You're dreaming. Sane people do not negotiate with psychopathic evil War Criminals - they kill them!
What is wrong with you and others that you do not see that ** RUSSIA is totally committed to the genocidal Israeli government!**
And Putin Russia are committed to the DELUSION of the failed Two State solution ... the Jewish Zionist Israelis and NEOCONS in the US / UK have rejected for over 100 years already ... seriously? No one can be this blind to reality surely?
The article said there are many Russian Jews in Israel. More like million over and many are rich ogliarchs. Their money do affect Russia's economy.
Putin's balls are squeezed hard. That's why he cannot condemn Israel genocide of Palestinians. And China openly did it because China don't have much skin in Israel.
"and a possible candidate for abitration."
You're dreaming. Sane people do not negotiate with psychopathic evil War Criminals - they kill them!
What is wrong with you and others that you do not see that ** RUSSIA is totally committed to the genocidal Israeli government!**
And Putin Russia are committed to the DELUSION of the failed Two State solution ... the Jewish Zionist Israelis and NEOCONS in the US / UK have rejected for over 100 years already ... seriously? No one can be this blind to reality surely?
The article said there are many Russian Jews in Israel. More like million over and many are rich ogliarchs. Their money do affect Russia's economy.
Putin's balls are squeezed hard. That's why he cannot condemn Israel genocide of Palestinians. And China openly did it because China don't have much skin in Israel.