You rule, RSH! Hearing that song made my day and then some! As far as the dress, it’s not the first link and I can’t load the second ( the “.ru” domain ) I’m in a skilled nursing facility and the wi-fi here is suspect or Apple/Safari on my iPad is blocking. I can’t access Sputnik and many of the Karlof1 links. Frustrating. Maria was rock…
You rule, RSH! Hearing that song made my day and then some! As far as the dress, it’s not the first link and I can’t load the second ( the “.ru” domain ) I’m in a skilled nursing facility and the wi-fi here is suspect or Apple/Safari on my iPad is blocking. I can’t access Sputnik and many of the Karlof1 links. Frustrating. Maria was rockin’ the dress in a Gymnasium post maybe a month or a little more ago. Karl speculated that she saves it for certain briefings- hopefully he’ll oblige us with a repost of the foto - he’s a fan too after all😏!
Dat’s da one! Concur about the hue but I’m pretty sure he called it blue when I first saw it. Btw, that image of her dancing strains my credulity...... 4” stilettos - RUFKM??! Is it really her??
You rule, RSH! Hearing that song made my day and then some! As far as the dress, it’s not the first link and I can’t load the second ( the “.ru” domain ) I’m in a skilled nursing facility and the wi-fi here is suspect or Apple/Safari on my iPad is blocking. I can’t access Sputnik and many of the Karlof1 links. Frustrating. Maria was rockin’ the dress in a Gymnasium post maybe a month or a little more ago. Karl speculated that she saves it for certain briefings- hopefully he’ll oblige us with a repost of the foto - he’s a fan too after all😏!
That would this one, I think:,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
I pulled it from his post of December 12. I think it's more purple than blue. Interesting, I can't find another image of it using Google Image Search.
“Every picture tells a story, don't it, every picture tells a story, don't it . . . ” ― Rod Stewart
Dat’s da one! Concur about the hue but I’m pretty sure he called it blue when I first saw it. Btw, that image of her dancing strains my credulity...... 4” stilettos - RUFKM??! Is it really her??
Yup. There's several videos on Youtube: