Ryabkov is indeed more direct. I usually like reading his statements precisely for that reason. Since he's not the Foreign Minister, he can afford to be more direct.

"This is the sin of the approach of political scientists from the United States. He is detached from life. Although, perhaps, it is outwardly attractive, and, probably, the number of reposts, mentions of this publication is high and flatters the authors. But this has very little to do with life."

That description - which sounds like something Martyanov would say (although he would say it in much harsher language) - reminded me of Jeffrey Sachs and his lame approach to the Gaza crisis. His only recommendation is that the UN establish a state of Palestine. End of approach. He makes no reference to what happens when the Israelis reject it and refuse to implement it. He indicates no way to move Congress to implement it. Without that, it's a meaningless prescription. It's on a par with the Western foreign policy wonks on Ukraine - absolutely disconnected from reality.

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kissinger was more direct then sachs and said - one state solution... that would put certain demands on israel too and they can't have that.. sachs approach as you say is lame..

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thanks karl.. i enjoyed reading this.. you know things are bad in the usa when they compare kissinger to a giant and that there is no one to replace him at present.. as for india acting as a 5th column in brics - anything is possible... in a game of politics, there are always some who are more prone to playing games then being above board..

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Another adult. Very direct and to the point. Remarkable choice of words. Lack of coverage by MSM noteworthy. Manipulation by Foreign Affairs also worthy of notice. Good grief, what a bad bunch.

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More Lavrov just posted.

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"...The Americans have stopped the dialogue with us..."

Ergo, there is no rational alternative to taking Galicia all the way to the Polish border, even though that western part of [the former UA] 404 is somewhat ungovernable--the buffer zone between Novo russyia will provide the third leg of the SMO requirement: No NATO in Russian's backyard, with the 2nd & 3rd legs--De-Nazification & De-Militarization. Time and $$ are on Putin's side.

There may be no "Rump State" to worry about in the future as UA, as a sovereign entity will cease to exist.

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