I was born 'in the west' and have lived here for over 70 years. I've never seen our freedoms and rights be under as much threat as they are now, and it's 100% from our own governments.

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A little legal background to Scott Ritter's situation. Virtually everywhere, all citizens at large have the fundamental right to leave and enter their home country. They can't be prevented from leaving except in accordance with the law - such as a warrant being issued for their arrest. Obviously there isn't an arrest warrant in place for Mr. Ritter. The cops took his passport but left him to walk free. So it appears to be an arbitrary act by the government of the USA to prevent Mr. Ritter from exercising one of his constitutional rights, through the technicality of taking his passport away.

Beyond the blatant misuse of government authority, one has to marvel at how desperate Washington must be to have done this to one of their own citizens, a former military employee no less.

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It goes beyond the airport incident as some of my other replies show.

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Russia should issue him travel documents and a ride in a Russian jet.

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Here's Ritter on X:

@AnnaNeistat & Clooney Foundation for Justice

"I hear you’re trying to get arrest warrants issued for Russian “propagandists.”

Here I am.

In your face.

If telling the truth about Russia makes me a propagandist in your book, then I accept the title.

Your buddies Ukraine think so—they’ve had me on a kill list years charged with the same “crime.”

Bring it on.

I’ll school you on the First Amendment.

I’ll end up bankrupting your pathetic little operation.

You guys suck as an organization.

You have zero concept of what free speech is.

Try and arrest me and you’ll find out.

In spades.

It’s war."

Yes, it's war indeed.

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Judge Nap’s friendship and unreserved support for Ritter is obviously understandable- he’s the “been there, done that” real deal. Advising Judge to “not board the plane, stay home” was prescient and backed by some ‘connect-a-dot’ analysis on Ritter’s part that there was a tangible safety risk for both of them- he’s used to having a bullseye on his back and isn’t about to be intimidated by being on a Ukie ‘kill list’ but didn’t want Judge to be at risk of quite possible extremist violence. As diligent as the Russians are about security at such an event, stuff can happen. The actions of the US goons who took Ritter’s passport is ‘beyond the pale’ and abhorrent- literally makes me ashamed of my citizenship. It’s just about “pitchfork time”!

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Yes, "pitchfork time" indeed, which is why I urged readers to share the video as widely as possible. I know it's been placed on numerous sites, but we must help the Truth emerge from the well, https://storytelling.co.za/the-naked-truth-and-the-lie/

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Thanks Karl, a delightful and well-told story! I must admit I had trouble with the “.za” domain name - my Wi-Fi network would just return, “Safari reports the server stopped responding” it then occurred to me to use my cell phone, disable Wi-Fi, and burn up a few bytes of my cellular data allotment. Bingo! Now to see if I can access Sputnik, Telegram or .vk links. I won’t hold my breath though 🫤

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Yeah, DDos attacks on the Kremlin website over the past several days I can eventually break and get though, but others aren't as easy. That story is elsewhere on the web and is out on social media too. I'll bet an image search for the painting will reveal more mirrors.

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The big news and possible 'game changer' for real is that America gives permission for the use of American weapons to strike Russian heartland isn't it?.

Then the obvious thing for Russia to do is give permission for Russian weapons to be used against the American heartland.

And the 700 bases scattered around the world.

Then all the extremists, the loyalists, the activists, the militarists of all the discontented and oppressed and victimised nations of the world can begin it: Houthi style attack on anything and everything American, wherever, whenever.

And America has got 700 tender fingers sticking out all over the globe.

Let's see Putin and/or Lavrov, Zakharova, Medvedev announce that.

And its corollary: feel free to use our weapons on any NATO country, we don't mind.

Keeps Russia the same distance away from 'direct confrontation' as those vermin are, doesn't it?

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Russia's doing the right thing in defeating the Nazis the Outlaw US Empire nourished and said okay to killing US citizens and we'll finance it too. That's the massive crime(s) I'm talking about.

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Thanks for the post Karl.

Dennis Kucinich a post up in regard to Scott Ritter. A short but good read.


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Thanks for contributing!

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Salud Karl, just watched Putin meeting with world news agencies reps, over three hours, as agile as usual, the Japanese rep got a good spank, and the ridiculous Spanish rep on a courtesy granted second question asks about the Normandy landing and Russia's absence in the celebrations. My blood boiled, what a ... sss, a true vassal question, the imperial ass cleaner forgot that Spain had nothing to do with that landing, not only that, in those days an Hitler ally reigned wild executing more prisoners than soldiers fallen on the batte fields. The degree of servitude in this Europe that relishes being the outlaws whore is just depressing. You'll have a lot to chew on that one plus more events coming in Piter.

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Thanks Paco. Just finished a chat with psychohistorian about the shapes of things and MoA's future. Was working on my current substack article dealing with the interesting details that government meetings contain that you never know about until you read the transcript. That will soon be made public. Now on to the event you mentioned.

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I went to bed last night fearful that the world would end. This post with Scott's interview and other recent reactions from Pepe primed me that the unstable empire was going to blow it right now.

The sun is up today and we get to live another day.

Karl posted two substacks on June 3. One included a discussion of the messianic USA and the cult seen in words like "the essential nation." That substack featured articles by Crooke and Henry Johnson writing in RT.

A suggestion. Go back and reread that substack. Then find my recent comment where I posted links to additional articles by Henry Johnson. The content of work is not new to readers here but it is useful to see another treatment of the turmoil of a collapse of an empire and the rise of a multipolar world.

As long as Moon of Alabama is off line there is a need for alternative content that presents a coherent, pragmatic treatment of what is happening and what will possibly happen. Michael Hudson predicted in 1971 that the financial trend would destroy the empire and now it is happening.

Karl's substack

"Crooke: The Folly of Diplomacy Via Narrative



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At bedtime, I was dealing with Simplicius's latest as he seems to publish about 9pm Pacific. There's a heightened "fear factor" coming from some directions, but I sense none of that from my Russian or Chinese sources. IMO, it's the NATO Chicken Littles who are driving that.

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You are right Karl - this is all western chitchat - the S site is invaded with trolls doomers and Mayflower Maidens, especially since the worst of the MoA commenters are desperate to act out

I do not mean that I have any idea of what the Russians are saying or the Chinese, except what comes from your site, and perhaps one or two other hints

It's that these puffed up febrile excitements over temporary in essentials is exactly the western way of mind- it is the loud lamenting woe is me which is so typical of that spirit which left England in 160 whatever

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Putin faced the "International Media" today in St. Petersburg on the SPIEF sidelines an event he's made into a tradition. You'll read how excited he might be. Lavrov's touring Africa again. A multitude has descended on Russia for the annual SPIEF. IMO, that confidence speaks volumes.

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You are right- Lavrov once again came to next door Oyo, and once again spoke about resolving the Libya situation - you never saw Lavrov laugh and smile so much as when he lands in Oyo - must be something in the air

I guess you will report on SPIEF and the VVP press conference

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Unfortunately not surprising, here's hoping in the future this stuff finally gets stopped (fingers crossed)

fyi I saw a good i'view with pepe - one quote near the end raises a good question I've been silently asking myself ...... see Putin and China Issue a GRAVE Warning: Tensions Near Breaking Point

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSbJEyd_pfs better than usual and quite focused to the point.

quote - how can we start how can we dream or pretend that we're talking about

multipolarity in the middle of a genocide if you don't solve the genocide tragedy

you cannot build multipolarity it's absolutely impossible

[ especially re no interfecne in others states principle]

you know are you going to build a multipolar world where you tolerate a state

practicing genocide this is absolutely out of the question right and this is where we

are at the moment we have the whole planet Hostage to an entity that is committing

a genocide and everybody is impotent to stop it and then the only way to stop it

would be to inflict a major military defeat against Israel

which is something it can be done but it's very complicated and don't forget those

people have nuclear weapons which they will use if they are cornered they are

sufficiently psychos to do that so so the problem is immense immense how to

restrain at least if not stop these people and because the intertwined system

Washington Tel Aviv is so so strong they have this sentiment of impunity

end quote.

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Hard not to agree with that. There are three main actors blocking Humanity from attaining the Four Freedoms that were made THE GOAL back in 1941 when a different Fascist group was designated the enemy--the Zionists, NATO, and behind both the Outlaw US Empire. IMO, those are the entities that need to be defeated by the Global Majority Bloc if the goal is to finally be attained.

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Surely, howsomever, what is likely to cause a change?

The ZH community, in spite of its heavy reliance on juvenile parlance, is clearly on board and might just possibly be a harbinger of small changes to come.

Most public statements by any party are still in support of the Empire. America Number one, keep America strong and other memes are still prevalent. Moderation is not.

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Open evidence of the US Government paying a proxy to target US citizens for elimination is the biggie, and as Scott explains, it's not just Team Biden, it's Congress too. Real Time uncovering of something similar to Operation Condor and other similar black ops.

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I rather like good clarets, although my "cellar" is mostly filled with fine Oregon pinot noirs. My wife showed me a take-off on this excellent gem that's been around for 200 years, https://storytelling.co.za/the-naked-truth-and-the-lie/

I'd never heard that story before or seen the painting. We as writers ought to do something with it that brings it back into sight, even if it's only to retell the tale, which is what the person did that my wife discovered.

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Thanks Karl for posting this and for encouraging a debate about US direct and proxy actions against it's own citizens

I note that no one is prepared to offer ideas on what can be done in a practical way to influence and to change the situation in the US, not only as far as this case is concerned but in general

When will there be movements and actions discussed and taken?

Or is this already impossible?

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The Colonists called particular legislation by the British Parliament the Intolerable Acts and relations deteriorated until it was decided that the relationship needed to be severed. I've long felt that situation has existed here going back 40+ years. Unfortunately, it's very difficult to promote revolutionary sentiment as so few really understand, which is why the Judge's platform is so vital. Yes, he's a libertarian constitutionalist, but he's correct on the law. I've pondered a form of Lawfare as a tool since the 1990s, but that takes money I don't have. IMO, we're at the point where teach-ins are required for movements to evolve from them, and that's happening on a global scale.

The global conflict known as the Cold War is being fiercely counter attacked by the emerging Global Majority Bloc led by BRICS+ and other allied associations. It's trying its best to reform the dysfunctional global order that's been under attack by the Outlaw US Empire since it was created and do it as non-violently as possible. IMO, all that needs to be made more explicit so those who've been taught otherwise can change their POV, a task that won't be at all easy.

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You are right - I had not thought in these terms, except as the benefits to us in RoW of RF and China actions, but of course this will operate within US and EU

PS I am reading the Joint Declaration with China (Ben Norton translation) - this document was evidently prepared at the same time as the Executive Order through 2036, and is the other side of the same coin

Together evidence of what you say, the emerging global block, making definitive statements about their plans through 2030/2036

Reaction from the west has been trivial or non existent - as per reaction to VVP MSC 2007

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Yeah! Nature is on the right side!

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Thanks. No video capabilities here. What was said about the incident at the airport?

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Perhaps ypou can view one that's mirrored, https://smoothiex12.blogspot.com/2024/06/scott-and-judge.html

The issues transcend what happened at the airport, unconstitutional to the max. It's what Scott reveals later about the whole US government's involvement of using a proxy to target US citizens for death and funding the whole affair. State Terrorism is the proper term. If you still have trouble with the video, reply and I'll provide some of the evidence.

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Thanks I was able to listen to 70% of it. I wasn't clear on what happened to the person that they alluded to being arrested in St Petersburg. Also heard the part about the Russians know that it's French, German, US, etc. who are doing the real targeting for Ukraine. What did I miss about targeting US citizens?

It's a technical issue on my side preventing ability to watch the vid.

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The important part is in the first 13 minutes or so. The Russian contact issue got confused with what the Russian government was doing, which was actually aimed at aiding the contact. FSB is on very high alert with the SPIEF. Scott explained that he knew he was a target but didn't want to let Napolitano to risk that issue; that's why the FSB involvement. Russia knows its enemy much better than the enemey's citizens know their own government.

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Ahhhh. So during that 6AM phone call he mentioned, when he told Judge not to go because the Russians might have changed their stance, he was really doing so because he knew that the US was up to something no good. I need to find a better phone while I'm in the woods this week. I am using a proxy or VPN service on 3G signal and video is almost impossible.

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Ritter's not anyone I'd want to piss off; he's a man of honor and will uphold his Oath of Service.

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thanks karl..

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