Well I find that to be pretty wonderful, really. Which one doesn't expect of govt documents. It reminds me of the first time I even saw/heard a Putin speech. The same reaction. Pretty wonderful and not what my world had taught me to expect from our 'leaders'.

To know that's Russia's thought, aim, policy, is great.

The manifestation of it as I experience it here down at my level isn't too great right now. I struggle a bit downloading, converting audio to text, getting the text translated, all that kind of stuff; tedious and error prone.

Telegram is increasingly the only place to get true timely information but I struggle with that bit, too. Unigram offers me translations at a click on my windows pc but Unigram doesn't run on my Linux box.

and Telegram does not offer translation.

I get email feeds from komsomolskaya pravda which are great but i have to run them through my translator plugin on win10 to be able to read them in English.

I sought to buy roubles and could not find a way nor a page explaining it all to me.

I am sure there are 'doorways', sites, here and there that offer a better experience and that's good and I should be aware of them, need to know and will be glad to know.

But my point is that I think it would be beneficial if the 'presence', shall we say, of Russia were to permeate down into and onto that everyday level and those ordinary areas of interaction which is where the vast majority of us are. You understand, rather than hoping for us to find the more 'distance' sources, sites.

But, yep, it's all good.

I just think we could really use a really good 'doorway to Russia' page, though.

A 'really good' one. NOT your usual national publicity front page.

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Excellent observation, Arthur. I'll see what I can find.

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Feb 16·edited Feb 28Liked by Karl Sanchez

iuihThe notion of humanitarian policy in Russian foreign policy reflects a desire to respond to world crises with compassion and practical support. This approach not only represents Russia's diplomatic policy, but also determines its global image and impact. Russia aspires to build stability and goodwill by putting humanitarian help and collaboration first, demonstrating a deep knowledge of soft power dynamics in international relations.https://pmkisanyojanastatus.com/ This emphasis on humanitarianism highlights the complexities of Russia's participation on the world arena.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

Overall it seems, to me at least, that Mr Lavrov's words demonstrate the difference between a 'civilisational state' and a 'colonial state'.

I found the following interesting "... the Russian language is the official or working language of international universal and regional organizations, such as the UN, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the World Health Organization, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and other." I had gone to the UNESCO website just prior to reading the post and found not one single reference to either the USSR or Russian Federation. The list of UNESCO's founders does not even include the USSR, come think I don't think the PRC was either.

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At the Cultural Forum, there was lots of angst related to UNESCO as it's one of the many parts of the UN that were "privatized" as Lavrov calls it over the 20+ years of Russian weakness from 1990-2010. Much was said during 2022 about the intense efforts being made to Cancel all things Russian that was fought against. That effort was an admission that Western Soft Power isn't nearly as strong as Russian or Chinese soft power--Xi's APEC speeches are an excellent example that the Outlaw US Empire cannot hope to meet.

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'Privatisation' was the biggest con of the 20th century. Certainly here in the UK. As an ideological tool it is integral to the functioning of the Outlaw US empire. Hopefully it sinks with the frog in the face of the martyrdom of Palestinian civilians and their children.

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"The Main Directions of the Humanitarian Policy of the Russian Federation Abroad

Formation of an objective perception of the Russian Federation abroad, promotion of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values"

I don't have a problem with the former. I have a problem with the latter. It's not Russia's place to be exporting its "values". That makes it no better than the United States. Of course, perhaps Russia does not do it in the same aggressive manner as the US, but it's still the attempt to push a limited philosophy on everyone else.

And it's not going to work, either, any more than US "values" were successfully pushed on everyone else. Russia apparently has not learned from the US' mistakes. No surprise there. Humans don't learn when it clashes with their emotions.

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Unlike the Outlaw US Empire, Russia has a very longstanding global institution it backs and with which its values dovetail--Russian Orthodox Church, which the Outlaw US Empire is trying hard to destroy.

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I'm aware of the connection. If Russia limits its promotion of its "values" to those countries and/or specific populations with a large Orthodox Church membership, I don't have a problem with that.

This is not to say I necessarily disagree with all of Russia's values. I just disagree with promoting them to populations outside its sphere of influence, just as much as I would disagree with the US doing such.

Also, there is a difference between "exposing" and "promoting". I don't have a problem with the former, it's the latter I have a problem with. Not to mention I have a problem with a state exposing or promoting anything, of course, being an anarchist.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

I think you are ignoring the difference between 'exporting' and 'imposing'.

For instance, RF is not imposing grain to some African countries free of charge. Whereas the Outlaw US empire does impose it's various versions of their moral and even political values, such as 'democracy', on all of us.

Personally, I regard all the official 'Christian' versions (so far) to be the original 'state religion', which was formulated to legitimise Constantine's coup d'tat, and which subsequently became an imperial instrument of cultural control. The subsequent regimentation and exclusion of a number of the various formats followed by 'the early Christians'. The plethora of distinctive versions of whatever did happen during the period described by the Christian foundation myth may have even appealed to an anarchist. Additionally the Russian Federation is a multi-cultural society in which the Orthodox Church is only one of the Faiths available.

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