So, yes, typical US anti-Chinese and anti-Russian rhetoric seems off. But they are taking on a very big thing armed with an ideological vision of making the world a perfect place.

I fear the whole thing may prove far more risky than it might seem to the casual reader going through all these positive statements; and if history is any guide, ideologically led movements, no matter how well intentioned, often result in the deaths of a high percentage of the involved populations - witness England, France, Russia, China and more.

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What China's promoting is the notion that humanity is one big family, which it is actually. As I wrote at the end of today's second article, humanity must evolve beyond what might be termed its barbarian age given how fellow humans are treated. The key to accomplishing that IMO is to eliminate the idea that Others exist, although there are clearly outliers as not all humans are barbarians. The RoW appears to be embracing China's conception while the "demon" West opposes it merely because they're barbarians and are incapable of being otherwise. You're likely familiar with the concepts of Being and Becoming. IMO, for the paradigm change to become complete is the need for humanity to make the transition from one to the other, which will take time and effort. Earth now has over 8 Billion humans, but only a few thousand demons.

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Yeah, but that's interesting, no? 'Only a few thousand demons'. That means it's not a development thing for the human race, rather a cultural-political-management issue. How can only a few thousand be permitted to do so much damage? Well, let's hope Russia and China has gamed this out well.

Today I was imagining that a deal has been done: the Gnomes of Zurich et alia are going to be given the role of Central Banker, like they did with the US Federal Reserve. China will be permitted to grow and manifest in the way she wishes but these guys will run international currency. In return, they will insure that the West will not resist militarily. They also will still be in charge of Western polities to which end it seems first they want an engineered Depression or worse after which they can do their 'Reset'. The Chinese development was kicked off in part by agreements with Western financial grandees. I don't think those ties have gone away, indeed without them China wouldn't have been able to expand market share in the West so rapidly. These elites do not favor the people in whose countries they dwell. In a way, they are changing horses mid-stream, moving from West to East. But it looks like there will soon be a single, international order.

The only way for China-Russia to effect this without major world war is to do a deal. I think the digital currency regime soon to be trotted out may very well be that deal. If so, hopefully they can buck the trend of the past few centuries and not allow those Gnomes in their systemic midst to undermine their civilization the way it has wrecked the West's - although it was never as developed as those in Asia even though it also evidenced some terrific creativity and beauty from time to time, which is why nearly all the greatest classical musicians today are Asian. They know a good thing...

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It's not merely Russia & China; it's the Global Majority. Again, I hope to touch upon some of that tomorrow.

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Yes, that's what I meant. Am leaning towards short-handing it into 'Eurasia' or 'Eurasia rising.'

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