The West ignores the Outlaw US Empire and its miniature British poodle’s illegal attack on Ansarallah Yeminis after the UNSC Resolution that didn’t authorize any such action was approved just as was done before with Libya and Iraq.
How does a Jew get to Heaven from dry humping the Wailing Wall like Miley Cyrus?
Enquiring minds would like to know, so let’s ask Brother Nathaniel:
Jews go to the Wailing Wall and thrust their hips to imitate having intercourse with their “shekinah” (a female demon) while praying to their devil . . . at an old Roman fortress called Antonia . . .
Come on Clarence- you can do better than that. Is that the sort of stuff that shocks friends and family around the the Spangle BBQ ? Most of us here have kids and have met naughty boys trying to draw attention to their insignificant selves before.
Why don't you go away and play with your companions, in some dark corner? Hang around here and you are going to get spanked.
There is no “free market,” there never has been . . . it is Jewish Mammonism . . . Every year the USA gives away an $8,000.00 health insurance deductible for every natural born U.S. man, woman, and child, just to Israel alone . . .
Israel was just given $20 billion . . . It would cost $20 billion to build apartments for every homeless person in America to live in until they died, and the traitors in Washington D.C. sent ten times that to the cross-dressing gay satanist Israeli operative Volodymyr Zelensky in Ukraine . . .
Funding Both Sides: How Jewish Money Controls British Politics . . .
“During the previous Labour government, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were ardent Zionists because they accepted the justice of Israel’s cause, not because Labour’s chief fund-raisers were first the Jew Michael Levy and then the Jew Jonathan Mendelsohn (both are now members of the House of Lords). And during the current Conservative government, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson have been ardent Zionists because they too accept the justice of Israel’s cause, not because the Conservatives’ chief fund-raisers have been first the Jew Sir Mick Davis and then the Jew Sir Ehud Sheleg.”
❝Bolshevism and Jewry are two words for the same thing. Peace is Bolshevism’s worst enemy, which it must destroy in order to realize its plans for world domination. Thus, Bolshevism’s ever-repeated life and death declarations of battle against the whole of the world become all too understandable.❞
In what the late Saddam Hussein once dubbed “the great Satan,” roughly two-thirds of the United States enlisted military corps is white . . . The fat, bulbous U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin once confirmed in a 93-2 vote of the U.S. Senate, immediately embarked on a whirlwind media tour of duty, telling the pseudo-secular sycophants in the state-controlled tabloid press and state-controlled television talk show circuit about how the U.S. Army is full of bad racist white men.
Senior Defense Department leaders celebrating yet another Pride Month at the Pentagon sounding the alarm about the rising number of state laws they say target the LGBTQ+ community, warned the trend is hurting the feelings of the armed forces . . . “LGBTQ plus and other diverse communities are under attack, just because they are different. Hate for hate’s sake,” said Gil Cisneros, the Pentagon’s undersecretary for personnel and readiness, who also serves as DoD’s chief diversity and inclusion officer.
And now the U.S. Army is doing ads begging for more young white males? What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Newsome could be cheated into the Oval Office by ZOG somehow, with Globohomo diversity brigades going door-to-door looking to impress American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition, the invasion at the Southern border is going full tilt, and the drugs are flowing in like never before.
Get ready for it . . . the fat old devil worshipping fags on Capitol Hill, on Wall Street, in Whitehall, and in Brussels are in no shape to fight a war themselves, and most Americans are armed to the teeth with their own guns . . . NATO hates heterosexual white men . . . they said so themselves . . .
Question: How can the Russian Foreign Ministry comment on Bloomberg's report? Maria Zakharova: This is something new. Tell me, just wondering, this is really something extraordinary for me, how can Reuters allow competitors to be quoted? Question: Sometimes this happens. Maria Zakharova: From the bottom of my heart, I wish you to quote yourselves in the new year."
LOL You gotta love Maria!
OTOH, there is this gaff: "We really see that there is no alternative to this two-state solution. Everything has been tried."
Ah, no, Maria. The one-state solution has not been tried. Russia continues to ignore the elephant in the room: NO solution is possible while Zionists rule in Israel and indeed make up the bulk of the Israeli population.
yes, that first quote you shared was quite good, wasn't it? i too think a 1 state solution needs to be explored where it is no longer a heir-achy based on what religion you belong to...
I think it is time to stop pandering to Stone Age religion and the cunning sophistry in the definition of 'Jews', Ísraelis' etc that goes along with it.
If you want to call yourself a Jew because of a special relationship with god then you are defined by religion and are religious and that's it: there are no secular 'Jews'.
Or: if you want to call yourself a 'Jew' 'and insist that's a genealogy and not a religion then it is all secular and religious questions are to be decided separately.
And regardless of which of the two options you go for you should go to the Jewish Homeland and stop interfering with an blighting the rest of the world.
Go there and sort yourselves out there. It is waiting for you. Has been for a long time.
Thanks for that. Very large. Obviously parts of it are literally a tirade which generally turns me off. And there's some pretty extreme postulations and so on...
But I think it's worth having a bit of a look at and I will.
“Gotta love Maria” indeed! Maybe Karl might know - I wonder if she was wearing her notorious blue dress for this presser? That song by Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels won’t leave my brain! 😈
Yes, Jewess Monica Lewinsky . . . In a more perfect world, for the benefit of blue dresses and laundry stains all over America, former U.S. President William Jefferson Clinton would be now making television commercials for Spray 'n Wash®, or as the late Rush Limbaugh so cleverly positioned the advertisement’s timing on his radio program, Spot Shot®.
If you cannot be honest about the sex, what can you be honest about?
When Arnold Schnitzel-wagger got caught impregnating his voluptuous maid, the tsunami of faux moral outrage swept across television and computer screens from people who have the slenderest claim to any semblance of fidelity or ethics of any kind.
Arnold couldn't admit he likes fat girls and Maria couldn't admit she was too anemic to get the job done anymore . . . After all, marrying into the Katholic Kennedy Klan should come with special social privileges, should it not?
Whatever happened to 'make love not war' or 'free love, baby'?
Did Arnie just miss the flight of the Lolita Express that weekend, or did Bill Clinton and Bill Gates have the flights booked that month?
Whatever happened to 'Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell'?
By the way, remember who Bill Clinton put on the United States Supreme Court? She is still kvetching from the grave with the overturning of Roe v. Wade . . .
You rule, RSH! Hearing that song made my day and then some! As far as the dress, it’s not the first link and I can’t load the second ( the “.ru” domain ) I’m in a skilled nursing facility and the wi-fi here is suspect or Apple/Safari on my iPad is blocking. I can’t access Sputnik and many of the Karlof1 links. Frustrating. Maria was rockin’ the dress in a Gymnasium post maybe a month or a little more ago. Karl speculated that she saves it for certain briefings- hopefully he’ll oblige us with a repost of the foto - he’s a fan too after all😏!
Dat’s da one! Concur about the hue but I’m pretty sure he called it blue when I first saw it. Btw, that image of her dancing strains my credulity...... 4” stilettos - RUFKM??! Is it really her??
Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) have every right to say what they like about Israel and the genocide of Palestinians as elected members of the US House of Representatives; they never took an oath to serve Israel . . .
I voted for Ron Desantis (R-FL) to be governor of Florida, not ambassador to Israel.
The recently ousted Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), who took at least a dozen votes to get elected speaker, traveled to Israel immediately upon his election, declaring to the Israeli Knesset that the USA is steadfastly committed to supporting Ukraine in their war against Russia . . .
Was he running for speaker of the Israeli Knesset too?
Following his ouster . . . McCarthy (R-CA) traveled abroad again, this time to England, and expressed his open contempt for the white Republicans who make up the majority of the GOP and praised Democrats for their diversity during a debate at Oxford in the wake of his ouster as House Speaker . . .
Is he now running for the Prime Minister of the U.K.?
Nevertheless, he is free to go on media tours bashing white people and lobbying for Israel, because he has now resigned from the US House of Representatives . . . I can only conclude that the collective RINO butthurt over former Speaker McCarthy is all about the Israelis who have hijacked the American deep state war machine.
It has become so painfully obvious, especially where you have someone like Nikki Haley wagging her finger and shouting down Vivek Ramaswamy in a presidential debate on live national television when the questions of this Ukrainian war against Russia and any mention of Israel are concerned, that the United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.
It's ingenious how the money cycle works--US gives Occupied Palestine billions, millions of which get recycled back to the US in the form of bribes provided by AIPAC as campaign donations. That same system works for other PACs too, like Big Oil, MIC and Wall Street. There was a great book written and published in the 1990s dealing with all that and prior to Citizens United. Too bad those who overthrew the Articles of Confederation didn't make all elections and their machinery public utilities thus negating the need for cash to campaign for office.
“It's ingenious how the money cycle works--US gives Occupied Palestine billions, millions of which get recycled back to the US in the form of bribes provided by AIPAC as campaign donations.”
Ding, ding, ding . . . C'mon down . . .
I like the Palestinians almost as much as like the Jews, which is, not at all.
If the Iranians nuke Israel, the Palestinian scums also die in the fallout, then we have peace at last.
thanks karl.. i really wish more westerners - americans and canucks in particular - read maria zakharovas commentary and they commentary of putin and lavrov.. if they did, they would quickly see there is another side to many of the stories that get presented in the western msm in such a lopsided and one sided manner... i especially liked a few quotes from this article, but i will only share the first one i copied and am pasting here below...
"I call on everyone, and now I appeal to the media and speakers, to talk not about frozen assets, not about the blocking of assets, but about theft and theft. Let's call a spade a spade." very well said... call it what it is - theft! cut with the lies and bullshit which have become a permanent feature of the western msm coverage..
the only way forward is by speaking the truth... fortunately some are doing just this, but they are not being heard nearly enough, especially here in the west..
❝Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them.❞
I am totally astounded and disgusted by the USA and UK and Aus. And totally convinced that I am right to be. I've read much, watched many vids, observed events for myself, thought things over.
There is no doubt left in my mind at all, none: the USA and UK ( and Aus, that toadying lickspittle ) are completely and utterly evil and a blight on the face of the earth.
So whose fault is that?
The handful of fllth, the Oligarchs and their paid henchmen, their frontmen, the so called 'leaders' and politicians?
Nope. It is my fault. Speaking for us all. The people. John Smith, John Doe, Everyman.
Disgusted and aghast as I am I have not:
written to any elected rep of mine.
or texted
or phoned
or emailed
much less visited in person.
nor posted on their facebook pages
or twitter,
or linkedin
or wherever they might be found
Much less any of the above to those in similar positions not directly elected by me.
Any and all of them have every right to say "abrogard feels like that? well he never told us"
And this non action of mine is lifelong. It has been my habit all my life.
All my long life as a citizen of a democracy. You know - government by me, of me, for me ?
Without me actually doing anything at all.
And I will not do anything.
Bar get my rocks off posting here and there in comments sections: preaching to the converted who themselves mostly never even read it anyway.
That is all I will do in the foreseeable future.
Unless I get some apps.
If I get :
. an app that allows me to securely and indisputably register my vote for governance of the country with one push of a button.
. an app that allows me to push that button whenever I like night or day and change that vote.
. an app that allows me to see in an instance what millions of my fellow citizens are doing with their voting app.
. an app that allows me to record audio and/or video or take text and forward at a push of a ingle button to my elected reps containing such opinions and directions I may wish them to get from me.
. an app that allows me to see exactly what my elected reps are doing at that moment in the halls of power and what they've been doing over selected periods of recent time. What they've said. What they've listened to. What they've voted. Where they cut a ribbon, nursed a baby, whatever.
Given apps like that I may begin to participate in the political life, the governance, of my country and hence the globe. I may. Until then I'm merely a sanctimonious ineffectual clown getting his rocks of loudmouthing in comment sections.
And the filthy bandits need have no fear of me. I am irrelevant.
❝Bolshevism and Jewry are two words for the same thing. Peace is Bolshevism’s worst enemy, which it must destroy in order to realize its plans for world domination. Thus, Bolshevism’s ever-repeated life and death declarations of battle against the whole of the world become all too understandable.❞
The references to Bolshevism and Jewry are standard Nazi-or as the poster would say-Nordic Pagan Soldierly- rubbish.
Anyone arguing that Israel is a Bolshevik state really needs psychiatric treatment.
How does a Jew get to Heaven from dry humping the Wailing Wall like Miley Cyrus?
Enquiring minds would like to know, so let’s ask Brother Nathaniel:
Jews go to the Wailing Wall and thrust their hips to imitate having intercourse with their “shekinah” (a female demon) while praying to their devil . . . at an old Roman fortress called Antonia . . .
Come on Clarence- you can do better than that. Is that the sort of stuff that shocks friends and family around the the Spangle BBQ ? Most of us here have kids and have met naughty boys trying to draw attention to their insignificant selves before.
Why don't you go away and play with your companions, in some dark corner? Hang around here and you are going to get spanked.
We can’t afford healthcare for American children because we need to keep bombing everyone else’s for the love of Jesus and Israel.
There is no “free market,” there never has been . . . it is Jewish Mammonism . . . Every year the USA gives away an $8,000.00 health insurance deductible for every natural born U.S. man, woman, and child, just to Israel alone . . .
Israel was just given $20 billion . . . It would cost $20 billion to build apartments for every homeless person in America to live in until they died, and the traitors in Washington D.C. sent ten times that to the cross-dressing gay satanist Israeli operative Volodymyr Zelensky in Ukraine . . .
Re: the bombing in Yemen, a few minutes ago, "NotInMyName" was trending. So many of us are fed up with the actions of the USA.
i call it usa/uk - these 2 operate like the proverbial tag team criminal gang they are....
Funding Both Sides: How Jewish Money Controls British Politics . . .
“During the previous Labour government, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were ardent Zionists because they accepted the justice of Israel’s cause, not because Labour’s chief fund-raisers were first the Jew Michael Levy and then the Jew Jonathan Mendelsohn (both are now members of the House of Lords). And during the current Conservative government, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson have been ardent Zionists because they too accept the justice of Israel’s cause, not because the Conservatives’ chief fund-raisers have been first the Jew Sir Mick Davis and then the Jew Sir Ehud Sheleg.”
❝Bolshevism and Jewry are two words for the same thing. Peace is Bolshevism’s worst enemy, which it must destroy in order to realize its plans for world domination. Thus, Bolshevism’s ever-repeated life and death declarations of battle against the whole of the world become all too understandable.❞
In what the late Saddam Hussein once dubbed “the great Satan,” roughly two-thirds of the United States enlisted military corps is white . . . The fat, bulbous U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin once confirmed in a 93-2 vote of the U.S. Senate, immediately embarked on a whirlwind media tour of duty, telling the pseudo-secular sycophants in the state-controlled tabloid press and state-controlled television talk show circuit about how the U.S. Army is full of bad racist white men.
Senior Defense Department leaders celebrating yet another Pride Month at the Pentagon sounding the alarm about the rising number of state laws they say target the LGBTQ+ community, warned the trend is hurting the feelings of the armed forces . . . “LGBTQ plus and other diverse communities are under attack, just because they are different. Hate for hate’s sake,” said Gil Cisneros, the Pentagon’s undersecretary for personnel and readiness, who also serves as DoD’s chief diversity and inclusion officer.
And now the U.S. Army is doing ads begging for more young white males? What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Newsome could be cheated into the Oval Office by ZOG somehow, with Globohomo diversity brigades going door-to-door looking to impress American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition, the invasion at the Southern border is going full tilt, and the drugs are flowing in like never before.
Get ready for it . . . the fat old devil worshipping fags on Capitol Hill, on Wall Street, in Whitehall, and in Brussels are in no shape to fight a war themselves, and most Americans are armed to the teeth with their own guns . . . NATO hates heterosexual white men . . . they said so themselves . . .
Dude, Lloyd Austin is dead.
Dead nigger storage?
Question: How can the Russian Foreign Ministry comment on Bloomberg's report? Maria Zakharova: This is something new. Tell me, just wondering, this is really something extraordinary for me, how can Reuters allow competitors to be quoted? Question: Sometimes this happens. Maria Zakharova: From the bottom of my heart, I wish you to quote yourselves in the new year."
LOL You gotta love Maria!
OTOH, there is this gaff: "We really see that there is no alternative to this two-state solution. Everything has been tried."
Ah, no, Maria. The one-state solution has not been tried. Russia continues to ignore the elephant in the room: NO solution is possible while Zionists rule in Israel and indeed make up the bulk of the Israeli population.
yes, that first quote you shared was quite good, wasn't it? i too think a 1 state solution needs to be explored where it is no longer a heir-achy based on what religion you belong to...
If the Iranians nuke Israel, the Palestinian filth also dies in the fallout, then we will have peace at last.
I think it is time to stop pandering to Stone Age religion and the cunning sophistry in the definition of 'Jews', Ísraelis' etc that goes along with it.
If you want to call yourself a Jew because of a special relationship with god then you are defined by religion and are religious and that's it: there are no secular 'Jews'.
Or: if you want to call yourself a 'Jew' 'and insist that's a genealogy and not a religion then it is all secular and religious questions are to be decided separately.
And regardless of which of the two options you go for you should go to the Jewish Homeland and stop interfering with an blighting the rest of the world.
Go there and sort yourselves out there. It is waiting for you. Has been for a long time.
“So, remember, every picture tells a story, don't it…” ― Rod Stewart
Thanks for that. Very large. Obviously parts of it are literally a tirade which generally turns me off. And there's some pretty extreme postulations and so on...
But I think it's worth having a bit of a look at and I will.
“Every picture tells a story, don't it, every picture tells a story, don't it…” ― Rod Stewart
“Gotta love Maria” indeed! Maybe Karl might know - I wonder if she was wearing her notorious blue dress for this presser? That song by Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels won’t leave my brain! 😈
The devil DOES favor a blue dress...
Yes, Jewess Monica Lewinsky . . . In a more perfect world, for the benefit of blue dresses and laundry stains all over America, former U.S. President William Jefferson Clinton would be now making television commercials for Spray 'n Wash®, or as the late Rush Limbaugh so cleverly positioned the advertisement’s timing on his radio program, Spot Shot®.
If you cannot be honest about the sex, what can you be honest about?
When Arnold Schnitzel-wagger got caught impregnating his voluptuous maid, the tsunami of faux moral outrage swept across television and computer screens from people who have the slenderest claim to any semblance of fidelity or ethics of any kind.
Arnold couldn't admit he likes fat girls and Maria couldn't admit she was too anemic to get the job done anymore . . . After all, marrying into the Katholic Kennedy Klan should come with special social privileges, should it not?
Whatever happened to 'make love not war' or 'free love, baby'?
Did Arnie just miss the flight of the Lolita Express that weekend, or did Bill Clinton and Bill Gates have the flights booked that month?
Whatever happened to 'Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell'?
By the way, remember who Bill Clinton put on the United States Supreme Court? She is still kvetching from the grave with the overturning of Roe v. Wade . . .
As in:
Is that this one:
Or this one:
You may remember her dancing:
You rule, RSH! Hearing that song made my day and then some! As far as the dress, it’s not the first link and I can’t load the second ( the “.ru” domain ) I’m in a skilled nursing facility and the wi-fi here is suspect or Apple/Safari on my iPad is blocking. I can’t access Sputnik and many of the Karlof1 links. Frustrating. Maria was rockin’ the dress in a Gymnasium post maybe a month or a little more ago. Karl speculated that she saves it for certain briefings- hopefully he’ll oblige us with a repost of the foto - he’s a fan too after all😏!
That would this one, I think:,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
I pulled it from his post of December 12. I think it's more purple than blue. Interesting, I can't find another image of it using Google Image Search.
“Every picture tells a story, don't it, every picture tells a story, don't it . . . ” ― Rod Stewart
Dat’s da one! Concur about the hue but I’m pretty sure he called it blue when I first saw it. Btw, that image of her dancing strains my credulity...... 4” stilettos - RUFKM??! Is it really her??
Yup. There's several videos on Youtube:
Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) have every right to say what they like about Israel and the genocide of Palestinians as elected members of the US House of Representatives; they never took an oath to serve Israel . . .
I voted for Ron Desantis (R-FL) to be governor of Florida, not ambassador to Israel.
The recently ousted Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), who took at least a dozen votes to get elected speaker, traveled to Israel immediately upon his election, declaring to the Israeli Knesset that the USA is steadfastly committed to supporting Ukraine in their war against Russia . . .
Was he running for speaker of the Israeli Knesset too?
Following his ouster . . . McCarthy (R-CA) traveled abroad again, this time to England, and expressed his open contempt for the white Republicans who make up the majority of the GOP and praised Democrats for their diversity during a debate at Oxford in the wake of his ouster as House Speaker . . .
Is he now running for the Prime Minister of the U.K.?
Nevertheless, he is free to go on media tours bashing white people and lobbying for Israel, because he has now resigned from the US House of Representatives . . . I can only conclude that the collective RINO butthurt over former Speaker McCarthy is all about the Israelis who have hijacked the American deep state war machine.
It has become so painfully obvious, especially where you have someone like Nikki Haley wagging her finger and shouting down Vivek Ramaswamy in a presidential debate on live national television when the questions of this Ukrainian war against Russia and any mention of Israel are concerned, that the United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.
It's ingenious how the money cycle works--US gives Occupied Palestine billions, millions of which get recycled back to the US in the form of bribes provided by AIPAC as campaign donations. That same system works for other PACs too, like Big Oil, MIC and Wall Street. There was a great book written and published in the 1990s dealing with all that and prior to Citizens United. Too bad those who overthrew the Articles of Confederation didn't make all elections and their machinery public utilities thus negating the need for cash to campaign for office.
“It's ingenious how the money cycle works--US gives Occupied Palestine billions, millions of which get recycled back to the US in the form of bribes provided by AIPAC as campaign donations.”
Ding, ding, ding . . . C'mon down . . .
I like the Palestinians almost as much as like the Jews, which is, not at all.
If the Iranians nuke Israel, the Palestinian scums also die in the fallout, then we have peace at last.
thanks karl.. i really wish more westerners - americans and canucks in particular - read maria zakharovas commentary and they commentary of putin and lavrov.. if they did, they would quickly see there is another side to many of the stories that get presented in the western msm in such a lopsided and one sided manner... i especially liked a few quotes from this article, but i will only share the first one i copied and am pasting here below...
"I call on everyone, and now I appeal to the media and speakers, to talk not about frozen assets, not about the blocking of assets, but about theft and theft. Let's call a spade a spade." very well said... call it what it is - theft! cut with the lies and bullshit which have become a permanent feature of the western msm coverage..
the only way forward is by speaking the truth... fortunately some are doing just this, but they are not being heard nearly enough, especially here in the west..
❝Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them.❞
Thank you.
Just one minor issue: the link to the "UN General Assembly Resolution 74/247" is broken.
I am totally astounded and disgusted by the USA and UK and Aus. And totally convinced that I am right to be. I've read much, watched many vids, observed events for myself, thought things over.
There is no doubt left in my mind at all, none: the USA and UK ( and Aus, that toadying lickspittle ) are completely and utterly evil and a blight on the face of the earth.
So whose fault is that?
The handful of fllth, the Oligarchs and their paid henchmen, their frontmen, the so called 'leaders' and politicians?
Nope. It is my fault. Speaking for us all. The people. John Smith, John Doe, Everyman.
Disgusted and aghast as I am I have not:
written to any elected rep of mine.
or texted
or phoned
or emailed
much less visited in person.
nor posted on their facebook pages
or twitter,
or linkedin
or wherever they might be found
Much less any of the above to those in similar positions not directly elected by me.
Any and all of them have every right to say "abrogard feels like that? well he never told us"
And this non action of mine is lifelong. It has been my habit all my life.
All my long life as a citizen of a democracy. You know - government by me, of me, for me ?
Without me actually doing anything at all.
And I will not do anything.
Bar get my rocks off posting here and there in comments sections: preaching to the converted who themselves mostly never even read it anyway.
That is all I will do in the foreseeable future.
Unless I get some apps.
If I get :
. an app that allows me to securely and indisputably register my vote for governance of the country with one push of a button.
. an app that allows me to push that button whenever I like night or day and change that vote.
. an app that allows me to see in an instance what millions of my fellow citizens are doing with their voting app.
. an app that allows me to record audio and/or video or take text and forward at a push of a ingle button to my elected reps containing such opinions and directions I may wish them to get from me.
. an app that allows me to see exactly what my elected reps are doing at that moment in the halls of power and what they've been doing over selected periods of recent time. What they've said. What they've listened to. What they've voted. Where they cut a ribbon, nursed a baby, whatever.
Given apps like that I may begin to participate in the political life, the governance, of my country and hence the globe. I may. Until then I'm merely a sanctimonious ineffectual clown getting his rocks of loudmouthing in comment sections.
And the filthy bandits need have no fear of me. I am irrelevant.
❝Bolshevism and Jewry are two words for the same thing. Peace is Bolshevism’s worst enemy, which it must destroy in order to realize its plans for world domination. Thus, Bolshevism’s ever-repeated life and death declarations of battle against the whole of the world become all too understandable.❞