Some people forget that Russia is the largest and most powerful nation in Europe. Anglo-Saxon Russophobia has been very damaging to continental Europe. The only thing that can guarantee a prosperous and stable Europe is a strong and powerful Russia.
Some people forget that Russia is the largest and most powerful nation in Europe. Anglo-Saxon Russophobia has been very damaging to continental Europe. The only thing that can guarantee a prosperous and stable Europe is a strong and powerful Russia.
Yes, that’s being said by many realists. Note that Iberia is doing well because its energy sources continue to flow. I’m curious to see how much the migration flow to Russia increases once the SMO is done, for that’s where the opportunities and a secure future lie.
The far right considers the current Spanish government to be too little anti-Russian and too much pro-China. It is also attacked by the Zionists, who consider it to be – rightly – pro-Palestine. I, like many Spaniards, am in favour of leaving NATO, dismantling American military bases and strengthening relations with Russia. The only time there were Russian (Soviet) troops in Spain was during the Civil War, they came to help us fight fascism, and that is something we will never forget.
Excellent! in 1911, my great-grandfather left Salamanca for California. Three years later, he sent money for the passage to bring the rest of the family to California. He established a vineyard and citrus ranch in Cucamonga, which is about 75 miles East of LA, in what was then desert. But there was an aquifer and enough rain to support the vineyard. Never did discover what prompted him to leave Spain. I still haven't been to Spain.
Some people forget that Russia is the largest and most powerful nation in Europe. Anglo-Saxon Russophobia has been very damaging to continental Europe. The only thing that can guarantee a prosperous and stable Europe is a strong and powerful Russia.
Yes, that’s being said by many realists. Note that Iberia is doing well because its energy sources continue to flow. I’m curious to see how much the migration flow to Russia increases once the SMO is done, for that’s where the opportunities and a secure future lie.
The far right considers the current Spanish government to be too little anti-Russian and too much pro-China. It is also attacked by the Zionists, who consider it to be – rightly – pro-Palestine. I, like many Spaniards, am in favour of leaving NATO, dismantling American military bases and strengthening relations with Russia. The only time there were Russian (Soviet) troops in Spain was during the Civil War, they came to help us fight fascism, and that is something we will never forget.
Got to keep the Franco faction pinned down and out of government. And then there’s the King. Will Spain ever become a genuine Republic?
Many of us continue in the fight to establish the Republic.
Excellent! in 1911, my great-grandfather left Salamanca for California. Three years later, he sent money for the passage to bring the rest of the family to California. He established a vineyard and citrus ranch in Cucamonga, which is about 75 miles East of LA, in what was then desert. But there was an aquifer and enough rain to support the vineyard. Never did discover what prompted him to leave Spain. I still haven't been to Spain.
Brother, let me know if you come to Spain, we will welcome you with warm open arms.
I do hope I get there. Events here will dictate when that might be possible.