99% observers don't know China saved Putin's ass from being deep reemed by US back in 2014 after Russia stopped US from grabbing Crimea.
Even today Russia won't openly thank China, and China is too polite to publicly remind Putin.
And there's also another US$400 billion oil deal.
That's how Russia survived the early sanctions.
And before that Putin hated China and saw Japan as a business partner despite China begging him to build pipelines offset from Putin's loved pipelines to Japan. Putin refused.
This also explains why even today RT and Sputnik have obvious anti China slant in converage. Only Sputnik managed to change but not RT. It was very common for them to use US govt anti China disinformation as "news".
These are my saved links from 2014. No idea how many still survived purged by US govt.
Chinese money saved Russia's economy from imploding after foreign attacks. China prefers to do the Walking.
offering to join NATO was calling bluff on the trojan horse called NATO... russia is a part of the larger european continent, but its exclusion has been a forgone conclusion due the the western power structure and its attempt at maintaining that same power..
the other thing... the 2 way street between russia and china is mutually beneficial... you make it sound like china gets no benefit from it all and that china is just saving russias bacon in it all.. something is missing in your conclusions as i see it..
thanks.. i never disputed your comment about putin wanting to join nato, but put it in light of how i see that, which you may, or may not agree with... i don't know what putin thought of china before 2014... it seems you believe you do... any quotes to back that up?
thanks sean... csis is part of 5 eyes, and i don't trust one word they say! but yes, i think positive ties have been growing for some time between the 2 men and the 2 countries, which i consider positive..
I'm not here to convince you or anyone. You can choose what to believe. Or do your homework way back to pre 2014.
Putin himself made it very clear he saw Russia as a European country. Not Asian. Or even Euroasia. Or Centralasia which all came later. Russia had a lot of historical baggage against China.
He said very often he wanted to be part of the West and loved by the West.
Does such a personality think much of the yellow skin people in the East who are already threatening to upset the white Anglo-Saxon applecart that Europeans have tied themselves to?
"Russia had a lot of historical baggage against China."
Not as much bad baggage as it had with Germany and Japan -- and they still sold oil/gas and traded with them in the Billions post-ww 2 .... China really was not that big a deal - there were multiple border issues with various countries - all have been resolved. Right?
So I think you're obsessing on this aspect about Russian or Putin biased racist against the Chinese. Putin has been pro-china since he became President. Oh well.
99% observers don't know China saved Putin's ass from being deep reemed by US back in 2014 after Russia stopped US from grabbing Crimea.
Even today Russia won't openly thank China, and China is too polite to publicly remind Putin.
And there's also another US$400 billion oil deal.
That's how Russia survived the early sanctions.
And before that Putin hated China and saw Japan as a business partner despite China begging him to build pipelines offset from Putin's loved pipelines to Japan. Putin refused.
This also explains why even today RT and Sputnik have obvious anti China slant in converage. Only Sputnik managed to change but not RT. It was very common for them to use US govt anti China disinformation as "news".
These are my saved links from 2014. No idea how many still survived purged by US govt.
Chinese money saved Russia's economy from imploding after foreign attacks. China prefers to do the Walking.
BBC News - Russia signs 30-year gas deal with China[
Russia, China Add to $400 Billion Gas Deal With Accord - Bloomberg
Russia - China Alliance
It was also from that moment on that US really hated China and declared China a direct threat to US interests, more so than Russia.
very interesting commentary from you surferfet.. thanks.. i am not sure what to make of it either..
follow the links then. And remember that Putin saw Russia as an European country and offered to join NATO.
offering to join NATO was calling bluff on the trojan horse called NATO... russia is a part of the larger european continent, but its exclusion has been a forgone conclusion due the the western power structure and its attempt at maintaining that same power..
the other thing... the 2 way street between russia and china is mutually beneficial... you make it sound like china gets no benefit from it all and that china is just saving russias bacon in it all.. something is missing in your conclusions as i see it..
Look at it in context of time frame. Not at today's context.
Factually China did saved Russia back in 2014. US$800 billion is not some lollipop money.
Factually Putin hated China before then.
Russia sold Brahmos technology to India in 1998 knowing full well that India WILL use it against China if major war broke out.
And no, Putin was serious about joining NATO. That's been clear from various commentaries.
Sorry, but your accusation of Putin here is a baldfaced lie.
I don't lie. It's my viewpoint. Putin plays the Great Game very well but no denying his love for the West.
thanks.. i never disputed your comment about putin wanting to join nato, but put it in light of how i see that, which you may, or may not agree with... i don't know what putin thought of china before 2014... it seems you believe you do... any quotes to back that up?
hi, the following I came across might help, take with a grain of salt though and keep in context and CSIS biases/ignorance. https://chinapower.csis.org/history-china-russia-relations/ and http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/70743 met XI in 2010 .... appears positive ties been growing since 2001. soon after Putin came to power. There must be other sources of how the relationship grew. cheers
thanks sean... csis is part of 5 eyes, and i don't trust one word they say! but yes, i think positive ties have been growing for some time between the 2 men and the 2 countries, which i consider positive..
I'm not here to convince you or anyone. You can choose what to believe. Or do your homework way back to pre 2014.
Putin himself made it very clear he saw Russia as a European country. Not Asian. Or even Euroasia. Or Centralasia which all came later. Russia had a lot of historical baggage against China.
He said very often he wanted to be part of the West and loved by the West.
Does such a personality think much of the yellow skin people in the East who are already threatening to upset the white Anglo-Saxon applecart that Europeans have tied themselves to?
"Russia had a lot of historical baggage against China."
Not as much bad baggage as it had with Germany and Japan -- and they still sold oil/gas and traded with them in the Billions post-ww 2 .... China really was not that big a deal - there were multiple border issues with various countries - all have been resolved. Right?
So I think you're obsessing on this aspect about Russian or Putin biased racist against the Chinese. Putin has been pro-china since he became President. Oh well.
i think it is possible to be friends to many people and it isn't an either or choice... so maybe we conclude things differently here..